What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Everyone who ever cared about classic monster movies is head.

Trying to turn 80 year old horror movies into capeshit action flicks might have been the first misstep.

>80% of the cast is white males
How did they get away with It?

Is Russel Crowe finally going to move from a 1 bedroom to 2 bedroom apartment with this paycheck?

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head of what?

>Russel Crowe obviously had a cane in the picture and they lazily shopped it out
holy shit it's impressive how little effort/forethought was put into this

he unironically stands like that in real life

No Marvel logo. Otherwise it would be a hit.

Instead of making capeshit-tier action movies, just make low-budget remakes of the original films and then do a capeshit style team up at the end if you really want to

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not to mention they digitally upsized tom cruise

Pretty sure that's the plan now.

A hot and perfect goddess Mummy who wants to fuck the protag and live as god and goddess together, who rejects her at every turn for the sake of a bitch he fucked as part of a trickery, while being characterized throughout as entirely self-serving... there's a flaw there.

I can fix their movie, by the way. Very easily. Tom Cruise gives in to her at the end. Doing so opens Pandora's Box like the eclipse in Berserk. Tom and Mummyfu become mostly ethereal forces of evil lurking in the shadows and Prodigium now has a real reason to exist, to purge the world of the evil that their union has unleashed into it.

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Have you ever seen original movies?
Invisible Man details a train.
Franks lab blows up.
The Mummy is turned into dust in a special effect.
Whole set from Bride of Frankenstein is made from scrach.

These were NOT cheap by any mean, they had huge budgets and special effects for 1930s horrors. That's why they were successful. Nobody remembers other horrors from 30s because they were cheap shit.

Never announce your universe before the first movie is out. That just makes people roll their eyes. Godzilla is the only person who understood.

They had no MCU logo. With MCU logo it would be 700M boxoffice and 94%RT with consensus like:
>"With thrilling action and spectacular stunts, The Mummy offers a new take on a popular monster story, bringing an old school adventure into modern era."

I remember laughing like a madman at dracula untold because this fella says like 4 different times "let the games begin!", like, it's like, some poor bastard trying to start some epic plan or something but nothing happens so he just say it again later but nothing happens again, so he just keep saying it in hopes his shitty one-liner would have sense now

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>Gaius Julius Caesar
what the fuck? this guy was that caesar?

Hubris. Saying you've got a universe going without a single successful movie makes audiences wary. And I thought The Mummy with Tom Cruise was pretty good, aside from some parts that drag in the middle. Still, when your movie is called "The Mummy" and the titular monster isn't even the main draw, you done fucked up as a studio.


Marvel got it to work by spending like 5 years having cameos and end-credits scenes hinting at a shared universe before they did Avengers.

They dumbed the Mummy movie down even below normal action movie standards in an effort to get the Asian market. Western audiences just don't have any interest in Bay Transformers or Fast&Furious tier movies, and the Mummy was in that FastFormers niche.

The Mummy, as a character, wasn't main draw since 1950s. They started to focus these movies on retarded action guys then.
1st movie was all about mummy and his lover, I'm talking about movie with Boris Karloff. Later movies (40-60s) turned mummy into a brainless killing monster and then they went totally away with Indiana Jones wannabe guys.

Btw read Dracula by Bram Stoker. You will be disappointed by how little attention this legendary vampire is given there.

Yeah but nowadays you can do all that stuff with 20-30 million and guarantee yourself a huge profit

i honestly loved this guy. dude was primo creep. the vlad actor is kinda meh

well, that went dark, quick

>And I thought The Mummy with Tom Cruise was pretty good,
Same. And it was pretty brave for a blockbuster, exploring few dark themes. She killed a baby, there were islamic terrorists and sort of necrophilia too. No idea why it wasn't R-rated.
Avengers are mentioned at the end of Ironman. Pretty much suggesting it right in the 1st movie.

They tried to turn kino horror stories into capeshit. Dracula is the only good one.

