>no wife
>no kids
>frequently has sex with 20 year old supermodels
>has drug fueled parties on his massive yacht
What went to wrong for poor Leonardo DiCaprio?
No wife
climate change! private jet private jet massive superyacht multiple mansions
>Tobey is there
It’s so sweet that they’re still friends
>hurr we need to ban straws u guise
>now excuse me while i take my giant fuck boat out for a spin
"drug fueled"
you sound like a dumb boomer weed and a little pills isn't a drug fueled night of debauchery old man
he is just method acting for wolf of wall street 2 : electric boogaloo
Did they even ever do a movie together?
Great Gatsby
>Climate change for thee, but not for me.
Does Toby even want to act anymore
So forgettable
>letting niggers on your boat
I only ever let female darkies on my pontoon back when I had shebangs.
>went wrong
there are niggers on his yacht for some reason
Realistically why do you think those niggers are on Leo’s boat? Are they just friends? Potential business partners Leo is trying to impress? Maybe Leo and Toby are gay and like to get fucked by black men. What possible reason could there be for this random assortment of niggers on this boat? Why would a straight man have nothing but females and a couple of his close friends on his super yacht? Are they part of Leo’s friendcircle? Does Leo like niggers?
imagine doing coke and banging sub 25 year old on this and going to sleep on it after the orgies and coke has worn off knowing its yours and you could do it all again the next day
lmao wtf I have a better ass than thst bitch
All the straightedge dorks that criticize based Leo’s lifestyle are probably STEM autists destined to be beta bucks providers.
/pol/tards expressing their brainlet views once again. The black guy close to the door is his bodyguard. The older guys down below are crew. How is it you can survive with as much anxiety you have over seeing other races? Shit must be miserable. Might as well kill yourselves now, considering the future is only going to be more of this.
>20 year old supermodels
what a homo. it's 12 yo russian supermodels or nothing
fuck its one of those boats that jet skis pop out the back of like James Bond
Yeah, what an empty zombie life. No wonder they are all alcoholics and druggies. And miserable. Money does not give you a soul or happiness.
Lol defensive much?
maybe, but it gives you boats and hoes
every time he has sex he has to remember the time a fat jew producer fucked him in the ass when he was 12.
His life sucks.
>another thread ruined by /pol/dditor incels
Mental illness
as opposed to spending most of your time on Yea Forums,gaming or going to a job for a living that life seems much better.
For what ? Having a job not requiring to be someone else far better that i can hope to be ? Having a loving gf and children instead of banging whores for money ? Finding great joy in small things that are actually greater than all these miserable people can buy ?
I do not to cope. I pity them. I have everything they can’t buy and matter.
>What went to wrong for poor Leonardo DiCaprio?
He became a hypocrite...
All he had to do was keep his mouth shut about his Al Gore-ness and people would actually defend his lifestyle, and be envious of it.
But no, we're polluting ourselves to death, it's our fault, while he sails away in yachts, fucking supermodels.
>our fault
based user
lol shut up nerd
How do know he's miserable?
>so I post on Yea Forums instead
You're retarded if you think one man is doing as much harm to the environment as the sum total of burgerland's fast food plastic production.
what do you do for a living that you are so happy?
Well, that is sad.
I only spend an hour or top a day,and enjoy the company of funny autists more interesting than all the whores he bought in his life.
Sauce on any of this, retard?
He's a closet fag, and he really isn't subtle about it.
Agreed. I'd much rather spend 16 hours a day here on Yea Forums, only being split up from masturbation sessions where I jerk off to traps fucking guys, and making tendies 3 times a day.
how can he keep getting away with it?
>inb4 muh jealousy
>inb4 roastie
His lifestyle is at the very least immature and at the most pathetic. I can understand living like that in your 20s and 30s, but the dude is 45. He's been living that life for over 20 years now. Sure, to me that's amazing and I would love to live like that but only because I haven't experienced that. He's been doing that for 2 decades. To not get bored of that only points to an underlying issue that he has. Probably commitment issues, immaturity, a bit of the gay etc. And I'm not even advocating marriage here. It would be great if he had like 5 kids with 5 different women or something like that. That's laudable, that's spreading your genes, being a Chad. But even that kind of responsibility is too much for him apparently
jealous roastie
>>frequently has sex with 20 year old supermodels
He also frequently has sex with Lukas and Toby
Sure, having to pay child support is a time honored tradition for manhood.
