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Other urls found in this thread:


>dungeons and dragons
D & D is a thing in Brazil?



was this cartoon incredibly popular in brazil??


>btw venger's my son teehee


>renault KINO

yeah, is kino

it was very popular here in the 90's, user, but kinda detached from the D&D franchise (they named it something like dragon cave, I dunno)

the dragon quest anime had a similar thing going on, it was known as Fly here and was very popular in spite of the game being a niche thing

wtf there are white people in brazil

The cartoon used to be daily on tv during the 80's, 90's and some of 00's.

At least they concluded the story

>more forced sheboon casting

Do they just have these in a factory somewhere ready to pump out at a moments notice?

The shit they're willing to do get commercials just right but not movies. I don't understand.

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Wait wait wait, did they seriously just write a conclusion to the old 90s cartoon via a car commercial?

shut up retard

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at least they came back to their own reality...


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you're a bright one user

commercials are not meant to be taken seriously
then movie producers think they know how to make people take these cartoons seriously and just fuck everything over

I didn't watch the show, and I don't speak Portuguese. I thought this was going to be an ad for actual Dungeons & Dragons.

Kind of low budget, but it was fun.

oh fuck you thats not Dungeons and Dragons thats the Dayounguns. FUCK OFF JABPOSTER

do you have car commercials in your country, user?

looks better than GoT

I don't watch commercials. I don't even watch TV.

Based Brazil doing diversity the right way

are you rust cohle?
can you frankpost?

I too don't watch tv, but my mom does and coincidentally I managed to watch this add while passing by the living room. Then saw this thread.

better than the last 4 seasons of game of thrones holy shit, i want an irl adaptation of this cartoon now

the foam rubber muscle suit is pretty decent along with the skull mask
just CGI to make it more expressive and it would look fine on the big screen

Anyone know the name of this mutt?

cast them:
Hank: that blonde chad from Stranger things
Eric: Shazam
Diana: the qt daughter from Blackish
Presto: will from stranger things
Sheila: the QT from detective pikachu
Bobby: that annoying kid from the jurassic world movie

'80s and '90s cartoon are arguably bigger in Latin America because they get everything ten years late.

Netflix Brazil could use these actors and make a movie or a series with 8 episodes

racist just for the sake of it. you're pathetic

nigger your government spends literal billions of dollars to push american media all over the world

Just ask /m/
Spics love this sorta shit

>fireballs & random shield spells

>pet goat

>dragon riding villain

>gnome cleric

This ticked all the right boxes too bad the american version/movies will entirely miss these

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Niggress looks hot, who is she

>pet goat
Unicorn, m8

This is actually pretty good.

I was watching on tv and I thought it was a trailer for the movie

If the blonde kiddo is a barbarian... then what class is the black chick???

You seem to be completely missing the reference. It's based on the D&D cartoon: youtube.com/watch?v=sCSRPIgKZVk

The multi-headed dragon is Tiamat, the goat is Uni the Unicorn, the gnome cleric is the Dungeon Master, and the dragon riding villain is Venger who is riding a nightmare.


Not gonna lie, that was pretty good

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That was pretty cool.

What about Venger and Dungeon Master?


Diana was best girl. Fact.

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brasil e estados unidos acima de tudo e... brasil err brasil acima de todos!

also fuck bolsonaro

Black girl did things to my peepee

Her official class is "Acrobat". I guess she has prestige levels or a custom kit or... Something.

based chocolate poster

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>acrobat is a class


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Venger: frank langella
dungeon master: mark hamill

Hugo Weaving and that guy from willow you guys were shilling a moment ago

commie pls


My favorite the girl with the cape is barely in it. Meanwhile the niggress is in most of the shots. What a fucking disappointment.

>3 warriors
>1 paladin
>2 mages

fuck this party




It's 1 mage and a rogue.

Brazil even has a few local tabletop RPGs. I know Brigada Ligeira Estelar but I think there's a fantasy anime one as well.

BR here. I have a Renault Kwid. It's a pretty good car. This outsider version is bullshit though.

Nice casting. Both girls would get it.

3D&T, Daemon.

wasted also sai do meu pais petista viado

Have you tried playing DnD?



