Kalogridis is close to finishing the first script of a potential KOTOR trilogy, according to the three sources. She is the first woman writer of a Star Wars movie since The Empire Strikes Back in 1980, when Leigh Brackett received a cowriting credit with Lawrence Kasdan. Lucasfilm has been criticized for hiring only white men to shepherd the world of Star Wars.

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Other urls found in this thread:

lparchive.org/Knights-of-the-Old-Republic-II/Update 19/


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Mixed feelings.

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Unpopular opinion: I don't like the Old Republic setting.

The games are insanely unaesthetic but their stories are quite good.

To be fair, she may be using the term to mean not fuck with the original vision.... At least that's what I tell myself to be optimistic...


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Just leave them alone, they're the only good star wars stories

I really wish they would stop making Star Wars movies.


>tfw played with black Revan and mexican Exile

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No she means she won't cast any white actors because white washing is bad. She will cast black people and other non-asian minorities though because blackwashing is perfectly acceptable.

>revan is a white female
>carth is a black guy


Unless D&D and Rian Johnson are the ones to fuck it up hard, I don't mind it.

Well this is going to be an abortion.


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>making a movie about an rpg
just play the game it's basically the same shit


>Bastila will be a black woman

Who other than him could possibly play Malak?

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if she isn't a hot brit then the whole thing is pointless


Will they expand on him? Will they shit on him to?

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Tom Hardy

Just end me

I’m sorry george.

>Live action Sword Art Online

>the kotor 1 and 2 remasters everyone has been wanting for a while will actually just be a new games based on the shit disney versions, made by current Bioware


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Is this the game of thrones writers triology?

>using anything past KOTOR II
absolute fucking garbage by default lmfao

Michael B Jordan

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I only care about my grandma, she's the only good thing out of the old republic anyways.

Cast her, Yea Forums

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She also wrote Shutter Island

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No they're writing their own movies

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who cares anymore

>screenplay of a novel

>Female writer who hit the wall decades ago.
>Every single one of the films and show she's that she's written have universally been criticized for having terrible writing.
>Many of the films and shows she worked on specifically failed or under-performed because of the bad writing.
>Somehow still gets work, despite not even being jewish.

How does this even happen?

Doubt it. They'll likely do the outline but not the screenwriting itself. They directed the last episode of GoT themselves, which worked out surprisingly well. My money is on them overseeing writing and directing at least some of the stuff.

I can't wait to see the ancient past where niggers and white women ruled the galaxy.

Revan will be A girl

Because she's a female writer in hollywood with experience and Disney, and all of hollywood in general, is obsessed with feminism and other SJW ideologies.

Forgot my pic

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Normalfags and zoomers don't know what kotor is and they'll think Disney created kotor.

And yet they'll still call the Old EU garbage because they read a buzz feed list. Fuck this shit.

He certainly won't be a white male, that's for sure.

Sure, but she's been failing upwards a decade and a half #metoo was a thing. She wrote fucking Alexander and Nightwatch, for fuck's sake.

Dude, they sure know that shitty MMO, so they likely heard of KotOR.

Shit son, it's a shit anime and one of the biggest around. How the fuck can you not make a profit with it?

Because she's a female writer in hollywood with experience and Disney, and all of hollywood in general, is obsessed with feminism and other SJW ideologies. This isn't a recent phenomena. It's been around forever.

Revan will be changed to a black girl named Raven

Will she see the future?

They are destroying it on purpose.


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I doubt there's anything left to destroy after episode 9 hits.

But she's a woman. Women are good, white men are bad. Your picture is irrelevant.

Isn't the whole point of KOTOR that the player character was the bad guy all along? It only works if the audience had an active part in shaping the story, by making the light/dark side choices and deciding whether they want to be Darth Revan again or be a good guy. That doesn't translate well in a passive medium like film, without the interactivity it's just a stale scifi plot and an excuse to add even more edgy sith villains and more "sophisticated" meta commentary on the Good vs Ebil / Dark vs Light / Jedi vs Sith shit.

