
I miss LOST

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How sad for you.

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So do I.

one summer all I did was smoke pot and binge watch LOST
needless to say, best summer ever

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i like shows that have a focus on gathering resources and planning for the short/long term. the first couple eps of lost and BSG had that feeling. where else can I get my fix bros?

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season 1 > season 2 > power gap > season 5 > season 3 > huge power gap > season 4 > season 6

We all miss it Brother


>you will never experience lost for the first time ever again
why live?

no power gaps in LOST

Why tho? You're a badass Baptist preacher and the basedest shitposters hype your internet videos. Sucks you miss Hollyweird because im not sure the Jews will give you your show back unless maybe you take those videos down :/

I've never seen it. Should I watch it?

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only if you want to watch the best tv show there is, everything will look like shit after though you're warned

where can i watch it

europixhd dot net

Are you me? Re-watched the entire series with my mom who's never seen it. Enjoyed every bit of it all over again.

If you do, try your fucking best not to get spoiled as it has literally the best twists/turns, character development, and cliffhangers of any show. It's 10/10 TV and we will never get anything like it again. Ever.

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Last summer my buddy decided to watch Lost for the first time and asked me to lend me him my Lost DVDs.
I envied him watching & experiencing it for the 1st time
>He even liked the ending
I envied him even more

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lia flora is starting lost reaction videos on youtube. the normies are up to season 4

Stargate Universe follows exact parallels with Lost's first 2 seasons

Except that the first season wenr to shit after the first five episodes and only managed to "catch" itself in the last 2 or 3. And when S2 came, which was a massive overall improvment even fucking Chloe had an interesting story it was already too late and barley enough people watched it. Now we only have some shitty comics, if they're still being made that is.

thanks. does it have all the seasons?

>it was already too late and barley enough people watched it.

I was still a kid, so I ate Gogurt, watched LOST, and hiked in the woods with my friends.

I wanna go back.

Yes all 6

I miss it a lot too user. It had amazing cliffhangers, ones that made you feel so fucking excited for the next season, not just cheap, annoying cliffhangers.

I miss how the season would build up to some crazy war between the losties and the others, always getting an incredible character death.

The scenes at night, the scenes in the rain, the dharma stations ahhh fuck I miss it hard.

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comfy L O S T thread
who here /Locke/?

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Even the time between seasons was amazing with fans overanalizing screenshots, creating theories and drawing maps.

The first three seasons were great, and then it turned to absolute dog shit.

It was a show that was grounded in reality, and then it took this bizarre turn into fantasy pseudo-religious bollocks.

First three seasons: amazing
Last three seasons: dog shit

The first three seasons are very good but the last three seasons are dog shit.

They do a good job of building suspense and intrigue, making you interested in the mysteries of the island. And they must have spent a lot of time fleshing that out. Then they throw it all down the drain in the last three seasons because they were probably too lazy to come up with real solutions to the mysteries that they had started.

It's probably one of the most disappointing TV shows from that perspective.

Better to watch a good TV show like The Sopranos, The Wire, Breaking Bad. Those shows were all good throughout the duration of their runs.

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Hell yeah that was great fun.

Mah nigga.
What really bugs me is that most of his evilness of the last seasons was actually meant for Eko, but the actor got caught DUI and was promptly written out.
Locke was kino as the most interesting character, because he was looking for something other than mere survival.

>The first three seasons are very good but the last three seasons are dog shit.
This. First 3 seasons are fucking amazing. Decrease in quality following that.
Oh, and Libby is best girl. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

>The first three seasons were great, and then it turned to absolute dog shit.
season 4 and 5 were better than 3

Season 5 was Kino, but i'm a sucker for timetravel and i liked faraday and miles.

Glad someone agrees. Yeah Libby was cool. Penny was cool as well. And so were Sun, and Claire, and Kate.

To be honest I can't even remember what happened in seasons 4 and 5. I did watch the whole show but I can't really remember what happened in 4 and 5.

1 was based on the island before they got to the hatch, and of course they opened the hatch right at the end of the last episode of season 1 didn't they? Then season 2 we got to see down the hatch and all of that stuff. Then season 3 we ran into The Others and learned about them. Then I can't really remember what happened after that.

Maybe 4 and 5 did have good stuff, I can't remember that well.


Some people point out that the show always had a theme of "science vs faith". Yes, that was mentioned from the very beginning. Which is why I never thought that they would say goodbye to that balance and say "fuck science, here's a load of faith garbage that we want to shove down your throats".

This. Lost was just so fucking comfy, suspenseful, sad and intriguing at the same time. Desmond, Locke and Ben are still some of the best characters I have ever had the pleasure of following. Even when the writing and story went all over the place, the characters and mysteries still was amazing to follow.

LOST is the reason the audiovisual kinographic medium was made. This is why God made it.

Every season of Lost was great and the ending was based.

Lost's problem wasn't the ending, it was the other shit in Season 6. If Season 6 as a whole was as good as 4 or 5 it would be a 10/10 for me

They had that groovy time travel plot in season 5, baybee

Season 4 had Miles and Faraday? Flash forwards? Not Penny's boat!

