Can you point out what's the problem with current roles portraying strong women without using the /pol/ rethoric of how women are worthless and shit like that?
Can you point out what's the problem with current roles portraying strong women without using the /pol/ rethoric of how...
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It’s not always wrong but often times it’s ham fisted as shit and has an obnoxious attitude in general. YASSSS QUEEN SLAAAAYYYYY nobody did that shit in the 80s and 90’s so i didn’t give a shit either way about wahrior wyomenz
But it's no different than action protagonists in other movies.
No one questions John Matrix in Commando or say Rambo is a marty stu
it's the attitude and the general smugness
It's simple.
What is the difference between Sarah Connor in Terminator 2 and Captain Marvel ?
Sarah is a strong women, that have a complete personna and flaws as well. She felt like a real character. The same goes with Ellen Ripley
Captain Marvel is just THE HERO ans does not have any bad personnalities traits. Wonder Woman had less that issue, but still
It used to be that stong female characters were just... women who had to overcome a problem, but them overcoming a problem had nothing to do with them being female. You could literally replace them with any other character and it would work.
Nowdays it seems people go out of their way to make it women issue, and remind you they are women, being as ostentatious as possible. Ie: Recent Captain Marvel's "You know why they call it cockpit, right?" kind of shit and the like.
Now, it's not as bad as people make it out to be, but it's a snowball effect, where some pandering becomes so obnoxious that more and more audience actively start looking for traces of that pandering in whatever media they look at. The best example is character of Ulana in Chernobyl, which is such a non-issue and would normally fly like a decade or so ago, no one would bat an eyebrow, but people are extra-touchy on that subject, and not without reason, I mean look at that Batwoman trailer bullshit. That will poison the well for other cases, including those that don't have any pandy-fems in them
What were Sarah's flaws?
I don't really care as long as they make me a bit stiff
Action women in CURRENT YEAR can't be shown as anything less than hypercompetent. They don't get any real character growth because the writers don't want to depict them as "weak", so it becomes boring to watch them constantly succeed with no real setbacks.
I like strong women
Even feminists despised the movie as a shitty portray of what was the first female super hero movie.
She's psychotic, violent and had visions of her dead lovers.
I know everybody that wnt through the same shit would be the same, but still.
And that's why I love her
Left is a mother
Right is childless
Simple as
that's because both of those characters displayed more depth than just being a one-note template, and they weren't consistently being or acting a certain way because they're MEN specifically, but because they're "bad ass" heroes
female characters can be just as lethal, stoic, or spit out cheesy one-liners before they stick a guy with a steam pipe, it's just that in this day and age their strength self-righteously and petulantly revolves around them being a woman; when is the last time you heard a male action hero say some retarded shit like, "this is a MAN'S JOB, and i'm a MAN," but how often do you hear faux empowering shit like, "it'll be perfect once it fits a WOMAN" or "i'm not gonna let a MAN take credit for a WOMAN'S work"
>What were Sarah's flaws?
She started T2 as a prisoner in a mental hospital, nobody believed her, and she needed Arnie to free her.
Meanwhile Rey immediately began her story by kicking lots of bad guy butt, declaring that she don't need no help, and instantly becoming the best at the Force. Also everyone believes and trusts her despite just meeting her for the first time.
The problem lies in the fact that the current year strong womyn stereotype takes away from the characterization and plot of literally every single piece of media it has been crammed into. The woman is reduced to a one-dimensional caricature, whose gender and sex are the sole defining characteristics of their existence; their personality and motivations are nonexistant outside of 'I'm a womyn, I'm empowered'. They have no flaws and can do no wrong (which is a natural consequence of not having a personality at all).
In short, current year stronk womyn are thinly veiled self-insert mary sues written by depressed woman writers as a form of escapism from the crushing blandness and meaningless nature of their own existence. Unfortunately for cinema, self inserts and mary sues ALWAYS destroy quality and ruin every other aspect of a film.
Of course they do, as many people like action shlocks, there are those, including men, who criticized it for years.
Rambo 3 for instance is broadly considered dumb fun, but otherwise quite shit.
Like people forgot that both Anakin and Luke were actually criticized for the amount of times shit just works out for them in the end? Don't act like Rey is the first time it has been brought up.
