Why do people (mostly right wing retards) think it’s valid to say he’s not a scientist or doesn’t know science...

Why do people (mostly right wing retards) think it’s valid to say he’s not a scientist or doesn’t know science because he has a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering? Do they not know what mechanical engineering is?

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Probably just because he did that show. I don’t know how hosting a tv show invalidates his field but I think that’s why

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He doesn't work in any field he speaks about. He's just a meme TV show mouthpiece that gets fed a script.

>Grow up, you fucking niggers!
How could anyone like this piece of shit?

It seems to me that you're the one who doesn't know what mechanical engineering is. Engineering is not science, and being an engineer does not make you an authority on anything other than mechanical engineering

T. Mechanical engineering student

My older sister has more degrees than him.

I wish the right could just grow up and admit that they hate shit because it offends them and not invent fantasy worlds where they get to feel right because the people saying the shit that offends them are secret frauds or pedophiles or whatever.


It’s funny because most right wing retards are way too dumb to get a mechanical engineering degree and just bash it because he made a TV show that triggered them

What does that have to do with mechanical engineers not knowing science?

>doesn't conduct any research or actually do anything
>"a scientist"
he's an actor you dumb faggot

Can you post a picture of your older sister's butt please?

Mechanical engineers apply scientific principles to solve problems and use the scientific method to conduct research

Post Bill Nye kino

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I have a bachelor's in kinesiology. Would you place stock in my opinions on advanced topics in chemistry? That's not to say I don't understand basic topics on the subject, but it's not my field. I'm not saying the man's an idiot, or that he's wrong. I'm saying that he's not an expert on the topic and is banking on the nostalgic public image of himself as that cool guy who makes science fun and understandable for children to make his (admittedly correct) position more palatable for an audience that doesn't care to look into the issue for itself.

Aging millennials seem to think that having Bill Nye say it is all you need to make your point. It's not that the point is wrong, it's just that it's appeal to authority when even that authority is dubious.

>why does this mechanical engineer not know anything about biology or climate data
Why would he lmao

You don’t think mechanical engineers are at least involved in the process or collecting or interpreting climate data on some level? Who do you think designs and tests the hardware?

>this Mexican built a house, he must have intimate knowledge about architecture

>engingeering is science

He's not really a scientist, Dr. Phil is less of a fraud

Conservatives are just retards. Pay no mind.


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>mechanical engineering is all fields of science

Holy shit he sucked so bad.
Good thing he landed the job of le science man.

Are you fucking retarded?


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Engineering is basically highly applied science. There's a cross over, but they're still very different pursuits. If he wants to do a show on mechanical engineering he'd be a great expert I'm sure. Beyond that, he's no more an expert than I, since I have a BS in Chemistry. And I'm a fucking moron.

Not even the same thing at all. Design work requires a fundamental understanding of scientific principles, designing a device that measures climate data would require one to have an understanding of climate science. Mechanical engineers design almost all of the hardware people use. Assembling the hardware doesn’t require an understanding of scientific principles.

A mechanical engineer could easily specialize in designing and testing hardware that was used to study the climate. Mechanical engineers take years of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and some basic chemistry. They are more than equipped to understand climate science.

Like I said though, conservative retards don’t know what mechanical engineering is and get triggered when they find out someone has gone to college and learned things.

>Conservatives are just retards. Pay no mind.

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The majority of engineers are right wing, though

Biologists use the scientific method, does that mean they're qualified to be an authority on astrophysics?


He really hit a low with the gender crap

kek literally this

Since when did teaching children about a topic = you’re an authority on the subject?

And this thread is about right wing retards claiming Nye can’t be a scientist because he “only has a bachelor’s in mechanical enigineering”.

I just think he's a faggot and his new show was the gayest thing ever.

>assembling microscopes makes you an authority on cellular biology

The only retard here is you, you fucking retard. Jesus christ.

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Read my post here stupid. Assembly =/= design, often done by two different people.

>A mechanical engineer could easily specialize in designing and testing hardware that was used to study the climate

Bill Nye has never adequately explained why the greenhouse gas effect is true, or even exlained how much of so-called climate change (or global warming, or whatever they are calling it this year) is caused by humans. Its because he can't. Keep believing him though, you obviously buy into the corporate mainstream establishment narrative, since you're a pseudointellectual.

Also the types of thermo and heat transfer and fluid mech you learn in a bachelors of mech eng is totally different from climate science, you massive fucking retard.

t. Senior Chemical Engineer who is right wing

>Since when did teaching children about a topic = you’re an authority on the subject?
It didn't, but he pretended it did. That's the point, doofus.

This word for word describes how like 99% of liberals nowadays act but instead of pedophiles it’s Nazis or something. Get some self-awareness before you try to armchair psycho analyze everybody who disagrees with your dumb political views, thanks.

