Mount Everest climbers who want to take a selfie at the summit now have to wait in line as their oxygen supply dwindles.
Maybe Thanos was right all along...
Mount Everest climbers who want to take a selfie at the summit now have to wait in line as their oxygen supply dwindles.
Maybe Thanos was right all along...
Other urls found in this thread:
The absolute state of modern society.
this is a famous pic taken in 2012, and it was already a problem years before that.
always thought edmund hillary summit would make for a great movie
>He'd only cut the line in half.
I'm going to Nepal in June but to do the Annapurna range instead.
Hope I don't die in an earthquake.
Absolutely obsessed
I find this really rewatchable. Thanks OP i'll watch this again tonight.
but thats not the summit, sure mount everest is a overrun for some time, but the selfie thing may be newer
To be fair, there's like a one week timeframe into which you need to fit everybody.
Hey Alan! It's our turn, come on!
From the thumb I thought it was some dude with his arms stretched to either side. Not interested now.
is that a dead body on the left?
Pretty sure 90% of these people are wh*te.
probably, the moutain is full of corpses theycant remove
It’s expensive so of yeah of course
its really creepy
The modern world has made everything superficial
Are you praising white people or laughing at them..?
Remember to visit the movie theater in Manang (we watched Everest).
why don't they just toss those bodies off the side of the mountain?
>that one video of the dude falling down K2 and he's just spinning wildly down a 80 degree slope
ye love climbing when suddenly a fucking dead body comes crashing on me and takes me with it
its not just a straight way down. there are plateaus and flat areas and shit
Yte people are such fools for memes.
Also sherpas do all the hard work
They need one of these up there
>Imagine slipping or hige winds pushing you off while waiting in line at the summit of everest for your body to be lost and never recovered.
Nature is not only a cruel mistress but has a sense of humour
Ackshuakly i think china sent some climbers up there to do exactly that.
Yeah dude, let's see you try to pick up a frozen dead body that's fused to rocks and shit.
Thats why you dont test her by doing something stupid like climbing a fucking monster of a mountain for literally no reason. Darwinism at play
>not Vertical Limit
Ishiggy. And I'm not even much of a climber.
>no more vidya games stayvun
but instead of blows people out, it sucks
Mallory and Irwine attempt should be The Terror season 2 instead of a boring WW2 story
Stop fucking around Alan come on
Unironically they deserve it.
You can tell by the lack of chicken bones and malt liquor bottles all over the place
And fucks
not a person
i thought climbing the everest was something that only a few could achieve... that shit is like a line in McDonalds.
Fuck that gay shit.
>hiking up a mountain
What’s so amazing about this that people spend thousands of dollars and weeks to do?
Well you still need to train years in advance, and acclimate for a month. It's not something you get in mind like that and plan for a trip the very next year.
They usually won't be your Sherpa if you haven't been climbing in the Andes or other parts of Nepal prior.
>it took them 70 years to find him
it's actually so easy now people that have never climbed a mountain before can go to the top, it just takes money
Why don't they have one of those at the summit? Getting back down is arguably more dangerous (I just made that up) than climbing up there. Surely one of those cannons and people wearing parachutes would make a huge difference in the descent mortality rate.
yeah what kind of stupid baasedcuck wants to document a monumental life accomplishment? What a bunch of retards
The real pill is hiking around everest and Himalayas to achieve true spiritual ascendance not up.
Even if it wasn't safe getting fired out of a canon from the top of Mount Everest is a fucking cool way to die
>for literally no reason
>t. brainlet
You can now hire Sherpas that will literally carry your ass up there if you have the money.
For something like Everest it's more like tens of thousands (45k on average according to google).
All that, knowing they'll be in a conga line with 300 other fags.
Imagine getting to the top, conquering Mount fucking Everest, and then dying while waiting in the selfie line at the summit
there's climbing everest and then there's paying sherpas to carry a bed for you all the way up to the south col and carry you up to the summit
>a monumental life accomplishment?
I wouldn't call climbing a meme tourist trap mountain a "monumental life accomplishment". A real monumental life accomplishment would be something like claiming one of the few remaining virgin peaks.
why didn't they just use the eagles to fly to the top?
laughs in K2
Absolutely oblivious.
