Your move kid, fucking kill me if you got the balls. Come on DO IT!
Your move kid, fucking kill me if you got the balls. Come on DO IT!
Why is Kaiba so based, bros?
>This game is everything to me Yugi and I swear if you win with your weak ass Kuribo I will off myself right now
Wouldn't that actually work in real life too if you managed to get it there?
It works, /k/ tested it already
Why is it only one person spamming this garbage?
based Seto /ragequit/ Kaiba
>only 5 posts
I'd rather see this thread daily than another fucking game of thrones/capeshit/söywars thread tbqh
Yugioh threads are kino tbqh
>Yeah? Well, at least I'm not adopted.
>What did you just say?
>Sorry, Kaiba, did I touch a nerve? Why don't you go crying home to momma? Oh, that's right, you don't have one.
>game of thrones/capeshit/söywars
Weird how the acceptance of that pleb dogshit and the spam of trash like OP started at the same time
not before
all at the same time
you have to go back, zoomer
Ahhh Yu-Gi-Oh. Still remember the feel when Yami Yugi lost to Raphael and Yugi had to give up his soul to the Orichalcos
Very satisfying. It really provided an outlet for all those years of him winning via RNG. He was a garbage tier duelist who literally never made any moves of his own and spent all of every one of his duels just responding to moves made by his opponents. He was the yugioh equivalent of a camper.
It was pretty cool. I wish he lost more often, 2bh. The only other loss he had (and that includes his duel with actual Yugi) was against Joey after Battle City, and it was offscreen.
You think I've got it all?
Everyone thinks I've got it made
Well, how come my only friends
Are the ones I pay?
>blows up an island because he lost his own rigged tournament
What a guy.
>everyone else barely escapes because he didn't bother to give anyone but himself an escape vehicle
It's the fact that in kids cartoons the good guy always wins that makes it so shocking. Here it taught kids that failure is a part of life and you can either stay down and cry or get up and do something about it.
I'm just sad that the second duel with Rafael where it was like "Your actually the evil one really" seemed to undo the impact of the earlier duel slightly.
He had to vent somehow
That's what morally gray characters do
>five posts across two years is spamming
Truly based and redpilled.
Haven't gotten to that yet. I watch in bursts.
"spam" dude fuck off
Just so we're all in agreement, though, Kaiba was not only a more interesting character, but also a better duelist, yes?
Kaiba's such a fucking faggot. Imagine threatening to kill yourself because you can't win
>lose every major duel of your life despite having a billion dollar company that literally makes the cards used in the game at your disposal
Yeah, what a great duelist.
The best duelist was unironically Joey, he only lost due to actual cheating or magic and beat Yugi off screen
So we are in agreement season 2 was the only worthwhile season right?
Season 1 was gay except for the pegasus stuff and the digital world crap was just nonsense
>makes the cards
Wrong. Ignored.
Joey depended really aggressively on RNG though. Granted, he was better than Yugi. But I'd rank it Kaiba > Pegasus > least if they were IRL duelists.
god bless /k/
Yugi is literally an egyptian God Tier duellist, kaibi is always second best.
Kaiba or maybe pegasus was the most interesting characterwise
If I remember correctly Konami didn't know exactly what they were doing with the physical game during season 1 which is why there's almost no rules, in season 2 it started to resemble the physical game
Man, fuck off, I enjoyed the digital world stuff. It was a fun relaxing break from the stress of shit.
Jeez, calm down you autist. It's just a children's card game.
He patently wasn't that good. If you look at every one of Yugis duels, he employs the same general strategy of effectively just countering every move his opponent makes and then only actually making like one original move when they're all burnt out. Nevermind the heart of the cards BS.
Holy shit user kill yourself
He also got to fuck Mai. Best character confirmed.
Sure if you brought yugi to the reap world he would suck but in universe he is literally the best, hes nearly unbeatable every duel he has the heart of the cards with him
Why didn't kaiba justhave sex?
His brother was still too young.
He did it wasn’t enough
Alright but then it's just victory via plot armor.
these threads are based. have sex and maybe you won't have enough time to autistically check how often something has been posted.
The actual card game itself is now so fucking hilariously power crept. Card games inherently have an element of chance to them, right? Nope...not anymore.
>Card games inherently have an element of chance to them, right? Nope...not anymore.
Is that not a good thing?
No it's not a good thing. Me putting down a card on turn one that has 4000 ATK, can hit through defense, and is nigh indestructible is atrocious balancing. It renders old cards that used to mean shit totally obsolete.
His waifu died 6000 years ago
Well at least she still kinda lives on...three of the form of a dragon...printed on a piece of cardboard.
That arc was terrible. All the more so for coming directly off of Battle City.
Yeah the arc itself was kinda shit, but that duel was good.
What's Pot of Greed do again?
Draw two ethnicities.
> He was a garbage tier duelist who literally never made any moves of his own and spent all of every one of his duels just responding to moves made by his opponents.
Not only did Marik call him out for playing so defensively, he almost killed Slifer right out of the gate with Buster Blader.
He thought he was completely in control of the duel with Yami Bakura, and was super offensive there, and even after finding out Bakura tricked him, he still beat the shit out of him.
He summoned Slifer before Kaiba could summon Obelisk.
He used Exchange to steal Marik's Monster Reborn in an effort to keep Ra from hitting the field in Phoenix Mode.
Yugi was super proactive, he just wasn't a fucking idiot.