Aye Brotha

LOST had no problems and season 6 was also amazing. No other show has the balls to go full mythos and full lore and season 6 did that beyond all our expectations


>To be honest I can't even remember what happened in seasons 4 and 5.

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>We will never get a special boy as special as Daniel Faraday
Why even live bros?

>No other show has the balls to go full mythos and full lore and season 6 did that beyond all our expectations
True. I never thought we'd actually have shit like the statue, Jacob and MiB explained.

But it ended only days ago.

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When I read they got Jack Bender to film this scene, I realized why I cried.

Shit show for plebs that can't into lynch so they suck JJ Abrams dick instead. Fucking pathetic pleb levels going on.

Game of Thrones wishes it was LOST. Even its very show structure and format is taken from LOST. It was heavily influenced by it but never could reach its height.

>Some people point out that the show always had a theme of "science vs faith". Yes, that was mentioned from the very beginning. Which is why I never thought that they would say goodbye to that balance and say "fuck science, here's a load of faith garbage that we want to shove down your throats".
it's free will vs destiny
the religious characters like Mr Eko, and eventually Charlie, were for free will,
while other characters like Locke, who was never shown to be religious, and Hurley believed the island was tied to their destiny
saying it was science vs faith is a real pleb way of looking at the symbolism provided

I thought "not Penny's boat" was the season 3 finale, and it looks like it was indeed:

>Miles and Faraday
Right yeah, I thought maybe they were season 3, but yeah you're right. I still don't really remember much though because I guess the narrative doesn't really go anywhere after season 3, at least from what I remember.

>i think every media product thrust in front of my face has no flaws whatsoever because i am an unthinking consumer and am incapable of formulating my own thoughts
That's probably why you're a sucker for pseudo-religious "mythos" garbage.

I can't even really remember what happens with his character to be honest.

Do you think they still talk anymore, Yea Forums? I just want them to write together again. I just want them to adapt the Dark Tower like they got the offer to do when LOST was at its peak.

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Their is only one reveal I hate and one that bugs me, I hate how the black ship got their, it's so fucking stupid, the island teleports for fucks sake it's very obvious what was suppose to have happened but then
>lol no tidal wave
And the others village pissed me off, I didn't hate it but the others from the temple should've been their base from the start, stupid fucking Darma village

LOST brought kino to TV. Every other show thought it could be kino after that but they were wrong.


They even renamed the Others, white walkers so it wouldn't be too close to lost

>I miss LOST
The last season pretty much cured me of any good will or positive memories I had for the show.

Nah you’re just too brainlet and you can’t even remember anything from it because you have the attention span of a fish

it was literally the best tv series ever made

>I can't even really remember what happens with his character to be honest.
what happens to him was destined to always happen

I didn’t necessarily mean the content or storylines themselves (although shows like The Happening and The River definitely tried to rip off LOST like that), I meant the actual structure of the show from the filmmaking, to the rhythm and pacing of the drama. TV became way more serious with itself as a medium after LOST.

But none of them could match it.

>most of his evilness of the last seasons was actually meant for Eko

Really? Not that i don't believ it, but i0d like to know more...

The ancients may have had the pyramids or The Iliad but we have LOST.

I wish there was a way for us to capture and save LOST in some form of unlosable and always viewable format. Maybe we could petition to put film copies of it in the Seed Vault in Antarctica.

>but the actor got caught DUI and was promptly written out.
That was Michelle Rodriguez you dingus. Eko quit because he didn't like living in Hawaii away from his family for the long shooting schedule.

he never had a DUI, at least not during filming Lost
you are thinking of Ana Lucia and Libby
or maybe even Jin

why. Only the first 1.5 seasons was any good

Aña Lucia and Michael are the only ones who don't get to go to heaven, lol

Yea but you can see how much of an infulence it was, they couldn't even use the word Others

Libby had a DUI the exact same day as Ana Lucia
so what you said is meaningless


Reminder Libby knowing Hurley from the loony bin was never explained.

10/10 TV show, keep notes of plot threads, it's Kubrick tier with themes and hidden messages.

5 is great also because Sawyer is who everyone looks up to on the island. Even better when Jack gets back and becomes a janitor.

That's why 6 was gay. Out of nowhere is these temple people (that Chinese guy and hippie were the worst characters in the entire show) and zombie Sayid and Claire that leads nowhere. Never explains why the plane people like the kids or stewardess stay with them or where they go when it gets romped; just opens more questions.

>The kids
Yes it does

what is there to explain
they never met,
she just recognizes him, while she blended into the rest of the patients
why bring it up when he never brought up his past either

Why was she their?

I appreciate LOST ending much more after the GOT ending.

Why was she there?
Why was she on the plane?
Why show it at all?