Make me
I help workers and employers to achieve their professionnal goals and improve their lives and companies. It is highly rewarding on a human lvl.
I do. Its fun. Good memes, interesting people. Your point ?
Not everyone want kids or marriage.people have different goals and dreams in their life.Not having kids is better than being a bad father.
based and familymanpilled
It's because he didn't have much of a childhood. He literally grew up in Hollywood and has been in the spotlight for nearly a lifetime. He's like one of those prisoners that got locked up at 17 and doesn't know what a normal life is like. Leo is too far gone and will likely never act like or understand to be a regular adult.
>that's spreading your genes
If you consider browsing this shithole to be “Finding great joy in small things that are actually greater than all these miserable people can buy?” then more power to you, user.
>The individual that has the largest carbon footprint
The primordial reason men strive to make money is so they can support children. That's in our genes. It's by far the biggest driver for male dominance. He has enough money to support 100s of children without breaking a sweat. That's what money is for. Look at Brando or Mel, 9-10 kids. Why? Because they can. Imagine having EVERYTHING ready to go for you to have children: gorgeous healthy women willing to carry your babies, money to support them, money to provide security and success to your children, and then not having kids. That has to be the ultimate cuckery.
>I pity them
No, you're coping because you're trying to rationalize why the universe gave them everything and left you with nothing. So you apply the Just World fallacy and come up with ludicrious, irrational and emotional reasons as to why they live a wealthy Hollywood lifestyle. "Th-they m-must be secretly shallow and miserable! Th-they c-could be unhappy all the time fucking whores, doing coke and sitting on a mountain of cash! Y-Yeah there's no other explanation!" I'm gonna tell you what you probably already know: life isn't fair. There are wealthy people who live far more content than you realize for the majority of their lives and their are poor people like you who live in short lives in misery and anguish, barely making ends meet. There are people living even worse than you in war torn countries and likewise there are billionaires who could be living far better lives than DiCaprio. None of it matters because there is no universal karmaic/moral relativism in place. It is what it is and you were born with shitter cards than DiCaprio. Just deal with it instead of crying about how he must be living terribly.
How good it is to be his childhood friend and you get to fuck literal 9/10s he wouldnt even look at
Yes. An ocean of shit full of gold nuggets. Actual people full of shit like all human beings, but also able to make me laugh or cry, or think. People unlike his whores and «friends».
fucking brainlet response
Companies are responsible for 70% of the pollution, changes in lifestyle can help, but not nearly as much as legislation
I agree with this user . Better to not have kids than to be a hedonistic, absentee father that’s only good for providing money.
based apuposter
Based. He's like MJ... sorta
You're retarded if you think I'm going to be preached to by some faggot who flies around the world and rents private yachts, also build more nuclear plants.
Its not about a measurable harm comparison its about practicing what you preach
>no family
>no long-time partner
>all your women are childish thots
>everyone you know are with you just to rub off your fame and money
>pity oscar
>drown all the worries in debauchery
What a shit life. I wonder if he will off himself at some point.
Not him,although it is true that money helps you in achieving happiness but its not everything your lifestyle and the things you do in your daily life is what brings you happiness.However a rich individual much more likely to live a happy life but it is not always the case I would say.
>the primordial reason men strive to make money is so they can support children
*deep inhale*
Nope. Lurk more and grow up. What do they have of value i do not ? Or rather, what thing of value i have that they have to ?
Those are just the galley slaves.
this. Bitching about hollyjew actors is the sign of cope from a little bitch
>doing as much harm to the environment as the sum total of burgerland's fast food plastic production
A single supertanker delivering goods from China is spewing more poison into the air than every car in the world.
his life is not perfect but still better than most people in this world.
Does she really need the beard money?
Cheeked and seed
Jack Nicholson taught him well.
you're a delusional faggot
there is no ideal life, but if there were, these dudes are much closer to it than any of us will ever be
>le jordan peterson philosophy
This sounded ideal way of living when I was incel. Then I met someone I geniunely liked and all those desires of fucking sluts became void in her presence. I feel bad for Leo. He can't even experience the things common plebs like us do. All he has to fill the void is fucking.