Beat me to it

>also fuck bolsonaro
Lula, para de roubar a internet da policial federal

The 2 grills

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dungeons are


kek, paulistas ou gaúchos?

barbarian that stays barbarian until the XX century

Reminded me of recent news about that Hue Nausicaä nonprofit short movie

Thanks m8. I was about to post the redhead for

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I think it was 1st edition maybe?

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fucking 10/10 casting

wtf brazilains look like THAT?


No way there are Brazilians, too white.

I wanna fuck her grunf bonce ronce the cornew

>Player Character

Brazil is only real ethnically diverse country in the world.

this is an exageration, we had 80's shows in the 80's and 90's shows in hte 90's.
all important cable channels were up to date, free channels were more shitty

based trips of truth

we used to call the coordinator of our course dungeon master (mestre dos magos), because the guy would always disappear when you needed him.

my gf

Yara Charry, french brazilian actress

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>some random hueland commercial is capable of casting people who really got the look of their characters down
>meanwhile back in burgerland we get served lazy shit like pic related
it's not fucking fair

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yfw a ragtag bunch of third world monkeys bring a more accurate cast than any amerilard could


More than in the US. They still have actual well defined races in Brazil.

I agree, fuck that sad excuse of a president É top ver os tiozâo pirando no churras da familia



Eat shit, zoomer.

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Imagine all the brappers

Here's your cavalier.

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Lula free, comrade

As said, you never know whos a hue because we can look like every race, like a changeling if we're keeping the thread theme.

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Baseado e pilula-avermelhado

Legit Brazilian While Male Genes



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>hey kid

Eu só queria mandar todo mundo ir tomar no cu
>Also: Brazilian Thread Now

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When you're just doing a commercial you can cast purely based on looks because there's no acting.
But when you're doing a netflix original only the best actors will do, so your choices become way more limited.

South America seems so much superior to Mexico.


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She was based, indeed. Black characters in the 80's and 90's often were.

>only the best actors will do

Then why do they still fuck that up? lmao

Only because it's farther away from you. In reality it's the same shit.

>We’re assembling a team

Are you in?

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dont bring the mexicans please

There's a Brazilian bakery I drive by every now and then. What should I get?

We need Ted Cruz in the background

Pão de Queijo (cheese bread), Coxinha, Romeu e Julieta


Someone needs to be in the bushes

>in 2019 Brazil is whiter than the US

she's gorgeous but I get the impression someone made her messing with oblivion's character creation

>47.73 of Brazil's population

Also, reminder that the Greatest Brazilian in history was a WHITE MALE

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Don't get your hopes up. Did you know in South America, they never have extractor fans in the bathroom? You just have to wait for the shit smells to dissipate on their own.

Thanks I'll try these.

Someone post jabcomix

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this guy gets it... also sonho

eat DREAMS and get lynched

>the cow jumped over the moon

n-no don't do it

Sonho. Pão doce. Pão de queijo. Coxinha com catupiry/requeijão ou cremosa.

Looks black to me.

Quads confirm Sonho as a God given food

>com catupiry/requeijão ou cremosa
get out of here, heathen, how dare you desecrate the plain coxinha

It was HUGE. Check it out, the voices are pretty good:

plain coldschinha with that delicious chicken farofa = 10/10
catewpee-rhee coldschinha = prepare to die edition 10/10

Unless you buy from a good place, most are dry.

post your state, favorite br food and favorite film

>coxinha com catupiry
fuck you I bet you're from são paulo you heretic

what the fuck, why do I have the feeling that there are more brazilians on Yea Forums than we imagined

>The Thing

MG, pão de queijo should be Brazil's official food and O auto da compadecida should be it's official kino, fight me you feldaputas.

Rio de Janeiro, Coração de galinha na brasa com pão de alho, Man of Steel

Go on /int/ sometime, you'll be amazed

Holy fuck, that's almost perfect. Though they still look like cosplayers.

is it wrong i wanna see the barbarian's dingus?

Is that fucking Nino?

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SE, carne do sol com macaxeira, andrei rublyov

>tfw no tall fur bikini amazon nigger gf

three centuries in forma de men-nino

I want to see it being sucked and tugged on by the two girls

>mfw this made me rethink everything I thought about Brazilians
Is this why they like dota so much, not just because its free but they grew up liking stuff like this?

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We really like football, sex, violence, anime and Dungeons and Dragons

Based Brazilian car dealerships



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That was even better than the DnD one, what the fuck

I'd say I hope your country unfucks itself so the wealth gap isn't so extreme where people end up murdered all the time but mmmurica isn't any better.

