/RBMK/ - Chernobyl General

Taнцы Pикapдo Mилoca Edition

Previous Thread

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This gif fucking kills me.

Absolutely incredible.

its not great but not terrible.

But the other thread was still going strong

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gj whoever made this shit

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Hello I Paranskov

We're was you when reactor is explode?
I be home when wife told reactor is explode
'RBMK is no explode'
RBMK were explode

>page 8

I'll shoot your dog, sir

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It's a slow death


Hello Paranskov
I Khodemchuck
When reactor explo


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Is episode 1 the best pilot ever made?

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She turns into a bag of flour? Because he turns pizza? I don't get it.

The kiss that saved Chernobyl

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>when you go to a Roentgen reveal party.

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She is a vampire and the sun turns her into dust

Reply to this post to post your respects to the people that died in real life so we could get this kino

Ground control to major kek. This is fucking hilarious.

This. And not just because of the incredible fatailty-to-kino yield.

>Taм ядpo-тян пpидyмaли, yжe нeплoхo.
>There, the core-chan came up, is not bad.


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RIP. Worst way to go out.

is that a show about NI? that outfit and that gun can only be British.

My God, help me to survive this deadly love

>uh guys, not on the suit

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F for all the fallen comrades

Peace out to the fallen and those who lived with horrible complications

1. do they have to show penises
2. why are penises so clean and white
3. will she abort the baby.

The joke is she leaves fishboy to hop on that BMC.

F for the comrades who gave their lives in the war against the atom

Nah, she will give birth to a six legged monster and the next season will be science fiction

>that trigger discipline

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1. yes
2. slav
3. no, her baby is born with liver failure and dies a few days later.

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No its the guy you play as in STALKER she gives birth to.

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Yeah, it's from '71, decent thriller

Strange that three guys who made the most directly heroic act in the whole ordeal (closing the valves with the certainty that they wouldn't return) all survived, and two of them are still alive today.

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Big F for everyone who did their bit in the cleanup and for everyone who died in the worst possible way.

holy fuck

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What asteroid???????

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The spicy rocks are a bit like magic, if you cast a proper counter spell you will be fine.

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>Now go home and get your fucking shinebox.

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asteroid is going to pass """""""near"""""""""" earth on saturday

1999 KW4 will pass 2,320,000 km from earth today

>tv show learns people more about nuclear physics and Chernobyl and nuclear power plants than school books ever did

he gets it


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Heroes never die

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Can we all appreciate how well done this whole clip is? The soundtrack is just WOW

me on the right

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>nuclear engineering degree from a mail correspondence college
>im charge of a huge nuclear power plant.
Why did they put him in charge?

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50,000 people used to live here

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Now its a ghost town.

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why is Sitnikov so great bros?

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I wish I was traveling to Pripyat during the airing of this show. The amount of (you)s I'd get in these threads.. Some user please travel and post photos for us.


best girl

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He ascended after going to the roof

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He knew how to socialism.

It's very, very good.

someone put your dick on the sarcophagus or something.

I legit felt bad for him durong this scene.

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Holy shit this is fucking great.

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>put your dick on the sarcophagus

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Greatest hero's of the Soviet union and of humanity

how do you F in cyrillic???

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Will we be able to see it in the night sky? I have a telescope and am tired of staring at the sun

Why were the soviet leaders so based?

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>theoretical degree

How is no one voting my man Legasov

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I want some iodine so bad.

its eerie, i love the soundtrack

Netflix's version would've been fucked from the start. Even more fake characters just to meet minority quotas and so forth. Even though it's based ON REAL EVENTS.

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you vote for what glorious leader tells you to vote for


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based chernobros


I think they will only pick it up on big radar telescopes
i could be wrong

Why was he the most based character in Fallout NV?

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He was always the ‘fall guy’ in case the Vladimir I Lenin nuclear power planet had an (((accident)))), little did they know it would actually (((explode)))

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Based and Corepilled(s).

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>We tear apart the universe's very fabric to boil water

What kind of spicy take is this?

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Shut down the threads, prevent the spread of these great memes

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the absolute dread made it almost impossible to watch.

Dubs of respect

What do you think Fomin is yelling about?
Probably something about how an RBMK can't explode. He doesn't understand why, but Dyatlov said!

I love when Legasov shows up and they try and pull that shit and he finally has the credentials to just be like "lol, k but it fucking obviously did you morons"

>why did they put him in charge?
Bryukhanov needed a sidekick..

ty based USSR

RIP firemen and engineers

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I KeK every time. Sold out his country for a Pizza hut commercial.

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Dyatlov has actually beaten Scherbinia

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nah, they're not afraid of legasov
it's when boris accepts reality that they are fuckkered

I think the two guys yelling realized they were in deep shit and knew the core exploded and were venting their frustrations to him.

Must've been a really shit way to go

That pizza looks like somebody should throw him under a broiler for a minute or so.