I realized what a loser he was recently when I read that Esquire interview with him, Brad and Tarantino. He comes across as an absolute tool and a borderline brainlet. The whole interview he licks Tarantino's ass and keeps saying "nobody is making movies like this anymore" and things like that. And you can tell from the interview that Brad and Quentin hit it off great and have a lot in common and Leo is just kind of third wheeling. It seriously changed my whole conception of who DiCaprio is. Brad is based, though.
Yes it literally is the definition of one, what is wrong with you. I'm not passing judgements nigger but you're literally ignoring reality, have a little more pride, hedonist
True he could have easily lived with family life but chose not to because he realized its not worth his time.
In fairness it’s both naive and unfair to expect an internationally famous movie star like Leo to find a nice, normal girl to settle down with.
There are twice as many dudes as there are women on that boat. It's practically a sausage fest.
user: Leo is a hypocrite because he preaches about climate change but lounges in a big polluting yacht!
Also user: We need more white babies so i'm going to be an incel and be a keyboard warrior instead of making babies.
Nope. Thats why they take refuge in sex, drugs and alcohol. To cope.
Actually it is rather something you can learn from life experience (when you have one) and greco roman philosophers.
I agree with the idea but you're delusional. You got way too emotionally attached to the first girl who would give you pussy. What you're feeling is 100% not love or anything like that. Of course Leo doesn't experience that anymore because he's had 100s of girls.
>so i'm going to be an incel and be a keyboard warrior instead of making babies
Is a strawman the only way you can make a point? Pretty pathetic tbqh
Not an argument
Already answered. Lurk more.
>implying user has choice
do you think people choose to be incels?
You sound incredibly obese.
Nah, I genuinely think he has issues. Why would a man need a yacht and change gfs like gloves if not for giant cope with his complexes?
There are a lot of rich actors that don't do this stupid shit. He's 100% coping.
You sound like an absolute brainlet. DiCaprio has immense worth to society as an actor because that is what society deemed worthy of attention. You, otoh, are a literal nobody. You could disappear right now and no one other than your family would care about you. No one would write about you in the news or dedicate articles to your life.
>Already answered
Cope harder
Think about it logically though, who's getting more out of it there, the girls or Leo? They're fucking Leonardo DiCaprio and he's fucking some random Insta model.
Based and clownpilled
Its probably true tho. There are many texts about miserable famous roch people. But then again there are a lot of texts about miserable poor people. Seems like the middle is just about right. Some kind of well respected masculine job like doctor or attorney, maybe a upstanding mayor
You sound incredibly obtuse.
And he doesn't even live by the principles he uses his position to foist upon the masses. He's a hypocrite of the highest order and has no credibility. And he should fire you and find a better publicist
Not him but How is your value in this world calculated anyway?
Real life isn’t like the prince and the pauper. Being rich and famous is 100% a better life than being a middle class nobody even if it’s superficial at times.
The real question is, how did they convince a transformer to let them have a party on its face?
have sex
By how many fat old jew producers you suck off. Leo's value is sky high and has been since he was a child
Been with girls before. But when I had her in my arms, I felt like a thousand whores couldn't replace her. That sensation is not something you can replace. Maybe Leo got burnt out by an old crush and is since compensating big time. Only logical explanation I can think of.
You are in control of your own destiny.
Not him but have sex
Nope.he has no value or real influence. I already did more than he can achieve. Things that matter. Saving jobs and companies, helping them grow and change their mind. He is just an expendable merc who will be forgotten in his lifetime, while i will never be remembered at all, but unlike him, my work will have an impact.
you are looking at one single thing about his lifestyle and are assuming that his life must be miserable.millionaires and billionaires are bound to have much better lives middle class nobodies assuming they have decent iq.
Disagree, a lot of famous people cant cope with the paparazzi and lack of privacy. Imagine getting shitfaced in the bar with the boys and you wake up to pics of you in the yellow stamp that you fingerblasted some underage phili girl. No bueno.
Learn to follow a thread youngling
>I already did much more than he achieved
Such as crying about him like an incel on an indian bollywood forum kek
By that logic whores, pornstars and thots are having an absolute killer life? They're getting laid whenever they want to by good looking guys, they're making money on Instagram or Cam sites for little work and they get lots of attention from everybody. They are incredibly happy and satisfied, right? Leading a fulfilling life?
only to a certain degree.Thinking that everyone can accomplish whatever they want assuming they work for it is foolish.
This is Inspector Clouseau-tier.