The MMO isn't as popular as you think, and Normalfags and Zoomers will just consider the Original KotOR games as "EU shit", like they do with Rogue One and Dark Forces.

Once the new KotOR movies come out disney is going to sweep the originals under the rug, and all that hope for remaster of the games is now gone like: said, they'll base the remaster on the disneyTOR movies. Like how that garbage ratchet and clank remaster was based on that god awful movie.

Fuck i'm so mad.

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I can't even get excited because I know it will suck because Disney is making it.

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Good. Female Revan >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Male Revan

Because her movies made money and thats all they care about
Disney is obsessed with money, retard

Sounds liek a female name. Pass.

>The woman who wrote Genysis and Altered Crapbon

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>this thread

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>capitalism bad

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Disney makes tons of money even without their movies. Their movies however have tons of influence on culture and society. Their main goal with movies isn't to make money, it's to spread their own agenda. If they cared about money they wouldn't have hired this hack writer with an absolutely terrible credit list, but she's a woman and they want to push feminism so they hired her.

Alita's script is exactly the same the animated OAV, she has no credits to take here. Genysis however is her story. Also Altered Carbon is unwatchable crap but she's a woman and that's the agenda

>Disney good

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>altered carbon showrunner

these movies are doomed

Alita's script was also written by James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez too. She was 1 of 3 writers, anyone giving her credit for Alita is retarded.

>posting w*jak
You're both faggtos.

well this is going to be terrible.

She acted like a real bitch for 90% of the movie, like a black woman would.

If that's their agenda why do 22 out of 23 MCU movies have male protagonists?

Redpill me that based user


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>pretending altered carbon isn't god tier compared to nu wars

Not for long after Endgame. They're going full woke because that's their agenda.

>turbo-capitalist company's main goal isn't $$$
How delusional are you

>Far from Home
>Black Panther 2
>GotG 3
>the Kung fu movie (Chun li?)
>Doctor Strange 2

Why is there still a majority of male protagonists user?

Why does anyone want KOTOR? You know it won't live up to expectations and you'll just end up disappointed.

Let the happy nostalgia remain in the past, don't taint it by wishing for a sub-par film adaptation.

This cunt also wrote Alexander, literally a disastrous writer but that's the only person Disney could find. I believe because they want to brag about female writers and also want writers who work with the focus group I mean story group and accept to inject SJW shit and LGBT and peodphilia and whatever they want to push on the audience

Everyone involved with Genisys should be blacklisted for life.

You sound triggered

>implying the only protagonist is the main superhero
>implying I'm implying their agenda is solely related to pushing women and not minorities as well
Why do you have to misrepresent things and be purposefully obtuse?

This shit will not do well huh?

Pretty much.

Why do you act like Disney is (((woke))) when the MCU as a whole is a big sausagefest?

I love how Disney is actively trying to destroy everything the fans love

>some shitty feminist writer will be leading the trilogy
*Honk honk*

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>Acknowledging TORtanic at all


>honk honk

Zoomers should be banned on sight

Disney shills on twitter are saying she wrote Avatar, she was only producer

Again, not after endgame. MCU in 2008 in a different era. You see where it's headed now with female and non-white heroes everywhere because that's their agenda. You see their star wars movies where literally every white male character they created is a bad guy or evil.


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Tor was the worst. I hope they don't use any of it.

>Again, not after endgame.
I'll believe it when I see it.
I would be more inclined to believe you if you hadn't talked about white genocide happening "any day now" for the last 8 years.

>You see their star wars movies where literally every white male character they created is a bad guy or evil.
What is "Solo"

How well does Episode IX do guys? I really feel like VIII killed a ton of good will but we all know disney is going to go on a category 5 marketing storm.

Quads of Truth

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a straight-up movie adaption TOR would be a billion times better than a disney butchering of the KotOR series.

