Uncle, lol, please shit down and have sex

Uncle, lol, please shit down and have sex.

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why is Salsa the leader of the meeting?

It makes no sense why she is even present. Bran is the lord of the north, she's just some random widow of 2 men.

why is Bronn?

why is davos

why is arya

>they elected an autistic kid that doesnt even belong to the realm he was chosen to rule

Sweetie, she's the smartest person there.

because the are named characters that have had a decent amount of screentime?

Ye proposing independence for the north was really a genious move. Not like it will completely break up her brother's new kingdom immediately. Hey we in the north should have independence because reasons but ye nobody else should, is that cool?

and? having screentime doesn't mean you break all logic and reason in the world

You don't get it, it was always about strengthening the Norf while fucking over southern poofs

quit posting the same thread, at least come up with something yourself

how the FUCK did she know?

prove it

you're right. bran is the rightful king

>why is Salsa the leader of the meeting?
she has the strongest army

In GoT, that's been the rule for half the runtime. It gave us
>rape that shouldn't count as rape within the setting
>an uppity little girl being in charge instead of being under tutelage as a ward until she comes of age
>Cersei becoming queen without being married to a far-off relative of Bobby B
and other fun things.

Yeah, as soon as the North pulls out, Dorne and the Iron Island will as well. Couple that with the remaining lords of the Reach assassinating Bron as soon he arrives in High Garden, and the southern kingdoms will have fully split apart within months.

>oh, so the norths wants to leave because they had the ambition to become independent over one conflict that isn't really an issue anymore? alright its the 6 kingdoms now I guess.
>what, the iron islands had multiple rebellions against the crown in the past and want to seperate aswell? a-alright, 5 kingdoms...?
>Dorn doesn't really see itself as part of the seven kingdoms and tried to crown multiple people in the past...?
>All hail bran the broken, lord of the 4 kingdoms!

didn't he had sex with that Frey cutie?

She was raped so she became the most powerful leader. That's how it works.
"Rape me now and I will become more powerful than you can ever imagine"

>what is the Vale

>Bran claims he can't be Lord of anything now that he's the 3-eyed raven
>but is totally cool with being Lord of the 7 Kingdoms
what did he mean by this?

The Reach is rich as fuck, and populous as fuck, and hasn't been nearly as ravaged by war as the North, or the Westerlands, or the Riverlands, or the Stormlands. Dorne is pretty much untouched in the show timeline. With Robin Arryn of age, the Knights of the Vale are going to stop being Sansa's personal army.

>you now remember that the entire of the north combined could barely put together enough men to fill up winterfell against the army of the dead, and were so desperate they started arming women and children
>you now remember that the final shots of episode 3 indicate that almost all of this remaining force was wiped out
>you now realise that the north should be completely destitute and depopulated with no standing army to speak of and Sansa should be grovelling at the feet of her Vale allies for support, and most likely forced into marrying Sweetautist

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We're dealing with a genius here

Get raped.

Psst, they never had a standing army to begin with, they're all levies

How exactly did his abilities change the plot? Turning into a fucking bird and seeing visions had no impact on the actual plot.

ah yeah, poor choice of words, but you get my point

Sure smells like incel in here

Apparently you're wrong and there's literally nobody left in the Reach cause Davos proposes it to the Unsullied.

at least Stannis had a devout cult following. Imagine being tied to this stupid fuck in the final season after he pulls shit like this. my parents told me not to kick boys in the balls but what the fuck

that was so fucking dumb
>the reach is entirely depopulated due to ONE siege and ONE battle that involved TWO of the dozens of of Reach houses, including the Hightowers who have the untouched Oldtown, which looked even bigger than King's Landing based off previous shots.
>Davos proposing that a bunch of men incapable of reproducing should start their own houses
The way they dealt with the Unsullied (stupidly) and the Dothraki (not at all) was abysmal. To kill Dany they should've actually fought a pitched battle, where they have to wipe out all the foreigners.

I liked the ending.

Good points but you're forgetting that her brother is king and has allowed it. The north was already defacto independent anyway

>that her brother is king and has allowed it
equally retarded

How about you tone it sown with the anti-Bran remarks?

