American movie

>American movie
>brutal violence and gore everywhere
>a single nipple on an old painting is blurred

>European movie
>graphic sex everywhere
>violence is kept off screen

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>european films have to be categorized as such because literally the entire world sucks the teat of Hollywood
rent free

Imagine if American films were categorized by state lol

stop posting tits of my waifu

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Abbey once deadass posted her tits on IG

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is rieuposting a thing now?

he's boomerkino

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Why do some people have a very strong vertical line across their chest? I always thought it was a bf% thing, but I’ve noticed that some people never have it while others have it while being kind of pudgy

go on

Twisted Jewish morals in Burgerland. Simultaneously condemning sexuality in public media while shamelessly promoting it in advertisements and real life.

We're fucked up, man.

Who fills out the trinity?
>André Rieu
>Kenny G

blame it on the puritan gimmick
>burning witches and lynching negroes = good
>nudity = bad

Idk, mine runs from my chest down to my navel though

That's the muscles, user. If someone is still fat but retains that line, it just means that their fat lies underneath the muscles, instead of just subcutaneously.

She/IG mods deleted it, but I still got to snatch this gem before it disappeared.

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it's probably the shape of the sternum that does it



and this is what i'm talking about.
the MPAA is too scared of sex in movies, and too in love with violent murder.

Plenty of euro movies have tons of violence. Don't really know what you're meming about.

based astroboy shirt

Jewlywood and Jew York are the centers of zionist propaganda that is infecting the world. Even based china is hardly putting up a struggle any more.

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me in the middle

testosterone vs estrogen. men are violent and want to control sex, and women are sluts who want to avoid violence. what else is new.

violence is poison for the mind


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the left can't meme

>has a sternum the full length of his torso

unironically the guy is right that they get triggered easily
>bully girl into nearly killing herself for making a fat cartoon character skinny
>pull fire alarm because men are having a talk about how the mistreated
>yell at guy for LARPing as a Confederate
>bash someones head in for trying to stop people from attacking each other
>take a handicapped guys water and pour it on him because hes racist

>yank that has never been outside of his clone-town and couldn't locate his own country on a world map

Andrea Bocelli

>assmad foreigner who knows exactly where my country is on a map

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>old European movie
>actresses have extremely hairy pusy

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>proud instead of ashamed

I was hoping there'd be more boobs in this thread

2/3 of those things are correct

>implying I care about learning freaky deaky dutch when my native language is the language of commerce and success
there's a reason why euro schools teach you fags how to speak our language starting in 1st or 2nd grade and why I didn't have to take a language class until high school. I took German just because the teacher was a fuckin 10/10 and always sported a nice whale tail.

>language of commerce and success

Maybe if your name is Hans Abu Hajaar.

cry more Juan Carlos, and don’t forget to buy german cars and chinese goods while your president does nothing about it

>our language
You literally don't have a language. Let that sink in

germany btw

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Come home, white man.

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men aren't white

Lots of american film don't shy away from picturing either.
Most films from my country are shitty, lazy comedy about some parisian, you're probably blessed because they're not getting exported compared to auteur movies.
It's probably the same everywhere, only America and rarely China can export consistently big budget popular movies.

Well sex is better for you than violence so uuuh have sex?

>Danish film
>Everything is on display
>The more degenerate and taboo the better
I hate my countries film so much for trying to also be edgy.

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Americans think that showing sex will turn kids into perverts but having guns and violence displayed all the time will not have any effect.

>>extreme violence is kept off screen

>Films should only be used as bland, boring and safe mass entertainment.
>Films shouldn't be used to explore the taboos and history of a society.

Oof! Very bad form, very not based. Yikes!

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Where german men dont need to prostitute themselves like americans?
Just shows you the superiority of german school system!