>rightful heir to the throne is sitting right there
>lets elect a cripple instead
This will never not bother me.
Rightful heir to the throne is sitting right there
Being king is too much responsibility. He already has more than he wants or needs being a lord
Wonder what will storm lords do with bastard legitimized by word of dead mad queen that claims to be their new lord paramount.
Baratheon is literally a bastard branch of the Targaryens.
i think he realized that just like his father, he is not fit to rule.
bobby b is more of a warrior than a ruler
gendry is more of a smith than a ruler
except Arya :(
A bastard cant inherit, and Daenarys was never queen so it don't mean shit that she legitimized him.
Gendry got cucked hard.
1. Baratheons are not the rightful heirs, they usurped the rightful heirs
2. The point of the council was 'we're not doing this rightful heir bullshit anymore'
So how is he even a fucking lord?
He lost his confidence because he is balding.
>bobby b is more of a warrior than a ruler
Didn't the realms have 20 years of uninterrupted peace with Bob?
small council nigga
Jon is the only rightful king, but even if they hadn't banished him for doing the right thing like retards he still didn't want it and probably would have refused adamantly every step of the way.
How the small council and Bran are going to enforce their rule? Last I checked, they have no army.
For example, if Reach lords just told Bronn to fuck off and start rebellion for independence, what will they do?
>A bastard cant inherit
And Bran isn't even close to being elegible for being King, yet here we are
There are no rules anymore.
they rightfully rebelled against their lords for disobeying the principles of kingly rule. it's not usurping if they deserve to be taken out of power, and they fucking did, no question
which is also dumb. in a kingdom as rife with corruption as the 7, electing an easily assassinated 'king' just means that it'll boil down to one or two dynasties endlessly fighting for the throne, which means they'll just have kings but with more violence each time a new one gets picked.
irl republics/democracies only really become viable when merchants have tangible power, when nobles or the church are the ruling head there's no point to electing shit
>Bronn reports to Tyrion
>Tyrion tells Bran
>Bran mindcontrols them
hes just another bastard you dimwit
Greyjoy rebellion
>rightful heir
Doesn't matter. The point of the council was that King's will be chosen now instead of born
was a joke.
Ballon provoked Bobby B for nothing, Greyjoys really are the dumbest house.
>implying d&d have a clue about the lore and inner workings of westeros and its kingdoms
Just shut off your brain bro and try and have some fun.
Bobby Barr created a fiscal crisis and the small council was enabling his fuckups for their own personal shit.
>rightful heir
Legitimized by a genociding foreign invader.
Jon/Aegon is rightful.
>rightful heir
How well did Joffrey do as a king?
yeah but it was peaceful, greyjoy rebellion was just a pimple and never mattered.
Not only is he a bastard but he's and uneducated peasant. Book aegon is the true rightful king
The world of Game of Thrones is consist about 20 characters by the end of the season
he was just a spoiled brat. Cersei and Tywin ruled for him
>15 years of peace, except the Greyjoy rebellion
>implying Bobby wasn’t 100% at fault for the Wot5K and every death in it
Couldn’t sire his own heir. Couldn’t raise his (((heir))) to be a somewhat decent ruler. Couldn’t not die at the worst possible time. Put the realm into unbelievable debt. And anything good from his reign 100% came from Jon Arryn and Stannis
Except it was a fiscal crisis that didn't actually matter outside of giving Tywin more influence.
Bobby's only failure was not sending Jeffrey away to learn under Ned or Tywin and letting Cersei ruin him.
He was mostly irrelevant because major decisions were made by other people, while Joffrey was having fun shooting whores with crossbow and beating up Sansa.
His only major contribution was killing Ned that started the war.
I mean thats kinda it. Tywins outsized control made Cersei keep Joffrey. Also Tywin's family has a real negative opinion of letting other people host their family.
I woulnd't be surprised if Bobby B's wounds at the Trident caused permanent fertility problems and he was ok with being a cuck as long as the bills were paid
That's only because D&D kinda forgot about the rest.
>fertility problems
>fathered a lot of bastards
Awful. Fucking awful. He started a dumb war for no reason and did retarded shit that made his position weaker every day, like executing ned stark and torturing sansa and the fact that the dumb war he started made the people starve.
No one feared him, no one loved him. His enemies knew he was a dumb kid and his people hated him for being a cunt.
So he did SHIT.
Bobby B who fucked hookers all day every day was a better ruler. At least he wasn't a complete cunt who killed his people for no reason.
Unironically this. Them being there was nothing more than "Look who survived and got a pay off for their character being nice."
>>>>>whores babies all killed by lannister troops
Right, are we supposed to think that nobody else in the reach feels like they should get Highgarten? Are we supposed to believe Yara was just cool with staying a vassal to Kingslanding when Sansa showed everyone that just leaving was an option?
I'll believe Sansa's vassals would stay with her, I'll believe Robyn is fine with it, and of course Edmure would go along with it.
But why would Yara? Why would mister dornish man also be fine with it?
why does every character wear black leather now? the show used to have colorful costumes, the last few seasons it's just all been black. i guess D&D kinda forgot about house sigils
Baraetheon's derive their legitimacy from Orys marrying and taking on the arms of the Durrandons
He wasn't probably hasn't even back to the Stormlands.