Point to anything climate related that shill nye worked on. At what point did he become a mechanical engineer with a specialization in climate analysis?

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This is true in my experience in school and in the workplace. There are also some stats from the US election indicating this. Educated people being left wing is only true if you count dykes learning critical theory as being educated (it is the opposite of education).

LOL. Are the laws of thermodynamics totally different if you’re a chemical engineer than they would be if you’re a mechanical engineer or a climate scientist? LMAOOOO

Conservative here

Actually I prefer people who excel in a field that they don't have a degree in (i.e. CEO's without a degree). It further proves what a complete waste most college degrees are and reinforces my belief of the "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" "the strong survive" idealogy.

you dont listen to the people who actually do have degrees in climate science, why do you pretend this is an intellectually honest criticism?

>designing microscopes makes you an authority on cellular biology

Even if he was a legit scientist he’s still pretty blatantly pandering to dumb millennials based on the current social climate and what concepts and terms are popular and trendy. You don’t need to be an evil alt-righter or whatever to see this, you big baby.

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>designing microscopes makes you an authority on microbiology
My god you are one dumb fucking bitch. No wonder you are pathetically trying and failing to defend bill new the jew shill

He worked Boeing and had a great understanding of aerodynamics

> you obviously buy into the corporate mainstream establishment narrative, since you're a pseudointellectual.
why would the powers that be push climate change? it just seems like it would cause them to spend a ton of money

kek so do the people who design formula 1 cars. That doesn't mean shit.

The way he moves makes me want to kick him.

t. sub 2.0 gpa inbred

If you had a TV show teaching basic scientific concepts to children, like gas expanding when heard, do you think it would be valid to say you didn’t know science or weren’t an authority to teach it because you “only had a bachelor’s in chemical engineering”?

because they don't comprehend that he never claimed to be a scientist and the "science guy" persona is obviously science-based entertainment.

Fluid mechanics and heat transfer would be totally different for climate science you dumb fucking uneducated sjw.

>this is an authority on science

Soiboys are actually this fucking dumb.

Tell me more about the scientific validity of MUH SEX JUNK MUH SEX JUNK MUH SEX JUNK.

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Have mostly engineer friends and an engineer brother. Several mechanical engineers and an electrical engineer. All on the right.

Accurate in my experience.

>deflecting this hard
Le yikes

>Thus the leftist reveals himself to be a brainlet
Like clockwork

The problem is when he starts acting like an authority on disputed areas of science because he's the "science guy".

>Since when did teaching children about a topic = you’re an authority on the subject?

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By all means, keep buying into the leftist college scam

Engineers and scientists have complementary but fundamentally different jobs, scientific research and engineering development are not the same thing. Scientists are about discovery and understanding the nature of the world through experimentation, whereas engineers set out to invent useful things with the information that scientists provide for them

How's that psych degree working out for you, champ? Any luck looking for a job or will it be bagging groceries for the foreseeable future?

He doesn't agree with them, that's all that matter.
Do you ever see them questioning the validity of someone like Alex Jones or all the other retarded youtubers they watch?

>you dont listen to the people who actually do have degrees in climate science
No, muh "take my word for it I have degree" is a joke anyway. But you brought in a fucking engineer to talk about biology and climate data; you can't even get your appeal to authority right.

>Conservatives are just retards. Pay no mind.


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So now conservatives are OBSESSED with college degrees and credentials? You can’t make this shit up.

Both Lundgren and Nye did tons of acting, but only Lundgren is a scoentists because he has more degrees? LOL

This show is what made him a laughingstock. I still can't believe he thought this was a good idea

I feel like I watched this, but purged it.

i didnt bring in anyone retard, but dont act like the fact that he doesnt have a climate science background is the reason you dont want to listen to what he says

Tax people, fear monger, justify bigger govt, justify crippling local/national economies and make all your money from the 3rd world for cheaper without smaller competition....

Youre a terrible critical thinker. Multinational corps and govts have a lot to gain from this braindead climate alarmism that shills like nye push.

An honest to goodness example of projection. The only recent example I can imagine that relates to the “right wing” would be Pizzagate — and that’s tangentially.

Everyone knows Alex Jones is an entertainer. You stupid fucks freak out just because people enjoy the political version of Coast to Coast AM.

t. one paragraph of Wikipedia reader

Engineers conduct research within companies all the time. They perform experiments to determine whether a new manufacturing process uses more energy than the old one or something of that sort. Is that not adding to the sum total of knowledge in the world?

>Phlebotomists should hold national sway on neuroscience

>why would the powers that be push climate change? it just seems like it would cause them to spend a ton of money

You're an idiot. Climate Change is, by its nature, a nebulous and vaguely-defined boogieman that we as a society must constantly fight but can never REALLY be totally defeated. That means it can be used as political leverage to justify countless things the bovine public otherwise wouldn't accept. "We need to raise your taxes again to fight Global Warming.", "We need to curtail more of your freedom to fight Global Warming", "We need to import more foreigners to fight Global Warming", etc.

