Valery "Lava Guy" Legasov edition
/RBMK/ General
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I am not prepared to shitpost at this time.
oh i get it now. it's funny because the machine doesn't ever work properly despite being large, loud, and expensive
Why didn't you put "Chernobyl" in the title OP?
>All the people who dived into radioactive water are alive
How? Wasn`t that a big point that they are sacrificing themselves?
To trigger faggots like you.
So how the fuck did it explode anyway? Was there ever a confirmed reason
Is there an irl source for Akimov's face falling off?
Graphite displace water
rod too hot
Probably a throwback to Mad Men threads, in which Jarred Harris had a role
It worked. IT WORKED!
Core-Chan overheated.
I've just got round to watching this. It is okay but I really do not like the direction.
The poor direction is affecting the acting too (which may also be a script problem).
But it is okay
core-chan squirt when the tip of the control rods entered inside of her
What do you mean by direction? It follows real life events
Specific directorial issues?
big chad graphite dick penetrated core-chan's virgin pussy and she burst open. if you travel to pripyat today, you can still hear her moaning
It wasn't as radioactive as they thought it was because most of the water was below the fire and the fuel hadn't burned down into it yet. It was believed to be a suicide mission, lucky for them, it wasn't suicidal just yet,but it probably would have been within a day or two.
Fires burn mostly up, up the actual meltdown hadn't started yet because the cores waste heat and neutron flux were escaping into the open air poisoning the whole goddamned world, but not yet poisoning the water leaking below.
It's written by the guy who wrote scream 4 if that tells you anything.
Still good tho
Stop posting this shit meme autistic
what a pleb
>In high school my physics class had a field trip to the nearby nuclear power plant
>They brought us into the mock control room they use for training
>We got split into groups & each group was assigned to one part of the control room
>End up being assigned to something gay like the emergency diesel generators
>The simulation they ran was just normal operations so my group does nothing for 20 minutes
>Get bored, walk over to another station (I think it had something to do with the turbines?) & convince a friend to do something that will justify us turning on the generators
>Alarm bleeps, we turn on the emergency generators, it stops
>Well that was enthralling
>Wait another ~20 minutes
>Dying of boredom
>Trade places with someone doing water
>Turn off all the water
>Alarms start going off
>Everyone at the other stations start intentionally fucking their shit up as well
>Simulation ends in a meltdown
Solid 3.6/10 field trip.
Based and corechanpilled
First episode was badly directed and written.
Second episode is better.
It's not even remotely an exceptional piece of TV, but it's okay.
Thought I wouldn't enjoy it as much as I do now based on the first episode, but it's been steadily getting better as it goes.
Love the scene with the miners patting the guy on his clean suit as cliche as it felt.
>they work in the dark so they see everything
Love lines like this.
RBMK reactors do not explode
discord trannies invading the thread
this man is delusional
Can I get an invite to this discord?
>I really should have worn my black suit today
>Do you feel in charge?
Apparently lowering all rods at once INCREASES the temperature initially. Thanks to the positive power coefficient (more heat -> more power) of the RMBK reactor, pressing the emergency button started a chain reaction that resulted in a steam explosion within the core. The test they were running involved disabling some safety controls, so it's a combination of poor timing, ignoring orders (they were supposed to let the reactor rest an entire day before starting the experiment, but they didn't), lazy engineering (positive power coefficient), and plain old human error. Basically, everything that could have gone wrong went wrong that night.
>being this pleb
It is visually bleak, it literally has the colour palette of fucking Derrick. I like to think that it is by design, I mean if you did it with a flamboyant Fincheresque style like Mr Robot has done for example, I don't think it would improve the show that much.
Is this what happens when you get irradiated when pregnant?
i love this webm
Do you feel in charge?
>I-I'm the Minister of Coal...
>And that gives you power over me?