>wait... rich people aren't all happy
>wait... and poor people aren't all happy
You fucking moron, the real answer is that there are tons of unhappy people in every fucking aspect of life independent of class and circumstance. Goldilocks is not a hallmark philosophical text, for Christ's sake user.
People by 25 who still fuck around like they were 18 are damaged in some way or another. I can only imagine how it is as a 45 year old doing that teenage act still.
Having sex isn't so far removed from the realm of possibility.
He doesn't have that much value desu. A ultra famous actor with 3 real friends and 3 surviving family members (for example) will only really be mourned by 6 people. Meanwhile a nobody with 10 friends, 5 siblings, 10 extended family members will be mourned by 25 people. 99.999999% of people don't care at all about Leo even if they know who he is and like his work. I wouldn't bat an eye if he died tomorrow
drugs are never a good idea
Didnt say anywhere that his life is miserable. It is not. Its just that it isnt probably milk and honey how everybody makes it out to be
Cam girls and Insta thots are probably pretty happy. They make thousands every month through patreon or whatever and never have to interact with their neckbeard providers irl.
there is a big difference between pornstars and actors. actors are usually much richer and have a much better lifestyle also they are highly respected.
Imagine being this fucking gay. You’re probably still in le sad post grad phase. Date girls and fuck them. It doesn’t matter Kek
Kek, youre right
He enjoys little things
Why are kikes so sex obsessed?
Measurable harm comparison is exactly what those dumb comments hinge on. The speech was explicitly macro and people are acting like he's shitting on their ford fiesta's MPG.
It must get really boring after a while though. Sure, fun when you're 20 years old, but then to do it over and over and over again and again? No thanks
that is not goal most people have,people want a loving wife with kids that they will love,also a healthy marriage which quite hard to accomplish for some people.
Im not wrong tho
>muh paparazzi
Come on, it's still a million times better than being a nobody in a crummy apartment living paycheck to paycheck.
I am not crying,i am giving an argument. To teach the young ones this is not the way to go if you want to be happy and have an actual impact on society. I think you are projecting because i hurt your feefees.
>implying that's all he do everyday
he can do things with the money he has that you can't even imagine.
What if they start fucking around 25
Likewise having a family is by no means a fullfilling life. You keep autistically insisting that your humble shit life is a morally good way to live when in fact it is wholly irrational in today's society. Divorce rates are through the roof these days; marriages almost always become stale; your children are born into a shitty world where overpopulation, pollution and lack of resources are a thing; your own children can grow up to be absolute shitheads or worse, into a school shooter or killer. There is no correct way to live a morally good and fulfilling life.
Lurk more. I have children. I think it implies having sex. Or rather making love in my case.
yes they're "taking refuge" in things that are objectively pleasure
stop being poor lmao
you know he probably donates millions to charities too,also the work he do as actor also inspires millions.sorry to think that you have more impact on this world than leo is foolish.
Sure, as long we are comparing one extreme to another. Chances are you arent a nobody living one payday to another and if you are its not that hard to change. Also you will probably never be leo tier famous. So I am not saying one is better than another but that everything has its merits
You've been crying about a hollyjew kike for the past hour. If this is what you call a fullfilling life then you must be one of the saddest coping incels to date
not really, they were huge assholes in their youth, and it looks like that hasn't really changed
Having a family and doing it right is actually fulfilling. It is not because many fail that you will. Just choose wisely.
I’m sure there are countless Wall Street party boys that live similar lifestyles well into their 40s. You just know about Leo because he’s a movie star. The ones that are married probably cheat. Wealth doesn’t exactly breed good morals.
>I am not crying
It's not so much about the life as it is about the age. He's 45. He's been banging hoors for 25 years. There just has to be something wrong with him. There's a reason a vast majority of people usually get married and have kids. Sure, it's not ideal and there's a billion people with unhappy marriages but at least they tried. The fact that he's never had a serious girlfriend (afaik) at 45 indicates there's something seriously wrong with him. He's acting like a kid
Would be nice if throwing millions at charities actually made the world a better place.
This is a Christian board faggot.
this is what people married at 24 or 25 say
or have kids at 27
You sound like your crying tbqhwy
Leo: climate chaos, we need to stop it
Also Leo: hey spiderman, wanna come with on a yacht with my hoes to do some snorkeling?
