BASED Arnold
BASED Arnold
>s-she was the lead in the originals tho!
And now all three of the leads are stronk women that look like twigs, it's obvious pandering to shield from criticisms against making another pointless sequel.
you can say...she got TERMINATED!
not really. he fell for obvious bait now that faggot has validation that he made arnold reply to him
that incel just got TERMINATED
have sex
I wouldn't say she was the lead in 2
>not trusting michael bay
you may leave this board at any time, tourist.
had sex
>why isnt my magic robot ripped!
>are you gay? what does it matter?
>n-no I'm not gay!
>well here's some women for you to look at
I am gay and it does matter, gibs beefcakeinator or fuck off
>1 award
What a fucking understatement lol idk how reddit gold sticker bullshit works but this is hilarious even bordering on ominous
>he has 1 award
>oh no he's doing it again. Fucking winning everyone go home shut down everything
He's wrong though. He missed the point.
>not having sex
what is wrong with incels
the first guy talked about remakes,
schwarzenegger social media assistant is wrong
Need to make up fake convos my man? Deal with it, fags love stronk women in movies too, are you gay?
chadcels dont have sex, they FUCK
>off-topic comment gets interpreted as if it's on-topic
yeah that's not arnold's fault an incel had to force his agenda on a topic
lore doesn't matter if all their action scenes look terrible
If she was the lead, why didnt she come up with any of the plans? She was the survivor.
>Mark Wahlberg isn't the lead of Lone Survivor
Astonishingly, the gold reddit icons are upvotes that you pay for. I should say, you pay to give them.
And I'm certain that the user who receives it does not actually get a dime.
So you're literally paying reddit to give someone an upvote.
If anyone was still wondering what a straw man argument was, this is a good example.
Notice how Arnold responds to a question that wasn't asked while ignoring the motivation of the original post, textbook stuff.
Typical DYEL who can't appreciate the male form.
Reddit gold lets you access special features. It's really cool, I've given myself reddit gold before.
I mean, the movie does seem pretty cool with Cameron at the wheel
Though maybe partly yeah, least, the main bad dude looks like a pencil-neck incel.
Taking away what gay men want to see in a Terminator film to fill it with more women, seems kinda homophobic to me?
very based and redpilled
If someone gives you gold it costs them like 2$, you get a weeks worth of 'premium' which means no adverts and access to a fruity little subreddit for premium members. That's it.
Pretty pathetic,I mean I would put reddit second to Yea Forums for least intrusive advertising on a website. Who cares lol.
All they need to do is make the main baddie look badass with muscle, same with the women.