I'm Chernobyl's reckoning
>Yea Forums says the show is some kino drama with paranormal elements, S.t.a.l.k.e.r HBO style
>Watch three episodes, no deminsonal kino, no monsters, no psychological horror or even physical horror
>Only bullshit against collectivism amd "mah intelligent and courageous womah!"
This board specializes in cringe and disappointment, kys redditors and nigger lovers.
RMBK reactors are fundamentally flawed in that they have a positive heat coefficient. What this means is that as the reactor gets hotter, the chain reaction increases.
Not to go too far into it, as they were doing a safety test the reactor started to go prompt critical. Because they had almost all of the control rods out and insufficient cooling as it went prompt critical they scrammed the reactor to keep it from getting out of control.
However RMBK control rods have a graphite tip on them. As they inserted the rods the graphite moderator in combination with the coolant boiling off accelerated the reaction rather than decrease it. This cause the coolant water to split and the the heat to further increase resulting in a hydrogen explosion, followed by the core going supercritical and exploding.
epic bait
Delusional people everywhere.
I am afraid that the RBMK reactor core will be quite operational when your friends arrive.
>It was not too late to stop the experiment and carefully manually reduce the reactor power while the core was intact. But this chance was missed, and the trials began. It should be emphasized that all operators, except Toptunov and Akimov, who were still embarrassed by the data of the computer, were calm and confident in their actions. Dyatlov was also calm.
>At 1 hours 23 minutes the parameters of the reactor were closest to stable. A minute before this, Boris Stolyarchuk, a senior unit control engineer, sharply reduced the feedwater flow to the separator drums, which naturally led to an increase in the water temperature at the reactor inlet. At 1 hours 23 minutes 04 seconds, the senior turbine control engineer Igor Kershenbaum, at the command of G. P. Metlenko: “The oscilloscope is on!” Closed the throttle stop valves of the eighth turbine, and the generator rotor began to run out. At the same time, the “MPA” button (maximum design basis accident) was pressed. Thus, both the seventh and eighth turbos were turned off. The existing emergency protection of the reactor to shut down two turbines was blocked to be able to repeat the tests if the first attempt was unsuccessful. Thereby, another deviation from the test program was made, in which it was not envisaged to block the emergency protection of the reactor to shut off two turbine units.
Who are Metlenko and Kershenbaum?
Reminder if it's not a butter and caviar sandwich you can fuck off.
Everyone she loves dies.
I feel like the memes wouldn't be nearly as good if this guy wasn't the spitting image of Ben Mendhelsson
>I really should have worn my brown pants today
But she doesn't die. She'll be around for another 50,000 years.
So, once you have uranium with high enough enrichment (on the order of 10% is good enough for reactors, while weaponry requires nearly 100%), you can pack this uranium fuel into rods. Fuel rods.
Remember how I said the neutron capture cross-section of uranium-235 is really high? That don't mean shit if the atoms of uranium-235 are too far apart for their fission neutrons to reach each other. This is why enrichment is necessary. The uranium-235 atoms are packed much closer together and the likelihood of the fission neutrons reaching it becomes much higher.
So, the other problem is that my claim of the neutron capture cross section of uranium-235 being high is only true when the neutrons aren't moving fast. After a uranium-235 atom fissions, it is going REALLY fucking fast. This requires something called moderation. Some other atoms have high elastic scattering cross-sections. Elastic scattering is when an atom collides with another atom and loses energy, and thus loses speed. Moderation materials are chosen based upon this cross-section.
The next problem comes in that you want to be able to control the reaction. You don't want the reaction to go out of control, so you choose an isotope with a high neutron capture cross section that doesn't make more neutrons like uranium-235 does. You fashion this material into rods that control the reaction (control rods) by pushing them between the fuel rods or pulling them out, depending on if you want the reaction to slow down or speed up. You want to reach a point where the reaction is steady (equal amounts of neutrons being generated and lost).
So, with your neutrons moderated, and a steady nuclear reaction happening, you can finally do the thing that nuclear reactors were built for: generate a fuck-ton of heat. You then use this heat to turn water into steam, and push a turbine to create some static electricity.