>it just takes money
and stamina
>hey there's this minority group of people that are making my life harder by committing crimes and shit and I am forced to read about it in the news and experience the consequences of their actions on a day to day basis
i're already there. Might as well wait awhile to get a good photo if you can
This. There's no sense of achievement in such matters anymore, it's entirely faggy zoycucks trying to fuel their shitty social media obsession. I just focus on bettering myself instead, constantly pushing my limits, now I have no interest in "travelling" or other shit.
Yes I have no friends.
>this whole post
its hilarious that this is coming from some fat fuck behind a keyboard
retards go for k1 and k2, the true enlightened climb kaliash and never return to this mortal plain
>this whole post
its hilarious that this is coming from some poseur behind a keyboard
You're no better than them. All of this comes from individualism, which is like the capitalism of social economy.
"Taking a trip for six months, you get in the rhythm of it. It feels like you can go on forever doing that. Climbing Everest is the ultimate and the opposite of that. Because you get these high-powered plastic surgeons and CEOs, and you know, they pay $80,000 and have Sherpas put the ladders in place and 8,000 feet of fixed ropes and you get to the camp and you don’t even have to lay out your sleeping bag. It’s already laid out with a chocolate mint on the top. The whole purpose of planning something like Everest is to effect some sort of spiritual and physical gain and if you compromise the process, you’re an asshole when you start out and you’re an asshole when you get back.” - Yvon Chouinard
Also from him:
“The reason why we won’t face up to our problems with the environment is that we are the problem. It’s not the corporations out there, it’s not the governments, it’s us. We’re the ones telling the corporations to make more stuff, and make it as cheap and as disposable as possible. We’re not citizens anymore. We’re consumers. That’s what we’re called. It’s just like being an alcoholic and being in denial that you’re an alcoholic. We’re in denial that each and every one of us is the problem. And until we face up to that, nothing’s going to happen. So, there’s a movement for simplifying your life: purchase less stuff, own a few things that are very high quality that last a long time, and that are multifunctional.”
>Yvon Chouinard
Kek, cheks out.
Imagine finding a cute dead girl perfectly preserved by the cold.
Necrophilia time.
>You're no better than them.
Wrong. I'm sure every single one of them is some atheist zoycuck who serve only their vain interests. I want nothing more than to be a good contributor to make a good society.
You pull down your pants and promptly freeze to death, making a humorous couple preserved for the next 50,000 years.
hello frostbite on dick
>slave calling other slaves slave.
Its an accomplishment but its more about acquiring the wealth to do it. The people who take people up there have done it to the point they could take literally anyone who can follow order up there with no issue besides freak accidents that neither party could do anything about. If they climbed by themselves with their own small group, rather than have a Sherpa take them up then its very impressive.
How is this not the dream..?
Oh shit that's how I wanna go
Your name will not be remembered. The'll call you "dickless freak" because that bit was the first thing to break off.
Alan BTFO. How will he ever be recovered?
Textbook Alan
I could climb Kailash with my bare hands, it's a fucking mountain you dumb pieces of shit
I told him to lay down and die and he fucking did it, the mad man!
>faggot zoomers and millennials literally are dying to take pictures of themselves to post on social media
Anyone under 35 should be gassed.
Some amerimutts are planning to reduce the time to climb everest to 1/2 or 1/4
see you on the other side
a half pounder or quarter pounder?
Self correcting problem. Darwin at work.
At least a dozen have gone over the edge of the Grand Canyon already this year. Although that's mostly asians.
A friend of my dad got lost on Annapurna III
>Faggot boomers literally ruined the entirety of the west and now bitch about the generation they created as if they have no responsibility for it
Everyone over 35 should be gassed
>faggot people literally ruined the entirety of the world and now bitch about the lack of resources while they have devoured and destroyed them all themselves
Everyone should be gassed.
36 year olds aren't boomers you retarded chimp.
This is why the entire planet hates your braindead generation.
I'm sure they'll remember Bob, #3864 to reach the summit and live to take a selfie about it.