Also Leo: I'm the king of the world, whoohoo
based and blackpilled
What kind of marriage would a huge movie star realistically have? Also, he’s been rich his entire adult life. You simply can’t compare rich movie stars to regular people. Immaturity and clinging to youth comes with the territory.
it helps in doing that though.the world is not magically going to become a great place to live,there are so many other factors involved.
Irrelevant. Charities never helped anyone. And he inspires no one but horny teen girls.
Lol, you sound like a faggot. I have kids and it's fucking awesome. Overpopulation is a 3rd world nigger problem.
Yeah. Yet they do. It is interesting that most people living fulfilling lives do not.
>charities never helped anyone
are you sure?No one?
>Charities never helped anyone
You may not like it, but this is the truth. Stop being dumb faggots about it and just try to improve your life instead of trying to rationalize why Leonardo DeFuckingCaprio is secretly depressed
>has children
>still on Yea Forums calling strangers faggots
I think it’s time to let go user. Clinging to this place when you have kids yourself is every bit as immature as what Leo does.
you seem upset user. Maybe because i make sense and you are angry.
>I have kids and its fucking awesome
And statistically speaking one will grow up to be a tranny and the other will get shot going to school kek
approximately 80% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. It's hardly an extreme scenario.
>I have kids and it's fucking awesome
well good for you
but not everyone's life and marriage goes the same way.sometimes you just know that things will not work out for you due to so many factors.
When your argument is a projection /strawman, it means you lost and should stop. Thx for your contribution son.
>source: my ass
Statistically speaking they are more likely to die in a car crash than either of those things.
>le still posts on Yea Forums meme
When will this die
>I have kids and it's fucking awesome.
Imagine having that much money and influence and the extent of your ambition is to just buy a really big boat, get intoxicated and fuck thots. You could literally influence the world with that much power. What an empty individual.
Tobey: Sure Jack, I'll bring some banging edibles.
Also Tobey: It's pizza time!
You're using this meme in the complete opposite way you're supposed to, retarded tourist.
I'm posting from my cubicle getting paid to shit on you.
>You could literally influence the world with that much power.
what would you do if you were in his place?
>the absolute state of amerifats
I could say I feel sorry for you but you brought this on yourself
>if I post cope one more time,maybe i will have a point
That isn’t how things work son
>Yes... yesssssssssss... good goy. Very good, indeed. You don't need or want wealth. The only true meaning in life is to slave away - Er, I mean "steadily work" for the enrichment of your betters
You are a nigger, and this post proves it.
I think you greatly overestimate the value of charities. Everybody involved skims their pay right off the top, eventually settles on some short-term solution, (they never follow up on) then spends the rest advertising for more donations.
Id probably build schools in africa. Or invest into science
desu nothing would change for me except buying a bunch of fancy toys. I’d still shitpost all day.
The irony here is that you've been projecting the entire time to everyone about how you're living better than anyone because you decided to stick your dick and settle and how a wealthy jewish actor is nowhere near as accomplished as you. You've been at it for over an hour and seeing as how its 1:50-4:50PM in America, it's very likely you're just a jobless NEET incel pretending to be a family which is why you've been acting like a complete and utter faggot over Leonardo DiCaprio
calling things "fucking awesome" is a basedism
>lives a wagecuck lifestyle and has to support his wife's kids while the bull is at home
>"Guys, its awesome being me"
Wealth is a meme. Can you buy happiness or purpose ?
No. You can only insure various degrees of comfort, but if you are a human and not a golem, it won’t do shit.
>this levels of autism
It doesn't matter, if he himself doesn't lead by example how the fuck does he think anyone else is gonna sacrifice much because of his message. See this is why environmentalism is pointless, people are simple not willing to do what it takes.
what a manchild
I can tell you right now without a doubt you're definitely not happy since you keep insisting everyone else is miserable like you.
Wealth isn’t a meme. Having money is always better than not having it. Fame is kind of a meme.
SeeBurger I presume. You stink stupidity a mile away.
I'd push my political agenda, meet with influential politicans/businessmen to see if I could make any headway, invest in third world countries where I could literally become a modern day king and shape communities to my ideal, influence the American people using my fame and fortune, spread my seed across the globe like a sultan and fund the children just enough so at least a few of them would go on to do something, invest in research I was interested in... Basically the same thing that most elite do.
