What does Yea Forums think of this flick?
What does Yea Forums think of this flick?
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Subliminal fantasies of Yea Forums fags.
i had to cleanse my tastebuds with Vanilla sky afterwards
That's a kino, mate.
it's shit
Tranny propaganda, too bad you freaks will never pass lmao
This shit made me so uncomfortable and grossed out, idk why really, but I was fucked up for like 2 days after
hot as fuck
Didn't think much of it. Saw it a few years ago can hardly remember it. Overrated is the word.
God tier ost to a fetish film
Great first date movie
Good film, one of Almodovar's better films.
>The Skin What Habit
Why is Spanish such a dumb language?
English has like four words that do the same thing as que.
You were close.
Stay Que'd pleb.
Check this out senpai: ñññÑÑÑÑÑ çççççÇÇÇÇ
Miguel de Cervantes fault should have written a lot more.
calla mongolo
It was a great movie. One of my favorites. Thanks for reminding me to watch it again.
I enjoyed it, makes me think how much better law abiding citizen might be if they left the fact that his senpai got killed until the end
Book is better
completely different ending and far far far better
>daughter's rapist just happens to be 5'5" skinny twink
too convenient
“God I wish that were me”
la epidermis en la cual moro
went in knowing nothing about it, impressed me a lot
wtf I just downloaded this from KG because I want my mum to watch it
spooky coincidence
What are the differences between book and film?
they fall in love and she doesn't run away
I used to like it bc it has a great soundtrack and well made film, but in hindsight its kind of degenerate and disgusting