I’m impressed with how much they look like the characters!

Every Brazilian born in the 80s and 90s played the original dota at some point

thanks bro

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And Woody Woodpecker.

We're pretty much the sole reason why this exists.

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Turns out the marketing teams of French car companies in South America make better kino than actual directors.

and the cute shota?



>one weird thread made me unhate Brazilians
I feel weird.

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When Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno made a jeans commercial in Brazil.

oh yeah, I fucking loved woody woodpecker, God tier dub

We like dota because we used to play the original dota on lan houses cs too. It was way more fun than playing online

>muh capeshit
>not posting the bantz commercials

FIAT sued Nissan for this commercial.


Well I like all those things too, am I an expat Brazilian and I didn't know?

Actually, it’s

>Wizard(with unicorn familiar healer)

My father loved Lou Ferrigno's Hulk, he made me watch it like 3 times.

Both pretty cute.

Don't forget Transformers.


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Also one of the best civs in Civ 5

its more like all the euro and asian shit gets to latin america before american shit does, thats why there are so many weabs in latin america, 90s kids all grew up on dbz

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you’d fit right in


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We had dbz in muuurica in the 90s. Ronin warriors before that.

On the subject of banned brazilian ad bantz


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This shit just proves how /pol/tards aren't older than 13.

Ronin Warriors was absolutely based. Shurato too.


Why did you even hated us for?

Shurato is a 10/10


With Robin Williams.

They even matched the clothing when they return to our realm.


also, saint seiya

Hollywood version

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brazilian here.

very well done, its unironically better than most of our movies - at least there is a script.

how not, my fellow hue hue?

no /ss/ no deal

The virgin walk x The chad stride

Jesus Gavin really let himself go

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I can't believe he didn't knock her the fuck out.

I lived in Australia and Ireland before coming back to Belo Horizonte and I must say, there's not much difference m8, every place is shitty in one way or another, but honestly I much prefer living here.

>has better CGI than capeshit

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not based and miliciapilled

I forgot how hype SS opening was. I think 3/4 of the reason the series got so popular here was because of that song.

post bundas

how do i get a brazilian gf?

>random brazilians whiter than any american cast

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I didn't realize Brazil was based. I was totally wrong about you guys.

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>multicultural paradise Brazil casts the characters correct races


>Multicultural means everyone is a brown mestiço
Try again friend

I am

q tesão velho

Knowing it's a Renault ad I would've expected it to be anime.

Why americans cannot graps the concept that multicultural doesnt mean a cross race gene shitfest?

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they even got the original dub for Vingador, it's pure kino

wont completly disgree with you, hue senpai, i live in the south and if you had the chance to be in a good city, life is tolerable.

Mostly because I grew up here, I know my street, my house, my neighboors and my family and friends are here, even when the situation is fucked up I can laugh or complain about it with them, back there I couldn't do it in the same way. I guess it's something we can call "ours".

D&D cartoon is very popular for gen x and early millenials there. Not, no only nerds, chads and literal hot brazilian girls love this shit.

So am I, but what I'm saying is that multicultural doesn't mean that everyone is a brown mass, it means, well that there are multiple cultures living together.

Why /pol/tards from reddit doesn't even pretend to be familliar with the source material?

Brazilians definition of "white" must be way looser than even Americas because I went to Sao Paulo for vacation in 2011 and there is no way that 50% of the population was white.

>be white
>dont live in uruguay
>you got one

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> Sao Paulo
thats your mistake kiddo, all the white population is down south, even on some former german colonies like Gramado they just plaster their hotels with nazi eagles like if its no problem

well americans have that nonsensical "one drop rule", here if you look white then you're white. And honestly you won't find the majority white when you're in a megacity known for it's diverse population.

Sounds pretty based I should have went there for vacation instead.

I posted the french girl name here
all they are actors

>well americans have that nonsensical "one drop rule", here if you look white then you're white.

In America we consider Mexicans "white" in census and crime data.

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> they just plaster their hotels with nazi eagles like if its no problem
What? I've been to Gramado several times and never saw this, what are you on about? Ou você so esta tirando onda com a cara dos gringo meu chapa?

im brazilian and i honestly cannot understand why anyone would come to brazil if it is not to do some sex degenerate shit.

boring history, some ok natural beauty but nothing an euro fag or burger wouldnt find on their own countries...

its pretty meh.

