I need your oats, your soups, and your menstrualcycle

>I need your oats, your soups, and your menstrualcycle

how do you respond?

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*throws AARP membership card behind her*
*she drops the bazooka*
*I kick her in the chest, sending her flying back several feet*

wouldnt she just fly away when holding that shit like that?

you forgot to say please

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Those bikers got a raw deal.

>her and Biehn are the same age
Why does the wall go after women so vengefully?
And why the fuck wasn't michael biehn in this instead? Would've been 10x better

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geez that looks like a parody at this point, is she blasting open the doors to Walgreens to get some Depends, hard candy, and a birthday card for a grandson?


I always thought this guy was underrated, despite not knowing how to pronounce his name (is it like bean?)

Oh I don't think you're done producing those Werther's Originals today.

its even more funny knowing that Michael is a heavy drinker and he looks miles better than most actresses of the same age


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its pronounced Bee Yen

>it like bean?)
Jahvol. Auf Deutsch "i" before "e" makes a "eee" sound and "e" before "i" makes an "Eye" sound.

do you think his name held him back, as in a lot of people failed to say aloud "I really like that actor Michael Biehn" for fear of sounding like a fool for mispronouncing it?

his alcohol held him back more

I am sorry to hear that, too bad


it's got a hole in the back for the exhaust which counteracts the recoil. So no. Even if she's a weak old lady.

>How long do you live - I mean, last, or whatever?
>A hundred and twenty years spending my kids existing inheritence
>Can you learn stuff that you haven't been programmed with? So you can be, you know, more human, and not such a boomer all the time?
>My CPU is a neural-net processor. A learning computer. But feminisim presets the switch to read-only when we're sent out alone.
>Doesn't want you to do too much thinking, huh?

>not pronouncing it Michael [/spoiler]BANE[/spoiler]

retards. all of you.

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She looks like raw chicken