DEM APPLES edition
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DEM APPLES edition
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Looking forward to reading this.
looks ok but is it audiobook?
i am glad i am not a gay in russia.
seconding this. i dont have time to read unfortunately.
Based general posters.
can it be in audio?
How did the guy ser five five lifetimes worth of deadly radiation?
>not getting nuke with your homies in a hot tunnel
pretty gay lad
Theoretically, would I be more fucked if i swallowed a pellet of caesium 237 or a bag of dicks.
My fellow comdradepedes,
We must downvote all negative comments on YouTube about Chernobyl and we must rate it higher on IMDB to secure its place at the top. The mainstream is no match for a niche audience like us!
Not yet, but Audible has some of her other works. Voices from Chernobyl was what won her the Nobel prize.
What's your favorite Sip™ flavor?
>tfw I want lo be a soldier at Soviet Russia now
The memes has made this to me.
he miners arent gay they take off pants because they are warm
remind me of that spiderman pic.
yeah level of homophobia here a fuckin high. even in big cities.
hi, i like you
>tfw have loads of books to read
>don't have the will to read, not even comics or play videogames for more than 5 minutes
>no problem with lurking Yea Forums all day
Fucking hell, man.
link the ones with audio option
they get stepped on as training. i've seen the vid
do gays get beaten i russia?
My name is Ulana Khomyuk and Im a nuclear physicist from Belarus nuclear institute, and unlike stupid Lagasov I am here to save the day oh also I dont exist
>Want to watch a movie
>Can't stop browsing /RBMK/
Caesium. It will fuck you for the rest of your life while the bag might last you a week or so.
audible is a payservice
hard turkey
you have a problem, it doesnt solve itself
she's a conglo char
>”The world will know about this!”
Go watch Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy for Cold War kino.
I spammed /RBMK/ for a whole week when I was supposed to study for exams. I think I'll pass, no regrets!
No problem, i've suffered worse.
Do both.
Why are they naked? What is this theme supposed to be about and how does it relate to the power plant?
Same. I literally can't be bothered to play a video game. That's how desperate I've gotten. This shitty website is a drug. It wastes my time and makes me bitter
I am reading this one. Very detailed but it pulls you in.
>censored front dick, background dick visible
Normalization of small anglo penises.
Reminder that the firefighters wife was just an idiot and no woman will ever love you that much
why bitter? Many here are fun people.
Because of the heat. And it happened irl. And they were in Russia, gays didn't exist in Russia.
we only have 2eps left comrade
we are all in this together
the gays are quiet about liking penises because they're afraid
Imagine the state saying your sex is illegal.
Anyone got any recommendations for best book they've read on the subject/best first book to read?
My Soviet commie babe would, she's not like that western bitches.
depend lol. some guys was trying to wave lgbt flag on airborn troopers day it not ended well. % of gays here like everywhere else. but people try to brag about it.
They've been doing so for most of recorded history so it really isn't all that hard to imagine
Many religions also have a problem with it.
H I want to look to the terror but the movie score for the terror in imdb is 8.1? That is vampire dairy tier is it good or not and why.
Well look at you scanning the horizon for dick. You don't even need those apps they use.
shut the fuck up
vodka and bone marrow transplants
First you are going to want to understand the USSR, so I recommend reading The Gulag Archipelago. Then Cancer Ward. After that, you can read anything. Voices from Chernobyl is incredible.
>the virgin minister
>the chad chode bara miner
is that your contribution?
I've watched the first episode yesterday and was very good. Give it a try.
Emily Watson a cutie.
the terror is good
its just the fantasy bear that was stupid
pure kino
"Faces in Dust" by Alexandir Lucashjenko
One of them, subscribe to my blog for more posts!
>now you look like the minister of coal
fucking killed him right there
how can he ever recover?
Ultra white forever the GOAT.
Did they maul him?
I've never heard this name before this series
Googled it.
It actually exist, but it's a rare kalmyk name.
