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>you now remember that jewtuber who made "basedlo" shirts



>imagine getting three of those shirts printed


would ehrenreich even come back for a part 2? i'd be down just to get more drama/rumors about his bad acting while on set

Solo was a pretty inonffensive adventure movie, I liked better than 7 and 8. I'm down for a sequel.

Remember when Yea Forums was raided by /pol/, and /pol/ kept posting links to reddit spoilers that turned out to be exaggerated and untrue, and then kept riling themselves up, because /pol/ wanted to ruin the movie, because tards thought it'd some how kill the jews at Disney? So then /pol/ kept shrieking S O Y L O and shill with zero self awareness? I 'member.

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Yea Forums review bombing Rotten Tomatoes to try and lower the score.

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The best part was when it backfired on /pol/ and jews decided that as a result that white men in leading roles were box office poison, so then /pol/ kept shrieking in response :


since the actor playing Han was Jewish despite that Harrison Ford was part jewish and /pol/ would normally adopt a one drop policy.

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They're right. Solo was good, it just took the fall for TLJ.

at least they want a sequel to the best one out of all the nu-wars movies

>another solo

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I hate Rogue One and The Last Jedi, but Solo is truly kino. Not lying, dude, they even make the feminist droid a joke.

But they already overexplained everything about Solo in the first movie

THey'll have to make new stuff for a new movie

You know they can't do that

I hate when Americans use yass or aye it's Scottish words please don't associate those words with them faggots thank you please.

Aye aye.

I'll stop using Scottish words when you stop using Arab heroin

But that's the best kind.

They're trying to sell them

They can only stoop...SOLO

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Literally nobody is asking for this

I second this. I wouldn't call it kino but it was the best Nu Wars by far.


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World War I in space was interesting and one of the better parts of the film, but it makes a lot of sense being there since the original was partly based on WWII.

yeah, that was a red letter day comrade

There it is. He said it everyone

SOLO was a cute movie desu

>first Star Wars movie ever to lose money for the studio
>these lizard people think it will get a sequel just because they got a hashtag trending on Twitter

I hope they make Solo 2 just because I love seeing Disney lose money on bad Star Wars movies.

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