What was he looking at?

What was he looking at?

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A camera lens, which functions as a mirror, a moment of self-reflection on the unsolvable crime

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the killer, who is likely to have seen the film

white American piggu

based artho


Based what was he looking at poster is back


mind blown desu

but what is the point in that? The killer will just feel good with all the attention cus that is what serial killers are like

Guys we just solved it. The director is the killer.

oh shi

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>Implying the lead actor isn't the killer and the entire film is constructed as a personal odyssey of him coming to terms with his crime

which move are we looking at bros

Its just warning you

what movie?

I thought this movie was kino up until this scene. It turned it into a shitty gimmick.

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Thanks for the (You) fren

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My dubs


It isn't just about the killer, he might aswell be dead. It's more of a commentary how serial killers are not some deformed non human monsters but liiterally average standard people-

He asks the girl how did the guy look, she just responds "normal" and then he looks straight at the camera at the "normal" person watching the film, both the killer and any other potential serial killer.

t. gay