How will it do?

How will it do?

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>Budget: 41 million USD

There's literally 4 threads on Yea Forums right now about upcoming movies and 2 of them are for starwars. fuck this gay board.

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Not well because Elton is still alive. He has to die, then public opinion has to turn to yearning. No one gives a shit about an Elton John movie. he is alive and you can still see him perform if you wanted to.

People still give enough of a fuck about him to see him 50+ times in concert in spite of it being the same each and every time.

That said, finally saw him a year ago in concert and it was bretty gud.

It'll do fine.

the movie NOBODY ASK FOR. really, who the fuck cares about elton john? unless its a dead musician, no one cares enough to watch a movie about them, theyre alive, old and lost their mojo decades ago.

and this fucking actor is annoying as fuck, dont understand why meme him into a star.

I was gonna take my mom to it since she likes Elton but then I read there's a scene with buttfucking in it and I doubt she's gonna wanna see that.

What a miscast

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>fan of Elton John
>bothered by homosexuality

this is the problem with arts and entertaiment nowadays: just because you enjoy the content of a creator it means you should embrace all the rest.

nobody wanna watch two dudes butt fucking each other on a movie, only pseudo art movies do that - for the sake of faggotry only most cases.

Yeah, but that's a live concert, this is just movie, and it doesn't even have Elton John himself in it.

what's the dramatic arc here. i mean elton john has been world-conqueringly successful since 1970, he's like the wealthiest fucker in british music history. has he suffered any real ups and downs? tough childhood? i know he made a shitty disco album somewhere along the way but that's all

wrong kind of rocket

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it's not like he's buttfucking a man live on stage while signing crocodile rock ya fuckin' idiot. you can enjoy the music and not want to see him get his colon blown out on the big screen.

Based and Rocketpilled

what if its tasteful buttfucking

300 mil domestic, not sure about worldwide.
I hate biopics, especially music biopics. so formulaic and oscar baity

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I wasn't really interested until I saw that it was legit straight up just a fucking musical.

I just looked it up. It looks like he doesn't get happiness from his success until the end when he performs his own way.

>this is the problem with arts and entertaiment nowadays: just because you enjoy the content of a creator it means you should embrace all the rest.
If it was something that wasn't faggotry all you retards would be seething about an untruthful depiction of someone's life.
Not saying any movie should be nonstop buttfucking, even a straight man's life story shouldn't be that way. But people should be portrayed as they are regardless, warts and all.

you know what's a good elton john track

"are you ready for love"

sex isnt tasteful in real life, between a man and a woman.

i would give some credit to a director that had the balls to explore the fuck up side of gay people - like getting a fist inside your ass, deep inside your ass and them getting out full of shit.

i used to be on a facebook community of artsy fartsy movies for the sake of one good new movie or another and there is a bunch of 'art movies' that are just twink porn.

they dont even try.

honestly, dont even care, what surprises me the most is thinking that elton john is an interesting character to begin with.

even as a kid, on the 90s, i have the vibe that his content was for what would become 'boomers'. and the way he used to dress, so fucking pathetic and annoying.

i can get the hype around queen, elton john sounds simply aleatory.

drugs and faggotry

>Freddie in 2018
>Elton John in 2019
Who's next?

I'm also interested in the tracks actually being sung rather than just lifting the vocals straight from Elton like a certain other movie did

Eh all music related movies are trash compared to motley crues the dirt. They are possibly the most fucked up group. You cant top them. So everything else is trash

John Lennon?

They fucking better never make a big budget Beatles biopic. It's not possible to do without fucking up. The only way to do it right is make John look like a piece of shit and they'll never do that.

Nah it's gotta be a faggot of some kind if it's gonna be a white man. It's illegal to glorify any straight white man, didn't you know they're all pedophiles, abusers, and junkies?

Graham Chapman should be next. He's actually a really cool gay guy, not a faggot.

But that movie was dog shit user.

its gonna make bank