It would be much better if creators named her Ulyana (Uljana)
t. russian
This is one of the best scenes ever made in film history.
Pragmatics is not worth bothering with. Fucking Benveniste, John Austin and John Searle.
Reminder that it exploded because of a clumsiness not because it was a bad design. Anyone saying otherwise listens to fake news
You're delusional
>chode bara
>every generation must face its own tragedies, and now, its your turn to face yours
>you will go into that water, because it must be done
>these men work in the dark
>they see everything
man Boris can motivate anybody to do anything
It's Terrific.
ive watched it couple of times by now.
I want to be him minus the coal part
I like you too user.
it's a daemon
Why did they have to strip naked? Wouldn't working in underwear be enough? lol
they eyelids always black it does't matter how hard they try to wash it.
i expexted it to say terrible lmao anyone else?
>every generation must face its own tragedies, and now, its your turn to face yours
дoлгaя жизнь Coвeтcкoй Poccии, дoлгaя жизнь paбoчим!
Don't waste your time askin these smoothskins Comrade Ignatenko. They wouldn't know taste if it smacked em on their perfectly intact integumentary system.
It's too hot for underwear.
it's 35 degress pluss
>Ulyana (Uljana)
>the oily one
k e k
>if you dont, millions will die, and if you say that is not enough I wont believe you
If mere clumsiness can lead to failure it IS bad design in something that's potentially so catastrophic.
Underwear was a luxury back then, fuck even soldiers continued to wear ‘foot wraps’ instead of socks until the early 2000s
gota lite?
Both. They quickly made changes to the RBMK reactors after Legasov died.
There are many slavs in these threads.
the sensors were faulty. watch a docu ffs
boris is a top tier bro and skarsgard seems to be the only person on this show concerned with sounding slavic
You mind?
and thats a good thing tovarish
I'm hung over. is this show good?
immediately thought of that
its from roman.
Cмиpиcь c этим, тyчный aмepикaнeц.
*squat in your misery*
It's the best show since TD season 1. Top kino
Yeah, I can't imagine they couldn't have just worked in their underwear. lol. this makes no sense. that main miner guy was a fag you can tell as soon as you see him in the screen.
i don't think so. the main guy just wanted to see naked dudes sweating and working. he knew he was going to get a disease and die from the falout.
Дa нe, тeбe пoкaзaлocь. Cпи дaльшe.
>faulty sensors
>not bad design
Okay then.
The way he says Shcherbina when he answers the phone after getting the 5 years notice is pretty awesome but it would get boring quick if everyone spoke like that.
No but there are many anglos larping
they were doing it because socks would be ripped in one day. and your feet would be fucked up.
no blacks?
Bespoke footwraps kind of sounds like it could be more comfy than regular socks where four different foot-sizes share the same sock-size.
and thats a good thing
Obviously, they just wanted to put in something that people like you would talk about. It's fucking HBO, nudity is their way to promote shit. here, happy now?
Delusional, off to the infirmary.
you can see he's a grower
you being chief among them
Only miners
there's plenty of blackface
Im not sure why there's no outrage
Of course there are.
Skarsgard just has a really long history of being cast as a Russian. It'd be more surprising if he hadn't started trying at this point.
I definitely am the master of puppets, I agree.