Did a rewatch in 2018. Can't believe people charge the writers with making it up as they went along. Locke holding up the white and black pieces literally kicks off the biggest fight between good and evil ever shown on TV. And most people who never watch it again don't realize that. Fuck the attention devoid retards who never go back and enjoy it in its full form. It's the greatest television show of all time. Showed it to my Fortnite loving 16 year old cousin and it changed his life.

that's just a continuation of the character arc started in season 3 when Hurley tricked Sawyer into being the leader when Jack/Locke were AWOL

You are the Gayest Gay Nigger in the Kingdom of Gay Niggers.

The first book they take off the shelf in the bunker is titled
>Turn the wheel
Also their are paintings of a black face and a white face all over

You probably watch Ricky and Morty and think it's kino. Faggot.

WTF both of you are retarded and need to rewatch the show. Libby in the looney bin is totally explained by Desmond’s flashbacks when it’s revealed she had a husband who went on a boat race around the world and died and when he died she went into grief and gave away her husband’s boat to Desmond for his race around the world. You people need to pay attention.

>ITT people are nostalgiac over bullshit lindelof unfinished garbage that was post finale "explained" by pointing at a fans reddit post
Ambiguity is not storytelling.

Hey thanks, I did not remember that at all, not either of them btw

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But why was she on the plane?


Kate & Jack were a mistake
Lost would have been way better without these two characters

The rest of yall know what I durn to ya

when I Durn to ya, WHEN, fucking useless piece of shit

Well fucking hell man its been like 6 years since I've seen durnposting, sorry.

Pleb of the month club

on rewatch, I didn't even mind
I liked how pathetic Jack was and where he goes
had no issues with Kate episodes when not watching week to week, binge watching saved her character

Sort your shit out

Binge watching really does kinda fix Kate eps

I just want to go back ;_;

>doesn't have an argument so resorts to ad hominem

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People charge the characters with making shit up because that's exactly what it seemed like. The show took a wild veer into religious fantasy bollocks out of nowhere. Some people say "BUT LOOK, THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT SCIENCE VS FAITH ALL ALONG". Yeah, they were. What they WEREN'T talking about all along was "yeah actually fuck science altogether, we'll just go with some religious allegory bollocks instead".

I did kinda like the jack/christian angle and his puppy-like nature. But Kate had nothing redeemable and the actress was so bland.

what's the point in talking about a show you barely remember?
how are you supposed to discuss anything if you can't even remember Faraday

Problem is, only the bottom two ususll6 get (you)s. I stick to the top 3 usually, I've seen maybe 6 people in as many years actually reply to me when I properly refute their entire post. Of course I'm discounting ad hominem and name calling replies.

>i- i was just acting retarded, i swear!
every fucking time

the actress was fine, the character is the issue when she's only used as a tool to drive a wedge in the group
she did have good scenes with the agent on the plane, the farmer guy, her real dad, convincing Clair at the end etc. she was fine when the writers weren't just making her chase after Sawyer and Jack or vice versa
never blame the actors for not being well written


I wasnt the guy you replied to user, I was just giving unsolicited input on that chart and why most of Yea Forums is full of ad hominems and name calling. I've got no problem with you user.

>and Kate.
She was the worst

Best episode, best scene

I was ready to call you a faggot if that scene wasn't from The Constant, but then it was. Today user was not a faggot, and he was also 100% correct.

Jacob’s will.

>That scene when Desmond c-
Fucker beat me to it, what a God damn great show


Why did they have to kill him off, he was such a great character, I don't even remember how he died I just remember being pissed about it


>don't remember
hello there

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1 > 4 > 5 > 2 > 3 > 6

Locke is in the middle of hanging himself when Ben appears and convinces him not to do it. Ben then immediately kills Locke with the same rope he was about to hang himself with.
Pretty based t b h.

>I miss LOST
Lindelof, we don't care about your hack writing. Fuck off and die.

Shut up zoomer pleb. Stay mad you will never ever experience golden age Yea Forums

You must not be old enough to remember The Dukes of Hazzard

I'm 44.

This is the only correct opinion.

4 is the second best season, brainlet. Certainly better than 2 and 5.

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I cry every time desu

aye brotha

I already said that I did remember Faraday I just forgot which season he came up in. The first three seasons are the most interesting ones and the last three were pretty shit. Sorry that makes you butthurt bro.

>Problem is, only the bottom two ususll6 get (you)s
I don't think it's that necessarily. I think it's just that people are lazy and stupid. Coming up with a rational argument takes effort, so people just go "nah you're wrong" even if they can't come up with a reason for why.

>LOST finale
>family and friends made an event out of it
>Dharma-themed food and drinks, etc.
>we're all huddled on the couch, watching it silent as fuck.
>tears start rolling during the final scene
>tfw in that moment it didn't matter what mysteries were left unanswered
>tfw never had a show that important in my life again

We have to go back.

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Zoomer intellectual retard

Best death desu

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rose tinted glasses

Jericho started like that, but I dropped that shit so idk what happened later


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No it’s objectively true, unfortunately for you zoomer. LOST was the epitome of Yea Forums