>75 replies
>34 IPs
Gonna take a wild shot in the dark and say this entire thread is bait.

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I miss all of the memes from when this dumpster fire was airing. Each new episode was a treat

Hey buddy, dont change the subject (le shifting goalposts xD). My argument was about Nye being an authority on climate change. Even you could probably teach grade 5 science xD, just like nye did.

Also his mew tv show isnt even about science he is pushing pseudoscience and sociology bullshit on his dumb ignorant and agreeable millenial audience.

Read the op moron. This thread is about if he even has the credentials to speak.

Why ask here? Yea Forums is full of neets who have flunked out of their own stem degrees, or pursued humanities like cucks.

Understanding the scientific method doesn't make you a scientist. And no, engineers generally don't conduct reseearch, they design and develop. Different processes

have it. sex

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>he thinks anyone took Alex Jones seriously before every media platform chimped out and banned him

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>the world is made up of only left and righ people
>only right people find this jew to be intolerable
Yea Forums anons who spout /pol/ boogeyman garbage and are obsessed with the work "right" when defining people they don't like, these are the anons that ruin this board.

Engineers at manufacturing facilities conduct research all the time to develop new processes

>when your show is so left-wing not even Redditors like it

And people still deny that Netflix is far-left propaganda.

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Some deep fucking science right there.

Using the scientific method doesnt make you a scientist you stupid fucking shitstain

and you dont actually care about credentials, which is why the whole thing is a joke. how many times do i need to repeat myself?

>literally every scientist in the world agrees climate change is real

because the things he teaches are fuckin wrong but he still teaches them with an annoying superiority complex

if OP posted his garbage on /sci/ he'd get 5 replies telling laughing at him and telling him to kill himself.
Yea Forums on the other hand is full of retards that will fill a twitter screencap thread with 300 replies, everytime.

>muh goal post shifting

It doesn't matter what I think. OP made a thread about credentials, and he's wrong.

They used to all agree on the Ether too

because hes a globo homo shill talking beyond his station

If Alex Jones' words don't stir anything up in you, you are literally an NPC.

FK u

>all the fat Redditors ITT getting mad that their SJW """"""science""""""-man is being questioned

"Grrrrrrrrrr...stop questioning based Netflix science-man you fucking right-winger! Those several thousand genders are REAL!!!"

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>Climate change is real
Okay? What causes it? How much of it is natural and how much of it is caused directly by man? What's the percentage?

No one fucking knows.

>Lundgren is a scoentists

Truly Leftists are more educated.

It’s really laughable that this is the hill you right wing retards want to die on.

“Mechanical engineers don’t do science! They just don’t! They just apply science, that’s what Wikipedia (which I wouldn’t trust in any other instance) says!”

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Thats not scientific research you fucking retard. They are analyzing efficiencies and trying to maximize them, not studying how some crystal forms. Research =/= science. Fuck. Off.

Far left propaganda? OY VEY!! dont worry goy, its merely a coincidence that the jewish founder was the nephew of the most famous US govt propaganda psychologist ever.

No engineer with a BS does research, though.

>work at small engineering company
>the fridge is full with beer
>company excursions are going to the shooting range or a brewery

>work research for huge company
>it's almost all fruity left wingers

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Thought he was a civil engineer and if so most schools give degrees in civil and environmental engineering together.

No, there are many scientists who dont agree. The greenhouse effect is a theory as to why the temperature is rising. The models are always totally incorrect for predicting trends, the science is shitty.

kek that's product development, not primary research. Designing the optimal dildo texture isn't the same as figuring out how gravity works.

Yeah remember when CNN brought Alex Jones on the air to act as an authority on the disputed nature of Climate Change?

Holy shit, fuck off you disingenuous liar.

Climate Change is real. The problem is it's gonna continue because China doesn't give a fuck. So basically stupid lefites want to fuck over America so China can just dominate.

It's like being told there will be a famine so you decide to just starve to death for the benefit of your neighbor.

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I have a bachelor's degree too, so here's some science for you.

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>he gets his source from shitty faulty researches on /pol/


So you’re saying when engineers sit down, devise an experiment to test which of these four possible manufacturing processes minimizes energy usage, they’re not doing science? What exactly do you think science is? God you right wing retards have shit for brains, there’s literally shit falling out of your ears.

It's not our fault you're uneducated and don't understand the difference between science and engineering. It's hilarious that you are totally getting assraped in this discussion about science and engineering by a bunch of so-called right wingers with more education than you


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What a naive and simplistic understanding of the issue.

If you werent a partisan retard youd know im correct.