This screenshot really makes me want to watch this show but I dont have HBO or whatever its on
Why not just grab the free month on amazon prime to watch it?
the oldest zoomers are like 20. The fact is zoomers are the most based generation of all time.
>The fact is zoomers are the most based generation of all time.
>trans rights
fuck off
>Hey we're taking about MCU and Mt Everest and--
>But did you hear my out-of-context statistic about black people though???
Go back to /r/Yea Forums user
That's a crazy photo. Apparently there's only one fixed rope at the summit, climbers ascending and descending the summit all have to share the same rope.
>Rope breaks
Rich fucks with easy lifes need to die.
Nigger, if you're waiting in line like you're at the fucking DMV, it's no longer a "monumental life accomplishment".
why can't they remove them?
why don't they just bring a bag and drag them down the mountain on their way down? there's hundreds of people in the OP. removing a corpse a lot more of an achievement than simply reaching the summit
This was unironically my fav movie of 2015. I even started watching docs and yt vids about mount everest for weeks because of it
People don't just fucking fuse to rocks, otherwise my dick would've fused into your mama long ago
Why? They provide value to society, unlike leeching neets.
Are you going to risk your life to lug a corpse down a mountain?
Oh shit I have Amazon prime I guess I'm just some sort of retard, thanks user
just wrap it up and drag it if you can't then just let go of the rope. one of the other thousands upon thousands of people could possibly drag it a bit further. it beats more corpses just piling up
>I laugh
selfies, snapchat, transrights are all millennial inventions.
Oh just like that. Why hasn't someone thought of this before?
the amount of people there + modern technology makes it not so monumental anymore
I thought it was a big bird
Even my nan could climb mount everest, she could be ferried up on the back of a third world goat herder while her $30,000 worth of climbing apparell maintained a perfect body temperature and her oxygen tank ensured she never once felt faint or dizzy.
except for the women, right? Imagine living in a world were all the women were over 24, gross
>It’s not the corporations out there, it’s not the governments, it’s us.
it's the chinks and poos but ok
if it was someone I knew yes
I would want a proper burial myself
Seriously asking, what catgory do people turning 35 fall into? Do they turn into boomers? Asking for a friend..
nah man it's your fault, repent and buy his self-help book
Shits not even an accomplishment at this point. Having all your gear carried in, being dragged up a mountain by a guide with a perfect trail cut, oxygen, and a whole ton of people around just literally eliminates everything daring about mountain climbing and turns it into a display of wealth.
And all that trash they removed shows what a bunch of sociopaths these wealthy faggots are.
his book that used cut down trees to make the paper? no thank you
boomers is a catch all term for old tards who blame the youth for everything that's going to shit in their retarded life while refusing to acknowledge any repsonsability whatsoever in the process
who gives a shit about precsiely defining generations, it's pseudo science for boomers mongoloids.
No one blames you for anything. You're not capable enough to cause problems.
How shallow and stupid can you be? It's not about being popular, it's a PERSONAL achievement.
>I can't understand written text on the computa
dumb boomer
The good news is that some of them actually died while waiting.
Why would you even climb Everest at that point
It's still significant but seeing a literal line of people at the summit of the tallest mountain in the world robs the achievement of any dignity
I hope they all eat shit and die and have to eat each other and fall to their deaths
Please tell me I wasn't the only one who as a kid thought that K2 was "next" to Everest and that because K2 is the second highest mountain, therefor Everest must be "K1".
The first part was because some adult told me that when watching one of the mountain climbing movies, the second one was my "child" logic at work.
probably nobody gives a shit. climbing the mountain is all about themselves
>not Annapurna
Now that's a real death mountain.
This is why everyone despises your generation.
Dark Souls esque
boomers and zoomers are like those nasty end slices in a loaf of sliced bread. nobody likes 'em
,yeah but if you lay down and die next to her people will think she was your gf and they wont know you died a virgin
Based immortal user
>young people climb everest
It's almost entirely people over the age of 50. People train on mountains for decades before attempting Everest. Very few young people attempt it.
imagine sledding down that slope
>avoids the line and climbs up the side of Everest in a day
>*yawn* that was easy
>breaks out his portable hangboard at the summit for an additional workout
>high fives exhausted meme climbers as they reach summit while he does one handed pull ups
>slams a bell pepper
>waves bye and repels down the mountain in an hour
>is on a plane watching dark knight rises before the other climbers even make it to base camp
what did he mean by this
And you know their all white too. Proof whites are the stupidest race.