In retrospective WW was not as feminazi. In fact it was quite balanced and sensible. She was physically powerful but naive and sometimes in the wrong side. It wasnt slay queen shit. Also didnt need to shit on Trevor just to portray women in a better light. Great and respectful couple. In some way it assumes the torch passed from Sarah Connor and Ripley of no cringe female heroes
That's not a flaw. It's just continuity.
I think OPs image pretty much explains the problem with your argument. If Wonder Woman or these other YAAASSS women had looked as muscular as Linda Hamilton in T2, there'd be much less of a problem.
Its like why no one liked Adrian Brody in Predators, he didn't look even half as strong as he needed to
This basically.
Before, it was a character who happens to be a woman.
Now, it's a WOMAN who does WOMAN things in a WOMAN way and her being a character is only tangential to the fact that she's a WOMAN.
Are you stupid or just pretending? Will you ask the same stupid question about Ripley too?
/pol/ doesn’t have a problem with realistic strong women like Sarah Connor. How can you make a thread when you’re this fucking clueless as to what the actual problem is?
I think the fact that Rey did not received proper training and still managed to beat the Vador ripoff was a big part of the issue
Criticizing a 'strong' female character and they will portray you as a woman-hater. I don't think the depiction is what's wrong, it's the larger public reaction around it that makes it so toxic and why people push back on it.
Also stop casting women as men with boobs.
Sarah's only flaws pointed out here were that she was considered crazy and psychotic for presencing a deadly robot from the future.
That's not a flaw.
The first scene with her in T2 is how she's a badass doing pushups and pullups in her warden cell.
>Can you point out what's the problem with current roles portraying strong women
Sure. "Strong woman" is a demographic trait, not a character trait or even a motivation. Lazy writing depends on checkbox attributes for defining a character by stereotypes rather than seeing a character on an individual level separate from any provided qualifier.
Ciri needs her own show
She is a violent, inhuman killer in t2. Psychotic, in the hope of training her kid she neglected him so much he grows alone as a juvenile criminal.
The fact that she us trapped in a hospital and her kid alone in the streets means SHE failed. If it wasnt for time travel shena igans AGAIN that meant she botched the revolution completely.
She also loses sight of her own humanity during the movie and the fucking robot ends giving human lessons to John that would eventually forge him into the champion of humankind.
And all of that didnt make her less badass
Action heroes are all 2 dimensional and hypercompetent. Look at the last couple of Die Hards. John McClane went from being an everyman in over his head to a dude who calmly jumps out of buildings
a fucking awful character and even though she gets fucked up by men a lot she is still unbearable.
>Recent Captain Marvel's "You know why they call it cockpit, right?" kind of shit and the like.
But this is a problem women face/have faced. Why wouldn't they make movies about that?
That's more about bad writing than her being a woman.
She turned into a powerless mental bitch when she saw Dad Terminator; she had visions of her dead lovers, she only taught war stuff to Jonh; she wanted to kill an innocent man and understood that all the guys she frequented were dogshit tiers and were bad for Jonh
She knows she did the right things, but also that she's not a 100% good person.
You are a special kind of retard then and never understood the fucking theme of the movie.
>But this is a problem women face/have faced
It's just a fucking word you mongoloid, there's no patriarchal conspiracy around it. What we should call it pussypit now instead?
This is just like single neuron feminists saying that history is sexists and we should study herstory instead. What the fuck is "herstory"?
It's like the collective consciousness of humanity tripped and hit its head on something and now it's a drooling retard.
Well, yeah. Her lover was murdered by a robot from the future programed to exterminate her son.
You think she'd go from that to "alright, i'll just go back to being a mom"?
The dude laid down to her that her son was destined to be the leader of the revolution.
Ofc everybody just thought she was crazy.
Dude chill out.
I would not be surprised if you could find some Chad in Air force armies in the 80's-90's
What partof she failed raising John didnt you get? She ended up trapped in a hospital. Her son a criminal. Alone and unsafe in the streets. His stepfathers pieces of shits. The only human lessons John get on the movie came from a bodybuilding time traveling robot.
She is flawed. The fact that she has reasons to be flawed, doesnt mean she is not flawed. It just puts it in context so its more realistic you dumb fuck
The problem isn't the word, its the context. Being a douche, telling her she won't fly because she's a woman, making a snide comment about how its a COCKpit. Its not the word that's the problem. Its the fact that instead of being a teammate and supporting her, he went out of his way to say she was incapable.