What you're pretty much saying is that a mechanical engineer has the mental capacity and theoretical background to understand the science behind climate change. Sure, that's true. But it doesn't necessitate that all mechanical engineers understand climate change. They don't teach you dick about the climate in engineering school. And get off your fucking leftist high horse, engineers are more conservative than almost any other major.

T. Mechanical engineering student

>doing science
>calls other people retarded

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Okay, I devise an experiment to determine the viscosity of a liquid as it flows through a pipe. Am I doing science or engineering?

and yet they all listen to Drumpf when he says stuff that are out of his expertise like "climate change is not real!", "vaccines give you autism!" etc.

>I wish the left could just grow up and admit that they hate shit because it offends them and not invent fantasy worlds where they get to feel right because the people saying the shit that offends them are secret frauds or Nazis or whatever.

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do popsci retards and humanities leftists really think a b.sc in engineering makes you an expert in anything? good grief.

Lundgren doesnt make a living talking about things that arent within his academic field.

>doing science
You're too stupid to talk to about STEM. Typical leftist.

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Then why did the meme (created by a conservative) claim he was an actual science guy?

>literally every scientist in the world

How did you poll them?

>I devise an experiment

You’re a mechanical engineering student, when you’re in a lab section do you not think you’re performing scientific experiments?

Not him, but you're so stupid I physically cringe reading your posts.

>climate change
The most ambiguous term when it comes to he whole anthropogenic topic. Obviously climate changes. Geologists have shown past earth climates through ice cores and what not. But acting as if knowing climate changes is equivalent to proving humans are responsible, and/or can control it, that is where many people shake their heads and go back to worrying about things that are more important and that they can control.

When will right-wing scientists create a waifubot?

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Why? What’s so dumb about what I said?

Not even right-wing you fucking faggot. Anyone who cares enough about politics to consider themselves in either wing is probably an annoying faggot.
Anyways, I was talking more technically. No engineers with bachelor degrees are really doing official research.
Some might do what you're talking about in the industry, but where are you getting this information?
Either way, mechanical engineers don't have authority to talk about climate science.

>vaccines give you autism!" etc.
Sweetie drumpf has been pro vaccine for a while, uou should stop listening to fake news

>created by a conservative
Left wingers also hate bill nye. Its only the dumbest of the dumb who still support him. Even r3ddit fucking hates him


>Lundgren is a scoentists

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Applying the scientific method does not make you a scientist

Psychologists sometimes use the scientific method too. Are you fucking 12? You sound like you listen to Destiny

What is “official research”? This is not about whether he has the authority to discuss climate change, this is about whether he can be considered a scientist. Conservatives say the reason he can’t be a scientist is because he “only has a degree in mechanical engineering”. Does that make sense to you?

>doing science

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You sound like a 12 year old who watches Destiny on youtube and thinks you know more about science and engineering than peoplenwith degrees and careers in sci and eng.

>invent fantasy worlds

I'm happy I'll get to see this faggot go senile and die in my life time

Why do conservatives get so easily triggered by simple phrases? What’s wrong with using science as a noun?

>doing science

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You really did not understand the point of that image, did you?

It's all about those (you)'s

Who the fuck is “Destiny”? LOL

So that's why they all seem so insufferable?

Another day, leftists crying

>What’s wrong with using science as a noun?

It's grammatically improper and literally something only a Reddit-Zoomer would say seriously.

>that newfag spacing in all your replies
Why am i never surprised

How does using the scientific method allow him to pass metaphysical judgements as if they were empirically verified?

>BTFO she starts whining about muh conservitards as if all people who disgree with her juvenile sjw world view are conservative

"Insufferable" if you're a zoomer leftist twat that gets triggered at the Thanksgiving dinner table because your relatives have the gall to not think the country should be flooded with brown people.

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research that goes in journals, not small time babby-tier experiments like what was described

Oh fuck off with this shit
>Does that make sense to you?
Yes. Mechanical engineers might test shit, but that doesn't make them scientists. Scientists observe, engineers take those observations and apply them to create shit.
Besides, why does it matter whether he's a scientist or not? What bearing does this have on anything?

You're probably just insecure about your intelligence, sjws are fucking dumb

It explains their lack of souls.

What has Bill Nye said that is worth consideration?

>research that goes in journals
You know most journals are bullshit right?

This word has no meaning anymore.

Yes, it means faggots

>*speaking in nelly voice*:
>"mmmm gender exists on a spectrum mkay?"