It's simple, they knew feminists would trhow a tantrum at a roundtable with only men, that's why they put her there and made her the leader who can chastisize her uncle for no reason. And still I've seen on twitter feminists bitch about it anyway saying the men decided and complained about Brann taking the throne. D&D gave it to a dickless cripple again to appease feminists. These stupid jews don't understand you never appease feminists, their sole existence consist of bitching. Take that away from them and be sure they will get angrier and find reasons to bitch more

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Not a native english speaker m8

It's because she's the ruler of the north, are you purposely being retarded to make a political point?

Okay, why did she chastisize her uncle?

menzie still mogged her with acting ability

At least she had sex

because she's a cunt

Because all he's done that we're aware of is win a battle when he had orders not to engage, because his pride got the better of him and surrender his castle to Jaimie. Usually one of the people involved in deposing the previous monarch would become the new one

>and most likely forced into marrying Sweetautist
Sweetchad wins AGAIN.
Reminder Robin Arryn has
>The largest army
>The best appearance of all great lords
>The coolest castle
>The best father-in-law

But no more titties to suck

Why was he even at that roundtable? Do you realize the writers only wanted a scene to appease feminists? It was useless and made no sense, why would she embarass him for winning a battle and why now?

Fucking hell can this cringe tier meme die already. The chapo commies that perpetuate it should be hanged and mods should ban them on sight.

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sansa will give him the milkies now, after all his army pretty much controls the north.

Probably because he's lord of Riverrun. The whole sit down thing did seem like a yass queen moment, but it's not like it was illogical or something

He's a major Lord, Lord of Riverrun, and assuming she inherited Robbs title as Queen of the North and the Riverlands then she is his queen, but the show isn't really all that clear on this so who knows.

What happened to the qt Frey girl that Edmure married?

>He's a major Lord, Lord of Riverrun,
>Probably because he's lord of Riverru
Then there was no reason to cut him off and tell him to sit down. Why couldn't he have a say like his counterparts?

>strong army

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Assuming Sansa is Queen of North and the Riverlands she outranks him, and can cut him off if she desires, but I don't know if she is, and if she's not then yeah it's pretty dumb

It was mainly setting him up to be the king in the end.

Hey let's ensure that Westeros either splinters apart in horrific independence wars or they use us as a rallying call for a campaign to reconquer the north. I'm sure our barren desolate land with a whose main export is mangy animal hides and redheaded prostitutes will fare well against southern states which are richer and more populous than us.

We're going in circles now

>at least Stannis had a devout cult following.
who did cared about Stannis except Davos? when it comes to followers his brother cucked him until he used a ghost-demon-aborted-babby
to murder him

why would she also be queen of the riverlands?

Robb was, Sansa is if anything inheriting Jon's kingdom of the North which was just the North.

not even, even if jon was declared king of the riverlands as well, he ceded the title of king and effectively destroyed the position
sansa only acquired lordship of winterfell, and bran didn't even formally decline that (since he's ahead in succession) so yeah

>he forgot the battle of Highgarden

Shes having adventures with meera

Never ever Ed.havesex

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The north can fend off the other kingdoms at the Neck and Moat Caillin, but as soon as Bran has a large enough navy to make landings at the Manderly seat of power (forgot the name but it's a port), they're fucked.

>6 kingdoms
>there's 8 of them

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They only rule 6 anymore, with the north now seceded. The riverlands don't count as an independent kingdom dimwit.

The riverlands ISN'T a kingdom you brainlet.

When Aegon landed there were 7 kings, 7 kingdoms.

That's Queen Salsa to you peasant.

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the reach or more specifically the tyrels supposedly lost 60k men during the siege of highgarden, of screen of course it's fucking stupid

i'm just assuming Sansa inherited Robb's title but it's totally possible she didn't. I'm just trying to make sense of this shitshow somehow man

The showrunners didn't bother clarifying the political situation, they were preocuppied about having at least one female on the board because imagine if it was only men!

I think invading the north would be akin to invading Russia, in that it's imposible to fully occupy because it's so big and sparsely populated. Then the landscape makes it possible to fight a guerilla war. I need to have sex

Invading the north would actually be easy now, there's only 8 soldiers left in the north. Though 8 men can hold Moat Cailan against 8000

it was beautiful

Their greatest strength is that nobody would bother, it's a shithole only good for timber and animal furs.

yeah even had a kid

Edmure actually taking the throne would have been subversion kino.

