Liberals will defend this

>liberals will defend this

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Imagine thinking you're an internet tough guy fighting the good fight because millenials are pouring milkshakes on politicians
Do you take up arms against the weather girl when she said it wouldn't rain and some Brexit guy got his clothes rained on?

>attacked with a milkshake
lmao the essence of leftcucks


>/pol/turds feel threatened by a fucking milkshake

>hitler was left wing

Hmm sweetie

lmao, hope he realizes the mistake he made fighting for the wrong side 80 years ago.
>Thank god we defeated Hitler, Otherwise we'd be speaking German!
>Becomes minority in all their major cities

>its totally ok to throw shit at people because you disagree with them bro
>see even the based news and bk say it's fine!
I mean if that's the standard you'd like to set, have fun.

>the violent left

he got hit with a milkshake not a bullet

Supposed war veteran bats for the Nazis and is suprised when he gets #milkshook

imagine throwing milkshakes at leftie politicos - it would be called right wing terrorism.

Is there even any proof 'the left' did this?

I'm gonna milkshake the shit out of everything I disagree with.

what sort of creature would throw anything at such an adorable old man?

>communists serving the interests of international capital
What else is new?

>Yea Forums - Television & Film

It was probably an Asian immigrant

They're being thrown by Leftists. Do you know what Leftists USUALLY throw at people? How do you know they didn't mix that into the milkshake? Leftists are insane so it's totally something they would do.

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They're boasting about it on twitter

If this happened in the US the libtards would get shot.


He deserves it though. There would be no immigrants in Britain if Hitler had won the war.

Why do leftists attack the elderly? I thought they were on the right side of history? That doesn't sound like something someone who is morally right would do.

They are not allowed to have things like fucking spoons in the UK asshole, what else are they supposed to attack them with?

This has been disproven as a false flag.

Still battery and assault if he saw it

>throwing stuff at people isn't violent
>it's not violence unless you get shot

Fucking lol.

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Back in the day a duel was demanded with a slap to the face now it will be asked with a milkshake to the person.
Owen Jones to give just one example

television and film

UK cucks need to step it up and do something about it.


That was not for this incident, but the Faarange incident

You're a real piece of shit

>disproven as a false flag
So it was real?
Why are leftists so illiterate despite claiming to be more educated than the right?

elderly people are really annoying and stupid desu
they shouldn't have anything to do with politics

Attached: babar-civilized.jpg (2931x3965, 2.07M)

After brexit there were millennial leftists unironically saying that over 60 year olds should be deprived of the right to vote

>Why do leftists attack the elderly?

Same reason they attack women and kids and the mentally handicapped and why they sucker-punch people.
Leftists are fucking weak. In an ACTUAL fight against an equal they invariably get fucking trounced like an autistic child throwing a fit getting their shit slapped by a tard wrangler.

Attached: Battle of Portland One Punch.webm (988x548, 2.84M)

Kids are annoying and stupid, but it's also wrong to hit them (assuming they're not your's).

how many Brexiters has the violent left killed?
Why can't they be peaceful and respectful like their opponents?

>Imagine thinking you're an internet tough guy fighting the good fight because you assaulted the elderly

Attached: hurrrrrr.jpg (540x329, 67K)

>weaponzied soi

brexiters have killed 1, an MP jo cox

and I hope you never live to old age

When's the ban on assault milkshakes coming?

O no! an old fart got milkshake on him. And because hes old its like attacking a defensless doodler, because thats how useless old farts are

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Wtf I love wrong wing now because samefag not like leftists

kids don't actively fuck the planet with their greedy senile bullshit

Its pretty funny. Fuck soldiers

>hey bro, watch the milkshake
White power.

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>Anglos and their mutt cousins
Absolute state. When the fuck is puting going to get off his old ass and conquer the world with china?

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'ate the workin class
'ate the poor
'ate the pensioners
'ate the veterans

luv the big banks
luv corporate media
luv the rich
luv the political elite

simple as

Attached: resist.jpg (414x512, 59K)

Exactly. Old people are weak and useless and that's why you'd have to be a enormous piece of shit to throw shit at them.

>it's okay to ruin someone's clothing if they disagree with you politically
his generation should haven't bothered.

>Leftists will think this is funny

Attached: sargonofmilkshake.jpg (615x409, 64K)

He probably threw it on himself.

Throwing a milkshake at a Jew is like sending those 6 million back into Auschwitz all over again.

>this is ASSAULT, you MUST take this seriously!
>what if hes lactose intolerant! You can't just inconvenience right wing people!
>STOP LAUGHING! This is why Hitler won!

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It's not the same, leftists are cockroaches, they have it coming. She was probably screeching like a lesbian, while Don was just standing around.

>arm stiffness

he got brain damage

>implying he didn't have a senior moment, spilled it on himself, and forgot where it came from

Throwing milshakes is the centrist thing. That boomer would be rotting in the gulag if we were in charge.

Probably spilled it all over himself when trying to drink it because he has Alzheimer's

>/pol/tards are now defending a guy who literally fought against nazis

right wingers truly embody fragility

Remember when a kid in a MAGA hat smiled and did nothing as a """veteran""" stood there and harassed him? The Left lost their fucking minds for a week and wanted the kid lynched for "disrespecting" a """veteran""".

Now the Left are physically assaulting real, ACTUAL veterans, in response to those veterans doing fucking nothing. And they're proud of themselves for it.

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Meanwhile when there are no oap's to attack

Attached: antifa-vs-girl.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

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>it's not the same
>had it coming

Ahhh so you are a hypocrite, so I guess I can go and kill every right-wing person now?

>probably fought against germany

Well deserved, next one should be a cup of acid

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Leftism is a mental disease
That being said, fuck off this isn't /pol/

Lmao, every time he gets hit it gets worse for him. He can't even laugh it off at this point.