Hasta la vista baby!

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Darme su basura y reciclables, si usted quiere vivir

Attached: Terminator-6-Dark-Fate-Split-In-Half.jpg (798x419, 30K)

>h-hasta la v-vis-
owwwwie save me old granny Conner

Why don’t they just call ICE?

hasta la vista baby only worked in T2 because they were white. this guy needs to say "see you later alligator" instead

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is that the mexikid at the end of terminator 1?

Where did it all go so wrong?

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The Incelminator

You think everyone's female or Hispanic in the new Terminator because they're cheaper hires, and not because they're "diverse?"

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Well they could just hire British or Australian actors, they're often cheaper than Americans and you get the added benefit of them being able to act too. The casting would be need to be good though, which is something the Terminator franchise has struggled with recently.

terminator has been trash since T3 things can only get better

>stronk women protagonist(s)
>forced pro-immigrants message
>casts incel as the villain (See OP's pic)
How hard are they gonna push until they reach the breaking point?

he looks like someone who got bullied in hs

I'll be back!

>Well they could just hire British or Australian actors, they're often cheaper than Americans and you get the added benefit of them being able to act too
Yeah, but that means they'd have to fly them over or actually put effort into looking for British/Australian actors and actresses. The casting for Terminator: Dark Whatever looks like the producers simply walked out of their office and took a tour around the studio.

fugging elba

So the gun get's stuck, but his stolen clothes don't? Very lazy writing and further proof that Cameron is a hack.

zoomers need to be broken

He's a metaphor for incels.

The clothes are, like, liquid metal too, silly.

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taking seriously this kind of movies and pointing out all these things is reddit as fuck and what ruined action movies

i can still hear the sound effects

can someone photoshop "THE JANITOR' with terminator font?

Britain at least being a huge acting nation Hollywood probably has contacts with agencies galore over there. But as you say they would need to actually put the effort in, which they clearly can't be bother with.

Attached: arnie terminator 2.webm (1706x720, 741K)

How can capeshit compete? Arnie's stunt double literally thought he was going to die. I wish based Jim would stop fucking around and direct the next film.

He looks like Mexican Trent Reznor.

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Vuelvo enseguida

I read Cameron had plans with the first terminator movie to get two members of the resistance to travel back in time. One of them would get killed by materializing in some firestairs in present day. It wasn't technologically feasible. Still, It sounded like a neat idea and it would be a nice piece of fanservice if they managed to work it in in one of the future movies. They're pretty much beyond salvation as it is. Might as well shoehorn it in.

Thios shit is so much better than the ridiculous CGI model jumping over the cars in the trailer

The new movies aren't interested in this sort of realism. The trailer showed the most generic action you can possibly imagine. And those crashing airplanes, we've seen a million times


nine eleven

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Why does a Terminator need an endoskeleton form if its made of T-1000-ish nanomachines? I know the answer is because it looks cool, but there is no in-universe excuse for it.

Baby? Que es "baby"?

They've been doing this nonsense since T3. This is what happens when you have no creativity. T1000 is peak machine, yet the following models appear like a regression

so they can smuggle future weapons through the time machine underneath their liquid metal yet somehow living outer tissue holy shit it's all retarded

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Elliot Rodgers-3000

He looks like the Taco Bell dog in human form. Wtf were they thinking?

God that was such a fucking great action movie. 28 years ago and looks 1000x better than the trash we get now.

Just goes to show practical special effects > CGI every fucking time.

It's why the new Jurassic park movies are shit and the original holds up so well

You guys are alright.


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Funny thing is, that scene uses cgi, and so does Jurassic Park of course. The difference is, they used it sparingly and blended it well. They only used cgi when it was absolutely necessary. Modern movies use it gratuitously.

Quads of truth.

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>things can only get better

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Model T56%


He looks white to me

I dont give a shit that hes latino. He looks like a fucking pushover. I cant take him seriously as a Terminator he looks so homely.