>I went to Sao Paulo for vacation
kek, this is just like retards going to NY for vacation

>gets whiter the closer it gets to Argentina

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You fag
>more forced sheboon casting
Even bigger fag.

>boring history
now you've done it boi

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she was just a glorified Dancer

>boring history

When you learn history from MEC, you're bound to think that.

>greatest empire since the roman empire
dexa de ser corno

>boring history
Go lurk /his/ then and get educated, plenty of cool stuff happened here.


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Every white there fleed to Brazil.

can anyone explain me how come the Spanish and Portuguese empire where England main competitors back then and now all left is destroyed countries?

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>reddit spacing
>is a faggot

Magician(Some may argue that he is a Magic User)
Acrobat(Yes this was a separate class back then.She was the coolest,she had a magic staff!)



I know you guys aren't really attentive but you realize all Latin Americans are like this right? Even Mexicans. Their telenovela casts are whiter than all of America's cultural output together,

nothing here as cool as going to peru and look all those cool stuff done by ALIENS.

logistically speaking there is history all over europe, cool landscapes all over US, countries like japan...

brazil only IT FACTOR is the good and old putaria.

like bards but they wiggle their butts to buff the party/distract enemies

their big black bundas in g-strings

it depends, in brazil globo is pozz as fuck for a while now - and they ratings are dropping, and theyre desperate but dont care, they double the bet, like a good leftist would.

same with publicity, every piece has some kind of annoying agenda here and there - wich is natural in places that tried to include the brilliant minds of women.

Ignore the reddit spacing faggot

Magin,no problem.
Tiamat,a multi headed lady dragon,Hell yeah.
Hot black chick,NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought this was a fantasy game!

Yeah but for every diversity quota there's a dozen of blue-eyes. It will never stop, even browns at the most desolate dumps in the Northeast love seeing good-looking white people in their television and Globo knows that - they are just playing to the cultural expectations of the era to maximize profit(or minimize damage). I don't think they really follow any agenda besides raw, unashamed self-interest.

All they needed to get home was 4 wheel drive?
Good thing the was less common in the 80's or that cartoon would have only been one episode.

for shallow idiots like you, sure...
there's a lot to be proud in our culture

fuck off

So much better.
much better.

Because fuck 'em?

More people should play Tabletop RPGs.

Fun commercial, well made.


Ok, satan

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You made me watch that again,it was worth it,fren.

read again: LOGISTICALLY. there are dozens of cooler places to go if youre in europe that are way closer to you than brazil.

and the country sell itself to the world using carvanal and thats pretty much it, so, again, i cannot imagine why a person of another continent would come here without thinking about fucking.

maybe bolsonaro changes that, i dont know - and do not care, there are more important things to think about.

>a brazilian car commercial is the best live action dungeons & dragons film ever
absolute clown world we are living in, lads

one word user, positivism

fuck you and fuck bolsonaro dear user
also cheers

It turns out all they needed to get home was friendship.
That, and an an entry-level crossover produced by then French car manufacturer Renault with a optional 1.2-litre turbocharged petrol engine mated to 4wd via a 5-speed automatic manual (Easy-R)
FUN FACT:In India d&d world the Renault Kwid is know as the Suzuki Alto(friendship optional)

i think now the whole is a little lower, friend.

before, yeah, i could imagine just oportunistic acting, but now there is this whole echo of wokeness coming from america and a bunch of pseudo diversity hire coming from the universities that just replicate left mantras.

these people are for real and they know that they are 'subversive', they dont have loyalty to globo or the agency of publicity they work for.

It was, and the Cavalier, Acrobat and Barbarian classes were later put into the game in the first Unearthed Arcana splat. For the record, the Cavalier and Acrobat were both pretty shit classes so they didn't stick around long.

How can anyone think that Bolsonaro is anything other than a buffoon?
I do think he is 5x better than Lula but that's not saying much...

the truth hurts but it is what it is: for a foreign, brazil looks like a gigantic whore house were people play football.

its like thinking about india and BITCH LASAGNA.

>black chick has white facial features

take the chocopill, user. you won't regret it.

Just when I thought I've seen everything...

Actually looks great as a concept. Replace the actors with older actors that look the part and it would work as a film Minus the car stuff.

I think D and D should be done like the original conan film, strip it down but have magic for the last battle.