Probably help people directly. Like paying kids college, helping poor families out. Not a big charity, like personal, eye to eye help. And it's selfish too because helping others is a huge dopamine and ego boost. But you're still actually changing lives. One party on that yacht probably sets him back 100 grand, which can get a smart but poor kid through college and change his life completely. It would feel pretty bad throwing those kinds of parties often knowing that money means nothing to me but everything to someone else.
If you're curious about what an actual strawman looks like, please reference this post:
the lifestyle leo is living is exactly the one pushed by kikes?
leo probably donates a shit ton to charities. He has enough to do that AND maintain his decadent lifestyle.
>Le family man good maymay
Look at this fucking nerd
Lol, no
Do you know why posting that image is no different to posting an NPC (one wearing a red cap)?
Gas yourself.
Nope. Try an actual argument. Money brings comfort, not happiness and purpose. Grow up.
Drink bleach, I just want to be able to carry home my cheap groceries in plastic bags and drink a fucking soda with a straw. Fuck you and fuck your laws.
cringe tier post probably made by a 16 year old retard
coke gives me awful headaches afterwards
>being middle aged and still living the Wolf of Wall Street lifestyle after 20+ years
cringe, but redpilled
Stay mad
That isn’t a strawman. Yours was.
Google the word.
He doesn't even own this yacht or any yacht you morons. You could literally google it.
Do you want your kids to grow up in a nice house in a nice neighborhood and go to good schools? That life isn’t cheap. Practically speaking, wealth is always going to give you a better quality of life overall.
I don't envy them, I live my life as simple as possible, I could live better than I live but don't want to because I'm frugal as fuck.Pity?, yeah, they need more stuff to be happy, and that's sad.
congrats on the bait
Based post among all the weirdos in this thread. To the others i instill you with some advice: _____________________________________________________________________________have sex
>hes a wagecuck
>with children to support
>working 9-5 for the Jew
>miserable, tired and angry
>wife stopped letting him see her fuck the bvll so he cant even masturbate and take off the chastity belt
>Have a small freakout because kid number 1 is in a school shooting again and kid number 2's expensive HRT and dilate station will cost him thousands
>go on youtube and see an ad for a DiCaprio movie
>absolutely lose it and go on a Tibetan Sky burial forum to cry about him
>"Johnson, what did I fucking tell you about slacking off? You keep this shit up and I'll let Mr Goldstein know you've been slacking off on your quotas!"
you're a fucking fool
once he dies he'll be mourned for a day or two by retards on social media and on the news, only to be forgotten within a week
Do you ever think some of you guys might end up single/no kids when you get older?
So much projection ITT. Just because his lifestyle would be a huge step up for you fat virgins doesn't mean it's actually a good lifestyle. Banging some barely legal thots with whom you can't even have a conversation is not a good look at 45.
I think leo spends a lot of time on sets/preparing for roles so he probably likes to unwind with coje and supermodels when he gets it done. When he stops getting roles so often, probably in the next ten years he’ll knock one of the models up and settle down, then get a divorce and knock up another model twice he will get all of the benefits of the life all you moralists are advocating.
He has a killer drive for acting in movies, he does a blockbuster/oscar nominated movie like every year, usually these movies are shot at different locations and he works for like 6-8 months a year
>hes a wagecuck
>with children to support
>his family line continues into the future
Based. Remember, the only reason you and Leo are here is because of people like that. Do not be the last one in your family line. Do not break the chain.
Kek. Being a good bf and father is being a nerd ? My sides.
Already posted and BTFOd a dozen times. You are late son.
>Banging some barely legal thots with whom you can't even have a conversation is not a good look at 45.
>being this insecure
it cut me off at the last sentence
how could he possibly have a quality relationship with a family while he has that kind of work schedule
>Dad cracked a joke all the kids laugh
>But I couldn't hear em all the way in first class
>Chased the good life my whole life long
>Look back on my life and my life gone
>Where did I go wrong?
Leo isn't happy.
Have sex incel.
>whom you can't even have a conversation
That's why he brings some of his bros
Could there possibly be a place more desirable for a prime thot than Leo's harem? Legit asking, is there a more top tier glamorous gang thots are desperate to join?
>dilate station
he is part of burgerland you autistic twat
Coachella swing parties
Do you think he wears condoms or does he raw dog them?
but user they have everything you have and more
I fucking hate rich actors
They already do. Your point ? Do I need to have a boat full of whores to be a better father ?