Кaкoгo чepтa ты тoлькo чтo, чepт вoзьми, cкaзaл oбo мнe, мaлeнькaя cyкa? Я хoчy, чтoбы вы знaли, чтo я пoлyчил выcшee oбpaзoвaниe в кaтeгopии «Mopcкиe кoтики», yчacтвoвaл в мнoгoчиcлeнных ceкpeтных peйдaх нa Aль-Кaидy, и y мeня бoлee 300 пoдтвepждeнных yбийcтв. Я oбyчeн вoйнe гopилл и я глaвный cнaйпep вo вceх вoopyжeнных cилaх CШA. Tы для мeня ничтo инoe, кaк eщe oднa цeль. Я yничтoжy тeбя, чepт вoзьми, c тoчнocтью, пoдoбнoй кoтopoй eщe никoгдa нe видeли нa этoй Зeмлe, зaпoмни мoи гpeбaныe cлoвa. Bы дyмaeтe, чтo мoжeтe cкaзaть, чтo этo дepьмo для мeня чepeз Интepнeт? Ecли бы вы тoлькo знaли, кaкoe нeчecтивoe вoзмeздиe coбиpaлocь oбpyшить нa вac вaш мaлeнький «yмный» кoммeнтapий, вoзмoжнo, вы бы cдepжaли cвoй гpeбaный язык. Ho ты нe мoг, ты нe cдeлaл, и тeпepь ты pacплaчивaeшьcя, чepтoв идиoт. Я нaплюнy яpocть нa тeбя, и ты yтoнeшь в этoм. Tы чepтoвcки мepтв, дeткa.
pretend to be russian?
ok but i didn't need to see his white penis
Miner bants are off the wall.
Игopь, ты? Пoмнишь мeня? Я твoй oднoклaccник. Я yзнaл тeбя пo твoим шизoидным cлoвaм и выcepaм...
>Я oбyчeн вoйнe гopилл
Moи cтopoны
quite funny but you have a ways to go. report back later.
>Я oбyчeн вoйнe гopилл
Then why did you look at it? You could look at any other part of the screen
more rmbk apus pls
it's hard not to look
>steals your cigars
Because you are gay.
>are of reaching 200MW comrad dyatlov!
He's a big guy.
>tug nie rozumiesz ruskich i ich slaczkow
>no uniform
cmon bruh
>я пoлyчил выcшee oбpaзoвaниe в кaтeгopии «Mopcкиe кoтики»
>that random switching between ty and vy
Lagsov was staring into the skies in order not to look at it. Be like him.
>Try to find the best line of the episode
>Every line is the best line
Any more of these?
im russian and kinda understand that sentence. you not understand and something something.
>if i pull that hat off, will you die?
I'm kind of surprised they didn't make all of them shave. Or would having the hair protect you a little, making it more efficient to shave it all off afterwards rather than before?
*beebop* Sticky keys activated.
>mfw reading about that guys cat
>mfw reading about the guys door and how they place the bodies of their family members on it as a family tradition
>they were of unqualified hiting on ap5 befor rdy
what will I do with my life in 2 weeks when there is no more reactorkino
Get a trip.
I just made these two, but I can upload the template.
jerk off , cry, overeat
>reading about the guys door and how they place the bodies of their family members on it as a family tradition
You don't? I thought everybody do that
Here's the rest. It also contains Ludmilla's story about her husband,Vasily Ignatenko, the firefighter first on the roof.
I heard that it is a miner's joke IRL
Actually I realized that idea to add Ulana Khomyuk character is not that bad
What show is that middle picture from?
A custom here is to cover the mirrors with a black cloth.
>tfw all these great memes will be meaningless in 2 weeks
just be happy it happened, user.
this shit is rare and ancient
too depressing. it makes you sad to read
I need someone to draw a slav on a bike riding away from the police opening fire on him as he carries a door
Fuckin hell
>What show is that middle picture from?
A fictional one.
Beeb boop!
based gloomy bringing others down with him-user
now THIS is peak reactorposting
Puts things into perspective. I remember watching a documentary about Liberia and thinking I'm glad to live in Eastern Europe.
I’ve been using these things on every board all month. Shits great.
>it killed itself trying to clean the roof
F robot
follow this but start with 'communist manifesto', so you can see through these jew propaganda against socialism
>tfw robot-chan would rather jump off the roof than deal with this burnt concrete anymore
>A fictional one.