How the fuck is climbing a mountain a spiritual experience?
If only there was some kind of secret internet thing that allowed you to download films, music and software for free...
mount everest is the dark souls of climbing
>he doesn't eat the heel
let me guess, you're a woman
So stupid they can afford to climb mountains in their spare time.
obsessed and cringe especially the second one
People trying to get corpses from Everest have died themselves, and the weight of a dead body plus the fact that the body will be in rigor mortus and doubly stiff from frozen.
Helicopters can't land up there either.
I didn't say you had to successfully do it. just pull one 50 ft and let someone take the next leg who gives a shit anyways these people want to climb a mountain covered in dead bodies to take a selfie with their pocket computer from 2019. fuck it
You're projecting.
You're dead. Nothing personal left.
That would be K2
People want to climb the highest thing on earth? WTF KILL EVERYONE
>itt: babies' first everest thread
that would be Dark Souls 2
and yet you're the only one crying
my mom's friend fell into a crevasse on that one back in the 90s, rip
Took me a second read
only one? someone already started in the first post
don't make stupid questions like 'why they don't retrieve the bodies' or 'why they don't use an helicopter' and i won't cry
>calls others baby
>says he cries because people ask questions
>Its an accomplishment but its more about acquiring the wealth to do it. The people who take people up there have done it to the point they could take literally anyone who can follow order up
you still have to be very phyisically fit to qualify. Some guy from a nearby town who ascended it said he was tested by climbing three ~2500m-2800m mountains in a day, descending into a valley after each. (continuous hike up down up down up down).
have you ever fucking done it? pushed yourself far beyond what you thought was possible?
Annapurna has the highest fatality rate.. i think over 25%
but we know mountain climbing is possible because some guy in the 1800s already could do it
the only time these words have ever been accurate
You mean an overrated challenge that is full of tryhards who use it to look hardcore?
You are right, it really is.
why not just go a week earlier and beak the lines?
social media truly was a mistake.
smartphones were a mistake.
why doesn't everyone go to everest during the summer like these guys?
>big bang
The simon helberg interview with norm macdonald was surprisingly funny
they're probably all trust fund kiddies which makes it twice as sweet. Based everest
>White people dumb hurr Durr
>Brown people can be paid trinkets to follow us anywhere AND do all the heavy lifting.
Hmm. Really makes you think.
White people are exploiting lower races (race is social construct... ok /pol/?) so they have to find such dangerous work as climbing to everest with white ppl. There is no other way to make money because all the money is going to Western Civilization.
Meru is an awesome movie about climbing, really cool even if you're not interested in climbing at all.
well create your own business then, but I guess thats too hard right. Just keep smiling and carry my bag to the south col sherpy
meant for
>for literally no reason
You must be a woman or a non-white.
lmao, fuck off to reddit.
you can try hannelore
Have sex, please.
>Beyond what you thought was possible?
If it's just some experience that bored rich dilettantes can buy, clearly it's very "possible" for any physically fit person. Do something like what that Free Solo chad did if you want to actually push yourself and impress people. Young girls are climbing Everest now for social media clout.
He's french?
>this is george mallory
>george mallory
how the fuck do you climb down this shit?
based post
this must be bait, there is snow on everest all year long
you don't
Very carefully
death of the internet more like
fuck phoneposters
>tfw read Kokou no Hito
>Got really fucking hyped to climb mountains to the point I was already trying to do oxygen deprived exercises
>Find out that Everest is now a tourist trap
Eyup, there's a reason that 'real' climbers like in the manga go for more and more dangerous places.
