Movies about ridiculously impossible themes?

LOL can you even imagine this??

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lol. i lost my virginity when i was 11, lmao!

>lol. i lost my virginity when i was 11, lmao!
Where are you from, Sierra Leone?

getting fucked in your ass by your dad isn't the same as inserting your cock into a wet, tight vag

da Hood aka Jewish Suburbia. got laid at my friends barmitzfah


lost my virginity at 15, had a long term gf at 30
now 36 and havent had sex in years

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honestly too fucking lazy to care at this point

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Was just gonna post something like this. Just because you lost your virginity in high school (which is easy as fuck, if you can't get pussy in hs good luck out there in the real world) doesn't mean you can't be an incel

haha can you imagine?

>20 year old virgins
oh, so this is a high fantasy movie?

i wish i was normal

i lost it at a brothel in europe
got pussy in college/grad school but since i just gave up

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I lost mine to a fat girl, wasn't too bad really.

h-haha i totally don't dream about cuddling up with a girl every night and her resting her head on my shoulders as we both drift off to sleep, content and happy almost every night.
y-yeah that only happens to weird people r-right guys? certainly doesn't happen to a normal person like m-me.

You lost your virginity when the rabbi sucked the blood off your penis

>Jews still bother to come here
y tho

im uncut

Put on pants, whore

I got absolutely fucking destroyed in the last thread for having goofed a clear chance to fuck.

I'm trying not to think about it now, but I fucked up something terrible.

Anyway how y'all feel about clipping.

damn i remember being 18 and seeing this same shitpost and thinking it wouldnt be me
now im 21

More like molested.

Remember that sex is evil and that the world have too many people in it, stop having sex and kill more people please.

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Fuck that's hot

by a blonde chick with big tits

Ive blown a lot of chances to get laid. I was once approached by a cute girl dressed as Lola Bunny who put her rabbit ears on me and started talking me up but I was too drunk. Some really cute girl at a club with her friends started playing truth or dare with my buddy and I and was eyefucking me hard after she dared me to dance with a girl she chose. I was at a karaoke bar and approached a girl and chatted her up a bit, gave her some compliments and she kissed me on the lips and grabbed my head but I for some reason got shy about that and bailed on her. Of course there are innumerable fat girls who have tried to bang me and I did get drunk and let some girl with bigs tits but a Shrek face blow me a little. It happens. Learn from it because clearly I havent. I keep going for bartenders I think are into me but turn out to not be.

This is the true mark of a virgin. Actually sleeping with a girl is hell. Don’t get me wrong I like the companionship and muh love but that part I can do without.

Sauce m'lad?

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>tfw 21 and haven’t had sex since high school
My virginity grew back.

what's so bad about it? honestly I'll take anything to make that dream go away.

>He didn't fucked girls during high school
>He didn't fucked shemales and traps during his 20's
It's just your fault, bro, it's not as hard as some people try to do, and yet, sex is not so magic too, just have some fun, but look for something more special and fuck this special person for years.

h-haha could you imagine actually having someone from the opposite gender want to get close enough to you to lay their head on your shoulder lmao

I feel you. Haven’t had sex since 18 and now I’m basically a born again virgin

IMPORTANT QUESTION: does receiving bj count as losing your virginity? what about "just the tip"?

No, yes

so even if she swallows the load every day for a year i'm still a virgin?

Yeah, haha. Can you imagine them being all wriggly and squirmy and shifting position every five seconds and breathing really loudly and snoring and keeping you up until 5am with their mere intolerable existance?

Eat a salad some time fattie.

god, wish I had a gf like you sexy lady

Based sociopath

Could you fuck me with that pantie bulge momma?

There is nothing wrong with being Jewish.

yah, id rather keep my virtue.

Daily Reminder

sex outside of wedlock is wrong

would still fuck, sadly

>tfw lost my virginity last month at 18 yrs old
epic style hope to do it again some day

nice, good job

Its possible you might be gay

I actually used to put myself to sleep on these thoughts, but now I just can't anymore.
All my desire for women just disappeared for some reason

this post gave me aids. why do non-virgins always say this inane shit? do you think what you're going through is comparable to *never* having the experience? I hate the "incel" label but you misunderstand the actual weight behind it
these cunts too. yes i'm seething

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i wanna FUCK that belly button

vore me mommy i wanna be cuddled in your tummy owo

i wanna watch star vs the forces of evil with you

Have sex incel

What are some movies where the hero is force to serve the villain?

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Bro faggot, people like you always talk like that and then get their first lay and heartbreak and lose their minds missing the easier days when they didn’t know what they were missing.
You have no idea.

Sure, but recognize that being a virgin at 30 or something is it's own incomparable nightmare. Especially if you've lost it in high school. It's easy to look back on before you lose your virginity fondly, especially if you were like 15, but you can never relate to the state of mind of never losing it at an obscene age. So stop trying.

This but I imagine the girl is my imaginary big sister from a reality where she didnt die in miscarriage


Man the harpoons!