Was he the worst casting choice of LOTR? Doesn't look like Sam or a hobbit to me

Was he the worst casting choice of LOTR? Doesn't look like Sam or a hobbit to me.

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Sort of. Sam is supposed to be about the same age as Merry and Pippin IIRC.

no, he was perfect. cant imagine another person doing it. Not only does he look perfect, his acting was phenomenal

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Are you trolling?

He's a stout halfling you mongoloid. Merry and pippin are lightfoot halflings. Frodo is just a normal halfling.

fuck off sean


Meester Frowdo!

He dabbed on everyone in the movies with this scene alone




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This. Not to mention he actually pulled off a believable West Country accent and most American actors can't even convincingly sound like they're from London.


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he was so fucking good

i cri evertim

More like strongest casting choice. He carries the story on his back.

This stupid cunt. She's not an actor, she sucks at everything she's ever done. She's just the daughter of some shitbag rock band singer and that's it.

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My favorite is the boat scene in Fellowship:


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She had no career after LOTR

...Are you?
Never heard issue with Sam's casting before. Go outside for once.

>He carries the story on his back.

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I second this.

he was the only hobbit I liked

>I know I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!
sam a best, fuck off homo

Big Merry diss, won't have it.

I think this guys is the worst, I know he's minor but for some reason when he shows up at Helm's Deep I get distracted by just how non-elfin the motherfucker is.

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Reminder he was a cunt on set and shit talked most of the cast in his book.

this is the dude in real life so to be fair they did make him look as gay as possible, but it wasn't enough.

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You're thinking of Screech.

I personally like this actor, but I don't think he was right for Faramir. It might have just been the writing, but I can't be totally sure. (Book Faramir was much more unambiguously good whereas movie Faramir came off as fallible & grating.) I just wasn't sure what to feel whenever he was on screen.


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Absolutely, incredibly based.

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Did you watch extended edition? Faramir gets more screentime there and I found him much more likable after watching it.

I got nothing to add, except that she is an ugly bitch with bad looks and shit genetics, who wold never have been able to portray her role, without masses of make up.

pretty sure that picture is after he lost a ton of weight. He was in much better shape for his role in Spartacus.

Yeah plus she looks a like a retarded instagram whore.

he looks like a rabbi

Now we're talking.

I dont wana agree but I agree.

Sam is great.
For me, it's Orlando Bloom, Liv Tyler, this guy and Celeborn. Basically all the named elves except Hugo Weaving and Cate Blanchett.

>Book Faramir was much more unambiguously good whereas movie Faramir came off as fallible

Writers explained this in the making--ofs. They said they were trying to make the ring pure temptation, especially to men, but it falls flat when you have a bunch of men like aragorn and faramir so easily toss it aside, so they had to show faramir as more human.

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movie faramir was probably the only change from the book i liked
i mean he's a cool character in the book with how obviously good he is but it kind of undermines the power of the ring for me. he's a human, and there's the ring, he should be fucking tempted. him being tempted by it and overcoming it is way better than good guy faramir just being like 'ok on your way' and actually more heroic

I've not been lurking lads, what've I missed memeagewise?

I actually like Liv and Orlando. I think Cate and Hugo are good, but more because they're incredible actors than on a visual level. Both a bit too masculine and mature looks-wise.

>they said they were trying to make the ring pure temptation, especially to men

Is it not that way in the books too? Or is it just that you can convey that better in the books without having most/all men be tempted?

>he should be fucking tempted
who says he wasn't? just because he didn't go all boromir on frodo? he didn't even see the ring, unlike boromir

yelling like a retard is not acting

Yeah i did, and I agree it was an improvement. Besides the whole movie/book character change, I just didn't really feel much for his character despite him having a pretty compelling arc. Idk it just seemed hard to empathize with him for some reason and I think it boils down to the casting.

I REALLY liked David Wenham in 300, so i'm not trying to say he sucks or anything, just that maybe he wasn't right for Faramir. But maybe I'm just retarded idk.

yeah I saw that, and even though I don't necessarily agree, I understand why they did it.


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Probably one of the best English accents I've ever seen from an American, genuinely didn't miss a beat.

best fucking moment in the movies

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shut up stinker

Sam did fine, you're dumb

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He’s the best character in the trilogy.

This is closer to Sam in books. A dimwitted member of the rustic lower class. The Shire is based on rural England after all.

and the conversations with Gandalf (deep breath before the plunge, death is just another path). big big upgrade from the Ents stuff in TT. good shit. Merry's stuff is good too, but not quite as.

jackson fucked up the ents beyond belief. treebeard was fucking raped in the movies

nah, that's gandalf. ian was born to play him

it's not good, yeah.

Are the extended editions an improvement or were they worse than the theatrical release

They are better.

Depends on what mood you're in, some stuff definitely feels bloated and the cut improved the picture as a whole, but if you're a completionist you will want to see it all

>have sex

hello, fucking retards

>yelling like a retard is not acting
good thing he only yelled in time where it was appropriate to yell

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He looks like a fag. It's a perfect choice.