Director's cut fucking when???
Director's cut fucking when???
An actual hidden gem of a film. Fine kino
>Thomas said that he [Diesel 10] is rated "10 out of 10 for devious deeds and brutal strength". When he first came to Sodor, he hated steam engines so much that he made a goal to get rid of them once and for all.
Why does he hate them so much?
Diesels are basically the niggers of the train world
What? The actual plot doesnt make sense. They removed the actual villain from the movie in post production and recast half the voices and changed the dialogue around it
Why does nobody talk about trainkino
You don't understand
What is there to understand. Is kino an ironic meme?
it's this the prequel of thomas and the magic mantrain?
Literally me
go on pornhub and search for mantrain. you will probably like it.
I remember being huge into thomas when I was a kiddie and I was really confused on what the hell it was, having real actors and all.
I don't remember jack about it either.
t. Never watched Shining Time Station
Fun fact: the child in the middle is ben shapiros cousin
No, No, I haven't. I'm not even anglo and all I knew about thomas was some tapes and merch a bong neighbour would bring me
I know, I had posted this in that thread then the mods deleted the thread.
Britbongs never had Shining Time.
Movie was criticized by them for clearly trying to pander to the American audience when the show heavily favors the britbongs
You had a track set up in your room, didn't you user?
I was to old for it and then my son never got into it but must have seen a few eps as he reconised thomas on some pajamas my mom got for him.
I watched an early ep on you tube recently it was about a train that was scared of the rain so they bricked him up in a tunnel for ever WTF
I still have my wooden railway collection boxed up for when I have kids.