That's a real world problem given an airforce/planes dressing for this character.
Hey calm down. I'm just saying she's not that perfect pure hero. Its because she has flaws and issue that she's a good character and we love her
Because the implication is that they are capable of being successful pilots, when all army testing indicates that they aren't.
That's the same thing about Rambo. Him being trained to be a war killing machine isn't a flaw. He wasn't born that way. Events led to he being that.
You need to actually know what a "flaw" means.
You can't tell me that women belong in the military. I will never understand what harebrained thought process was behind that decision.
They are literally physically less competent than men (which means their presence in combat puts all their teammates at risk) and additionally the psychology of how male brains work mean that male soldiers will always try to save their women compatriots even at the cost of the mission.
At the absolute minimum, women and men should be fully segregated in the military, women and men serving together is just retardation on an unprecedented level.
today's strongk womyn aren't actually strong, because the audience has to constantly be told they're strong instead of being shown they are. their defining trait is their vagina, and often employ actresses who aren't believable for the role. look at any capeshit, they hire women who clearly don't know how to fight and instead resort to jump cut spamming to make it seem like they can fight. it has nothing to do with women being worthless, and all do with shitty design choices and catering to the loudest faggots out there.
I unironicly don't. I like female lead movies and even feminist stuff like pic related. I hate when something is advertised as feminist and it's not.
Women don't need to be in the front line. Piloting a jet does not require to be physically competent or not. Plus they all receive training.
Ok. That's a good point. But Arnie and Stallone were criticized by the exact same reason of how they didn't portray the average joe.
It is forced up my ass like a suppository. And I don't like it.
As if the character was born talented and didn't have to work hard to achieve their (strength, intelligence etc.) which inturn doesn't leave long lasting marks on their persona.
In older movies the actresses do a great job in making it believable to the point that you don't question, not even notice it.
Even the racial diversity scenes in Star Ship Trooper were believable and enjoyable.
Well todays movies pander to you my double digit IQ fren
You joking ? Rambo (in the first movie at least) is a man broken by the war. It's not his fault, but it is a flaw
what does being an average joe have to do with anything? stallone looked like someone who potentially served in a war, and arnie easily fit the role as barbarian. also, they were shoving a line about how tough they are every 5 seconds because we saw through their actions that they were bad ass.
weren't shoving* fml
Luke Skywalker at the beginning: gets his ass beat by a couple of sand people
Rey at the beginning: Effortlessly beats up six goons
Because in these movies they don't mention it.
They are characters that are women or blacks, or whatever.
Now they are defined by their colours or their gender
That's the entire essence of the character. He was a man whose only purpose in life was to kill and now that war is over he's unfit to live with others.
He's the definition of a Marty Stu. He has no flaws, he's indestructible, he can take a helicopter with a stone.
In the first movie you see him having the ground bonus (a forest, he served in jungle) versus a group of random / average policemen.
At the end it's Trautman that convinces him to surrender, because Rambo can't fight against hundreds of men.
Altho I would agree for the sequels
Because characters like Vasquez are super rare now that "tough manly girl" and "snarky quip girl" have been shoddily merged and popularized by Joss Whedon.
>Piloting a jet does not require to be physically competent or not.
Piloting Fighter Jets definitely does. You need strong abdominal muscles, neck muscles, leg muscles, and a strong cardiovascular system or you will black out and then die.
Pilot tankers or cargo aircraft doesn't for the most part. But if you don't at least workout your legs and arms regularly or you will get tired or weak after sorties.
>But this is a problem women face/have faced.
Doing something only to prove someone wrong is not a good motivator because it's an extremely shallow and petty reason to do something. The script of that movie is really bad from the standpoint of actually outlining the motivations of the character it is based around as a result. It was trying to kind of avoid the origin story format, but the resulting issue is that it doesn't let the audience know what the character cares about or wants to do with themselves outside of "I am a strong woman".
t. A fat incel on a Malaysian matte painting board
The Air Force is barely a military branch and the physical disadvantages women have (less upper body strength, slower running) don't apply in a plane. Most military assignments don't involve direct combat. In those that do, women have gone along fine without compromising missions. You'd know if you actually were in or knew anyone who ever deployed.