And that's the basics of nuclear reactor theory.
>nigger lovers
This might be the only show without black people for the rest of HBO’s history.
So what happened to the core currently? is it still heating up but inside a containment building which Legasov said should be built around it? or did that shit stop reacting?
Were woman actually that highly educated in the USSR or is HBO just trying to fill their feminism quota?
You're... pure coal
It melted down, but the chain reaction ended decades ago.
Whats left of the core material is in place slowly decaying. It's still really fucking 'hot' in terms of radiation thanks to all the remaining uranium and daughter products.
Everybody was educated in the USSR
Yes, ffs
It's actually pretty common in authoritarian regimes to see women in near parity with men in the sciences and certain professions
I'd like to be a night janitor. Everyone leaves me alone, just chilling in comfy-ass Pripyat, mopping floors, getting my prick sucked by my slav wife in our ugly-ass apartment
living the dream
Even Ivan the silly?
>positive power coefficient (more heat -> more power)
That's not what those terms are/mean.
Having a positive "void" coefficient means that when liquid water forms "voids" or bubbles where it becomes gaseous steam, it results in more neutrons at speeds appropriate for causing more fission events. Thus as heat release causes more voids from increased boiling rates, the heat release rate increases further, feeding more voids, etc. in a "positive" feedback manner.
The soviets gave free education to women and encouraged them to join the workforce, I think they were the first to grant women high positions in government or something.
I'm necessary coal.
B & IP
Is everyone okay? it's a pretty dead thread. kinda spooky
it's reached an equilibrium of sorts and somewhere around 400k pounds of material are sitting in the remains of the reactor.
look up "corium", it's currently slowly decaying and turning into a dust that leaches out of the poorly built sarcophagus
Where is everyone?
Nuclear physicists and engineers have to sleep to wake up early in the morning, you know, wagecuck shit.
Trying to fill a quota. On the podcast, they admit to most physicists in the Soviet Union being men, where as a lot of doctors were women.
might be because people can't find it with Chernobyl in the title desu
Why was Pripyat hospital which is right next to a nuclear power plant not equipped to deal with radiation poisoning?
It's what happened when you grew up homeless huffing glue in the 90's.
>spicy rocks did this
Anyone have a clip of this scene?
a running theme in communist countries is not really thinking these things through that far
I'm thinking pizza for dinner. dominos or pizza hut?
Ananenko last year.
Our official sponsor, of course.
Back in the day, when something was glowing with radiation it was green, but in reality, it's a calming cool looking blue hue.
not to mention the assembly that lowered the coolant rods got warped and stopped lowering once the graphite was in. notice the scene where dyatlov comes back and says he lowered them manually and they say they're still not lowered
this has been in my recommended for 2 years straight
sure, but we're one day away from a three day weekend
no one is doing shit tomorrow
>Naked chad miner.... nothing better then digging a tunnel with your bros, cocks flapping in the air
N-No homo
Because, normally, nuclear reactors don't explode.
That happy atom glow.
Okay cool video bro. You can stop spamming it now we've all seen it
lmao what did the plant operators think
kekus maximus
>okay but can you be more specific
i haven't but i'm not clicking
Poor Ignatenko :(
Core chan had a massive organism when they shoved the rods in
Tell me user, how does an RBMK reactor explode?
I'm not prepared to explain it at this time.
Has anyone visited an ex-communist country, or lives in one?
Shit doesn't get built organically like it does in the west, everything is planned in advance for an intended purpose, which might not necessarily ever be fulfilled.
I stayed in a hotel in the Tatras Mountains in Slovakia last year, and the soviet influence was pretty obvious. It had these huge long corridors with no doors leading off them, seemingly just there for the sake of it. Also lots of huge empty ballrooms with chandeliers gathering dust, stuff that was built with clearly no profit in mind, just to look impressive
It was a nice hotel actually, just very different from a western one.
Has there been a more alpha character in the show so far?