Imagine going to the Bannerman and asking for your lordship because the women who just killed half of Kings Landing told everyone you were a legitimized Baratheon.
In the books he'd be hung for disrespecting Roberts name like that.
Didn't Yara even join Dany's campaign on condition that Iron Islands will be independent after that?
"Ho there! I come from King's Landing to rule Storm's End! I am Gendry Baratheon, the true son of King Robert. I was once his bastard; no, some of us escaped King Joffrey's slaughtering of us bastard children of King Robert... Ah, a fair question! I was legitimized by Queen Daenerys Targaryen. Yes, the Mad Queen who destroyed all of King's Landing... Yes, Bran Stark was chosen to be king shortly after her murder at the hands of his brother Jon Snow, and yes, I sat at the council and decided on that, but... White Wolf? Anyways, No, I think that my dominion over your lands makes perfect sense, ser!"
Again this:
D&D don't have a clue. They're just making a 15 character soap opera. Whether the backdrop is Westeros or California doesn't matter.
Mate there's scenes where Jaime is literally wearing Robbs armour, they just didn't care anymore
Who cares honestly.
Dorne & the Iron Islands have constantly sought independence, now they agree to it despite allowing the North to become Independent.
Every fucking character looks like they joined the Night's Watch or some shitty Brian Singer X-Men movie.
black is cool, get over it incels.
not to mention this would've been a great opportunity to visually signal his new status, dress him up in some fancy shit, black and gold, big cloak and cape
but no, he wears the same black leather as he's always worn and just looks a bit less sweaty than usual
She only wants her islands to be given to her by a fellow strong woman obviously. No way she'd accept handouts from a cis white male. Right?
Obviously I'm aware of that, but you can't stop me from having fun picking it apart
He just needs to tell em about his adventures and how he fought the army of the dead.
With his fucking great warhammer
Why are people underestimating the bastards birthright?
The lannisters were aggressively hunting the bastards because even a barathdon bastard had a more legit claim to the throne then any Lannister. Ned's investigation into this is what got him killed and started the wars. Why all this bloodshed if bastards had no legitimate path to the throne?
Even more is that Stannis clearly acknowledged him as Robert's. Odds are in his last moments before marching to Winterfell, he sent a raven making Gendry the clear rightful heir, but Gendry never got the memo.
It's only more legitimate if Jaime and Cersei's incest was proved, which it wasn't because they both died and then Cersei declared herself queen because reasons...you know what fuck it
Bastards are a great toy for nobles to oust the ruling monarch they dislike. The bastard's birthright everyone is underestimating is trying to claim a throne that's empty and every noble would prefer for have it for himself, they don't need to prop gendry up.
His status as Robert's son would actually make him a great puppet for stormlands' lords. Just marry him to of the lords' daughter, produce a son, get rid of Gendry and claim that son a true king in Robert's name.
The only people who wanted to go to war in the winter were the Daenarys, the Lannisters and the diehard Northerners. Their whole society has been strained by successive wars. Now they're looking at a winter that'll last who knows how many years. Bet they'll lose half the population because they burned through their food stores.
>we need these oligarchs instead of those oligarchs
Ah yes.
Gendry is both the rightful heir through the Baratheon AND Targaryen lines my burger pal
No one lives in the Reach anymore lmao
jon is the rightful heir because daenerys just took the throne from a """baratheon"""
if you dont acknowledge usurping, then robert's (and by extension, gendry's) claim also disappear
That chain thing on Sansa was always distracting to me, like she belonged in a bdsm club or something
If Gendry claims the Iron Throne, automatically he will disregard Dany's recognition of him as the legitimate son of Robert Baratheon
think before u post pls
>get crushed by Highgarden, Dorne, and the Vale
Gendry just abdicated any claim he had when he consented to Bran being King
They sort of forgot about not having an army.
>Show is called "Game of Thrones"
>Entire premise of the show is people competing for the throne
>8 Seasons of people killing each other for the throne.
>Down to the last 10 minutes
>The characters sit in a circle and inexplicably decide a literal-who can be king against their self interests and personal claims, while granting his sister sovereignty, and not seeking their own, because who cares. the end. lolfaggots.
>inexplicably decide
Looking a bit Christian bale there
cuz hes gendry bitch baratheon
>Show is called "Game of Thrones"
>Entire premise of the show is people competing for the throne
While I agree with your final argument, I hate that line of argument, which is also used by showfags to justify how hastily and stupidly they wrapped up the NK's storyline, because "it's mainly about the throne, its literally in the title". The show is called Game of Thrones because ASOIAF is too faggy to appeal to TV audiences, yet they needed a title based on the book series for branding reasons. They chose the title of the first book either because worked well for tet audiences or they skipped the testing part and guessed which would work best. That's all there is to it, the title is determined by how good it sells, not how good it fits.
In that case, I'm sure Indiana Jones and the Seven Kingdoms would have tested well.
Why does he looks like the Dubs Guy.
he did get to bang the pretty downsy aryas