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Is Robert Pattinson /our guy/

no, he's a capeshitter

the best movies have decent to average RT scores. a movie that appeals to every mass media critic is bound to be weak and tepid on some level

t. brainlet

reminder that willem dafoe has a huge cock according to lars von trier


t.cock expert

i bet you've never even sucked a cock

>shot in black and white when it doesn't need to be
pretentious faggotry detected

>shot in color when it doesn't need to be

trips confirm that it's pleb trash

horror is one of the few genres where black and white is acceptable

>>shot in black and white when it doesn't need to be

what does that even mean

>still no trailer

life is in color, get your eyes tested.

Life is also in 3D but you agree not every movie should be in 3D, right?

rife is brack and waitu

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The VVitch, now this.

Is Robert Eggers the new Paul Thomas Andersson?

black and white movies only existed because color film wasn't around at the time. anyone shooting a movie in 2019 in black and white is just doing it to appear elitist when in fact they just like pretentious dicks.

>2D films only existed because 3D wasn't around at the time. anyone shooting a movie in 2019 in 2D is just doing it to appear elitist when in fact they just like pretentious dicks.

what? they show it in Antichrist, it was small

that's not true. if you want a film that focuses on space and lighting going black and white makes sense and can look great. i remember soderbergh (i think it was him) uploaded a black and white version of indiana jones to his blog and it looked amazing

how did Pattinson become so based

soi horror kino

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he was always based

The new Paul W.S. Anderson, maybe
Wake me up when he gets an Academy Award nom for Best Director or Best Picture like Jordan Peele

It's also a different aspect ratio ^_^

If it's so good why didn't manage to get into main competition?

Do you mean the inability to find an audience, sell tickets and attract financing for future films?


color film was introduced in the 30s (some even earlier) but people kept using B&W for decades after.


As for Dafoe, I wouldn’t let him treat her in any other way than with his dick; he has an enormous dick. We had to take those scenes out of the film. We had a stand-in for him because we had to take the scenes out with his own dick.

You had a stand-in dick for Dafoe?

We had to, because Will’s was too big.

Too big to fit on the screen?

No, too big because everybody got very confused when they saw it.

holy fucking based. glad defoe isn't a dicklet. im something of a dickchad myself

So yeah, he's definitely Yea Forums's guy then.

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On one hand, it does look like it will be kino, on the other The VVitch also got a great reception and it was a 6/10 at best.

Can't wait to torrent this and not pay anything

>You had a stand-in dick for Dafoe?
>We had to, because Will’s was too big.
>Too big to fit on the screen?
>No, too big because everybody got very confused when they saw it.
What the fuck does that even mean.

I liked it.

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>I don't like thing

You have to go back

people couldnt stop staring at his cock and it made filming the scene difficult

t. dicklet

imagine not filling plebs with confusion and fear when you unmask your python

>posts in marvel and GoT threads all day

one time a pro football player (i knew him before he went pro and no i wont say his name) saw my cock in a shower room and was like "whoa bro you got a mean looking dick". it was quite flattering

It took people out of the movie, I imagine. They wondered if they were watching a porno or a movie.

It's a horror movie, and the last thing you want to do in a horror movie is take people out of it. Not to say that Antichrist wasn't full of things that would take people out of the movie but the point remains.

So his dick transcends the 3rd dimension, I'm not understanding how a big dick can be confusing

And here's another source directly from Dafoe's mouth.


Truly wretched opinion. Try not to post again.

>color film was introduced in the 30s (some even earlier) but people kept using B&W for decades after.
Hackshually, three-strip Technicolor was significantly more expensive and complex to use, as it required renting Technicolor cameras and many times more light than a black and white shoot. Single-strip films like Kodachrome were by far not of acceptable quality for feature films.
When monopack film became practical around 1952 the industry changed to mainly color shooting in a matter of a few years. By the late 50s color was the norm except for very low-budget productions. By the mid 60s black and white had become but a rare exception.

It's generally accepted in the academic world that by the 1960s the switch to color was such that black and white indeed became an explicit creative choice.