>doing rote work that hasn't qualified as an independent experiment in half a century makes me a scientist

Being assblasted and samefagging wont change the facts, redditor

I’m out fellas, I’ve never seen a bigger group of sensitive pussies than the alt right virgin losers on Yea Forums. Yes, they’re really dying on the hill that mechanical engineers shouldn’t be considered scientists, that you have to have every single proper credential in order to speak on something, to teach a child something means you’re the grand authority on that topic, and that conducting research or designing experiments to better understand the physical world doesn’t make you a scientist. Never mind they would be taking the EXACT OPPOSITE of all these positions in a different context, but only take those positions now because they dislike what Bill Nye said on his new shitty TV show.

Good lord you people are fucking retards.

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No I studied actual science at uni, I didn't jerk off to physics for four years and dip out

You seem to not understand the fundamental purpose of engineers and scientists. If an engineer conducts an experiment, its to test his/her design or product. If a scientist does, its for the sake of understanding the natural forces at play. Scientific research and R&D at an engineering firm are quite different

>waaaah waaaaaah
bye fag

who gives a fuck about worshiping science labcoat niggers science is just used to make tech, enslave you as basically a farm animal, and further your misery
read kaczynski and philosophy for a better life

I work in HR and make more and fire drumphies like you lol

>I’m out fellas, I’ve never seen a bigger group of sensitive pussies than the alt right virgin losers on Yea Forums. Yes, they’re really dying on the hill that mechanical engineers shouldn’t be considered scientists, that you have to have every single proper credential in order to speak on something, to teach a child something means you’re the grand authority on that topic, and that conducting research or designing experiments to better understand the physical world doesn’t make you a scientist. Never mind they would be taking the EXACT OPPOSITE of all these positions in a different context, but only take those positions now because they dislike what Bill Nye said on his new shitty TV show.

>Good lord you people are fucking retards.

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Besides the fact that youre wrong, you dont realize that hes not qualified to make claims outside of his field, making claims that the “science is settled” and is getting paid to do it. Thats not science, hes an entertainer and a charlatan.

try posting your idiocy about engineers being scientists on /sci/ or /g/, let us know how it turns out faggot

>I work in HR

No wonder youre so stupid and insecure around smart people

an engineer is not a scientist
t. engineer

If you go around telling people that "the science is settled", you aren't a real scientist

Why, are those boards filled with even bigger insecure losers who are obsessed with credentials?

>everyone who disagrees with my naive manchild worldview is an evil alt right boogeyman
>t. Buzzfeed millenial
Bring lube next time

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Wow. Very cool

Political discrimination is against the law. If you actually worked in HR (not much better than a bagger or cart pusher btw), you would know that. But we all know you're a grocery bagger like he said. That's why you're so ignorant and dumb.

>No I studied actual science at uni
Unless you studied physics are hard chemistry you didnt study science.

Engineers also understand all your field's concepts better than you do

That's the biggest red flag to the whole thing. As if the very nature of science allowed fucking anything to be completely settled.

If earth was a closed system with an observable cycle within a certain time frame, then climate change wouldn't be real, at least outside of the cycle. But it isn't. The sun isn't either, and it behaves in seemingly cyclical ways but we don't really have enough data yet to completely predict its future behaviour (or past for that matter). Animals behave in semi-cyclical ways: wolf eats bunny, wolf population goes up, bunnies population goes down, wolf pop goes down, bunny pop goes up, repeat. But there is no stopping an animal from evolving and killing off their prey beyond recovery numbers. Humans have clearly evolved along these lines and I'm sure other primates have the capacity to also wipe out species as they specialize in hunting/gathering a certain resource to benefit their long term survival. Yes we are releasing carbon into the atmosphere that was buried and stored for millions of years, and there is an increasing amount of co2 in the air, along with other effects to carbon reservoirs around the world (oceans, plants, etc). But how much of this is playing a role in recent climate change vs effects from the sun; things that would have been happening regardless of our use of long term carbon reservoirs? We know that 1 big asteroid hit or volcano or both would be more devastating to our climate than anything we have done, and that these things have happened in the past.

So what we are really getting worked up about is the difficulties with living in an unpredictable climate system due to variables increasing and decreasing from year to year because this planet isn't a closed system.

>left wing retards take this man seriously

Electrical engineer here agreeing. An engineer is not a scientist, we use science, but we don't make the science generally.

>be engineer
>think you are hot shit because you are "smart"
>realize you are basically the blue collar of science making money for others
Remember kids, go into economics.

>its a /pol/ BTFOs libcucks over STEM episode
Further proof that science and engineering now belong to the right

I've got a PhD in a geological field and I think bill nye is a faggot

Engineers learn economics. And if you can do engineering, you dont need a degree in econ to do econ. Econ is pleb-tier.

I got a bachelor in environmental studies and took like 10 classes on evolution. Black people were separated from white people for tens of thousands of years. Our populations diverged. Black people definitely are genetically dumbe4

Looks like you need to go back and study English. And no sweetie, biology. Engineers are retarded when it comes to non autistic fields

PhD in biological engineering (biocatalysis). Trump 2020, fuck trannies and im getting sick of all this anti-West shit being started by jews

Also ya engineering is not science, libcucks fucking BTFO holy fuck

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Biology is girl science, ie not really science. Sorry retard, you dont get to be in the STEM club.