It'll do more than TLJ but it'll under perform like hell, which is really bad considering this is "the last of the skywalker saga" as disney puts it.

t. /pol/yps larping as Star Wars fans

Star Wars has always been feminist and progressive. Deal with it.

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TLJ underperformed like hell though. Foreigners really dont give a shit even more now and considering how Solo bombed, I think it might struggle to hit 1 bill

What do you mean? You literally already saw it in the 5 movies you cherry picked movies. Far from Home 2 has a black MJ and the fat mexican friend, Black panther is literally all black people with some evil white guys, etc.

>What is "Solo"
Ya, they didn't create Han Solo, every white male they created in that movie was bad.

Keep ignoring reality senpai.

/pol/ BTFO

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Not them but George really sounds pandering there over being honest. If Leia figures were in demand, more would be made..

Maybe, but i still think it'll do more than TLJ at least. It has that "last movie in a trilogy" bonus going for it.

>Far from Home 2 has a black MJ and the fat mexican friend
And a white male lead actor.
Stay in denial.

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>Because her movies made money and thats all they care about
They didn't though.

>Massive bomb. Renowed for its terrible writing.
>Massive bomb. Accused of having no plot or character development.
Shutter island
>Barely broke even, heavily criticized for its poor writing.
>Likely did not break even, universally panned for it's writing.
>Did not break even, heavily criticized for poor story.

Compared to this woman, Rian johnson and D&D look like solid writing picks.

George is bashing Disney for pretending the OT was racist and sexist

But it also has no Luke too.

And when people went to see Episode 3 and episode 6, they thought they were going to see the last Star Wars movie ever. Everyone knows 9 wont be the last.

I have the games and they have dozens of hours of good story. Why would I want a washed down 3 trilogy movie series that also isn't a game?

>a woman
well fuck this


Don't let Geeks + Gamers see this he's gonna have a fucking stroke

Lets be real though, Asian Revan was best

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This bitch was producer on Avatar so I assume she's just a rich spoiled cunt who gets to hire herself on these movies produced by daddy


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>Shutter island
>heavily criticized for its poor writing.
By plebs.

>Somehow still gets work, despite not even being jewish.
Jews only put their women to work if they wanna fuck em

>implying he's the only lead
Again you're just ignoring reality and being purposefully obtuse.

We're getting a super woke post end-game mavel. We already saw them starting to go in that direction before endgame. Literally every white guy they created in the star wars movies has been evil and they killed off Han and Luke.

Keep your head buried in the sand, at least you're better than those evil /pol/tards!

Ep 9 will pull 2.1 billion

>implying he's the only lead
The movie is named after him.
Keep finding excuses why a white male spider man is somehow ultra woke.

Lmao, no.

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>Literally every white guy they created in the star wars movies has been evil and they killed off Han and Luke.

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>people still fucking care about movies
Why? What do you think is going to happen? Anyone with any sense should have figured out by now that Jewlywood is going to do nothing but force agendas and programming to young minds. Just avoid it. I can't even fathom who these people are targeting with this shit, anyone that is a fan of KOTOR should be staying the fuck away.

>black MJ
>pointless fat mexican friend
There you go. Keep ignoring everything else and pointing to spider man being white as a reason for disney not going woke.


Yes. The ultra sperg fag fans will literally buy 100 tickets each

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You just know that this scene will be cut to not scare children

Based on what? It's teaser got less views than the IT 2 one on youtube? The hype hasnt really come at all.

Also Solo bombed

The supporting cast isn't the protagonist. You're reaching so hard.

The games are bad. They do have a sizeable fanbase of sòy guzzling neckbeards who will throw money at anything that has a lightsaber in it.
And these are the guys who will review bomb this because it will not resemble their game in any way whatsoever except maybe character names.
Calculated move by Disney to hit the "gamer" crowd again to create a guaranteed "outrage" controversy that will only make them more money.

>It's teaser got less views than the IT 2 one on youtube
There's no proof of this

it's not written by Chris Avellone it's going to suck, guaranteed.