>missing the point
>Reach out to the wealthy families whose relatives corpses are stuck on mountains
>Offer to retrieve their corpses for a high fee
>Take a few deflated zorb balls up the mountain and inflate them when you reach the corpses
>Put the corpses in the zorbs and film them rolling down the mountain
>Post these videos under a different name to advertise mountain zorbing to rich people having midlife crisis
>Don't tell them the people inside are already dead to start with
>Deliberately use damaged zorbs for all living customers so they burst half way down
>Reach out to the families of the people who died while mountain zorbing
>Offer to retrieve their corpses for a high fee
>muh secret hacker club
I'm phoneposting right now and there's nothing you can do about it faggot
extremely painfully
Imagine if a storm hit at that moment
7 of them died this week
Classic banter!
Ashually, a lot of the people who climb everest are from India, Pakistan, and China. They also usually fuck it up for everyone else because they employ dangerous tactics and typically don't care about the safety of others.
If you read Into Thin Air, you'll know that they're the reason that "disaster" happened. They ignored protocol and summited at the same time as another group making the wait times longer, and resulting in a bunch of deaths.
sweet, free boots
>le epin redit "because it's there"!!!
Bullshit, that's not a reason
everest disaster of 96
Fuck that I'm not climbing up past frozen dead bodies
Anyone have the thot travel starter pack meme?
and why haven't you done this yet?
Fuck I hate mountaineers
>climb a few peaks
>never one of the great summits
>i'll try everest
>go with the cheapest company
>hell I can do this on my own
>who needs oxygen
>hah suckers I'll beat you all to the summit by starting in late evening, fuck waking up at 4 AM
>start going to the summit
>fuck a storm is coming
>i'll hide in this cave here, there's a guy sleeping already so it must be comfy
>wait for a few hours then i'll advance
>legs dont work no more
>thank god hikers are coming
>why are they walking past me
>i'll just start screaming
>cant talk anymore
>cant move anymore
>40 climbers already walked past
>finally someone stops
>even when they give me oxygen I cant move
>they just leave me to die alone
>be david sharp
seriously, he had it coming
I actually agree with you. Sure, climbing Everest was an accomplishment back in 1930 or whatever, now it's extremely overrated as thousands of people have done it. Just look at the OP image, the dozens of people waiting in line at the summit. Everest climbers used to be a small, exclusive club, now way too many people have done it and that special feeling is gone.
>all those millennials traveling to places like that to "discover" themselves
>"get in line with all of the other unique individuals"
how will you bring a pump to fill the balls up
how will you pump them up at that air preassure
how will you power that pump
what will you do if the ball gets stuck on the mountain in an inaccesable area of the mountain
how will you find the ball in the first place when it comes all the way down
how will you explain the bodies being torn to shreds
>tfw your life dream becomes a bureaucratic nightmare within the farthest reaches of nature
>On the Tibet side, there are the Steps, especially the Second Step where again inexperienced climbers struggle to scale the lower rock bands and then have issue climbing the aluminum ladder. On the descent it can be even worse especially in high winds and exhaustion setting in.
Got one better. I never saw a picture of K2, and when my sister described it to me, I misinterpreted it as if K2 was literally a mile high piller shooting upwards at a 90° angle.
Climbing absolutely is a spiritual experience. I cant think of another word to describe the feeling it brings. Not only is it incomprehensibly beautiful, you realize, in a truly tangible sense how small you really are. Sure well all know we are, but it really does grant you a perspective that you couldnt possibly have had without going. For anyone who isnt a selfish deluded asshole climbing to post pics on the ‘Gram, its magical. You feel respect and admiration and awe for the mountain. For me, it feels as if the mountain were alive and that it is permitting me to climb its back. Also, the whole “journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” takes on a whole new meaning as well. I can not understate how beautiful high altitude climbing really is, its something I cant truly make you understand until you breathe in that thin air and feel its crispness against your exhausted yet somehow energized body. Most of the time its just you up there alone, no people, phones, animals, plants, nothing. Just primordial nature. You can sit on the summit by yourself and just drink it all in, plus the imminent risk of death being surrounded by multi thousand foot drops is exhilarating. Its like being on the Moon in some sense. Once you go you its like a switch gets flipped and you know you have to go back. Call me a faggot, whatever, hiking climbing and mountaineering great summits is immensely satisfying, I personally think everyone should conquer one at least one summit once in their life. Looking down at a bowl of mountains below you that were towering above you just 7 hours before is something awe inspiring. Also, the people I meet when I hike are some of the kindest, most interesting people ive ever met. In general, it is a skill practiced by exceptionally intelligent, successful people. Dont give me some fucking strawman bullshit about paying porters 40k to lug your shit up Everest and fix ropes. Im talking about the sport in its purest form.