But again, most of that is moot when you're talking about the Air Force.
what army testing?
All it comes down to is pandering vs organic storytelling. It’s a movie/tv show so my belief has already been suspended. It’s just such cheap writing when the writer needs to wink at his target audience. Making men’s greatest sin their gender or ‘IMPOSSIBLE, you’re just a woman!’
Basically I’m just sick of gender politics being in every form of escapism without any subtlety.
It's patronizing as fuck and impossible to enjoy when the agenda is obvious. And no, before some Chapocel comes in here and says some dumb bullshit like "I didn't know having good women characters is an agenda ;) " it's not the same.
It's the constant wink-wink, nudge-nudges towards the camera. The script that slips in the Don't Need No Man rhetoric, just enough to not make it TOO obvious, but enough to make sure it's feminist approved. The overt symbolism, the smug lingering all-female moneyshots. The whole ordeal is so passive aggressive, like the writers fucking hate your guts, and hate their jobs, but they realized they still have to make a movie on top of all of the soapboxing so they grit their teeth and bare it. It's not genuine. It's tiring, grating, and persistent, sticking out of every film it's in like a tumor.
Gal Gadot is not credible as Wonder Woman
Physically she looks like a supermodel and not an Amazon
It earns millions for the role, why not respect the source?
I also blame Patty Jenkins who does not know how to do action scenes
The problem with strong women is a problem that has nothing to do with women or being strong.
When a character represents an ideology they stop being human. They stop being relatable and they stop being a good character. Feminist characters suck because feminist characters can't be flawed. If a feminist character is flawed it means feminism itself is flawed. And if you have a character with no flaws you have a Mary Sue. Ayn Rand had the same problem with her characters, but her characters didn't represent feminism and patriarchy, they represented capitalism and communism. Dagny Taggart is a Mary Sue because if she wasn't perfect it would mean capitalism isn't perfect.
Characters that are realistic and flawed will always be better than characters that are flawless and promote an ideology. And if you disagree let me point to William Shakespeare. The reason his characters endured was because in an age where all characters were written with ideas of teaching morals or cultural values, he wrote characters considering their psychology, which made Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet far more interesting than Arthur Brooke or William Painter's.
And also SJWs are fucking stupid cunts and why we need to take voting rights away from women. Yes I'm serious. End women's sufferage. In 100 years women have banned alcohol, destroyed higher education, created super-strains of STDs, ruined every profession that has a 50/50 male/female ratio, destroyed marriage, destroyed dating, destroyed literature, destroyed political debate, destroyed immigration laws, destroyed the white race.
One of the great mistakes of the script was not following the origin of comics
In comics Wonder Woman wins from the various Olympic gods powers
>make a movie about how strong women can be
>hire a woman that needs wires to jump
When has Wonder Woman done any jumping that would require wire assistance?
You not only need to be in peak physical condition to be a fighter pilot, you need to mental wherewithal to make dozens of decisions per minute in constantky changing conditions. Screaming I’M TRYING! before breaking down into tears won’t cut it.
That's not her motivation though. She has an innate drive to do crazy shit and help people. Like she clearly grew up as a tomboy, wanting to play sports and ride go carts. Being a pilot was just the natural extension of that. And it carries over to her time as Veers, who wouldn't have memories of dudes telling her she can't do things. She just wants the chance to prove herself like literally every hero.
I have no problems, but I would like them to be bigger.
Certainly not skinny models.
The look of WW has changed over the years. Sometimes she's slendee, sometimes she's not. Pretty sure she went through a slender phase when she lost her powers which is ironic when you think about it. But she doesn't need to look strong when her power is based on being half god. No one looks strong enough to punch through buildings.
You watch Chocolate 2008, Furie 2019 and The Villainess 2017?
Seriously, anyone ever imagines seeing Gadot or Larson doing action scenes like this?
A shame women have never been capable in real life
Escaping to semantics. You know whats a character flaw you stupid fuck. Its obvious a character flaw is not a genetic trait and more the consequences of past actions. Sarah Connor is damaged. She is flawed.