I'm tired of people criticizing shit and then posting nothing to back up their claims, how exactly was is badly directed?
it didn't, you're delusional
>It's not even remotely an exceptional piece of TV, but it's okay.
Did you expect Valery to pick up some spicy rocks and hand them to each member of his team because they are a sigil of his house?
That's like in the show. Everything's fucking huge but no one to inhabited it all.
Imagine what Ignatenko's cock looked like towards the end
Shock, delusional, etc...
someone pressed the whopper button
jesus his testicles probably dissolved in his sack then his sack probably fell off from the weight of the liquid remains of his tecicles
no but a couple of gamma characters though
What happened to the roof fire?
>So what happened to the core currently?
its literally gone. when people finally when into what was left of the reactor hall and looked around all that was left was the ubs and all the warped pressure tubes. a lot of the graphite stack burned up, but there's pictures of the ubs with some of it still there. the actual fuel melted into the lower floor and interacted with other materials and turned into corium lava.
I too find it shallow and pedantic. Very Kafka-esque
Honey, don't worry, it's only tar on the roof
Lads, I actually begin training to be a nuclear engineer soon, if nothing changes.
Did Legasov have cancer?
going into the Navy or studying it at Uni?
Probably like an hot-dog let 3 months on a garden in the summer.
/ourguy/ returns next episode
No he killed himself because he had a nosebleed
Is it true that the Roose gets loose in the last episode?
People killed themselves for less than that.
My wife is a nuclear engineer, if you can get through there's lots of jobs across the complex.
Good luck, and study hard for thermal hydraulics 'cause that shit is the fucking devil.
TFW you get a nosebleed
I mean the bloody tissue is a common trope but is it actually true he killed himself because of cancer? I cant find any source on that. Plenty of people he was with are still alive today.
>kkrrrchhh 50,000 smoothskins used to live here. Now its a ghoul town.
Navy. Here's hoping I don't get sent to Iran to saber rattle, and get killed by a missile.
The KGB got to him...
Thank you. I will keep that in mind.
Punished Dyatlov: a man denied his caviar and butter sandwich
Legasov was kida a feely guy, wrote poems to his wife in the past. Relatives said that after Chernobyl he became pretty depressed/apathetic.
In 88 legasov tried to form
a science accountability committee, commies told him to fuck off.
His immune system was fucked up because of the radiation, and he was an old man. Literally any disease could easily kill him.
uh. the firefighters put it out. can you imagine if it spread to the other reactors and they had had 4 meltdowns and not just one?
Nukes have it pretty rough in the Navy, but they get huge re-enlistment bonuses because job prospects in the civilian job market are so good after you get out.
Nuke school is tough with a high wash out rate, but study hard and you'll do fine.
best of luck, komrade
No prob. That might also just be my tastes with the classes, though, to be completely fair.
At least in my degree program, you didn't use too much quantum after quantum, so unless you plan on going into the more nitty gritty physics, just get through that class, as well. Though again, that is just from my experience.
The engineers had a fun time directing people how to respond to the unnecessary crises we were creating before the entire class went full nihilist. After the simulation I think they said something along the lines of "Well, that's the exact opposite of what you're supposed to do". Field trips weren't really a common thing for the plant & the only reason we got one was because one of the engineers' kids was in my class. I think they accepted that high school Physics II students would be inclined towards trying to blow up a power plant simulation instead of running it out for the full X amount of hours.
>The direction is bad because the direction is bad.
hahaha thank goodness for our tip top fire fighters. Let's drink to their health!
Why haven't you guys started working at a nuclear power plant after seeing this
Why didn't they just throw some ice on it?
sounds boring desu. id rather just play stalker again.
/our job/
no one in the USSR can afford ice
Because that would mean having to suffer through some incredibly fucking boring stem degree
How come no one ever touched the elephant foot to see what it feels like? What would happen?
>suffer through some incredibly fucking boring stem degree
my life rn
Ice was scarce, like every thing in Soviet Russia.