>the protagonist is all that matter
>1 protagonist in a movie is a white guy so disney isn't going woke

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TLJ alienated the ultra sperg fans(even if it didn't there are very few ultra sperg fans of disney wars)

Anybody else here old enough to remember when this shit was targeted at lonely white nerds? Is this the final solution to that demographic? Just completely destroy them?

>1 protagonist in a movie is a black guy so disney is going woke

Just go to fucking Youtube. Star Wars 9 has 28 million, IT2 teaser has 35

A lot of people didnt like TLJ. It was not a good movie by any stretch.

Yeah, I'm not gonna waste my breath on a Yea Forumserg

I like how you conveniently leave out
>the protagonist is all that matters

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Good, so Disney isn't going woke for having non-white protagonists, glad we cleared that up

>Not the Mandolorian by which all others are judged
Yeah, OK kiddo.

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it's gonna be shit

>Jewlywood getting ready to shit on another piece of your childhood

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>some protagonists are still white guys so Disney isn't going woke
Based retard

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>muh childhood nostalgia
You jacked off to Ready Player One, didn't you?

I love that they can't understand the chemical reaction lonely bored fighting age men is unspeakable violence.

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>the protagonist is all that matters

>Based retard
Saying shit like that makes you sound like a Gen Z faggot, you're not a Gen Z faggot, are you?

No, although I was somewhat compelled to.

Great something else they can fuck up...

>there are still some white protagonists and the protagonists are all that matters therefore disney isn't going woke
Based retard

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Kill yourself.

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>mfw Kreia's VA is still alive, and is a Thespian

Do you think she'd accept the role? Only way it could ever be anywhere close to good.

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>there are some black protagonists therefore Disney is going woke
Based retard

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I wish, it's time for the truly unlimited power to shine on the big screen

Based Pallaeon

This but unironically.

Disney isn't going woke btw

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Star Wars will literally be killed dead, forever, this will be amazing. Biggest leftist failure since the Soviet Union.

Correct. Because Star Wars has always been woke.

>Star Wars has always been woke.
Based retard

Stay mad kek

Disney is the spawn of satan

>why isnt star wars, a hollywood franchise created by a guy born in san francisco, who thought the soviet union was sometimes good, loved the vietcong, and made palpatine a george bush conspiracy theory stand-in, (and did he compare trump to palpatine in that james cameron interview I cant remember,) not catering to imageboard extreme far right racism and misogyny??

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No she didn't, Dennis Lehane wrote Shutter Island. She just copy and pasted his dialogue almost word for word.

>Malak is a straight white male
>Bastilla becomes black
>Revan was a 5'2" asian girl all along
>Ordo is a FtM left winger
>HK-47 removed entirely for being too problematic

>How does this even happen

I mean just fucking look at here. She looks like she eats Palestinian babies for breakfast. There's your answer right here.

Ah yes George Lucas saying retarded shit 40 years after the OT to pander to a completely different political and cultural climate proves star wars has always been woke.

Based retard.

>not catering to imageboard extreme far right racism and misogyny??
Yes because that's exactly what I'm saying. Based retard.

Lucas was always shit, much smarter writers were the reason that the OT was good, mainly Gary Kurtz.

Just replace all of HK-47's use of "meatbag" with "nazis" and he's back in.

>he doesn't know
Read up on George's politics and views on New Hollywood. You're in for it, trust me.

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>george lucas personal political beliefs means star wars was always woke
Based retard

>Lucas retroactively trying to ruin Star Wars is something new

lol no

>Old Republic has far more potential for content of all kinds than the other SW eras
>Instead of using that to your advantage to make a new series of movies you try as hard as you can to make sure it won't be good

I mean come on now, I hope it isn't using anything from the games because they are too good to be sucked into this mess.