Now stop being retarded on the internet
>that chocolate clip
>halle berry spent MONTHS training how to handle malinois dogs before shooting the film
admirable and inspirational dedication, and her physique looks ripped, double dedication
i just want to see buff tough women, not chicks who look like the came straight outta highschool and think being tough means being mean to the other characters
You're wrong, as an Amazon they're practically athletes.
in the movie you even saw her training for years and centuries
so she should have muscles
first by her origin and second because it is a super hero from comics and they should always be in great shape
And if Gadot appeared on the set in a great shape, she would be more respected and the movie would have made a lot more money
Feminism in 1942
>the problem with current roles portraying strong women
the problem is that they're not strong
look at Gadot's fucking arms, any DYEL male could beat the shit out of her without breaking a sweat
didn't she quit two weeks after becoming a fighter pilot because it was too difficult?
Probably because actual men could do the things they did in real life whereas no woman can do the things they're portrayed as doing in movies, like taking out 8 men by themselves without breaking a swear or whatever
It's believable when it's a man because theoretically it's plausible
>Rambo Marty Stu
Redpill me on Chernobyl
It's funny that most other Amazons are professional crossfit girls.
One was forced
The other organic
Any twat can tell the difference
They just need to find the right actress
this is a problem with the audience not with the role. the only time a movie was legitimately yass queen was in avengers when the women were in a shot together for 4 seconds. i literally did not even notice that when i saw the movie (twice) until i came here and saw a thread crying about it
this is true, captain marvel is shit, but it's not because she's a woman. every marvel protag other than maybe spider man is equally just "the hero"
You forgot
>Leavitt flew more than 2,500 hours in the F-15, including 300 combat hours, mostly in Afghanistan and Iraq. Maj. Gen. Lawrence L. Wells, 9th Air Force commander, flew the F-16 Fighting Falcon as an operations officer with Leavitt during Operation Southern Watch in 1996.
Sure. She quit her way to being a general
feminism today
She blatantly says she's flown ships before. She's also Force sensitive which is shown in six previous movies to give pilots an edge over everyone else
I was mistaken. I'm thinking of America's first "viper pilot"
>Furie 2019
Many people said that Lucasfilm killed the wrong sister
And is not that true?
Look what this actress can do!
>No one questions John Matrix in Commando or say Rambo is a marty stu
thats because questioning dumb shit like that in the 80s and 90s would have got you beat up for being a fag. fast forward 35 years later and those films are staples of Americana and if you talk shit about them then you're simply fake based
The explanation is a lot more simple than that
Jewish subversion
The last 3 MCU movies were a disaster
no matter how hard you try... you always will be a cucklord
This is a good feminism.
Not hysterical fatty requiring EQUALITY.
Available on Netflix, I'll take a look
Absolutely. It's totally possible for a guy to take 8 men in a fight. :')
They were training to be killer machines
Wonder Woman was trained to be what she is
Captain Marvel gained the powers in a snap of fingers
Most "strong women" on movies are not actually shown to be strong, we're meant to believe they are strong simply because. Think of Sansa in GoT, we're meant to believe she's such a strong character that she's an expert at manipulating people like littlefinger was, but in reality she just gets things done because the plot requires it.
As a normal guy you could easily overpower 90% of women. As a guy who is in shape and maybe casually lifts weights or trains you could overpower 99% of women including most female athletes. It'd be like beating up a child.
It's just not realistic to have women physically overpowering men if I'm to take a movie or show seriously. For capeshit superheroes I guess go nuts cause that isn't supposed to make sense.
>feminism today
>feminism we need
The writers, directors, and audiences are often blinded by ideology.
I mean, look at Game of Thrones. Daenerys had all the makings of a tryant when it came to how she made use of her power. Through the whole show up until this point she's always had male advisors saying "that's not good, tone it down a bit." And now she's driven herself into the bad ending that was likely always intended, it may have been poorly done because it was like a crazy switch had been flipped in her head wth the past two seasons being so fucking rushed, but the seeds of it were always there. And now we have people saying "this is clearly wrong, Daenerys is a paragon of virtue, an icon for feminism, the writers don't understand the character at all!" despite there even being a scene where Tyrion straiht-up explains it, where he might as well have been talking into the camera directly at the audience rather than to Jon Snow.
Then why do most robbers or rapists require knives or guns if it's that easy?