This kid is not even a teen and people are sick of his old man way of thinking.

Thats not Williams, its an imitator.

it's a thing all over the world retard

they are just doing that because, as you said, it's coming from america, it's woke, it's on the universities. in other words, it's trendy. i do believe a good deal of the actors there are more or less true believers but Globo itself couldn't give a shit.

Remember when the Left was critical of the media, journalism, it's effects on population and all that jazz? Now everyone is braindead consumer media puppet, Grug from tribe left fighting Hrog from tribe right for listening to the wrong witch doctor.

he was the most extreme guy with a chance to win and that was it.

democracy end up on extremes, its like that everywhere - and, at least, there isnt in here the same kind of racial tension that exist on other places.

lula was pretty much like obama on US: he had the support of everyone at first and fucked it up.

>Minus the car stuff.
So breakfast menu items at the local McDonalds save the day?
That doesn't really make sense,I guess if Venger was just an embodiment of early morning munchies,but I don't think that would play to today's younger audience,what with the "breakfast all day long" mentality.

when did you realize castelo ra-tim-bum was better than harry potter?

yes, but these new creators of content are kind of niihilistic, its like that netflix guy saying people do not enjoy race mixing on their shows but they will do it anyway.

it destroy the whole 'buy it with your dollar' theory, because now those big companies think they can and will shape people minds, sooner or later.

globo news facebook page is always full of comments of people shitting on them, folha de sp was the same thing. and they still do their shitty politics every chance they have.

the black pill part is: companies like youtube are doing the same for creators of content that are not in consonance with silicon valley pozz view of the world. they go for alex jones, for fuck sake. LOL


Yo can tell this was filmed in the '70's because grils didn't shave their booby hair back then.

I want to be 8 again and have those two tease my little dick

São Paulo,Pizza,Robocop

>He wasnt here on /vint/ time

canadians begone

you think presto ever stuck his dick inside the hat?


Basic equipment was a ten foot pole,DMs hated,FUCKING HATED,if you play any other class and carried a ten foot pole.
An Assassin was a class,had it's own rules.
Now assassin is what you do before you stop playing forever.
FUN FACT:If you where a cool kid in the 80's,you spelled it ASS ASS in. Because you didn't know what sex was so you thought putting your ass inside of stuff was funny.

Manchete dying was one of the greatest tragedies ever
>Black Kamen Rider
>Robo Corps
And i didnt even talked about the animes...

Holy hell,the nailed Eric.

Attached: eric the cavalier.jpg (400x300, 21K)

>Black Kamen Rider
>dabs every time he transforms

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Sad loss indeed, Im not br but we had manchete in cable, I watched shurato there and yu yu hakusho and kenshin before CN.

always makes me laugh

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Well,I know where I am moving to.

Since ever.Nino mom and caipora give me a kid Boner...and then i Meet the actress es on a theater evento and i got sad

No. Brazillians are actually green and have red eyes. This yankee ignorance boil me up.

>all this horrible engrish

>script reader

If it's not harry potter,it's better than harry poter

This engrish is reaching Massacration levels


Per the rules of the holy leftist thought police you must put niggers in every piece of media.

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> Diana the Acrobat with a Brazilian ass.

Hey now....

The nigger was there at least 15 years before you were born, mongoloid.

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hahha the cavalier is dead on

>Brazilans use white character accurate actors
>SJW first world production companies brownwashing the fuck out of every casting

The world has flip turned upside down.

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> Steals your heart

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>only the best actors
Only the most diverse monstrosities will do for netflix, like having a 0 lumens black hole of a negress as starfire.

deixe minhas bolas vazias

> Presto still a useless fuck

Checks out.

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lol @ renault using nostalgia to market this unsafe shitcart to millennials

>tfw I will never be in a wacky race on the way to pick up my qt gf.

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Dare I say, our girl?

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Well, this is me....

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And -- done.

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Kino. Whoever came up with the concept needs to be put in charge of all the projects.

What would happen if a bunch of people from Florida and a bunch of Brazilians had babies?

And The Making of:


>older actors
are you mentally disabled
do you know where it is from.
did you read the thread at all

These two were always my favourites. Hank and Sheila were boring as fuck.

Not gonna lie, he does look pretty cool here.

Based anime poster.

Really well done, felt like the characters, even vengar. Glad they finally made it home.