>tfw it wasn't some retarded Michael Bay blockbuster pilot episode of a 10 season series
god damn carlos
it'd be like the firefighter who picked up the graphite but quicker and much worse
>Why didn't they just throw some ice on it?
>quote from angry reactor: don't tell me to chill out!
>Boiling water makes steam
>Steam is less dense than water
>Less density=less neutron absorption
>Also means less neutron moderation from water
>But wait... Control rods are graphite tipped
>Graphite is ultimate neutron moderator
>SCRAM/Emergency shutdown inserts shutdown rods tipped with... graphite
>graphite displaces water that isn't as good as moderating neutrons (relative to graphite)
>Water starts to boil off due to temp/power excursion
>localized steam voids
>Steam absorbs less neutrons, therefore power and temp goes up
>therefore more flashing of water to steam
>therefore more power and temp goes up
>mfw this happens in quadrillioniths of a second in a vicious feedback loop
>mfw I have no face because a steam explosion melted it
Why didn't they just the Night King to freeze it?
Next episode will be about the biorobots.
But why in god's name were the control rods graphite tipped? Is this a standard design?
Why were the control rods graphite tipped?
Because I was a Reactor operator in the navy, and people who work in the Nuclear Power industry are massive autists and assholes who hate their lives. Seriously, don't ever pick this job if you ever value a job with job satisfaction or a normal sleep schedule
>"historically accurate" documentary
>Dyatlov, Akimov, Kirshenbaum, Toptuniov, Brazhnik, Proskuryakov, Kudryavstev shown and given lines in the control room
>Gazin, Sergei Nikolaevich - From shift 16:00–24:00, stayed to watch the test, in control room at desk T with Kirshenbaum at the moment of explosion
>Lysyuk, G.V. - At the moment of the explosion in the control room; in charge of issuing the simulated Maximum Projected Accident signal on Metlenko's command
>Metlenko, Gennady Petrovich - At the moment of explosion present with two assistants in the N area of the control room, at the oscillographs; supposed to monitor the slowdown rate of the spinning down turbo generator, and its electrical characteristics, worked together with Kirshenbaum; after the explosion sent to help in the turbine hall but sent back from there
>Stolyarchuk, Boris - Present in the control room, desk P, at the moment of the explosion, controlling the feedwater and deaerator mechanisms
Completely cut from the story
How come they didn't show the face of the guy that looked into the core after Dyatlov got sick?
why what's unsatisfying about it and bad
>The role of the graphite section, known as "displacer," is to enhance the difference between the neutron flux attenuation levels of inserted and retracted rods, as the graphite displaces water that would otherwise act as a neutron absorber, although much weaker than boron carbide; a control rod channel filled with graphite absorbs fewer neutrons than when filled with water, so the difference between inserted and retracted control rod is increased. When the control rod is fully retracted, the graphite displacer is located in the middle of the core height, with 1.25 m of water at each of its ends. The displacement of water in the lower 1.25 m of the core as the rod moves down causes a local increase of reactivity in the bottom of the core as the graphite part of the control rod passes that section.
Is it true you suffered health issues due to your time around a reactor?
t.Someone from /k/
They filled it but said it was too much gore or something
Long story short, it could allow them to shape and control where fuel would be burned at a higher rate throughout the core. Early in core life, you burn some of the core fuel more than others. There is a long physics discussion on the composition of a fuel cell and mixing in short and long lived poisons to maximize the lifetime of the fuel. This also requires the rods to be arranged in different positions throughout core life.
That's gay. Should've held nothing back it's HBO ffs
You think these anons are autistic enough?
>long live Core-chan, may her rage long burn hot and clean. Do not anger that which burns in the depths, it burns for thee
I thought they took care of the roof fire
Why didn't the soviets ask the Eagles to help them?
This man is asking the real questions
Nah, we wear dosimeters and TLDs that are read semi regularly, and the amount of radiation received is laughably low. Like, If I wore that same TLD on a flight from Seattle to Miami, it would record more radiation on that flight than my entire 5 years in Reactor Department.