I took a second year bio course despite never having done bio in hs or first year and it was laughably easy and the eng kids did better than the actual bio kids...really makes you think

Racist. Next thing you'll say is Australian abos are also genetically different from the Western European man. What's next? Asian insectoid race?



>Asian insectoid race?
Haha well actually now that you mention it...

>t. Assblasted meat hole who though biology was a science

Because he’s a fucking faggot and so are you

No u

>he's so smart he's in a kids TV show dancing with traps and saying bad words because he doesn't have any real argument

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Ya see you're making it sound like you've never been in an actual college. Did everyone just stand up in the beginning and announce their major? Biology 101 or 202 has as much to do with bio as basic algebra/physics would have to do with Engineering

If engineering were actually difficult, you wouldn't find a billion pajeets majoring in it

I'm a medical doctor with a masters in physiology and I'm an unironic fascist. Once you spend enough time trying to help the untermenschen you realise the futility of it all- these people are completely incapable of helping themselves and need to be as far away from the engine of government as possible.

I am not the biology guy, I just find that behavior cringe.

>Claims engineering is a science
>Doesn't have a Nobel Prize category
>Is listed separately from Science in the acronym STEM
Enginiggers, everyone


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>t. psychopath

>she thinks i think engineering is a science
This is why you did bio and not chem

>be me
>PhD in synthetic chemistry
>Conduct research on new drugs and reagents on a daily basis
>Be political while engaging in discourse on any field I'm not an expert in order to preserve my reputation as a level-headed scientist
>speak to my actual expertise and contribute original ideas

>be bill nye
>push an agenda based on appeal to authority fallacy and my personal emotional state
>contribute 0 original ideas
yeah he sure is a scientist huh. I bet he even took first semester differential equations 30 years ago, wow

>Lundgren is a scoentists

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seems legit

My bro the mechanical works at a big name aerospace company though, says almost all of his colleagues are right wing. Pretty based desu

>how dis you know bio kids in your class
>engineering isnt dofficult
Kill yourself retard. Biology is a joke and known to be the least difficult of thebsciences by far....so much so that many dont even consider it science. Oh wow, you modeled enzyme growth with an ODE??? Sounds really challenging...

Bio is a girls science, which is why you took it. Have fun working in a lab making less than a teacher

Based and redpilled af

Didn't read lol

Shill Nye is even less credible than this guy - at least this retarded jigaboo rapist is an actual scientist.

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Holy fucking cringe

I actually guffaw'd at this one.

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Aww poor baby is too triggered to read a short reply

This is why youre in bio and not chem or phys

Still didn't read. Good luck with your pajeets degree

>when your degree is your own quality and you have to discredit all the others
Damn, engineers really are all the same.

>Holy fucking cringe

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I'm surprised it's not all. Most aero guys are either military background or trying to sell their shit to military so it pays to be on the same page.

Deep sea nautical is where it gets weird. Complete hippies working alongside former nuclear stationed.

>le right wing retards
Literally your only argument

Same job same experience. Same opinion. It’s depressing beyond words

>so assblasted she cant read a line of text
Baby needs her safespace

>assblasted biopleb tries to meme
Le damn, *insert tryhard r3ddit quip here*

What type of stuff do you see?

What are you even talking about you collosal retard? Biology is one of the most fundamental sciences. It's what most doctor's study before grad school, not that you'd know

Pathetic, leave creativity to humans.

I'd sooner take his opinion over hannity

>Biology is one of the most fundamental sciences
Oh nononono

>STILL thinks I read it
I tell ya what, why don't you engineer that dick out of your ass, and get a real job

Wow racist much?

>make a political bait thread on Yea Forums
>200+ replies click to view
like clockwork

why are you worried about what a bunch of science-deniers think is or isn't science? do you also go to your barber when you need a cavity filled?

>people don’t post in a thread more than once

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This big name aerospace company recruited him directly off his college campus as well. The particular college is known for being at least relatively traditional/conservative, and I guess the company has a good relationship with the uni and likes to recruit those grads, so yeah.

Small engineering firms are goddamn peak comfy.
>But muh Google muh Tesla

>"i-im n-n-not reading haha"
Cant say i expected better from a female who thinks she studied science but actually took biology

>i trust science

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Lel. Redditor detected



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They aren't conducting research here, dumb nigger. Testing isn't research. If it is then finding bugs in a computer program makes you a scientist too.

>When you put all your points in autism and none in reading comprehension

>LITERALLY called computer SCIENCE
>doesn't make you a scientist
English isn't that hard to understand.

Probably because he isn't a scientist and doesn't know science.