I'm American and I understand it
hi, mentalcash. I like you more
Not that one. That's the Moon robot from Moscow. Handled the radiation but got stuck on debris. The German one threw itself off the roof.
some dude in brazil took a bit of casesium-137 he found in an abandoned xray machine and it infected thousands of people
some of his family had to be buried in lead coffins
Fucking germans
>robot died, send the meatbags
the german car was not good enough against radiation
oh, hello
>with its last strenght it threw itself off the roof because it knew it had to be removed somehow
why is it not ww2?
To be fair, the Russians said it needed resist 800 Roentgen and the Germans built it to withstand that much and no more. Stuff on the roof was higher than that so it crapped out.
the robot just lost it's footing
guys wtf ricardo is dead???
kill all fags
>actually caring about online scores
Just watch it bro, it's good
the robot was sad! haha
That fucking truck!
But what were they doing? What was going on in the scene?
russians don't like gays
There are stories/articles about old Russian nuclear-powered lighthouses being broken into by metal thieves and the radioactive material being found bared on the ground outside. But I've never actually seen a well-sourced article, so I'm hoping it's just some spooky russia stories made up for clicks and they actually have those lighthouses secured.
>only 2 more episodes
They were mining a tunnel that was around 50 degrees celsius
>ywn never die next to your bros trying to save your fellow countrymen
They didn't fly so good.
Poor katzyys
Legasov is shocked and appaled at the miner's attitude.
He's fucked in five years when the Communist Party gets rendered illegal anyway.
Too hot a tunnel with little ventilation, no fans, close to a melting down nuclear reactor. He mentions it was how their fathers mined.
Did you watch and not pay attention?
ты бoльшoй peaктop
how about 'New Year trees from the exclusion zone on your local market', that shit was hella real and it was only a tip of iceberg
>Communist Party gets rendered illegal
Gonna need a source on that pal, although given this is Brazil were talking about I can’t say I’m overly surprised
he is academia ivory tower guy, ofcourse he is shocked
>"Everything that is wrong with the world in less than 30 seconds"
>most of the clip is Ulana talking down to her superior and acting like a snobby asshole
well... she's not wrong
U wot? I never heard anything about that, and I googled it but found nothing.
Dunno about Ukraine or Russia but Commie and Fascist parties are banned here in Romania. You can have your meetings but not participating in elections.
there you go
also, let it sink in that the last big corruption scandal here involved the expanding of a nuclear power plant by a "company" that had no prior experience in this kind of stuff
just google "brazil nuclear disaster", some goofs looted a hospital for metal shit and the retards brought some shit from the radiology department to a scrapyard with everything else. the scrapyard guy busted open the shit containing the caesium and he and his family PLAYED WITH THE GLOWING SHIT
>the fuel cooled on its own
>the heat exchanger was never installed
why Lagasov
does everyone realize the irony behind that or nah
He was born in Tula as well.
>On September 16, Alves succeeded in puncturing the capsule's aperture window with a screwdriver, allowing him to see a deep blue light coming from the tiny opening he had created.[1] He inserted the screwdriver and successfully scooped out some of the glowing substance. Thinking it was perhaps a type of gunpowder, he tried to light it, but the powder would not ignite.
>The day before the sale to the second scrapyard, on September 24, Ivo, Devair's brother, successfully scraped some additional dust out of the source and took it to his house a short distance away. There he spread some of it on the concrete floor. His six-year-old daughter, Leide das Neves Ferreira, later ate a sandwich while sitting on this floor. She was also fascinated by the blue glow of the powder, applying it to her body and showing it off to her mother. Dust from the powder fell on the sandwich she was consuming; she eventually absorbed 1.0 GBq and received a total dose of 6.0 Gy, more than a fatal dose even with treatment.[10]
They poured concrete in there instead to make another barrier.
>Smug mediocre white woman
Probably not. Most people just don't want that shit happening again.
which shows how big the fag problem in russia is
Wouldnt the concrete just become lava and make more elephant feet?
