Can you imagine the Bobby posting when they make the Robert's rebellion prequel series.
Who should they cast as Robert? It has to be someone hammy and strong.
Can you imagine the Bobby posting when they make the Robert's rebellion prequel series.
Who should they cast as Robert? It has to be someone hammy and strong.
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the spin offs are going to be cancelled before we make it to Bobby B's rebellion
they can't make it for a while because there wouldn't be nearly enough brown people
>full plate armor
god, artists are so dumb
>This is what cucks actually believe
GOT it's over, deal with it.
They'd have to strike gold for each casting to top or even equal their older counterparts.
>Can you imagine the Bobby posting when they make the Robert's rebellion prequel series.
They'll miscast him and he'll be a charisma vacuum. No lasting memes come of that shit.
Here’s your Bobby
Gods I was a soiboi then
Balding faggots are out of question.
You know who
The world needs more armour kino.
Bobby was balding.
No way anyone would buy that this handsome fuck turned into s1 Bobby in less than 20 years. He would have been a great Renly though and not that twink they got.
shields were not commonly used by the time good quality plate armour became common. Usually you'd need a two handed weapon to penetrate the armour so you'd usually be better off not bothering
I like this movie
They completely ruled out Robert’s Rebellion as a spin-off series
Perfect casting
they can always rule it back in
It's great.
loras was supposed to be big and hulking
I've got you.
You're right in that shields became less common in the late middle ages, because plate was developed to get rid of them. But a two handed sword for armor? LOL. No. Most plate wearers rode horses, and used lances - and had shields as well, to deflect with, as they had dudes with polearms tring to unhorse them.
If they were on foot, they used demi-lances, or pollaxes. Swords do fuck all to plate. The image of two dudes in full plate hacking at each other with swords is dumb, it didn't happen. They'd just make a bunch of sparks and dull their swords. That's why more narrow, thrusting type swords were developed, to get a tip in between the plates, which is why at the peak of plate, they had plates over every part of the body, including the armpit. They had swords, but would only use them against non-plate combatants. If they were going against other dudes with plate, the hammers came out.
But shields were in use with plate, especially in jousting. That's one of the main activities plate was used in, and most of the full plate used in TV and movies is jousting armor. A shield was mandatory for jousting, to deflect the opponent's lance.
"Less common"? Sure. "Not common"? Not accurate. And you have no idea what dudes in full plate did on the battlefield, because all you know is what you've seen on TV and in movies, which is rarely accurate. Most plate armor depicted is parade armor, which was ceremonial, and they'd have a big fuck off sword as part of it, along with a shield in many cases, to display a coat of arms.
spot the twink
Armour and shields are for nerds.
he's a big guy
Its not very accurate to say that war cavalry all used shields by the time of full plate armor. Shields were dropped for shock cavalry as well because first off it doesnt deflect anything extra that your plate wont and second the improved mobility, reduced weight and reduced cost were all more "worth it". They used shields for cavalry charges when plate was just coming to and before that, but by the time of "full plate" they were phasing them out of combat roles.
Idris Elba
Those antlers would make it super easy to kill him
and then there's this retard
They should make it into a big budget movie instead.