It's bad enough just to get your own ass up and down that mountain, let alone dragging your weight again on top of that. And good luck spending hours chiseling the frozen stiff bodies from the bedrock and ice to begin with.
what happens when they snag on a rock and pop on the way down, littering the mountain with plastic and body parts? plus theyd probably deflate on the way down from the pressure change
Mount Everest isn't even a particularly difficult or technical mountain from the standard route. This is just a bunch of rich people paying $60,000 for a sherpa to drag their ass up the side of it while they shit and throw trash all over a holy site.
>Call me a faggot
No, I won't do that homo.
You're aware of the avalanche risk right? Godspeed user, Annapurna is an extremely dangerous mountain.
C'mon Alan enough of those weird stretches it's climbing time!
What have you climbed before? Or are you just hiking the Annapurna Circuit?
Greenboots got thrown down a slope by passing climbers a couple years ago. Really weird stuff.
it's not though. people have been successfully doing it for a couple of generations now. there's a fucking line to wait to reach the top. tech has made it much easier than it ever was in the past. people dying up there only die because everyone else is so far up their own ass they will not help and risk their own opportunity to take a fucking selfie at the top. I say it should be legal to push someone out of your way if they're stopping you from reaching your goal. fuck everyone else
Wait, so if a helicopter took this photo, why wouldn’t you just take a helicopter to the summit? They could winch you down on one of those rescue basket things, you touch down for a minute, get your selfie, get wheeled back up and you’ll be back at the base lodge sucking down a mocha brappaccino by lunch.
Holy shit those two guys were annoying, kind of satisfying to hear them scream as they fall
Everest climbers have become the equivalent of obese Amerishits who travel to Africa just so they can pay $50K to shoot some elderly lion from the back of an air conditioned Land Rover and proudly mount it on their wall as if it was some incredible accomplishment.
Look at those cucks. While you can chill without crowd at the highest free standing mountain of the world.
Chad Kilimanjaro > Virgin everest
To be fair though, nothing else matters when you view the Grand Canyon. Not the chinks or the Eurotrash, or any of that.
how do you think people become corpses on Everest to begin with
>Americans really think some rocks in a hole is impressive
>yeeting a corpse off the world's highest mountain
Fucking based
Yosemite, Zion and the Grand Canyon are all beautiful, even if there are people around. The South Rim is mindblowing, Yosemite Valley has plenty of nooks and crannies to escape the crowds if you know where to go and Zion is like a
mixture of the two, The Narrows are insane despite having people in them. Getting up at 5am always works too.
In Yosemite I had Clouds Rest all to myself when the only other guy up there left after I showed up. He even said “ive had it long enough, its yours now”. In Zion I had Observation Point all to myself for a good chunk of time until just two other people showed up. In the Grand Canyon I saw one other person for 3 hours when I took the Tonto Trail across to the Kaibab trail, but to be fair the Bright Angel and South Kaibab trails were crowded. Either way, when you hike, if you arent a stupid faggot, youll go for a good 3 hours, then reach a fork in the road. You can go do the tourist shit with everyone else, or seek out peace somewhere where you know there wont be any people.
Then, there are trails outside of the main areas where you wont see a single soul the entire time, just you and nature. If you are skilled, you can go offtrail and conquer whatever you want, which can be, at times, uncomfortably isolating. Walking through the woods alone at night, off trail, is pretty god damn scary.
you must be a black if you hold this view
Do a barrel roll
Thats babby tier climbing, only made difficult because that rock looks like crumbling shit. My understanding is that Kailash is a sacred mountain and closed to climbing.
America sent the industry there and buys all the trash.
The world doesn't bend to your tunnel vision. Stop being stupid.
