Attached: Game of Thrones.png (1740x420, 58K)

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Hopefully the whole Burlington bar , I hate those faggots

Lol holy shit is this real

I bet the suicide rate goes up after the finale of every popular show. Not because they are disappointed but because they were already suicidal and wanted to finish the show first.

How did we get to this point where men will kill themselves if their favorite show doesn't end how they want?

Jews, user

You can call Yea Forums reddit all day, but at least it hasn't sunken THIS low.

What the actual fuck, this is what virtue signalling has come to.

We didn't find an alternative to religion, and i'm not defending it

Not enough.

hopefully a lot

You think these people that kill themselves cause their favorite show didnt end how they want or cause Trump got elected are religious? KEK these left wing commie soiboys are the biggest atheists out there

Not enough

way to miss his point

That's such a funny concept. When you die everything is gone anyway so what's the point of finishing a show first. Humans really make me think.

I wonder if a lot of people did this after FRIENDS ended.

That show was fucking gigantic.

I think he's saying in lieu of religion they become religiously attached to something else retard

>my bookreader brother's cousin's sister's girlfriend died in S6 excited to learn how it would all turn out

Do explain his point user. Tell me how religion is evil and the truth path against degeneracy is fag pride parades and punching "nazis"

If a show is worth committing Sudoku over, maybe the best thing for you is to die

>Everythings gone
Sure it is user, and sticking bananas up my butt and puring hot oil on my dick will bring me great pleasure right?

>In liue of religion
>Didnt find something to replace religion
Um user. Are you retarded?

Not going to sudoku until I see Once Upon A Time in Hollywood. After that, fuck it!

its time to stop

Deus vult faggot



That's a logical fallacy you fucking ad hominem prick

Sticking bananas up your butt and pouring hot oil on your micro dick is what your great leader the amazing atheist did though. Or you saying he is mentally Ill? Perhaps the line is when he tried to convince an underage boy to become a girl and go home with him but the kids father stuck a gun in the fat faggots face and made him fuck off

Spoiler alert:
The twist is that Bran drowned in his vision, his "dream of spring" where everything has a happy ending from him and the people he cared about.

Episode 6 was a fake finale to SUBVERT YOUR EXPECTATIONS.
Episode 7, the "documentary" is the real finale where we're no longer inside Bran's vision.

Why do you think armies respawned?
Why do you think a white horse appeared from nowhere?
Why do you think they CGI'd a snowflake on Danys cheek as she died?
Why do you think the ashes turned into snow?
Why do you think Gendry called himself "Rivers" instead of "Waters"?

This is a dream sequence people.
Stop being dumb.

Relax user I was referencing this

Attached: 8576926.png (500x462, 93K)

>Happy ending
>33-50% of the million people in kings landing burned to death
>Happy ending

My point was that consumerism isn't a good substitue to religion, dumbfuck
That's why we get these people killing themselves over nothing

Because you cared so much about nr. 68140 civilian dying, right?

Every Stark survived and became rulers of everything.
That's wishful thinking.

>Every stark survived
You even watch the fucking show?

What about Rickon and Ned?

How does someone become this retarded

God damn you guys are dumb.

hopefully around 7 billion

>I mean I’ve been watching this season after loving most of what came prior. I added this number to speed dial after the last episode, and sold my guns to a pawn shop.

Attached: Dawnofwhy.jpg (300x425, 30K)

Bruh, they cheered when Dany got killed.

and this reply:
>I won passes to Cineplex and I was telling the person who gave me the tickets that I cried during Endgame.

>She told me, "So did I, but that's okay. I've seen it four times and cried every time. We've been hanging out with these characters for 11 years. That's longer than any relationship I've been in."

>I mean, when we look back on our own character arcs from 2011 to now, (or 2008 to now) my kids were toddlers. I was still married. Look at how far we've come, by taking inspiration from Iron Man, or Jon Snow, or Ant-Man, or Daenerys, or even Strong. Look at our failures, and the times we've got back up, or the times we've been lying on the ground, literally or figuratively bleeding, and these screen people say "hey there friend, this is what it looks like. We can do this. I believe in you!"

>that's fucking real.

>I mean realistically, thousands of Redditors have died of natural or accidental causes since the pilots of these shows. We're still here, for some reason.

>I really hope that you'll be okay, my friend.

Its even got le reddit spacing, I'm half convinced this is a Yea Forums falseflag

the absolute state of 2019

I will never understand how the modern man places so much obsession into what's supposed to be just entertainment.

oh my god

Possibly the gayest thing I've ever read

>someone bred with and married this soiboi
>meanwhile I cant even get a fucking gf or a date

Heres some more:
>Some people use small things in life, like game of thrones, that they are passionate about as a reason to keep on fighting. It doesnt mean they are weak. It just means they need more reminders to keep fighting.
>My brother went into the hospital the day S6E1 aired, I promised I wouldn't watch it without him, and he died four days later. I got really emotional watching every episode that season, put on his old GoT shirts and cried into them, I mean I was REALLY torn up about us not getting to finish the series together. I'd comfort myself thinking he already knows how it ends, I'm the one that has to wait, it's fine, we'll have a cool reunion in the afterlife one day and we can talk about it and now I'm imagining him roasting my ass and laughing. I'm pissed.
>Yes please get help, talk to someone, call that number. I love all you crazy fucks and y’all better stick around! The show may go to shit, or may us amazed, but either way it’s better to talk with others about it.

>No ones watch should end tonight!
>Dude danerys inspired me for 10 years. Now its gonna end humiliating her and us fans This is not fair
>This show is so important to so many, and things seem to be going pretty badly. But YOU reading this are so important to so many, too, and while things might not be great for everyone right now, you are loved.

>Pm me if you need anything

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