ITT: Things you vaguely remember seeing as a kid that seemed like a fever dream which you only recently discovered were real
ITT: Things you vaguely remember seeing as a kid that seemed like a fever dream which you only recently discovered were...
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When I was a kid in about 1995 I was really looking forward to watching this creepy puppet thing late at night that was being advertised, I remember the advert for it being on loads but I was ill on the night and didn't watch it.
Always wondered what it was.
All I can remember from the advert was a puppet's head rolling into a room.
I still don't remember what it was but one of my earliest memories was about watching an old soviet cartoon (or maybe bulgarian). It's was about a zmey (slavic dragon).
It's such a bizarre feeling.
Jim Henson's The Storyteller?
"Upside down mountain or movie with a scary title", Polish cartoon based on Slavic mythology, like the Witcher.
It's very cool, but that style scared the shit out of me as a kid.
I feel like there was another one of these short films on Nick that was super creepy as well. Can't remember for the life of me what is was
that was absolute kino
Probably. That shit was the source of my weird childhood fever dreams too. Like pic related.
As a kid I remember seeing bits and pieces of an animated film on TV where a woman got put in a machine that cut through her brain with lasers.
I vaguely remember this horror movie on tv of this little boy hearing a creepy voice threatening him in his room. It was supposed to be a demon or something. Made me to afraid to go to bed.
Jesus fuck I haven't listened to this intro in 25 years. Awful cartoon but I still watched it every morning
My dad had a bunch of WW2 era cartoons on a VHS tape. I got my hands on the tape at one point but I only managed to watch two of them before he caught me and took it away. Der Fuehrer's Face was one of them. Freaked me right the fuck out at the time.
This shit
yup, i'm remember this shitty walk loop but that's it
probably one of these shows that made me change the channel quick
This brings me back.
I remember catching a part of what I think was an old B&W horror film, and I distinctly remember one part where some guy fell forward, and when he lands he breaks into a bunch of little guys that scurry around the room. Always freeked the shit out of me.
Were they stop motion?
Watching parents in reverse cowgirl position. I repressed this and only remembered it when i found ther porn tape other day
god you're such a zoomer I was in college when this shit came out
Saw this zombie movie has a small kid and it freaked me out even though it was laughably bad. I remember the scene was during the day, and these terrible looking maybe green painted zombies were trying to get at the people in their cars. So they slowly started lowering the car window with their fingers. Anyone know
Zombie Lake?
I think so, because it was live action and the movie looked old enough to be before CG was a thing.
Yeah, just like that. Thank you.. For some reason I remember it being black and white and the person falling was facing towards the camera. Were there any other movies that had this same gimmick or is my memory just shit?
Everything about this nightmare fuel
pre 2000 i saw some cartoons i think on cartoon network or fox kids it was like a crew with a bunch of bad asses and aliens. i know this is not enough, but i remember one thing that might help you find it. i remember a scene where a black guy used his hands touched the ground and then his hand morphed and created a bridge i think the morphing and bridge were gray. not sure tho.
da joouce
My mom's cervix.
Mutant (1984)?
I remember very little about this movie. Her getting shocked therapy cause they thought she was crazy, the Wheelers and her having to choose the right object to save the Scarecrow.
I seem to remember it was a one off, and was on late at night. I think it was aimed at adults. If I remember it was on during like 'a night of adult animation' sort of thing. Think Gary Larson's Tales from the Darkside was on the same night maybe.
This and the scene before where she gets all distorted and stuff.
There was this one adult cartoon I remember seeing in Mexico on TV, late at night, although it was clearly an english-language production, maybe Canadian or something. I just remember one scene where a naked woman grew propellers out of her nipples and started flying while cutting through a wall with them. At some point she was lying down, and the camera cut to some ominous guy walking over her. I also remember the word "SEX" being flashed on the screen at some point during all of this.
I swear I'm not making any of this up.
My mom rented me this by accident when I was a kid.
Got me scared of circus freaks for a huge while, until I saw Freaks and now i love them
Pic related is still a shit movie though
Saturday morning cartoon with a late timeslot. It only aired once a month or something. I think it was about elves that lived underground and the protag accidentally wandered into their world. It had a dark and sinister vibe from what I recall.
>Mutant (1984
not it either. It was daylight and people were trapped in their cars, and I remember bees? haha, and a small herd of green lame zombies.Had to be a 70s or early 80s movie
Plague of the Zombies?
not a bad show
I vaguely remember watching an episode of a show that seemed scary at the time but may not have been. Have been trying to find it for a long time. It might have been one of those shows where each episode is a completely different story. This particular episode had green people in it, and green fog. I think the green fog was designed by some other sort of people, and it only killed the green people. There was a scene with a bald green man saying that green people were people too, "If you cut us, do we not bleed?"
I don't think I'll ever find it but please reply if you know what it is.
Sounds like the holohoax
I wish there was place to stream it in good quality