>after an entire series of Tully shits ruining the kingdom
what kind of message would that be to the kids user, Be a shit and you'll be rewarded?

and get aids

This is the only thing you femcels have to hold onto after your precious Dany got gutted like the tyrant she was.

shouldnt have made radmure bumbling retard comic relief then

It's a kingdom. It was the Kingdom of Rivers and Hills prior to the Ironborn conquest, and was combined with the Iron Isles to form the Kingdom of the Isles and the Rivers thereafter.

It wasn't a seperate kingdom when aegon landed, which is why they're called the seven kingdoms.

Is that how medieval titles work though? I'm not a history buff so I'm not sure, but say England invaded and held all of France during the middle ages, would the titles of each kingdom be combined or would the king simply hold both?

They were part of the iron islands ruled by the Hoare, who built Harrenhall.

idk what you two are even arguing about, it's pure semantics, the name "the 7 kingdoms" is just one of the ways to describe the continent, not a technical description of its contents

radumurefags SEETHING

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no this is like if China invaded Europe, and england occupied france. China doesn't know enough about the local politics to care, they just conquer and be souless.

Poor robin

>why is arya
why the fuck was she there?

>shit down

What, her neck?

Because she had sex, incel

>have sex
I don't want to. No means no.

>because the are named characters that have had a decent amount of screentime?

If D&D werern't incomplete they'll make sure the makers and shakers that should be there would have gotten enough screentime so the viewers won't be like, who?

Greyworm should not have been included in the series at all.

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Yes that's how it works, during the 100 years war English kings referred to themselves as kings of England and France and even now the Queen's full title is a paragraph long list of the kingdom titles she holds. The seven kingdoms of Westeros are based on the petty kingdoms of England before it was unified though.

who freed him? i thought that he had died at Walder Frey castle dungeon

What if they bring 20 good man?

>play character only there to be the butt of a joke
>show more acting chops in ten seconds of monologue than everyone else all seasons and immediately raise the tone, before having it all ruined.

what did tobias mean by this?

he got transfered to casterly rock then returned to frey control which was dumb because aria could have easily freed him and gotten the riverlands into the fight

real talk, couldnt he have told her to F off and kept up with his pitch for king?

>Sansa, please sit down on my face

Why is Robin Arryn some kind of shitskins Jew?

Ah I get it now, thanks for the clarification, fren.


Oh shit she has a House Stark tattoo?

I wish I could desu

Furs are big fucking business. Also the southern parts are pretty fertile.

>Queen Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, Queen of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Barbados, The Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Belize, Antigua and Barbuda, and Saint Kitts and Nevis, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith

because dnd had her kill the night king so in this dumbass version of events she is indeed one of the most respected people there right now

lol polcels are so easily triggered

Did you especially like when they did the book ice and fire LoL

Hes brazilian you fucking retard

Sure it does. In the world of DnD it absolutely does.
How is Podrick a KG? How is Bronn master of coin when couple of seasons ago he didn't know what a loan is? Why did the reach have 0 representation?
GOT since S4 has been going down hill and by S7 it has an absolutely shitty series with 0 realism and absolute disregard to its own set laws.


Because Sansa doesn't need to tell him to sit down, he just knows when to do it on his own

>Grey Worm: Jon has murdered my Queen, the person I respect and admire the most and have sworn to follow and protect. I demand he is put to death. I have him in my custody and control the largest force in the city.

>Council: okay how about we send him home instead to hang out with all his friends

>Grey Worm: Sounds fair. I also demand Tyrion be brought to justice for betraying my Queen.

>Council: we'll give him the second most powerful position in the kingdom, sound fair?

>Grey Worm: Okay bye.

what did they mean by this

All of a mans intellectual abilities are stored in the testicles.

Bronn wasn't there dumbass

She's his niece that's disgusting

Lysa cheated on Jon with Oberyn when he visited the Vale

It is known

And Jon was Dany's nephew, and Jaime was Cerseis sister, and Bran jacked off to his sister's rape. If you want to be King/queen you need to like incest.