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Not great, but not terrible


to fallen comrades

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He looks radioactively delicious.

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>Sold his country for pizza hut
His country was fucked long before the pizza hut ad user.


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Hit me in the feels desu


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are the stalker games worth playing?

>given a week to live
>two of them still currently alive
Some heros dont wear capes....just clunky scuba gear.

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Does a Bear shit in the woods?

He could have kept it going...he is a traitor to the revolution.


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yeah but did they get them rubles?

>You have acquired immunity to spicy rocks!

Some of them shit in the snow

The third died of heart failure iirc

Da, comrade

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>He could have kept it going

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Just go into it not thinking is like DOOM. Its a different kind of fps.


>19 years after the event
Still longer than a week user.

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It's a game I've been playing for the past 10 years and still look forward to starting it up every time. Yes

Yeah, like North Korea is "going"
more like limping

Its just the feed water.

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My point was that he didn't even get cancer.

Dub can't lie, comrades

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Such an amazing country it was, with blown up reactors and communism.
Man is hero. The only commie that realize it's not working and never will. He destroyed empire of evil despite the fact that everyone were against him and against some brainwashed uneducated morons hate. He's the only man on the planet that actually deserved his Nobel peace prize.

thats a polar bear user

F for that sexy coal miner

Not getting a pity reply from me, (You)whore.

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>ywn inhale core-chan's spicy braaps
what would they smell like?

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like any burning building

Like death

We harness zero point energy from space itself so we can boil water

Taste like metal.

>mfw no kinobyl after 10 days

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based nuclear bros

Blow out zoon fellow stalker


this is so fucking stupid but it made me laugh fuck you

Now this is patrician

like cup ramen that you forgot to put water in before microwaving.

How the fuck is Yuvchenko still alive. He stood at the damn door of the Core FFS.


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He's a big guy

How is it even close???

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what do people like about it?

u guys are killing me with these images lmao

based chernobyl posters

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it looked so retarded when I pushed play inside of PS

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Would you sacrifrice your life so that the next generation can experience kino?



the miserable slav atmosphere is lovely


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>so that the next generation can experience kino
anything else and I would have said no

what album is this


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New in 2023 on HBO: The Man Who Wanked Himself Inside-out

a toast to all the men who paid the ultimate price

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>On April 27, 1988, on the second anniversary of the Chernobyl NPP accident, he was found hanged in his apartment. A personal pistol remained in the table, but the academician chose to hang himself, the loop was tied professionally and with the help of a specific cable used by climbers. Academician Legasov was due the next day to announce his results of the investigation into the causes of the disaster.

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i will see you in gulag friends

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Wait, did he do Chernobyl?

Did he actually hang himself or was in the KGB?

The kino is in the details.

We will never know.

2bh it's literal magic if you told someone about this 200 years ago


I dont know user I really dont

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Of course he has, he's Yea Forums incarnate

4 votes ahead

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godspeed cherno bros



Will they be able to use imageboards?
The imageboards are an important part, no deal otherwise.

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t. seething boomer

This is some real shit

He's a big guy.

Has anyone tracked down that Swedish documentary about the firefighter's wife? The writer mentioned it in the podcast


I'm still trying to figure out if this is a massive HBO shill operation, but I have to admit, you guys are actually alright.

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Did ANY of the firefighters survive?

just the one who ascended to godhood after the radiation gave him superpowers


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my HDD sounds like a radiation dosimeter, am i ok guys?

>Russian with Sever Radiation Exposure
>"I am growing stronger..."

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What's his name? I don't remember if they mention it.

It's your own fucking fault for buying a 3.6 TB drive user

shills can't pump out this many memes
this is autism for kino comrade

Get the fuck out

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How in the fuck were the 4 men that most were exposed to radiation (Three that went down there in the water and Yuvchenko) not die compared to people that had much less radiation exposure than them?
Also Khodemchuk was presumed to be atomized by the explosion, as in his body was never recovered, do you think he played a part in sabotage? (Feeling the cold breath of a KGB agent on my neck).


Here it is

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Btw, was Skarsgard's character a real person and did he actually hang himself or was that just for dramatic effect?

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The water was less contaminated then they though
Yuvchenko was a big boy with lots of mass, he also drank vodka regularly which actually (not just a soviet wives tale) helps slow the absorption of dangerous particles into one's bloodstream
And the doorframe helped protect him from most of the core's radiation; most of the damage he got was from the stuff that was already coating the door after the explosion, and none of the direct energy
We know nothing about Khodemchuk though

Skarsgard's was real too, he wasn't the guy who hung himself

You mean Jared Harris?

Legasov hung himself, Shcherbina died due to "unreleased reasons".


>mfw they literally needed a meme lab to make memes

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The only good russkie is a dead russkie

is there more radiation kino like this? it's a fucking great show, feels like sci-fi horror but you know it actually is real.

>unreleased reasons

Was the vapor shockwave explosion a real thing that could happen? Doesn't it happen in STALKER?