>George Lucas was very liberal and left-wing in his politics, where he frequently donated to Democratic candidates. One of the more infamous examples was Barbara Boxer. His left-wing views stemmed from college, where he recalled that he "was angry at the time, getting involved in all the causes. The draft was hanging over all of us, and we were bearded, freako pre-hippies."[5] He also claimed that he was a believer in pure democracy and not Capitalistic democracy.[6] When discussing his ideal filmmaking style and how it contrasted with Hollywood's view on filmmaking, particularly the studio system which he claimed was dead due to corporations taking over, he described it as "the workers have the means of production", implying that he was an adherent to Marxism.[7]

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>george lucas personal politics means star wars was always woke
Based retard

Malak will definitely be white. Revan will be a black dude with Bastila being portrayed by the whitest, blue-eyed blonde girl they can find. Canderous will betray them, HK-47 will literally be Bender.

>he still doesn't know
You really need to educate yourself on the making of the OT holy fucking kek Zoomy

Nigga Kirito and Indian Asuna incoming. Kayaba is going to be a fucking white male and there's nothing you can do about it.

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Nothing about the OT was woke desu senpai.

>this allegory of vietcongs fighting british nazis isn't woke because i say so
based retard

>strong independent princess who don't need no rescue
Yeah, nothing to see here.

>rebelling against a literal evil authoritative system is woke
Based retard.

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But she literally did, retard

>the colonialist powers are evil and vietcongs dindu nuffin they good rebels!!
Based retard.

Subvert the fuck out of them

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>strong independent princess who don't need no rescue
But she did need to get rescued and needed other people for help. Unlike in woke star wars where women get captured on the death star and break out all by themselves then beat the bad guy without ever using the force or a lightsaber before.


>the OT is woke because it featured a rebellion against an evil government
Based retard.

The only help she needed was Luke opening the door for her. From that point on she took control of the situation. One of the first things she does is yank the E-11 out of Luke's hands.

Why does this keep happening? I honestly can’t think of it being any worse of a time to be a Star Wars fan.

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that movie was shit fuck off trash.

What the fuck happened to meritocracy in hollywood? It didn't used to be this bad.

Summer of 1999.

>ignoring the second part of my post about what is woke star wars
>implying Leia needed no help
>implying Leia helping the people who helped her escape means the OT is woke
Holy shit based retard

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It used to be way way worse...

The Disney Era is way worse the prequel era ever was.

>The comics are at an all time low
>The video games are at an all time low
>The TV shows and cartoons are at an all time low
>Toy sales are at an all time low

Could go on and on.

Bruh, the prequels look good in comparison to this new mess.

Fuck you shill, I was around then also and it’s nowhere near as bad as it is now.

>ignoring the second part of my post about what is woke star wars
Because I wasn't talking about NuWars being woke. I was talking about the OT being woke. Don't change the topic.
>implying Leia needed no help
Yeah, she needed someone to open that door for her.
>implying Leia helping the people who helped her escape means the OT is woke
Yup, nothing to see here, just your typical princess one upping the trained gunslinger and sniping Stormies left and right. After all, the Force is female, isn't it?

All of these except for the vidya were shit in 1999 too. Sit down Zoomer.

Not really, I haven't seen a good movie made after 2008.

The prequel-era is where the EU peaked.

KotOR 1/2, RC, Jedi Outcast/Academy, Gennedy Wars, TCW, etc.

Only a Disneyfag would deny this.

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The Handmaiden
Under the Skin
The Master
Holy Motors
The Embrace of the Serpent
Let the Right One In
Inherent Vice

>Because I wasn't talking about NuWars being woke
Yes you are. This whole thing started because I said disney, and star wars, is going woke. You say they aren't because it's always been woke. You have literally no argument for the OT always being woke, except for George Lucas's personal politics which weren't reflected in the OT in a woke way, unlike in modern day day woke star wars where personal politics are. You're a literal retard.

Like you're trying to say the OT was woke because after being rescued Leia assisted the people assisting her to escape. You're an actual retard.

>in 1999
I know you're too young to have been there yourself but it's not that hard to look up the timeline of EU releases, Zoomer Also you're wrong, the EU peaked with X-Wing and SotE

Prequel-era is where Star Wars as a whole peaked regardless of what asshurt nostalgia blind manchildren want to believe.