You just have very little time off, and your work isn't satisfying. If you work around Jets, it can be cool seeing them take off and shit, or maybe you can occasionally ride in a helicopter. If you're a MA you can shoot .50 cal machine guns off the ship. If you work in Reactor Department, you train for drills, drills, and more drills. It sounds cool at first, like firefighting, but in practice you are pretending to spray a hose at a person holding a picture of a flag, but you have to completely be in character like Chernobyl itself is happening around you. Also the duty days are like twice as often as other people in the navy.
Is it true that military nuclear facilities are filled with hidden plastic army men to keep watch on the equipment?
Trust me, the people who post on Yea Forums are unironically the type of people who operate the nuclear reactors for submarines and aircraft carriers. We get the occasional smart chad who joins as a nuke because he got lured in by the enlistment bonus.
>the day that an accident or situation inevitably happens where a nuclear engine on a ship/sub is compromised in small, tight quarters
I do not envy y'all
Army men, penguins, lewd drawings, everyone does their job to keep watch.
18 electrician or something
>no Chernobyl in the OP
you goofed
Worst things that could happen that would affect people would be a steam rupture (Incredibly hot steam that is also pressurized heavily instantly filling a space) or a high voltage fire (voltage is so high that it creates a plasma ball/explosion)
Coolant leaks/ruptures while serious, would occur in the reactor compartment which is completely sealed off and inaccessible when critical so no people would get hurt from that.
why didn't they nuke the nuclear plant and destroyed it?
Radiation is also called invisible fire. Both things burn tissue, but ionizing radiation actually obliterates your atoms, fire just burns off and scorches, leaving coal and ash, and a really nice smell akin to bacon.
Radiation melts you, fire scorches you. Fire is very survivable, but radiation is 200% McFucking Fucked.
That's the best idea I've ever heard. Should tell Professor Legasov that.
[ᵐᵘᶠᶠˡᵉᵈ ''ᶦᵗ ʷᵃˢ ᴰʸᵃᵗˡᵒᵛᵎ'' ᶦn ᵗʰᵉ ᵈᶦˢᵗᵃnᶜᵉ]
>Coolant leaks/ruptures while serious, would occur in the reactor compartment which is completely sealed off and inaccessible when critical so no people would get hurt from that.
c...can you eject the core?
>that grain
>the same grain you see from old pictures that were taken in a radioactive area
Nice touch
I wish
Privjet brockshti, danaov nu par ruski privjet
>Nikolai Gorbachenko - He went to the control room and with Anatoly Dyatlov went outside to survey the reactor building.
Why didn't they show Gorbachenko with Dyatlov when he went outside and saw the broken windows? This kind of contradicts the graphite scene if Dyatlov was with him and they both saw it.
It's actually quite amazing how well nature has prospered in the Chernobyl area after over 99% of the human population left it. No humans to interfere so the animal populace grew, adapted, evolved and survived to live there. Nature wins in the end, while we die like bitches.
Infirmary, NEXT!
to be fair if we didn't contain it it would have fucked them up a lot more too
now THIS is good writing.
HBO did it on purpose
And the Red Forest would have been a dead one. And to think that there are extremeophile fungus IN the reactor feeding on the radiation to survive. Radiotrophic fungus, organic life can be really crazy.
so is seeing the exposed reactor better or worse than putting your head in a microwave
Its like a chest x-ray
Well, comrade shitty opinion bait, unless you happen to have a butter and caviar sandwich, you can get the fuck out of this thread
Worse, you can recover from the microwave depending on how long your head is in it.
try both and report back
I wonder how irradiated you'd get if you ate some of that fungus
microwaves are em and non ionizing. there's actually a case where some crazy babysitter microwaved an infant child for 60 seconds and it was just badly burned and didn't suffer any any really bad damage like cognitive damage and or cancer or the like.
