Would Democracy actually have been feasible in parts of Westeros?

Would Democracy actually have been feasible in parts of Westeros?

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A limited democracy (classical republic) in some of the more advanced city states, maybe.
Mass democracy? It doesn't work anywhere.

Peasants are too stupid to understand political and economic policies. Even in the modern world most people just vote for who ever said the best buzz words.

The warring states in Essos are supposed to represent the Italian city states or something, right? Would make sense if some of them were semi-republics while the other half were pure Duchy's and Kingdoms, if that's what GR^2 based it off of
But George majored in Byzantine history, so I'm not sure his brain remembers the right stuff anymore

If it was a direct democracy probably but the lords of westeros wouldn't do that so it would be a representative one which is obviously flawed

Maybe if they split it up more locally kind of like how we have town/county/state/federal.
Have normies only vote for local town people because they know those people.

actually this i change my answer democracy wouldn't work at all. direct or representative

Democracy might be good for the peasants on a local level, for example, if the residents of some town in the Reach wanted an ordinance against cutting down trees in a certain area, shouldn't they be able to decide on their own?


Only if it was restricted to city-state level ala Athens and Rome. You wouldn’t be able to implement a functional democracy across multiple kingdoms.

There is democracy in Iron Islands.

Didn't you see the scene where Drogon went on to explain advanced agricultural practices to Jon? Really threw me off how they included that scene, who knew a lizard had such a knack for horticulture

>have democracy
>have a blabbermouth as leader

Each great house has vassals that govern portions of the land.

Do the Ironborn have a SINGLE notable achievement besides killing so many trees they have none left?

Really makes you think.

Maybe if they instituted /pol/l taxes and literacy tests to keep the majority of borderline retarded peasants from voting, then yes.

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>italian city states
user, i.... i think you might be retarded

It would just be nobles flinging shit at each other.

They fucked up more rebellions than any other people in the history of ever

Not sure why the Greyjoys weren't culled for the good of the realm a long time ago

No, I'm pretty sure it's not him who's retarded. At least some of Essos' westernmost city states - Bravos, Pentos, Mir, etc - are clearly Italian. It isn't until you get as far as Mereen, Astapor, Yunkai, etc, that you get the whole Arab/Persian thing.

they may or may not be illiterate, rates of literacy in medieval Europe varied a lot but were generally higher than we are made out to beleive, as most church parishes/dioceses taught literacy.

Republics in the pre-industrial world were ruled by the most powerful aristocratic families just like monarchies, merely with less hero-worship of a single hereditary leader.


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So how do you prevent voter fraud in the middle ages?

Dorne is probably the only place it could work.

You don't, as the decisions are carried out by a collective decision of the heads of important families of the city. There are documented cases of decisions being affected by the opinion of lower status citizens. Still existed in Novgorod, Russia, in XV century.

Speaking of modern-style democracy, one can't prevent voter fraud even now.

Yeah... because democracy so far has been working so well for us

>literacy tests
>"Can you read the first line please?"
>"better luck next time, champ."

you know more about GoT lore than actual history.


voter fraud doesn't exist

Illiteracy is common in the setting so how the fuck would they expect low born people to cast a vote

>Byzantine history
There is so much Byzantine and ancient Greek stuff redressed that its ridiculous.

>Not sure why the Greyjoys weren't culled for the good of the realm a long time ago

They've been kept alive, as a joke. Or they're basically the honeypot faction that helps gravitate the true retards of the seven realms.

So you admit you're retarded and now you're shitposting
Have you considered killing yourself?
Not literally of course, that'd be horrible, but reconsider your posting habits

It's not even feasible in the 21st century west.

user... they're explicitly italian city states with hellenic influenced names, who do you think the Braavosi are based off of? The inuit? They're not!Venetians

Democracy isn't even feasible now.

>So you admit you're retarded and now you're shitposting

no u


>not greek

go read a book nigga

based /his/ poster

Go the fuck back to your containment board /pol/shit

You can prevent voter fraud now. There is just no will to do so.


So why is this fat fuck a Maestre at the end? Aren't you supposed to study for decades to earn your chain?

He is a named character

>Would Democracy actually have been feasible in parts of Westeros?
The type where land owners only get a vote, maby
>Peasants are too stupid to understand political and economic policies.
Peasants don't usually own land

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they're not based off of Hellenic city states. They're vaguely greek sounding names. There's no medieval or renaissance Greek city states with banking families, mercenary armies for sale, and large fleets. That's the various italian states of 1300-1600.
You're just retarded








Thats how haikus are written

oh sorry, i guess youre right then. ive never seen GoT :^)

You're not missing out
Sorry I don't watch animes

he's definitely a /pol/tard who's butthurt that people don't vote for Hitler, but anti-democratic doesn't necessarily correlate with the political right. If America had an enlightened monarch or limited enfranchisement things would probably be more conservative, but in a William Buckley sense, not a Trump one. Populism is the real cancer, not left or right. University bulldykes and welfare niggas are kept away from the ballot box in such a situation, but so would white trash hicks and neckbeard neets.


Democracy is not feasible anywhere. Look what it has caused.

There's no possible way direct democracy it could have worked for a landmass that large with their communications, class structure, culture, etc. as they were. The more sensible move would have been to establish a Parfliament based on that council we see at the end.

How can they vote if they can't read?

In a country where wandering brigands still exist, it's amazing some idiot thought any kind of populism would be feasible

Someone reads them the candidates

>horse people who have mastered asexual reproduction
>dickless brownies in the north

Yeah, I'm gonna guess not.

Pic related

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Direct democracy requires very advanced technology to work efficiently like an app that shows you what issues you can vote for and against 24/7 on your phone. Representative republics are the best humans can do with democracy aka plutocracy in disguise.

nice reddit spacing and reddit frog

>wandering brigands don't exist in the US
sweetie run of the mill menaces of society don't stop existing if you use medieval-sounding synonyms for them

Sorry sweatie, you're wrong

im sorry user, ive never seen GoT. i only assumed based off the names and the notion i got from these threads that democracy is apparently a new and novel idea for this characters. democracy was a greek innovation

>medieval-sounding synonyms
brigand is medieval

I think he just wants attention

This is why we have the electoral college. The general population are too stupid on average to NOT vote in Elvis, Madonna, Springstien, or Picachu.

Who are you to say Elvis wouldn't be a great King?

Only if the land holders were given the right to vote. Women, children and the poor should not have the right to vote. Same in the real world.

point taken

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Not with dragons to burn your arse if you vote wrong.