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baby should be black

Imagine actually wanting this ending. Can't wait for mad Dany and King Bran to happen in the books. I will rub it in the faces of every normie fuck


Someone actually drew this
They were most likely one of the many tumblrites to label D&D misogynistic.

Where did all the wolves come from and why are the dragons tiny?

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Dude wine

Well, at least they got Tyrion right.

He was always GRRM's fave so that one was a given

Genuine cringe.

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still better ending that what we gon, im not ironic even.

>still has his nose

>having children

How is he wielding light bringer if dany is still alive? He’d need to kill her first to turn his sword into it.
Fucking showfags I swear.

why is the baby naked?

if they were going for a shitty ending why not just let Dany win and kill everyone?

Based retard

Fuck dragonslut.

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Based user recognizing the superior race.

He killed Igrite remember.

Stop posting your shitty art ramon

I want to fuck that dragon.

that fourth wolf is tyrion's, right? jon better not have ditched ghost

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