Probably for the sake of better film making, to not make it cartoonish with each horror one-up'ing the previous.
You can paint a horrible picture yourself at this point.
Thanks fren
I've microwaved my head before and it was fine, I've seen worse. Get him he's in delusional infirmary, terrible
29, nuclear engineer would be good. I'm not familiar with what that position entails, but I have a physics degree so I'm sure I could pick most of it up that I'm not making use of. Though I mostly studied lasers and forget a lot of the particle stuff.
22 - engineer
already had to do a fuckton of physics for my engineering degree so probably not too bad of a transition
Yes McElhatton is supposed to appear in one episode
Any fags work in radiology? Thinking of becoming a CT tech.
comrade Yea Forums explain to me what's happened to /rbmk/. i'm told there has been some sort of explosion in the core and vast amounts of memes are escaping. sweden has detected our memes and the americans are said to have taken satellite photos of our memes. to my understanding this is impossible as the reactor was built to the strictest specifications.
Dr. Cia
Unknown, since it literally eats the radiation, the stuff it excretes as shit is something else, whatever the fuck it is I don't know. Mycology is not my speciality.
post akimfu pls
>That guy who held the reactor door open is still alive
What the fuck is he made of?
The door saved him,
and he drinks a lot of vodka which helps
He was a big guy.. like 6'3'' apparently. Lots of muscle and fat. He received gamma burns from the door, among other things. He said in an interview that his bulk helped him survive, as it couldn't eat through him as fast. He had skin grafts. He also had many transfusions.
He was a big guy so all his fat and sinew tanking with his extra size large shirt providing extra reinforcement he made it.
>tfw you will never be sitting next to akimov in the control room
Or, it's nothing, comrade general secretary. An explosion of a screencap tank. They say it's an equivalent of prostate massage.
What actually happened to the guy who looked into the reactor? All wikipedia says is that he died, no specifics.
He saw the truth of denialism and entered the reality where it didnt explode.
His face got totally deformed and he died a few days later. No pics were taken.
>Spreading disinformation at a time like this
It's disgraceful really
The USSR was breaking records in number of women in the workforce back then, with women especially making up a huge percentage of doctors, I think the US only reached those numbers recently, decades behind. In that particular field they made Americans look like idiots, keeping intelligent and useful people out of universities and workforces just because of their gender.
Name a sexier specimen on television right now /rbmk/
>women made up only approximately 2% of members of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1989
We'll never get to taste metal together. why live
>3.6 roentgen
>not good, not terrible
>no graphite
>your moment to shine
>this man is delusional, take him to he infirmary
>billions of trillions atomic bullets
>career party man
>circle of responsibility
>like our fathers did
keep 'em comin' lads
i want this image reposted in every /RBMK/ thread
claim your sciencefus
Did they fuck?
How have none of you autists dug up photos of Akimovs face?
just started listening to the podcasts and holy shit they're kino
I only want what's left of poor Akimfu
if it roastie, she won't be office creep for too long
if it's gay fag, he was office creep long before that
RIPip anatoly, should have taken the bullet instead of the roof ;_;7
we've been making this joke for days
what a sad miserable life they must have to make up that fake story to whore for karma on r*ddit of all places
truly I pity them comrades
Reminds me of scorchlanders from Kenshi
You need something?
Reminder that 3.6 roentgens will do that to you.
Stay safe.
which one of you comrades posted this
maybe some people don't follow a niche television show thread on a nazi imageboard
just because it's a weekly show doesn't mean you have to talk about it for the six days between airings you know
DYATLOV, GET IN HERE - we are telling core stories.
Where’s the bread comrade
Fuck core, where's my sandwich?!
what I mean by that is that the joke was incredibly obvious since day1
>where is the bread
stop undermining the fruits of our labor, comrade
Well, then, Comrade "you need something?" unless you happen to have bread on you, you can get the fuck out of this thread.
>Ahh yes? The core? The reactor that was involved in the explosion in Ukraine last night? The one the top blew off? That's not very typical, I'd like to make that clear.