Technically everything involving undead creatures, ghosts, spirits or something like that falls into horror by definition.

user you are now in control of the DarkUniverse, How do you plan to save it? if you don't save it, your mother will be kill in her sleep.

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The new movies themselves aren't that good, and even if they were, there's no clear reason to set them in the same universe, or have them cross over with each other.

Drastically lower the budget while keeping Tom Cruise. CGI him if he's too old and decrepit. For some reason he has a core audience that is guaranteed to turn out for him, so if the budget is low enough then you'll be sure to make a net gain.

Marvel has the only proven strategy, so borrow from them, but without making superhero movies. Rein in the scope and tell smaller stories. If the films have to be connected, start out by making them tenuously linked to each other. For example, maybe Dr. Frankenstein has a breakthrough in reanimation because he learns about how Imhotep was mummified, or something. As they pick up steam, you can eventually just make each new movie a sequel of the last one, like Marvel has done.

Wow, two tweets before it all pooped itself.

>No idea why it wasn't R-rated.

The big studios can get pretty much anything by the MPAA so long as it isn't inarguably present like nudity and cursing. They break it down into absurd details and then make quibble over them, like how many frames are in a shot, or exactly how much blood is seen and what color is it, changing the temperature / saturation. They end up making seemingly massive changes that really don't make any difference at all as far as the big picture. You still have a movie where awful things happen, but because you see 22 frames instead of 36, and deaths are bloodless, except for one scene where the blood is an off shade of red, it's PG-13.

head at Sneeds Feed and Seed

No soul, just "let's copy Marvel, that'll be enough."

I think my Mummy rewrite is simple and brilliant to be honest.

Would Cruise or his handlers let him become a villain?

I like Cruise Mummy film.
hate away. dont care

They didnt bother making a movie anyone gave a shit about first like the original iron man that kicked off the MCU

Probably not and from what I heard the bulk of Mummy was going to focus on Ahmanet even more but he came in with his self-sponsored script rewriters and added more focus on him and whatnot. Went from a story primarily focused on Ahmanet to having more of a 50/50 balance.

If true, Tom and his rigid ideas of what his brand should be and his hubris and thinking him and the people in his pocket are the endgame authority on movie writing fucked over poor Sofia's breakout movie.

It has flaws but it was vastly over-criticized and has plenty of really solid stuff too. And a ton of great practical effects.

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Why would you "laugh like a mad man" at something that isnt funny? Are you retarded?

No, they wouldn't, and therein lies the problem with The Mummy.

Tom Cruise took over the production entirely. Novice director was steamrolled. Brought in his own screenwriters to beef his character up from merely sharing equal screen time with the mummy, to a young, hard-changing, Tom Cruisian hero who's well known to be great at sex.

I make each film--Mummy, Wolfman, Bride of Frankenstein--increasingly dark and horrific, with Russell Crowe's Dr. Jekyll gradually becoming more sinister over time. By the time Frankenstein's monster is created and The Creature From The Black Lagoon shows up, it's clear that whatever Jekyll is presiding over, it's not some Avengers-tier hero team. At the end of The Mummy II, Dr. Jekyll succumbs to his dark side and Mr. Hyde emerges, and declares that his assembled monsters will be enemies of mankind. Dracula emerges from hiding and partners with Mr. Hyde, and together they plan terrible vengeance on the world of men.

Then, just as all seems bleakest, a silver cross gleams in the darkness. Oh, my, who's this?

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Idk I definitely would laugh at your life and probably isn't funny either

>Tom Cruisian hero who's well known to be great at sex
Ironic you say that considering the blonde literally-who-cares bitch at the start emasculates him in that regard.

>Dark universe
>no black people
What did they mean by this?

La Familia vs Dark Universe when?

That's a real fucking stretch. No one at the time actually thought an Avengers movie would come any time soon, or that thered be this cancerous yearly capeshit movie cycle.

This, also Based