Better bring a marker guys

Better bring a marker guys

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Better bring an alarm clock cuz you're gonna fall asleep

well then you better bring a pillow too

So the average runtime of a Tarantino movie? So surprising.

Can't you guys sit still and watch a film for 2hr45m?

>Better bring a marker guys
for what purpose?

I fell asleep first time watching Philip fiction at that scene the military dude talks about the fucking watch and woke up fucking hyperventilating when the white dude was fucking the nigger in the ass while Bruce Willis was about to kill the other white dude with a fucking katana.

Capeturd might be more of your cup of shit.

Thanks, but I'd rather watch the latest Lav Diaz kino

his editor died in 2010, and ever since, his movies are needlessly fucking long. I get (some) previous movies being long because there was actual content, but duh-jango and specially 8teful8 are fuckin huge for no reason at all.

It's amazing that both Sex and the City movies had a runtime around that ballpark.

those are even longer
to re-draw your buttcrack once it's over

Attached: schlop.jpg (588x391, 74K)

>Philip fiction
Now i want the Asylum to make this

Holes have higher endurance levels than men

How come the stunt actor is prettier than the actual actor?

Of course whores would watch other whores for almost 3 hours, being sluts. It's the only films they can watch uninterrupted without going on their phones once.

Have you seen Brie Larson's stunt double?

they just are.

Attached: 20190524_-210703543.jpg (640x640, 109K)


What the fuck is that dwarf putting his hand on her leg like that? What the fuck?
She's prettier than Clarke but it evens out because the slave girl is way prettier than her stunt double.

This is the porn parody, right? no way stunt Dany is that pretty.

Rosie Mac for those who need it for a friend.

that midget is out to kill



Some fitness model used for the nude scenes, The others are doing actual stunts.