>Not to say this reactor wasn't safe but perhaps not as safe as the other ones. You see some of them are built so the top doesn't blow off at all.
Some spook agency fucked something up that the soviets imported then reused without thinking in their nuclear power plant construction.
Probably some stupid integrated circuit control panel for water pumps pressure and circulation rates.
The rest... well is history, Ta Da!
this has to be bait
Why DID they taste metal?
I told the girl I'm seeing about this kino two weeks ago and she said it sounded stupid
Today she tells me she wants to watch it because she read it was good
To the infirmary with her comrades
it was the radiation turning oxygen into ozone - which has a metallic taste. you can try it next to a photocopier
Radiation is not even a big deal
its more harmful to machines than biological organisms
>So shallow she can't even trust your show recommendation
Pump her then dump her user.
just lol at waiting until some buzzfeed article gives you the green light to enjoy kino
t. dyatlov internet defence force
Why didn't anyone believe him?
Aren't coal miners/workers practically exposed to small amounts of radiation during their work, or am I mistaken?
t.avarish dyatlov
Where is this from?
because he's clearly delusional
RBMK reactors don't explode
remember when dyatlov was taking like 10 seconds or so to stare at something in episode 1, but we never saw what it was? Im convinced he saw the core through the windows or something and just wanted to send men to their death for some reason
>No, the core has been moved outside the environment
It's ok i'll give him a bath ;3
not if i get to him first
this is a guy who fell from space and burned in the atmosphere
Can the next op be Akimov pls
Now now user there's plenty for everyone
>should have taken the bullet instead of the roof ;_;7
No one would've killed him, idiot
Did i miss any Kino? Rearrange anything?
Will add more next week.
Link to medium size image.
It will take another generation to change the way things are in post soviet countries. Some made a huge progress, like Estonia or Czech Republic, but in Belarus, for instance, it’s still the same shit, time stands still here.
except that guard that followed him out on the roof with the gun
That's beautiful. Thanks user.
>imagine thinking you're safe from the bullet in the ussr
>tfw about a quarter of Belarus is totally uninhabitable because of Chernobyl but 2.5 million people live in those areas
based and iodinepilled
I'm just imagining her bf sitting their stoic faced thinking of the sacrifice and camaraderie of the people involved and his dumb "le Geeky chick" gf that posts on reddit is just laughing at the TV because there's penises on the screen.
Dude at 25:09 could be him looks fucked up enough
awful to think about
and then people say, don't worry, it's just creative liberties, no one is dumb enough to believe that
yeah okay user we know the real reason she suddenly wants to watch it
I heard he had literally no face left. That looks more like Toptunov's condition.
I wonder how satisfying a shower would be. How black the soapy runoff.
TFW getting cucked by the Chad coal crew chief
brutalist architecture wanted to emulate the cathedrals of old in a sense, by trying to overwhelm/inspire you with its grandiose scale
No comrade, dyatlov paused when he saw the blown out windows because he saw the graphite on the ground and knew the reactor was gone, but he proceeded on as if the worst thing that could happen to him did not in fact just happen.
I don't disagree desu
She wants that uncut miner d
>That fuckin rooskie with the bio suit OPEN in the helicopter revealing a gold chain and hairy Soviet chest
Oh god user.
You're delusional, someone get a medic.
based Yea Forums poster
basically what Im getting at. He knew shit was fucked, but stil lsent people to check on it. If he was in the position he was in, he would have known they would be dead from radiation just looking at it
22, engineer
20, core-chan foot massager
Oh wow, let me just put my sperm up my ass and shit out a few kids. Wow. Just fucking wow.
>Onb4 Oglaf
Yeah, i forgot you needed to go to work to have babies retard
Don’t let it die
Consider putting your penis in a vagina.
It's getting a bit hot in here, make a new thread
>that guy's face
Is that Vasily's baby?
>me on the other side
it's so dense