I heard they're going to change Jafar into Jason, a blonde white christian male who viciously rules over the oppressed muslims of the kingdom.
Juan Collins
We've all seen Jafar. They are going to change all his scenes between now and tomorrow?
Charles Jackson
B-but I thought it was the religion of peace?
Carter Martin
There is going to be a blonde guy "from the far north" competing for Jasmine's hand though
Nathan Campbell
Its just a movie
Michael Flores
this can’t b real
Nathaniel Myers
sadly it is
David Diaz
how lewd does she get?
Luke Russell
Its a darker grittier more mature version of the cartoon slave scene, that shows the dark side of Naomi Scott being sexually enslaved against her will
Elijah Russell
>Naomi Scott into his harem chained slave girl literally only reason to pirate this movie
Sebastian Campbell
Spoilers Say with me: SULTANA JASMINE
Mason Campbell
But is there a hot harem bondage scene?
Jason Miller
>feminists shitting on muslims No it won't happen, they will turn Jafar christian else they gonna get bzheaded or stoned by their precious minorities
Nicholas Robinson
this is very important question
Eli Evans
I don't mind Jasmine being an uppity Feminist Sultana, if she gets dragged down and made Jafar's fuck slave as punishment in the red harem outfit
Jaxson Campbell
They are just making Jasmine into this Feminist Sultana political leader so the bondage scenes will be more erotic and humiliating when she submits to Jafar's Islamist Patriarchy wearing nothing but harem red lingerie
i don't see why its more feminist to beat a young handsome man over an old creepy patriarch
Zachary Watson
Personally I would prefer the slave bondage scene to have an old creep rather than a chad, as it would be more degrading and humiliating for Jasmine
Julian Morris
Bondage is the one place where ugliness is hotter in males, as the more disgusted the woman is, the more torture it is for her
Elijah Barnes
All the Feminism will be worth it when they really play up Jafar's sadistic misogynist side in the slave scene so we can cheer louder when she breaks the chains and becomes Sultana. Like Leia strangling Jabba the Hutt. You think you have a strong Feminist chained in lingerie and she'll be too humiliated to fight back.
Joshua Phillips
>to have an old creep rather than a chad, as it would be more degrading and humiliating for Jasmine >as the more disgusted the woman is, the more torture it is for her this
Carson Williams
This is a crime against, uglies its the one place we get to shine. We human Jabba the Hutts.
Its like making Jabba into Zac Efron. Then Leia would have just laid back and enjoyed it
Colton Scott
Its for the 50 Shades crowd. Women like sadism if the guy is cute.
Austin Flores
there's no slave scene in the movie
Bentley Lee
So what does Jafar do to Jasmine after he gets the lamp?
Anthony Parker
They are trying to make these films more realistic. So there is no elaborate harem scene. He just rapes her.
Lucas Thompson
>new gf says she's into bondage >send her a pic of some extreme bondage as a joke, like women put in a stockade, restricted by chains with their tits bound up and purple, say "like this?" >she says "yes, looks like fun" >tfw I'm a vanillafag
A lot of Muslims today are peaceful, you dumbass. In the Medieval era, yeah, there were Muslim empires that were trying to conquer Europe, but that is done. After more than a millennia of war, they gave up.
What genre? Middle-Eastern fantasy?
Dylan Moore
Sounds like complete shit. At least I'll always have the original movie.
Bentley Clark
is it true bondage girls like you to be ugly like jabba so its more degrading and humiliating for her?
Jose Collins
He tortures the sultan and Jasmine's friend a bit and makes Jasmine watch. Then he orders the guards to jail her, because she refuses to marry him, but while she's being taken away, she sings her OC song about how she won't be silenced and she gives a speech to a guard turning all the guards back against Jafar. So Jafar just says fuck it and wishes to be the strongest wizard ever and stops caring about Jasmine completely for the rest of the movie
Carson Cruz
Imagine being an incel and having every stacy actress in the world go on record as not dating you
>He tortures the sultan and Jasmine's friend a bit and makes Jasmine watch.
Wow this Jafar is even more sadistic and kinky. He knows an altruistic caring girl like Jasmine will be even more crushed watching her best friend raped in front of her eyes
Joseph Wright
There's no way they would even vaguely insinuate shitting on muslims.
Jeremiah Adams
Go over to the /gif/, /h/ or /hc/ boards, those are the places you should start with. Kink.com has online videos that educate you on bdsm and I think they even hold some bdsm classes over at their San Francisco headquarters if you want to learn.
John Ortiz
/d/ too
Zachary Bell
No, /d/ or Hentai alternative is what drives you away, or it isn't a place to start with bdsm. Check some audio podcasts on iTunes, just type in bondage or bdsm in the search bar.
These traditionalist guys want to keep their prizes "pure" even when they are slaving them. So he can't rape Jasmine before marriage, has to keep her virginal. But no limits on her female friends.
Oliver Adams
Yeah it gets pretty brutal, what Jafar does to Jasmine and her friends and family is the one part Disney had kept from leaking. Making it a Feminist revenge film was the only way to get that stuff in a Disney film
Dominic Roberts
In Beast, they had Emma Watson running around in her Victorian underwear for the final scene. So Disney can push the envelope on these
Cameron Hall
Good thing I'm skipping the live action movies then.
Owen Brown
I know y'all are talking about other stuff, but can I just bring up how sexy Jafar was when he turned into a snake in the original?