Not a b8. Lots of anons are actually retarded
You do not anymore answer directly and do it the roastie way ? Says a lot about you. A coward even on an anonymous forum. My fucking sides.
You people still don't get it do you? he can't have kids. It's why kate winslet left him.
I’m sure Leo had a vasectomy done well over a decade ago.
Cope for what? I'll be the first to admit that his life would be a step up for me. I would love to bang hoors on yachts for the next few years. But I'm in my early 20s and don't have anything else going on. He's 45 and has enough money and influence to actually do things that matter
>having children but being an incel
I think you missed a little point
oh fugggggggggggggggggg
all that money, fame and beauty and he is a half man
A fate worse than hell
Based Kanye does it again. Great post user, and great pic choice
>replying to everyone
lol the last movie Leo has been in is The Reverant back in 2015
Shoots only last about 6 to 8 weeks for feature films, and even then there's a shitload of downtime for the talent
You don’t have to have millions. For most people, making six figures definitely qualifies as wealthy. You’re right that money buys you security and comfort but isn’t that a huge component to being happy in life?
Such as ?
hollywood could vanish tomorrow and nothing would be different in the world.
Ah that's the life
i got it my life isn't as good as his.
Tldr; life just happens. Nothing we already didn't know gayboi
I would have used my money to found a bunch of businesses and organizations and I'd still drive my same car
Anime is for faggots and the white race is doomed women prefer big brown and black cocks sorry sweetie
>He's 45 and has enough money and influence to actually do things that matter
What do you expect him to do? Cure world hunger or create world peace? He has been more influential than any of the anons ITT can ever hope to be. Even his retarded paper straw advocacy will have more of an impact than the summation of any single user's life ITT.
We should all be so lucky
Millions of people would be without jobs
Most actors do invest in real estate or businesses or whatever.
Cringe and bluepilled. Pathetic incels who can't cope with reality.
That is not his boat. It's owned by Sheikh Mansour, the owner of Manchester City football club.
>The individual that has the largest carbon footprint
Anyone who believes this should commit suicide for being so stupid.
>Leo is sold by the mainstream as halfItalian and half German, but he has admitted in interviews he is half Russian. He hasn't yet admitted that is Jewish Russian
gay russian jew. fake italian. many beards. it's all a cover-up and compensation. why else would be tune out and listen to MGMT while having sex.
or if he is straight... it doesn't look like he's on TRT yet, so to keep up that libido and lifestyle maybe it's exactly the fact
that he hasn't settled down yet. men who've reproduced soften. it's exactly because he hasn't reproduced yet that his lifestyle is like this. his body is telling him to reproduce with young fertile women but for whatever reason he won't commit.
but still, no 45 year old or even 35 year old man will be able to have the sex drive of a 20 year old man. it's a sham.
I've experienced a tiny, tiny bit of that kind of life, would have killed for it before I did experience it. In my 20s I would definitely want that life.
If I had to give up what I have now in exchange for the ability bang young thots well into my 40s, I wouldn't do it. No way.
We were talking about not being an incel anymore
>>spamming iq memes
High 5 digits are enough. Once you get this lvl, you can built comfy homes. And money cannot buy love, education, values, discipline, etc.
If you're trying to convince anyone that money doesn't matter, you're a poorfag
how many of them are running companies like tesla? I wasn't talking about opening a restaurant or making salad dressing. I'd do something more meaningful than that bullshit. Most actors do basically nothing meaningful with their money.
very slav
more like 6 gorillion, sweetie
So nothing in fact. Interesting you cannot even give one example.
el goblillion
Sad but true.
Reality of what ? Rich stars on drugs , sex and alcohol to escape their misery ?
Money can 100% buy you a better education though. If you make high 5 figures, your kids most likely go to a higher class public school compared to parents that earn 40k a year.
Hundred years from now Leonardo will be forgotten but my legacy will live on through my children and grandchildren.
how has he gotten that ugly? no jaw, fat face, so-so hairline, shitty beard. he's gone from a 10 to a 6. worst aging of any male hollywood actor. look at how good Brad Pitt still looks. Even clooney looks better than leo and he's almost 15 years older
Your bloodline will be BLACK'D by then but nice cope.
what is an incel anyway?. you were projecting too hard.
Nope. Education is transmitted by parents. Discipline, duty, honor, love. No school will teach that, whatever the price. You mix skills and knowledge with education.