Sarah Connor is a strong woman done right. She begins as a scared incompetent waitress and slowly builds herself into this crazy chick because she wants to prepare her son for the future. She is deemed crazy because she tries to blow some place up, tries to escape the psych ward multiple times and when she encounters another terminator she literally drops to the ground and turns into a scared little girl. She goes on a murder quest to stop the upcoming war and then cries when she realizes she almost harmed innocent children and executed a civilian. She is deeply flawed, yet strong woman and her being a mother is relatable and drives her personality.
women already dominate the dating scene, what else do you want? pay 50$ to each tinder chick you want to write to?
Less effort, and it immediately gets the point across that you mean business. Plus insurance policy in case there's a guy nearby that you'd actually need to scare off.
>wonder woman
>the bride (kill bill)
>alice (resident evil)
>lisbeth salander
>etc. etc. etc. etc.
>all the other various examples in this thread
all widely liked
ready to have your mind blown? people don't have any problem with strong women being portrayed on screen
people have a problem with *rey* - who is a terrible character - and the media takes this and, wait for it, creates fake news out of it, a narrative where portrayals of strong women are hated
you are living in a media created fantasy world that doesn't match reality
All you have is excuses
She's a shitty one-dimensional Yas queen insert and because you support that shitty ideology, you support that shitty writing
The woman on the left had a good arc and the actress worked like a mad cunt getting prepped for T2. She even got out of the SJ herself I believe. She was also beliebably badass, slightly unhinged, and not portrayed as perfect. She's a great character.
WW is a joke lmao
she's very cute
So women are physically uncapable of harming men. Now I finally understand why women get less prison time, they were wrongly convicted. Thank you user for opening my eyes.
No such thing as good feminism
It is an act against nature which requires many concessions to even make possible
It has been done
A lot more plausible than a woman beating even one man in hand to hand combat
That's why when your fellow tranny freaks get in the ring with a woman in the UFC they smash their orbital bone with one punch, fag
The current roles make female characters important because they're female, which is extremely shallow.
Roles like Sarah Connor weren't really focused on them being female and were actually fleshed out characters.
"Strong because woman" is super fucking lazy writing.
Do you really think in most domestic abuse cases a man is going to fully unload and beat up a woman attacking him? No, they hold back, and usually just try to restrain them. I didn't say a woman can't physically harm a man, just that if they were both taking it seriously it'd be no contest in most cases.
left has toned arms
right has spaghetti noodle arms
>Captain Marvel gained the powers in a snap of fingers
Same can be said about Superman
But Sarah’s character is a continuation of the first movie where she’s essentially a would-be victim of a horror movie where she barely survives. She then has years of knowing the truth to train and prepare before T2.
This. The handshake she has with Uncle Bob at the end of the movie is so powerful because of how inhuman she was at times and how human he was at times while the whole robot hate relationship is hanging in the background.
But for some reason I can accept Wonder Woman as one dimensional sex service whereas I can't do that with Captain Marvel.
yeah i really take my capeshit as the fine art that it really should be
Its the same as all the rest. How did Anakin become good at fixing things and being a pilot? How did a child build a podracer and win a race humans aren't supposed to be able to compete in? Its the exact same thing. You're just mad this time the character has a vagina
>I also blame Patty Jenkins who does not know how to do action scenes
When a video game has better fighting scenes than the movie
remember when they ruined a kids life for playing a character that they didnt like?
Kind of seems like banter to me. I'm sure a dicklet would probably get the same treatment from his team mates.
>bruh we saw you in the shower.. Not sure you have the right stuff to climb into the cockpit.
Also fighter pilots are one of the most prestigious roles in the military and incredibly high stress, maybe if she gets her panties in a bunch because some guy makes a sexist remark she isn't mentally strong enough to handle the job.
If you want a decent strong woman in the military character I'd suggest gi jane
Linda Hamilton's character was a mother at heart and in motivation so her strength is still feminine and made sense. Captain Marvel has nothing feminine about her so her character doesn't resonate and is just a woman casted in a man's role.
few problems i will list them
1. Women arent strong
2. When women are somehow strong in media they are inexplicably overpowered
3. When 3 is not met women complain about misogyny sexism or some other bullshit
4. Its unhealthy. Women arent strong, telling them they are when biological is quite clear that they arent, is not going to help anyone.