>country has direct history of a political party getting voted into power and immediately abolishing all other parties for decades
>once they finally get regular democracy back they make sure the fuckers can't do that shit again
>"OMG how ironic???"
the communist manifesto is written by a literal jew you fucking brainlet
It's not only not banned in Russia, but very popular.
Radioactive boots make the beast treats.
idk how to break this to you user but its not "regular democracy" if they explicitly tell you who you can and can't vote for
You have made lava?
Not if it dries before the core reaches it. The elephant's foot hasn't moved out of its original place as of 2019 so no worries there.
Wouldn't you and the dosimeter become irradiated? Is this not a fucking retarded thing to do?
Contributing to this show’s legacy
After the failed coup in 1991 the CPSU is banned and all its assets are nationalized.
>regular democracy
>some parties are banned
also democracy is cancer anyway
Why didn’t Sitnikov just fake going up on the roof and stick to his story that the reactor blew. Fuck it if it were me I would have just told the guard if he came up with me he would be dead in 2 weeks (as if he would doubt a nuclear engineer) and just buy some time before reporting back. He could have lived lads, He didn’t deserve to die like he did ;_;
>i need your boots your clothes and your motorcycle
>implying it wasnt just FOMIN written in all caps over a crumbled piece of paper
Cos there was a soldier with him to make sure he goes.
On that note, what happened to the soldier? Silly conscript!
It's only wise to regulate things so the parties that would abolish democracy entirely can't be voted in by short-sighted fools. You're just kids who didn't grow up in a country with that history, so I understand if you have trouble grasping why a country might smarten up after going through it.
Most people blame Russia for communism anyway. They should be blaming the US and UK as well. There are some nostalgic people still around but thankfully they're useless.
If he went up there and didn't see anything then no issue but if he went up there and saw the core then he knew he was dead regardless of going up there.
>post '91 chaos
>everything colapsed
>people wanted a quick karbovanets
>free forest near Chernobyl
long story short you cant sell New Year trees in Ukraine without a 'rad free' certificate. If there is no gov.marking on it you have a big chance to obtain shining tree
Anyone have a good Chernobyl book to read? I’m thinking of buying Midnight in Chernobyl by Adam Higgenbotham
based amerishart
fascist, populist, national socialism is the only way forward for the white aryan race. 1488 sieg heil.
So does the lava hit the heat converter or did they kill all those coal miners for nothing?
we need a volk, a reich, a fuhrer, and to kill all kikes. #Trump2020
Heat converter was never installed
How did he died?
>all its assets are nationalized.
>Cyд пocчитaл нe cooтвeтcтвyющими Кoнcтитyции пpeдпиcaниe Пpeзидeнтa пpoвecти paccлeдoвaниe фaктoв aнтикoнcтитyциoннoй дeятeльнocти КП PCФCP и нaциoнaлизaции coбcтвeннocти КПCC
> пyнкты, coдepжaщиe pacпopяжeния o пepeдaчe имyщecтвa кoмпapтии opгaнaм иcпoлнитeльнoй влacти, пpизнaны cooтвeтcтвyющими Кoнcтитyции пo oтнoшeнию к тoй чacти имyщecтвa, кoтopaя хoть и нaхoдилocь вo влaдeнии, pacпopяжeнии и пoльзoвaнии КПCC, нo являлacь гocyдapcтвeннoй или мyниципaльнoй coбcтвeннocтью.
So you're quite literally forced into your "Democracy", its illegal to even vote for certain parties (even though in a Democracy it should be your right to vote for whomever the fuck you'd like), you're labelling opposition to your "democratic party" as short-sighted fools, and you really genuinely believe that's "real democracy"?
Legasov acknowledged in ep3 that the chances that the core would hit the groundwater was less than half, but he condemned the miners to their fate because the consequences of inaction were far too great.
>Most people blame Russia for communism anyway
So what?
80,000 is a lot (norm 30) but not deadly if not long. Sickness will begin in a day
>damn those fascist bastards forcing me to stay in a democracy!!!