Agreed. Bad for the liver though. Would drink more at work in a week than in years at larger companies. Not that I did mind it, it's indeed comfy AF.

>He fell for the engineering meme

Millions of jobless, indebted liberal arts majors can't be wrong!

We only take one year in macro

He made me hate science as a kid bc his show was that boring.

I am now a scientist.

That probably sounded better in your head right?


>getting a degree in anything but physics or traditional engineering
Waste of time and money, and engineer could do your job better

Why do Americans hate the scientific method?

To you.

Don't worry. They feel the same way about you.

And YET you didn't DISPROVE what I SAID.

Miles betters than bio

>t. conservative

He's got such a punchable face

Have sex.

He is right tho, engineers lack basic good manners. You would expect them to at least act civilized.

You must be this retard

I'm fucking weak right now bro. You don't need to get so riled up. I'm gonna take this W and you're gonna take this L but I don't feel too proud because I think you're actually a sperg

he knows shit, I went to /pol/ university

What do you want me to disprove? You havent proven anything. Many academics dont consider computer science a science for obvious reasons, its like a branch of mathematics. I dont care either way. Learn to code, libcuck.

>It’s funny because most right wing retards are way too dumb to get a mechanical engineering degree
This is what a limp wrist faggot from California actually believe lmoa.

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They never learned it while getting their liberal arts degrees because it's one of the white man's tools of oppression.

They do, when they're around actual human beings.

You should keep telling yourself that you "won" if it helps you cope with being a tryhard fag who cant debate.

>for obvious reasons


You can say whatever you want now, I've already won

>people who work real jobs are right wing
Would never have guessed it

Computer Science isn't a science by any measure.

Get over it.

>t. computer scientist

Not him but I must say, it looks like you got fucking ravaged there. If you want anyone to talk to, check out /adv/

I didnt get a degree in hard science so your strawman doesnt apply. Apparently youre too stupid to intuitively know how comp sci being a science is debatable. You're really ignorant and not worth talking to.

>so assblasted she replies twice

>only petty insults
They should give you people debating classes.

>gender is a spectrum, trust me I'm a Mec. Engineer

When did he say that?

I haven’t seen his new shit but generally speaking, of what a person is saying is correct information relayed by someone else who actually did do the research, then it doesn’t matter what their background is.

Example: I’m not a vet, but I can comfortably tell you that you won’t contract rabies from a possum. You can shit all over me for saying so without having a degree in whatever, but ultimately I’m right and the facts are with me.

Again, I don’t know what Bill Nye is preaching these days, but whining about his qualifications is fucking dumb. He’s an entertainer.

I wasnt arguing with you, just pointing out that you have no idea what you're talking about (surprise). You're really seething and its pretty funny. Bye.

Sure. But if I conduct a lab experiment it's either for chemistry or physics class, neither of which I'm majoring in. We only learn the basics so that we can apply those concepts in our more advanced engineering courses. Understanding basic physics doesn't make you a professional scientist

On his show, libtard

Has he been involved in any published papers in scientific journals? That's my benchmark for considering someone a scientist.

>dude engineering is the only science!
>runs away
>accuses others of seething

You haven’t taken fluids lab? Or kinematics lab?

Yes, but the problem is he acts as an authority on science and spews far left propaganda for corporations to give him a platform.

People who have met him usually say he's a real prick in real life.

Yes, we’re all aware you’re a retard credentialist

Ahh chemical engineering labs...mostly consisted of filling tanks of some sort with water and draining them lmfao.

He is an engineer after all

Why do engineers make the rest of the population (who would starve to death without them) seethe so hard?

>t. Assblasted biotard
Bring lube next time

in the same way some edgy retard who screams "fire" on an airplane thinks he's just pranking bro, sure. when you passionately call to arms a following that you know are unstable, urge them to grab their guns and prepare to fight, kill, and die for the glory of some delusional bullshit, you're going to get shitcanned the same as the fag who screams "fire"

because they act like pricks

Can't tell if trolling or genuinely retarded.

Engineering != scientist. Furthermore, a bachelors in engineering is literally fuck all. Real scientists need PhDs to do research.

I have never met anyone who understands/respects science as something other than a prop for their political views use the phrase "doing science"

Theoretical design work maybe. Most engineers just follow codes and standards.

Unless you've done research which has results available for others to access and learn from when devising their own research you aren't a scientist in my eyes. If all Bill's done is a bachelor's degree then he's no more a scientist than a guy who plays soccer once a week is a professional soccer-player.

How is it “literally fuck all”? The vast majority of the population could never get one

I think because they tend to be more intelligent and not super social. Also they have standards which others need to meet. They make people uneasy.

Wow the only good reply in the entire thread and not even a (You)

You guys are really fucking retarded aren't you

They really dont care...its all about sex stuff and ice cream orgies

Where is all the real research being published?

