Attached: abbos.jpg (700x627, 106K)
*blocks your path*
Jackson Gomez
Nathan Reed
Abbos don't seem scary just adorable and stupid.
Mason Foster
Samuel Allen
Basically this, just seems like some mates posing for a picture.
John Cooper
>They've never been to Perth or Darwin
Lucky yous
Elijah Gray
Red pill me on the traditional custodians of Australia. They seem chill. Why are Aussies mean to them?
Hunter Kelly
There's like of Abo's, chill ones that are like hippies, aggressive noongas pissed off at everything and 1/48th aboriginals who never shut the fuck up about how hard their life is being "black" even though their dad is an investment banker
Isaac Cooper
Maori seem a lot worse based on videos I've seen of Abbos chimping out. There's a similar underclass there.
Aaron Reed
They are 56% abbo themselves
Leo Gomez
Based. I join their party and block paths with them.
Gabriel Davis
Knew a couple lads who visited aus and the abbo stories were brutal. Theyre like 1% of the population yet my friend seen everuthing. beatings, chasings, stabbings, threats, attacks done by abbos and apparently the abbo was some fucked up racist
Daniel Edwards
They live in harsh conditions since they’re all poor. Population ratios and the behaviours therein don’t extrapolate to any worthwhile conclusions about genetic differences. You are vastly underrepresenting psychological and socioeconomical factors
Kayden Nguyen
I tell them them to pass the gas can
Jackson Harris
Maori's are pretty much the same, some of them are chill as fuck and just want to drink piss while some want to fight constantly
Isaac Brown
Jaxon Brooks
One million credits to any user who can find a picture of an attractive abbo woman. Let the games begin.
Blake Brown
>don’t extrapolate to any worthwhile conclusions about genetic differences.
>60 thousand years of isolation from the rest of the world won't produce different/altered traits in a species
Are Americans really this dumb?
Matthew Williams
Full blooded? Impossible, I can do you a halfie
Anthony Watson
Damn. She cute
Gabriel Jones
What a fine group of colored gentlemen. I see future engineers and doctors.
Grayson Lee
I can just speak from my experience over the ditch. Just met 1 Abbo who used work on the trains.
Generally I don't engage with people that have less to lose than me, but when you are forced to interact with them you get the passive aggressive bully or the total bro. Even the bro you want to take in small doses as generally they're prone to lying and deceit.
Cameron Lopez
Chase Bailey
>Literally mogged by run of the mill Africans
Is there a worse fate than being born 100% abbo? Unironically feel bad for the poor cunts.
Dominic Sanders
Genetic differences don’t negate genetic similarities, nor is that an argument for concluding that population ratios and behavioural differences therein are representations of genetic differences and not something else (the truth is that the genetic variable plays a much smaller role than environmental and social factors)
Levi Harris
I’m sure abbos or blacks don’t get upset about ytey not wanting to be them. They have the same thoughts about you.
Austin Garcia
>Genetic differences don’t negate genetic similarities
and vice versa. the Average IQ for abos is like 67 which is a few points past mental retardation. There was never any nation state created in 60 000 years and they forgot how to make fire.
Thomas Perez
wtf I love abbos now.
Justin Richardson
She looks like she fucks white boys
Nathan Gutierrez
She's bi, she fucks white anything
Jaxson Carter
I'm 101% sure of this
Ethan Thomas
Just like anglos!
Isaiah Baker
>they forgot how to make fire
That's a meme, and even if it was true it only applies to Tasmanian Abo's of which no purebloods exist anymore anyway
Caleb Diaz
Daniel Reyes
I'm gonna just pretend that forgot how to make fire part is bullshit and carry on with my day. That just seems like /pol/ hyperbole to me.
Jackson Rivera
I'm unironically in love, bros.
Jackson Barnes
Wait how did the abbos forget to make fire if the abbos are also to blame for burning down forests to hunt animals?
Connor Garcia
>(the truth is that the genetic variable plays a much smaller role than environmental and social factors)
Ryder Butler
>burn down all the dense bushland
>nothing more to burn down so you don't do it anymore
>don't write how to make fire down because you haven't invented language or linguistics
Like Greek fire or Damascus steel but something actually very crucial to nation building.
Josiah Sanders
Laughing at the truth won’t make it go away, incel.
Levi Thomas
Robert Taylor
>the truth
That's not the truth, that's just what your sociology professor told you to believe, lelbourne cuck.
Ayden Thomas
>This excerpt is taken from the diary of Watkin Tench, an officer in the First Fleet:
>It does not appear that these poor creatures have any fixed Habitation; sometimes sleeping in a Cavern of Rock, which they make as warm as a Oven by lighting a Fire in the middle of it, they will take up their abode here, for one Night perhaps, then in another the next Night. At other times (and we believe mostly in Summer) they take up their lodgings for a Day or two in a Miserable Wigwam, which they made from Bark of a Tree. There are dispersed about the woods near the water, 2, 3, 4 together; some Oyster, Cockle and Muscle (sic) Shells lie about the Entrance of them, but not in any Quantity to indicate they make these huts their constant Habitation. We met with some that seemed entirely deserted indeed it seems pretty evident that their Habitation, whether Caverns or Wigwams, are common to all, and Alternatively inhabited by different Tribes.
>which they make as warm as a Oven by lighting a Fire in the middle of it
So you're wrong on all counts
Joshua Ross
Don’t project your brainwashing onto me. You’re the one with no life experience or knowledge of history.
Asher Clark
>You’re the one with no life experience
I have to deal with these creatures on a semi regular basis unfortunately. I suppose you don't get many of them if at all in Melbourne inner city.
Ayden Clark
Sounds to me like they cuck you on the reg and that’s why ya seethe
Jaxon Price
Aiden Ramirez
Leo Long
Was this picture taken on a sweaty summer night in '92?
Wyatt Murphy
Going to Aboriginal outstations is like a time machine, everyone is still wearing fubu and wu-tang shirts
Levi Bailey
I'm just pointing out that """people""" are below mentally retarded and forgot how to make fire and never bothered writing down language. You're getting upset by this.
Justin Richardson
No I’m not. I completely agree with you. Anglos are mentally retarded.