NuWars being turbo-woke doesn't change the fact that the OT was mega-woke, sorry if this simple fact hurts your feelings.

Only a Zoomer would believe this.

So now you agree nuwars is woke.

And just because you say the OT was woke doesn't make it so, you have yet to provide an argument it was.

>She is the first woman writer of a Star Wars movie since The Empire Strikes Back in 1980,
uhhh every Nu SW movie was written by a team of women.

>So now you agree nuwars is woke.
I never said anything to the contrary, Zoomy.

>you have yet to provide an argument it was.
Would a quote by George Lucas himself, a literal "word of God", change your mind?

So she got the job because of having a vagina...

Does that mean Kyle Massey will be Malek?

>not whitewash KOTOR
there are like a dozen colors of people in this fucking story is she going to remove the few that are actually white humans?

It's a better setting than anything in Nu Star Wars though.

>in 1999
Yes, the beginning of the prequel-era. Even during episode 1s release there was fun to be had, jedi power battles, the phantom menace game, ep 1 racer, and the comics were still good.

>sword art online live action

That is going to be a fucking disaster just judging by their Death Note and other anime to live action attempts so far.

No, because George Lucas's personal politics are irrelevant. He can say whatever he wants but if his personal politics aren't reflected in the OT in a woke way it doesn't make the OT woke.

So if you have no evidence for the OT being woke that actually comes from the movies themselves you have literally no evidence for the OT being woke. And you do have no evidence from the actual movies because George didn't inject his politics in a woke way, because the films aren't woke, which is why you are relying on quotes from George Lucas.

Based retard.

Oh no no no no no no no no not like this...

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>“I love history, so while the psychological basis of ‘Star Wars’ is mythological, the political and social bases are historical,” Lucas told the Boston Globe in a 2005 interview. In fact, the filmmaker is such a history buff that he collaborated in the publication of the 2013 book “Star Wars and History,” which was edited by history professors Nancy R. Reagin and Janice Liedl. Written by a dozen leading historians and reviewed and confirmed by Lucas, “Star Wars and History” identifies the numerous real-life figures and events that inspired the science-fiction franchise, including the following:

>Richard Nixon
>Although there are parallels between Emperor Palpatine and dictators such as Hitler and Napoleon Bonaparte, the direct inspiration for the saga’s evil antagonist was actually an American president. According to J.W. Rinzler’s “The Making of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi,” when asked if Emperor Palpatine was a Jedi during a 1981 story conference, Lucas responded, “No, he was a politician. Richard M. Nixon was his name. He subverted the senate and finally took over and became an imperial guy and he was really evil. But he pretended to be a really nice guy.”

>Vietnam War
>The guerilla war waged by the Rebel Alliance against the Galactic Empire mirrored the battle between an insurgent force and a global superpower that was playing out in Vietnam as Lucas wrote “Star Wars”. The filmmaker, who was originally set to direct to the Vietnam War film “Apocalypse Now” in the early 1970s before moving on to “Star Wars,” said in an audio commentary on the 2004 re-release of “Return of the Jedi” that the Viet Cong served as his inspiration for the furry forest-dwelling Ewoks, who were able to defeat a vastly superior opponent in spite of their primitive weapons.

hahaha holy shit
>let's make another abomination of a movie guys!

>No, because George Lucas's personal politics are irrelevant.
They are not when he outright admits to injecting them into Star Wars.

Everyone can see these political undertones. The audience, the critics, the filmmakers who admit it themselves.

Only you are blind to them. Based underage retard posting from your phone expecting to be taken seriously. Kek.

>the movie isn't woke because I'm too dumb for its symbolism
Based retard.

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You'd have to be a legit braindead retard to not believe that. Most(NOT ALL) of the iconic and most beloved pieces of non-movie media were released during the prequel-era, not to mention the peak of the entire franchise also released during this time period: KotOR 2.