Still has a better chance than Leo's
your life has nothing?
He looks pretty suave, just a bit overweight
Oh dear.
>an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.
Was making the argument: people have bias that make them look down on things they can't have (Fox and the Grapes, a centuries old fable)
>by that logic whores,pornstars and thots are having an absolute killer life
See how he puts a new (positive) argument (sex/attention/money = fulfillment) in place of the other (negative) argument (confronting a bias). One is a positive argument, the other is a negative, they are fundamentally incompatible. They address completely different things. Rather than confront the response he just sets up his old argument again, and connects it with "by that logic" to the response (which is what makes it a strawman, otherwise it would just be a re-iteration).
The real question is why does he allow such a pancake ass wh*te woman on his yacht?
One example. I wait.
I dont think anything went wrong.
I can understand why the Romans treated actors like degenerate scum.
Your kids are still receiving a higher quality of education due to the higher quality of teachers and resources in the wealthier school district that your money allows you to live in. I agree teaching them common sense and life lessons is important though.
You sound like one of the saddest coping /pol/dditor incels Ive ever heard.
>Not using all your money to start your own dream business
Retard. Pure gold comedy.
Sounds like your parents failed
coke is overrated. molly+acid+half a viagra is the patricians choice
tell us more. We are friends here
Just give me some good old vicodin and booze and I'm happy
Based and blackpilled.
>Discipline, duty, honor, love
100% you were raised by military cucks. And btw, money can buy the best private teachers in STEM subjects - so much for your incel tirade on teaching your kids
Yeah. I am sure paying hundreds of thousands for gender studies will ensure my son a future.
If it is is Harvard, it will work.
My sides. You pay for a network, not skills. That is why the US rely on immigration, since they have shitty training courses.
What I don't understand is how he can afford all this from acting in a few movies. This lifestyle ain't cheap and a million dollars doesn't buy what it used to. Did he invest his Titanic money in Apple or something?
Would you rather be rich and miserable or poor and miserable?
You sound like a childless teen.
Learn to stfu son,and listen to your elders.
Someone that wants to have sex but "cant'", imo it's more of a mindset than anything
In a Capitalist society? It's by how much money/capital you have.
Seems you are projecting
Networking and making connections is a huge part of how the adult world works, user. What if your kids decide they don’t want to go into a trade?
keep waiting
Based and redpilled
Too much onions
Decrapio is a vincevaughn actor, hever only plays one person in every movie
This is my favorite form of defeat, fucking tasty.
No, just good ones. Left wing commies. Not my fault yours were trash.
Lurk more. See above.
Check his producer credits. What he gets from acting is pocket change.
No wonder you keep responding, you're one of those cringe Magapede r*dditors who found /pol/ and started shitting up this board with your incel nonsense. You also think this place works like gayddit which is why you respond to every post laughing at you and your incel cope and thus take every bait you see. Just take the loss and ignore the thread because you keep further outing yourself as an enormous cockmongling faggot who thinks their gay boomer ideals are something to write home about
tl;dr go back to /pol/ddit and kys
The ABSOLUTE state of cope in this thread.
You sound like an edgy mid 20s incel who has figured out the world. Have sex
This. Movie stars make far more from side ventures and producing than they do from starring in movies. Leo has had his own production company for years.
Nepotism is not eduction, skills or knowledge.
If I had all that money and fucked all those bitches I’d be way fucking happier then I am now. All you faggots ITT talking about “hurrrr muh wife who cheats on me and my half black son” GTFO pussy coping virgins
So not one single example ?
Have sex
It's just one sad pathetic /pol/dditor incel who got lost here while looking at a Soi of Thrones thread
lol nobody successful seethes this hard for this long about other successful people
You’re right but it’s the way things are. What if one of your kids wants to be a lawyer? You can’t just naively tell them that they can accomplish anything they want by pulling up their bootstraps and applying some elbow grease. Nepotism exists in all high paying fields, not just Hollywood.
Dismissed. Try harder.
well I enjoyed baiting this retard anyway
Absolute cringe
give me a bit more time I might come up with one
Cope incel. Have sex.
If your children have values they won’t be lawyers. They will want to hang them. Joking. Yet mine aim to be doctors, technician and veterinarian. Not professional liars.
Not an argument. Come back when you have one.
>two hours in and this wagecuck incel is still COPING
Have sex