Instead of getting all triggered by Feminism, you guys need to think with your dicks more. You need to raise a woman up if you're going to drag her down. Make it a longer painful fall. It just makes the degradation scenes more kinky.
Jose Rodriguez
Maybe he worships a misogynist snake cult and that is how they can make him an evil patriarch that enslaves feminist jasmine, without slurring Islam
Benjamin Barnes
At least post the clip, can't find it on YouTube. Please, help an incel out.
Levi Myers
Victorian underwear covers more skin than clothing does today
Jace Sanchez
Kek, don't care. I used to look at those JC Penny and Sears catalogues when I was younger and the women were more clothed back then than they are today. Remember the Friday the 13th remake.
Daniel Sanchez
These scenes with Jasmine in the red slave outfit was basically porn to me as a child
Hudson Martinez
This. I am already anticipating the faps
Brody Ortiz
Now Naomi Scott will reenact it all with her 3d body, and there will be the added pleasure of knowing shes an uppity Feminist who tried to be sultana when Jafar was standing in her way
Nicholas Cox
It's easy to go down that path. The last time my wife and I had sex I deepthroated her until she threw up on my cock. After that unfortunate accident I started slapping the shit out of her face as "punishment" while she rode me.
Joseph Ortiz
Her and Jafar kept fighting over the freedom of Agrabi women to marry as they choose, so there will be the added just deserts of forcing Jasmine to marry him.
Anthony Martinez
While Jasmine is enslaved in her red harem outfit, Jafar uses his sorcery magic to replay all her past Feminist speeches to taunt her at what she has been reduced to
Gabriel Ortiz
>Then he orders the guards to jail her, because she refuses to marry him, but while she's being taken away, she sings her OC song about how she won't be silenced
Turning her slave bondage into a whole musical number is a new twist. I heard about the new song, but didn't realize she'd be in her red harem outfit while belting it out.
Kevin White
It is very symbolic she sings the song Speechless right before Jafar gags her
Carson Torres
Try to lock me in this cage I won't just lay me down and die I will take these broken wings And watch me burn across the sky And it echoes saying I..
One of my earliest memories is my dad taking me to see Aladdin at age 4. I remember thinking the crook Jafar sent into the Tiger got turned into the magic carpet.
I just can't believe I watched such a kinky scene before I even started Kindergarten. Jasmine all chained up and her dad tortured in front of her.
In the 2000s the VHS tape of that scene was my teenaged porn.
Connor Reed
Based on what I've watched, some of them like Ugly Bastards. Pretty sad that a kinky girl like that is wasted on user, but maybe he could learn to enjoy it.
Evan Gonzalez
Who was Ben speaking to when he said this?
Jacob Jones
ruin your nofap?
Carson Jones
save those messages for when she calls the police on you
Grayson Brown
Shut the fuck up.
Angel Williams
no you shut up
Dominic Morris
from what i can tell, he wrote it to a british pm during the revolutionary war
Jonathan Price
Can you imagine all the things you could wish for if you found his lamp?
Yeah, I wasn't interested in that so much as having a giant cobra swallowed me whole.
Nolan Wilson
So these reminds me of a nitpick I have with the original movie.
When Aladdin becomes a prince, isn't he set for life? What reason does he have to not want to wish genie to be free?
In this new movie it seems that wishes weaken overtime so maybe the new reason will be he wants to keep the genie for around as long as possible?
Noah Thompson
Not really. If you live in a country with large muslim immigration, you know they are only peaceful when they are a small minority. Once enough, it is a very different story. Most are still peaceful, but enough are not to ruin the place.
Turning sex slave bondage into a musical is kinda hot
Its all about emotional humiliation, and music is a great way to get it out
Xavier Flores
disney can go to hell
Brody Thompson
The suffering of beautiful women is so hot
Julian Myers
or you could just buy a pair of $20 police grade handcuffs from amazon
Josiah Diaz
Naomi Scott in slave lingerie giving her defiant "I wont submit to you" speech to Master Jafar in song
Julian Butler
what the fuck is this shit? i don't really think getting the most blank emotionless person that barbie will call soulless, and ruining a character that was perfectly fine is 'feminist'. fuck this shit.
Jace Rogers
Naomi Scott was one evil Pink Ranger. Spreading revenge porn of a girl just for dating a chad she liked, and then acting like shes the victim.
Chase Sanders
I never connected my sexual sadism to being an incel. But I realize I really really love the pain and suffering of women.
Kayden Cruz
It's even better when you actually do it to real girls and they come back for more.
Gabriel Stewart
>or you could just buy a pair of $20 police grade handcuffs from amazon Actual police cuffs are very uncomfortable.
Zachary Thomas
I'll just let my kinks keep getting more extreme until no real girl would want or survive it
Jordan Johnson
Join us in voreland. Big Jafar snakes eating fucking everything
Cooper Bennett
A lot of masochistic girls fantasize about being raped by incels, since its the most degrading possible thing a female can experience
Angel Bailey
More mainstream movies should sneak in slavery and bondage
Josiah Wood
really? all i got from it is a fear of this movie
Jose Diaz
She never puts on the slave gear. She puts on the wedding dress and just as she's about to say "I do", she fakes Jafar out, steals the lamp and jumps onto carpet with Aladdin on it.
Lucas Walker
So Jafar has some lingerie laid out for her and then she refuses?