Why are you so obsessed with stuff being “published”? Was Isaac Newton a scientist? Galileo? Aristotle?

>The vast majority of the population could never get one
The vast majority of the population can't program fizz buzz but that doesn't mean a programmer who brags about that isn't retarded.

>alex jones was inciting violence
You are really toeing the corporate media line. A total propaganda victim.

>names guys who published their scientific work

You really showed him.

This thread is illuminating.
Why are leftists and Bill Nye fans this fucking dumb? It’s truly the question of the ages.


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Congenital mental illness.

THey wrote about it and others examined it. They didn’t have “scientific journals”, and suppose they kept the results to themselves, would that mean they weren’t scientists?

A traditional engineering degree still puts you above modt of the population in terms of math, physics and coding skills. Also ability to handle heavy workloads.

>Was Isaac Newton a scientist? Galileo? Aristotle?
Yes you moron. The only reason we even know about their work is because they published it.

if I wanted your opinion, Mr. waiter at olive garden with a 2 year art history degree, I would have asked for it when I ordered appetizers.

would you trust an intelligent, educated person's opinions over your average flaming retard who barely graduated high school?

would you trust the opinions of people who apply the scientific method over those who have a financial motivation to feed you misinformation for their own economic gain?

>real science
Post tits

They were european frauds lol r u serious rn?

Physics is a WASP invention to keep da black man down

>They didn't have scientific journals
Lol what?


The whole plagiarism controversy between Newton and Leibniz was because Leibniz published calculus first.

it's literally on film, alex. you are on film doing it. you recorded yourself doing it and released it publicly.

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>this is what buzzfeed readers actually believe
Rules for thee but not for me i suppose. Typical braindead leftist scum.

Their work was literally peer reviewed you fucking inbred chimp.

Who cares what they would be if they kept it to themselves? No one would know about them. Yay. They could pat themselves on the back about how smart they were. No wonder you like the idea.

>libcucks try to talk STEM

>biology isn't a science
>somehow genders are scientifically locked
>despite them being studied by biology

The latter describes Bill Nye to a tee.
Now shut the fuck up and apply neosporin to your axe wound, you mentally ill freak.

Which journal did Aristotle publish his work in?


Nah just lecture for those

>would you trust the opinions of people who apply the scientific method over those who have a financial motivation to feed you misinformation for their own economic gain?

This is the one that gets me over the whole climate issue. What financial motivation does the overwhelming consensus of all the world's scientists have to look at a topic, study it, release transparent results of their studies, then somehow magically lie about all of those results that are literally publicly available and reproducible?

And who funds the dissenters? Exxon, who did climate change research in the 1970s and found out, oh shit, we're causing this, then waged one of the biggest disinformation campaigns about it in history. The Koch brothers, one of the biggest fossil fuels conglomerate on the planet. Gosh I just don't know who to believe on the topic of fossil fuels damaging our environment!

What? Yes, of course they were, and they all published their theories to some degree. Where you not aware of that?

Good going guys, great thread. Thumbs up all around.

Someone who applies the scientific method? I agree. Keep choking on that oil industry cock.

Scientific journals are how the scientific community communicates with itself. No one makes a breakthrough discovery and just keeps it to themself, that would defeat the purpose. If you publish, you are establishing yourself as a member of the scientific community. What's wrong with that conccept? What do you have against journals?

>What financial motivation does the overwhelming consensus of all the world's scientists have to look at a topic, study it, release transparent results of their studies, then somehow magically lie about all of those results that are literally publicly available and reproducible?
Do you know how many billions/trillions of dollars in grants have been given to scientists because of climate change over the year? To say that there's no financial motivation is incredibly naive and ignorant. Most of those results supporting climate change are just models based on historic data, there's no way to prove/falsify their findings until we actually get to those points in time and they have a huge problem in reproducibility.

Fossil fuel corporations are poor innocent young boys. They dindu nuffin wrong! They need hundreds of billions in subsidies just to barely scrape by! Now do your part as a patriotic tax payer and fork over your yearly $120 fossil fee so papa Woods and his impoverished friends can upkeep their $10+mil a year salaries.

>Do you know how many billions/trillions of dollars in grants have been given to scientists because of climate change over the year?

>From FY 1993 to FY 2014, government reports show that annual spending on “climate science” grew from $1.31 billion to $2.66 billon, for a total of $42.49 billion.

$40 billion over the last 20 years oh no! fossil fuels over the same time frame have been subsidized for between 60-100 billion a year, literally trillions of dollars total. fossil fuel conglomerates have spent more tax payer money pumping out purposeful misinformation and propaganda to keep their profits growing than the sum total of all climate science funding over the past 20 years, but keep believing scientists are somehow the evil greedy bad guys.