Grrm originally intended the Targaryens to be negroes but his editor told him it was a retarded idea.
Well, they are supposed to be descended from Valyrians, and Valyria was on the darker-skinned continent. It's not that far-fetched.
>black dragon lords
>holders of the greatest civilization the world has ever seen
>not far-fetched
>tessa thompson
why does this square-jawed neanderthal get roles all of a sudden
I don't understand it
Wahmen of colourrr yasss slayy!!!!!!!!
So powerful!!!! *Starts crying*
That square jaw lets her suck dick like you can't imagine.
That would be hard to justify because even with all the inbreeding they would be white by the time of GoT because male Targs did mix a lot of Westerosi Ladys
Not likely. White genes are extremely weak.
her gawk gawk game is a1
Not when it comes to intelligence and the ability to resist committing crime
chosen breed
The proper term is delicate like fine china, something to be cherished.
because 56% of the movie audiences are literal retards and shitskins now
>"Golden Retriever genes are very weak. Honestly, it's just natural for Retriever bitches to want to mother Pitbull pups."
Well isn't that what happens when you inbreed too much, the weak shitty genes prevail?
is this real?
because she fills the minority quota without being too threatening
too bad (((they))) don't understand the one drop rule
Yes. (I was the snout)
thought she said she hates and no longer wants to work with white people
yes i put the dog for months in the snout enlarger
Haven't they done enough to /ourgirl. Now they have to do this.
Goddamn she is fucking ugly.