It's infantilizing, patronizing bullshit. Like "oh look, women can be just as capable as men at X. See? SEE? Woman can do JUST as good as man!" I think it's ultimately more harmful to women and it reinforces the image of them as an underclass. Character development still must always come first. To have a good character, you first need to write that character well. Babylon 5 was so fucking good at this.
Are we talking about the first movie or the rest? Because in the first movie how he fucks the cops up with gorilla warfare is believable.
>When has Wonder Woman done any jumping that would require wire assistance?
Multiple times in the first film since she can't fly they gave her a Hulk jump instead
What does this even mean?
>1. Women arent strong
Had no problem with WW because it wasn't in-your-face type modern feminist shit. She was a strong woman and while that was acknowledged she didn't preach about how women should be treated.
Most of your examples I agree with but Alice? She was an undercover agent who becomes a god because the actress sleeps with the director. I can give you that the movies weren't focusing on her being a woman.
good feminism is the woman walking along with the men and both evolving
If you watched the first movie, completely ignoring the book you would know the guy was on his last straw at the start of the movie, nearly crippled with ptsd. After he goes to meet the last surviving member of his platoon and learns that he died from cancer, the ptsd and survivors guild puts him on the fast track to either a life in prison or suicide by cops. He has sever flashbacks after he is arrested assaults half a dozen police and runs into the woods for his last stand. I don't recall many scenes in Star Wars or other strong feminism roles that show the women having such a multifaceted personally or inner demons.
Where is that from?
The characters haven’t changed, the audience has just turned into whiny incel bitches. Just like everything else in life which is the same or better but now we have to put up with screeching babies on the left and right on Twitter, Yea Forums and elsewhere acting like their rights are being infringed on for merely existing.
and she does not work in Hollywood, but Kelly Marie Tran work?
That never happened because there are only 3 Star Wars movies.
>a middle-aged woman said prayer gave her strength
literally the first fucking line dumbass, god gave her help
generally, women wouldn't go to either of those movies, they don't want to watch them, they will call them stupid, and they won't be called sexist losers for it.
DC Universe Online
it’s only a problem when the female character is extremely overpowered (i.e. she’s beating the shit out of dudes twice as big as her in hand to hand street fighting), extremely competent at everything she attempts the first time she attempts it, and extremely condescending to every person who speaks to her (especially to men)
it’s annoying as fuck and only appeals to people with rotten personalities
I think you still do not know how this world works.
"be little gods"
I wonder if she cried like a little bitch because someone made a cockpit joke? I wonder if she was talented,dedicated,and ambitious because she was a woman and wanted to stick it to the patriarch..or maybe it was just because she was an actual bad ass
The first Tomb Raider with Angelina Jolie is one of my favorite movies. I know it's objectively not a good movie but I still like it.
I still cry like a bitch when she's talking about how the machine is a better father for John. Wish they still made movies this good.
It's always fun to see the sequel apologists engage in strawman arguments. Were you asleep for all those years people complained about Anakin? The existence of another shitty character in a badly written movie doesn't excuse your shitty character in a shitty movie you happen to like for whatever reason.
The example he posted is one of the few exceptions. Kara hultgreen is another one, compressor stall caused differential thrust and she died. Now female fighter pilots can be great i remember discovery channel canada did a doc series on a squadron of hornet pilots i think like 8 candidates made it through one of them was a woman who was a badass. Its not impossible but yes fighter pilots are top of the line human beings mentally physically and emotionally. Just like astronauts they start with a massive selection pool because not sticking the best of the best in these million or billion dollar aircraft is retarded.
Is simple, is just not believable, for instance like a woman having the same physial capacity as a men or doin g the same just not possible in a wide sense. So it ends up hard to take it seriously. Because for movies and media in general...a strong female character is just a woman doing the same things a man can do.
When I was watching the Last Jedi, I thought this character was pretty cool and would make a great addition to the cast.
Then she died
Then we got her sister...
Maybe Rose would be more likable if she actually did something awesome and heroic, such as saving characters we care about, rather than a bunch of CGI animals that are obviously designed to sell toys to kids.