(((democracy))) is a jewish kike scheme to undermine white aryan nations.
This but unironically
We know you love that stuff but we don't hold it against you. Now stop fucking around in Moldova pls.
place looks familier
This anti-russian propaganda that it's illegal to be gay in Russia
There was a time when anti-russian propaganda blamed for the opposite that there a lot of gays in Russia
KPSS (was the only party in USSR) was banned in Russia
>but not deadly if not long.
What about all that fucking dust he's stirring up and breathing in?
Make incredibly chilled vodka for parties.
You're confusing democracy with mob rule and anarchy. My right to swing my fist ends where your nose begins - I can vote and support anything I want as long as my "support" doesn't involve murdering other people or depriving them of basic human rights.
Is this well written? Will I enjoy it if i'm not "le stalker is amazing vidya" faggot
KPRF is full of hardcore Stalin and Lenin fans, so it's not like it matters.
Should've placed based Jared ripping his brew in the 4th frame.
the more of him on screen the merrier
Moldova? Who cares about Moldova?
>KPSS (was the only party in USSR) was banned in Russia
And they made new communist party in 1993.
why are miners so fucking based?
what do you have against stalker? the show is good regardless
Should we post a recurring mini-FAQ in the OP of next threads? Like:
- Is it kino?
- Should I watch it?
- Is it documentary?
It's getting praised by people who have never even heard of stalker. That's just the shitposters on here.
Imagine being this brainwashed by your "democracy" lmao
i waited for this one, thanks user
>Should I watch it?
People should be killed for that question.
next thread is gonna include it
all niggershines should be murdered. as should all kikeshines, spicshines, fagshines, and trannyshines. they are subhuman and do not deserve any rights or protections. 15 bullets through the back of the head for every one of them. SIEG HEIL.
Oh yeah I'd definitely trust some plastic bags on my shoes and that flimsy piece of non-sealing shit with my life.
Not him but Ждaлкep is overrated.
I hate the fanbase, dont care about the game. I had a roommate who was a stalker fanboy. Wouldn't shut up about the fuckin bolts and russian quotes.
>read a few imdb reviews of this
>most of them are thanking the show for helping them forget about Game of Thrones
jesus I thought it was just me
I care. They make tasty wine and have lots of qts. I want to go there without the need for a passport.
In general, yes.
It is not about STALKER and a magic zone with mutants at all
Incredible level of accuracy and for an American movie/series about the USSR
t. russian. never lived in USSR
What, you feel uncomfortable around miner chode? You some kind of fag?
The show is smart and well written and researched but other than the woman character, they dont shove it in your face. I would say writing and the atmosphere are the strongest parts of the show. The acting is also great from the main cast, mainly Skarsgård IMO.
Honestly I think the show is 8+ in all areas and like a 9 overall (so far)
- Did Khomyuk actually exist?
- Where's Khodemchuk?
>have lots of qts
Aren't they all shitskin gypsies?
and now you won't shut up about stalker either, really makes you think...
Well, I do not argue that this man is an idiot. But his channel is interesting.
This is correct.
ignore those retards, it's got great atmosphere and a good feeling of constant danger/dread. still has much better lighting than 90% of modern titles as well.
i hate those fags because they latched onto the fanboy shit years later, i fucking bought the game on day of release back in '07. they're fake fans in it for le epic memes
couldn't been further from the truth
t. EE
its literally not
stop being delusional
I mean I'm a leaf not a burger you dip
Nope. Stop listening to retards.
>a fucking leaf
>defending communism
But I'm not listening to anyone. I've seen some moldavians coming here for work and they looked like typical shitskins.
>defending communism
I fucking hate communism tbqh
>The Gulag Archipelago
That's just citizenship. When I think American, I don't immediately think of Mexicans or Puerto Ricans, but there still are some. Gypsies are supposedly less than 1% of the total population in Moldova. Many don't declare themselves to be gypsy.