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George lucas can say the emperor was inspired by Richard Nixon and the ewoks were an allegory for the the vietnam war.

Literally doesn't matter, nothing about the emperor or ewoks in the films were woke. Inspiration and implementation are two different things.

And then your whole argument relies on the assumption that disliking Richard Nixon and being against the vietnam war is woke, neither of which they are. So again, literally no argument.

Based retard.

Star Wars has never been political, it was and has always been about the relationship between father and son and the devastation involved when you are estranged.

>the writer and *creator* of the absolute fucking abortion clinic dumpster fire that was the Altered Carbon adaptation

Absolute fucking trash tier.

I feel the real weight of depression when I imagine how hyped I would have been for this film just 10 years ago compared to the nothing but disdain for all things star wars I feel now.


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That scene genuinely spooked me when I was a kid

>it's not woke because it's too subtle for me to see
Based retard.

>misrepresenting what I said because you have no rebuttal
Based retard

It's definitely good, but it's nowhere near the peak of Star Wars.

She also wrote Altered Carbon which wasn't that shit compared to Genisys

>Inb4 adaption

go on...take kotor from me.
you've taken everything else.

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Altered Carbon was legitimately fucking terrible.

Literally one of the worst adaptations of any property I've ever seen, and she's the literal reason it's shit because she wrote it. Anything good about it comes from the mangled corpse of Richard Morgan's book and the production company.

The story of Jedi Academy was an absolute abortion but the gameplay on the other hand is completely different story

OT - Alien
PT - Aliens
ST - Alien 3

Is this the same thing GoT hacks will be doing? I can already see how they will ruin Kreia. I bet they will simplify her only so she will only want to destroy the force and that will be her final goal.

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That doesn't make any sense; the sequel trilogy is terrible

a chance for redemption
at least they don't HAVE to come up with anything new this shitshow around


What's so special about KOTOR exactly I find the lore of Republic Commando much more interesting than the Old Republic and the only thing I remember from that game is annoying character like Carth and Juhani which didn't leave me great impression after I finished it

>altered carbon
>ep, creator, writer

So it was her idea to rewrite a novel that was made for video? gg no re star wars.

Why do I feel like this gonna be worse than Solo?

>find the lore of Republic Commando much more interesting

They'll be coming for that next.

because this woman is a fucking terrible writer

at least they cant possibly mess up my boy here right?

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He'll be a fag, just like the hotel in Altered Carbon.

Actually it's more like this

OT: Orginal DB, DBZ
PT: DB/DBZ movies,

>What's so special about KOTOR exactly
1 million Lightsabers twirling

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Wait, is the KOTOR trilogy the one Dumb and Dumber are working on?


is Yea Forums retarded
rhetorical question

she's saying she's not gonna cast a bunch of caucasians for an anime adaption

These posts tell the truth. The sequel trilogy is forgettable and not worth holding on to.

People this stupid should be removed from society.


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She is a strong character but she does not out do / outshine Luke or Han in any of the OT movies. At best she carries her weight, but she's never above reproach or independent in any meaningful way. She's written very well for a female character that is not the central / main character of the OT.

Idris Elba

I know you're all Zoomers here, but that movie is seriously fucking HORRIBLE. It was the worst movie I've ever seen in my 30 years on this fucking planet.The most boring fucking movie to have existed. I'd rather watch a mute on Twitch paint a fucking wall for 3 hours

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First one is great first entry in a new era. Gameplay is dated, but still solid.
Second one had development issues and what was released made no sense, requiring community restored cut content. Gameplay is same as first, but extended. Flawed but good (not great) game.
SWTOR is basically Buffalo Bill wearing the skin suits of the first two games.
All of their stories fall into clear "star wars-ness" which is not great stories on an absolute scale, but KOTOR is in the top five of EU/Legends stories.

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lmao why not use D&D?

those faggots might have fucked GoT up with their fanfiction but they did pretty well as long as they had source material to stick to

It's a bad rpg dude.
You get too powerful too quickly so you end up just running around killing everything with god-like lightning bolts.
And who the fuck is not skipping all those shitty cutscenes, fuck that.