They can at this point, but they leave them there because it's good for marketing to yuppies and Silicon Valley types who want to take pictures of the dead bodies and post inspirational quotes about how they press on.
Climb mount kailash and get beaten to death by angry pajeets pilgrims*
With a climbing rack.
Born too late to explore the earth, born too early to explore the galaxy, born just in time to win the war of the species.
RMNP is pretty good because the treacherous weather kills all the excess retards on the peaks.
nobody helps anybody I get it. the corpses just pile up. people have been doing it for 70 years now. people die every doing normal shit too. people die because they push themselves too hard. other people don't die because they don't push themselves too hard. climbing to the top of a mountain is so fucking stupid especially when basically anyone with enough money can do it nowadays so long as they don't have any medical complications. it isn't much of an achievement rather than just another thing someone can check off of a list.
>buy thousands of dollars in plastics
>mine thousands of oil wells
>travel halfway around the world
>have brown people be your slave for reddit upvotes
>stand in line with other smug assholes
>heh i am so small and insignificant, humbled by the spiritual existence of the universe
fuck me that is fucking horrifying I wouldnt go near that fucking edge
How many people have fallen to their deaths there?
>white people
good goy
It is your duty to make things more dangerous for them.
Did I not just say dont mention the Everest strawman, you illiterate moron? Im talking about climbing mountains in general. All you need is a pair of boots, crampons, an ice axe, pack and the clothes on your fucking back. You know nothing.
>"mom, where is K2?"
>"Oh its in Hiamalayas nearby Everest"
>Interpret nearby as in literally right next to one another
>Turns out its over a 700 miles West
Family members seem to not be a reliable source of information about mountains
>tfw ive thought that exact same thing standing on the edge of numerous cliffs
Its like theres this urge in your body to just fly off the edge, its so easy, part of you just says “hey why not?” even though you know you shouldnt. Its fucking bizarre.
So you live next to the mountain and climb it with minimal gear? Why aren't you famous?
I'm fucking terrified of heights lads
Because climbing in the Sierra Nevada doesnt make you famous unless youre doing first ascents on big walls in Yosemite. No one gives a fuck. You do it for your own enjoyment.
How's that working out for you, polshit?
its natural.
people who aren't are dangerous or monks
God damn it Alan
>That guy climbing Everest in shorts
Wouldn't he be dead?
None needing pills is knowing one clump of dirt isn't more "spiritual" than another, and you can achieve the same "wokeness" anywhere.
Being an insufferable twat doesn't require the Himalayas. It just requires a twat.
shut up you fucking loser
Doesn't Annapurna Massif or whatever it's called have the highest mortality rate per successful ascent due to bring extremely avalanche prone?
It was kino
>Sierra Nevada
There's crowds everywhere now, even in some lesser known places. You're not kidding anyone.
t. bushcrafter for nearly 10 years
god damn i hate niggers but this made me laugh so hard thanks user, you get a bnr from me
that's not everest you cretin
based rubbitor knowing how to get there
Thats the backside of Half Dome in Yosemite
A drone probably too this photo. Helicopters cant fly past a certain altitude at everest due to weather and air density.
The best by far is this, (spoilers)
He's probably gonna do the trek and not the actual ascent which would be madness since june is rain season in nepal
based australian poster
Atmosphere is thin enough that only certain helicopters can fly that high. Add in uncertainty and volatility of weather and it becomes something that can be done, but isn't done very often since it's still considered too expensive and risky.
now this is next level based
Where exactly are you going? The fucking Whitney Portal? The JMT? Im talking about climbing random out of the way mountains, granted, im not some incredible technical climber, what im doing is scrambling, but I see fucking no one when im out there. Its great. Climb Mt Whitney and its Disneyland. Climb Mt Aggasiz and youre completely alone the entire time. If youre on main trails, you will see some people. If you go deep, you see very few, and when you do they fuck off in 5 seconds.
I just look at how shallow fucktwats have monetized what used to be the adventure of a lifetime for a small few. "B-but, I'm exceptional, too! My instagram NEEDS Mt. Everest pictures!"
The day I stopped giving a shit about all of that crap is the day I started living.
How the fuck do you climb this?