This is the best radiation kino we will ever experience user

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Sweet summer child..

Whoops. Did the real Legasov hang himself?

look for the old bong film "Threads" from 1984

Yes, we just told you, can't you read?

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Hey guys haha they sure have a ton of money for this show lol remember when those anons thought alphabet agencies were helping to fund it for some reason lmao I sure hope they aren't trying to prepare us for anything
haha that would suck

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>How is no one voting my man Legasov
It is done.

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>a bunch of savages with molotov's destroyed this in Grozny 10 years later

f this blessed kino

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No. Must be my blindness from radiation sickness.

Here's an interview (skip to 8m20s) with two of the surviving firefighters in 1989. They seem pretty shaken by it. Video title says 1998 but it's a typo, they reference the year in the video (also that the soviet union still exists).


The whole video is really fascinating, just 3 years after the accident and they let a BBC documentary crew wander around pripyat and the forests pointing a rad counter at things. Interesting that the presenter mentions RBMK's are flawed and the whole design is discredited, never to be built again. The part where they check a belorussian village in a hotspot is kinda bizarre, apparently that place was evacuated of people a year or two later, but one of the locals just doesn't give a fuck, eating wild foods from the forest despite being told they've absorbed a ton of rads.

Care to elaborate, comrade user?

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This is what naturally happens when a show isn't shit. /RBMK/ is god's way of saying sorry about the shitshow GoT turned out to be.

F :(

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Any of you guys smoke cigarettes? Apparently smokers absorb a fuckton of polonium-210 because it absorbs in tobacco plants.

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his name was Vladimir I. Lenin Nuclear Power Plant

>corechan in the lens reflection
my sides

hahahaha just WHEEZE imagine the british not being a bunch of communists hahahha whooo


Yes. I used to smoke around 6-8 a day, although right now down to maybe 2-3 a day.
Do you think I'm on my way to radkino town?

What, you're worried about a little bit of radiation or something? Relax brother everything's going to be fine

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You should be alright. Smokers like yourself have a bigger risk of getting COPD than cancer.


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I just meant to express my love and gratitude to the state of course comrade haha what else would I mean

Right when the light leaves your eye you should feel proud that you made all of this possible

>*Clears throat*
Breathkino, then.


No, just total desolation.

Despairkino it is.

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fine work comrade

That's a big mouth- She has a big mouth.

A moron god.

>everyone cleaning graphite from the roof had to carry a personal radiation meter
>when reaching a particular threshold men would be send away
>some deliberately did not take their meters so they could keep working
>others asked others to take their meters so they would be sent away earlier
"these devices measured not only the level of radioactivity but the level of human dignity"

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Based retard kino.

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>t. based eternal Zuckerberg/dowager Lu AI compendium

So I take it the safety test was a failure?

Did someone say there was an RBMK simulator?

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now do blacked

Aleksandr survived

Finally a chance to use this years after making it

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>Okay, here goes nothing.
>Reactor 4 online!

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im only going to this once and then its back to laughing at dead people

Gets better the more I look at it.

Why didn't they kill the people who were rotting? Let them stay like that is just fucking cruel

Do you taste metal?

You are delusional.

mfw i have had multiple CT scans within the last 3-4 years, i'm going out Legasov style

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It might have been, but just like for Ouchi; Much was learned on ARS thanks to them, things that likely saved many lives afterwards.

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virgin CT
chad MRI

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But people against Euthanasia are conservatives?

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nice try cuck

2 episodes left

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Okay then.

>... Now, I have spoken directly to Deputy Secretary Janny.
>Janny spoke to Deputy Chief Moderator, Moderator to Central Committee member Admin, and Admin to General Secretary Hiroshimoot.
>Because the Central Committee has the greatest respect for the work of the /RBMK/ Executive Committee, they have asked me to brief you on matters as they stand, so...
>First, the tripfag... is well under control. And second, because the efforts of the /RBMK/ shitposting industry are considered key board secrets, it is important that we ensure that this incident has no adverse consequences...

Attached: well.png (1280x640, 937K)

based volunteers survived

excuse me for a second Comrades, could I have your attention? *ahem*

FUCK /3.6/
FUCK /chrnbl/
FUCK /kinobyl/
FUCK /chernobyl/
and FUCK /ghoul/

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Ф, comrades

how about /cucknobyl/


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Rest in peace

This is the best blowout video on youtube, bar none.

Funny thing is the little blonde kid whining about oppertunity probably died a of Korokadil and AIDs. As a socialist, there is nothing more cathartic than watching slavs die and suffer of their own treachery. Have fun, you capitalist shitpiles.

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thank you

>over 300 replies
>still no new kino thread
Fine. New thread is a greenlit:

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>As a socialist

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thanks firemen :DDD

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Underrated post.

Lenin would be proud of you all


F, rest in peace comrades.

This man is DELUSIONAL

Same shill who made recently disappeared found footage threads (/ffg) now shilling this garbage