Nobody plays Bioware RPGs for the combat.

just people who like terrible writing then?


She’ll be an British Asian. Screencap this

bioware didn't really have terrible writing until after the KOTOR games

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Their writing has always been juvenile, there is a reason why terms like "Biowarian Morality" and exist

bruh, look at this dude.
Wait til you see the- ohhohohohonononnoOHOHOHO

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Kotor 1 is basically TFA of old canon, I don't know how they want to pull this off again. It's basically copied and merged plots of OT and TPM. It relys strongly on how much you were surprised by Revan twist, which is really similar to ESB one and everybody knows it now anyway.

Then kotor 2 retcons the shit out of it and then TOR retcons the shit out of Kotor 2. I'm also quite certain that 90% of stuff people like about kotor comes from sequel but people don't remember that. I once even asked people on various sites why people like Revan so much using only Kotor 1 as source and nobody could give an answer, aside from
>because you are him!

Kotor 2 is cool because of its autistic examination of SW lore and villains who are intimidating af as opposed to funny Malak. It leaves players with tons of interesting questions and things to think about and makes a lot of thought provoking points while character who even seem boring and cliche at start like Atton turns out to be interesting. And entire game is basically philosophical debate about the Force similar to what Yoda and Luke had in ESB instead of swinging lightsaber. I don't even think you can put so much into movie given how short average movie is in comparison to game.
lparchive.org/Knights-of-the-Old-Republic-II/Update 19/
And fantastic VA

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Phantom Menace sucked but 1999 was objectively an amazing time to be a SW fan

They play them for the superior Obsidian sequels.

Shame both companies went to shit.

Fucking hell why can't ruining the original trilogy be enough?

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>implying I was going to see it even if it had been good
This franchise died when Lando and Mace stopped being the only black men in the galaxy. If you're still paying attention to anything beyond Legends, I feel sorry for you but also wish you were dead.

Canon Revan and Exile were both Aryan blond males with Hitler Youth haircuts.

Who TF are these characters

I want her to be Emily Blunt or Keira Knightley 10 years ago.

Based. Stopped caring as soon as I realized all the fags ITT actually still pay attention to the SWEU.

What are D&D doing if they're not writing it? Surely not directing. I would much rather D&D write the films than this woman.

My God were the graphics for his gun actually that bad?

>a movie literally about the destruction of the (Jewish) Temple and why The (Roman) Empire is bad
George was always like this.

How does KOTOR 2 retcon KOTOR?

They're all Jews, aren't they?

It was 2004.

>tfw no starkiller spin-off
Feels bad man

My goy god, at least George Lucas had his limits, is this all a ploy to fix his public image after the prequels?


IMAGINE being a Star Wars fan right now

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I might pirate this dumpster fire if it has based Atton.

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Yeah. The multiplayer and user-made content was something else.

Ugh. She fucking butchered altered carbon with her female empowerment.

I love watching you unfuckable incels suffer lmao

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>not appreciating the glory of Kotor 3

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Im laughing, youre crying. Lmao in your face, trumpist

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Abloobloobloo muh star wars muh wahmen baaaaaw

HAHAHAHAHA you pathetic fucks

They can pump as much bilge as they want, it's over.

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Trump is left wing garbage and you're as dumb as any of his supporters.

Based and underrated

Actually it's going to be Idris Elba.

It retcons Revan who in first game simply falls to the dark side because he is tainted by war and Star Forge and then returns to light because was mindraped by Jedi. In sequel it turns out that during war he discovered eldritch horror sith are lurking in unknown regions and are about to strike and decided that republic is too weak with its democracy so he has to take over and militarize it or else all will be lost. Jedi never mindraped him, he probably realized that he fucked situation even more and has to fix it. Mandalorians were probably tricked into war so both them and republic are weakened and are easy prey to true sith. It's better said in that lparchive thing.