In which way?
Because he likes it, or because he wants to star in it?
Is it too much to ask that you at least shitpost coherently?

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>what is a publicity stunt for 200, alex

rumor has that liam neeson is packing and wanted to beat a person of color to death with it.

he's right, the witch had cool "visuals" but otherwise it was average at best. only burger mutts would think it was any better than that

I mean, it's not hard to believe, but him not showing his dick makes it seem like he's some smug monster-cock elitist. Just show your dick DaFoe

>Willem Dafoe's wife is named Giada Colagrande
>Colagrande means Big Dick
>They meet in a soft porn movie directed by her

This man is pottery himself. Based.
>They have work together with Marina Abramovic projects
this is bad tho

Thou shalt not tempt the Lord.

So he’s rich, beautiful and popular, damn, you’re right.

it looka nice

>those slow reactions
he's never gonna make it

is he a new talentless hack being kept afloat by a bunch of shit crititcs?
yes he is

why is that bad? because she is le /pol/ boogyman? maybe she makes somewhat decent occult influenced art? there's got to be some reason rich and famous people are into her

so sick of fucking (((critics))) pushing some literal cocksucker because of his connections

If someone is wondering about Dafoe's dick, there is a videoclip in vimeo where he appears naked. Don't remember the song name or the link tho, I just know it exists.

based and underrated

It’s just pr bullshit

because von trier and dafoe knew that if he did put his dick up on screen, antichrist would only be known as that movie that shows dafoe's huge dick.
in fact, if he pushed for his own dick on screen, then i would call him a monster-cock elitist.

I have it. I'll PM it to anyone who wants it.

literally only did twilight for the money so he could pursue his interests in arthouse movies

right, because as it is people totally don't remember antichrist as that movie with the close-up penetration shots and gorey sex violence. They totally remember it for its intricate plot, not for the scene where she crushes his balls and he cums blood.

God dammit Yea Forums I just wanted to enjoy a thread about Eggers next kino. You can dickpost about Dafoe anytime.




Dafoe's dick is the only thing keeping this thread alive. It would have 404's awhile ago.

What is there to say? I'm excited but there's no trailer out

i can only remember the part where she cuts her clit with the rusty scissors

we are dickposting about dafoe anytime. nowtime is anytime

you forgot your npc/onions/wojak image macro

nothing says "kino" like having a shot of that in your movie.

When is this releasing in theaters? (Limited and wide-release).




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Because they're deranged perverts

it would be pretty obvious even without the caps lock



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Ill wait to see what Armond has to say about it, like any true patrician with taste and culture.

I imagine for the same reason as DiCaprio.
Big breakthrough in something that mainly tweens and their moms gushed about. (Twilight and Titanic/The Beach)
Got ridiculed by guys for being "just a pretty face to sell movies to girls" and disregarded.

Go unnoticed for a bit with some smaller hits, then suddenly start doing roles that they're actually comfortable with.
Suddenly DiCaprio becomes huge again because he's now allowed to actually act outside of typecasting.

Wouldn't surprise me the least if Pattinson gets his mainstream redemption arc within the next year or two.
I welcome it.

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>Big breakthrough in something that mainly tweens and their moms gushed about
>11 oscars and 2 billion in box office

>replying to tripfags

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is this whalekino?

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>t. mad little dicklet

So? Everyone saw the movie. That's not what I was talking about.
Who bought the posters, the collectible cards, the coloring books, every fucking edition of the movie and every goddamn merch with Leo's face on it and shoved all of it in everyone's face for the next two years until everyone but female tweens, teens and their moms was utterly sick of it to the point of hating DiCaprio essentially out of principle?

n-no u!!!

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no trailer?

>I'm too young to remember the 90's

The best films are somewhat divisive. If everyone likes a film it's not that good. But some of the reviews give me hope.

>It has the feel of a newly discovered artefact from FW Murnau (Nosferatu).

>It's as if this footage has just been unearthed after a century mouldering in a Scandinavian documentary film archive.