My grandmother (mother's side) is a "strong woman". She tries to boss everyone the fuck around at times and acts extremely possessive. My grandfather wore the skirt because she had the reigns from day one. My uncle, aunt, and their kids live with her because she has a large house built for her by one of her sons. She controls the people living with her to the extreme. There will be days where she's all happy and saying how she wants to help you, and then she won't give you the car keys or some other basic shit because of reasons. She turns off the lights at 8-9pm every night, you have to ask for permission to park in the garage, etc. It's absolute insanity. I don't know how they live with her. My dad had to borrow her car once when we were visiting and she made him get a ride instead. Her excuse was "this car isn't for casual driving." I think it's the maternal protective instinct taken to the extreme and steered off course. Imagine living under a bipolar tyrannical dictator. That's what living with these glorified strong women types is like. God I hate these bitches.
>marty stu
gary stu*
>He was a man whose only purpose in life was to kill and now that war is over he's unfit to live with others.
and this is literally a flaw. The whole point of his rampage was because the police harassed him and he was unwanted, literally the opposite of a gary stu.
Don't use words when you don't know what they mean
I believe the producers wanted this with Paige Tico, but Rian Johnson had others plans
Luke is no better
The restriction on women being pilots was lifted in 92 or 93. The movie is set in 1995. Carol has been missing a a few years at this point, so the flashbacks to her training would have been before women were officially allowed. The cockpit dialogue is not banter, it's a dude telling her she's incapable. You saw the same kind of thing thrown around about the first women who went through Ranger School in the Army and all the shit people said about women in combat MOS's. Pretending its just banter is ignoring the historical context of what was going on in the 90s for female fighter pilots as well as current examples of women in the Army and Marines taking on combat jobs.
Dizzie was the best girl
Sara is impulsive and a control freak. She doesn't trust anyone, not even her own son who ends up destroying Skynet in the future. She believes she can do everything on her own (despite having robot from the future who is basically a walking tank). She foolishly tries to kill Miles Dyson believing that it would prevent the war. If she succeeded, they probably wouldn't been able to get into cyberdyne to blow up the lab and someone else would've continued the research and development of Skynet. In the end she learns to open up and trust people again in order to work together and save the world. It's pretty clear in the movie (ie. shaking the Terminators hand at the end + the end monologue).
and superman is one of the least liked of the big super heroes of all time
what's your point?
You can be upset about unprofessional conduct while still being a badass and doing badass stuff. Knowing what I do about the military, I'd bet money people acted dickish to BG Leavitt too. Carol Danvers didn't stop just because someone was rude to her. She does the exact opposite in the movie. It doesn't even show her talking about it, just going back to what she was doing.
Pretty much. Sarah is a bad parent and her paranoia leads her to do stupid shit that doesn't actually help her or anyone else. But she also has a backstory that explains why she's so broken, and she gets some of her shit together over the course of the movie.
I will never understand how she can be considered hot, let alone likable and talented
she can play a nice elektra
watch the movie
Wonder Woman with this body, suit and attitude, was everything we wanted
Boys grew up with girls in school and know exactly how fucking slow and weak they are compared to them. So when you see some bitch on screen that's supposed to be "tough", but she looks just like the same bitches that can't hang or open a peanut butter jar by themselves, then it just looks dumb.
It's biology. We KNOW they're fucking weak as fuck and can be ass raped at will, and they look fucking stupid trying to pretend they're tough.
It's like the kikes in heeb town never grew up with bitches or something.
it was a terrible movie with a terrible character (not ww in general, this ww).
Connor/Ripley and this shit will never be comparable
Alright, let me stop you right there. How in the FUCK is Terminator 2 a current role? What manner of violent stupidity possessed you to post that? Do you suffer from any debilitating mental disorders?
>Look at the last couple of Die Hards.
you mean 4 and 5?
they are shit. DH ony has 3 movies
It's not about depicting strong women. Its about depicting women that are relatively weak doing things that make them look strong, otherwise every strong woman film would feature 10/10 bitches beating the stuffing out of each other.
Instead we're seeing films about Goldman Sachs tier hipster snowflakes being 'disobedient ' to make history so that even the average 9 to 5 hardworking woman in real life can scoff while the ten or so whores that live off her and have zero understanding of how the world works can look up to these retarded virtue signalers and question why their lady alpha that gives them a place to sleep doesn't parade down the streets like a retard in service of some such progressive pursuit to 'spark change ' when 90% of the time the busy bitch cant even get you whores to throw out your used condoms after you snuck in chad last night for the fifteenth time after she ranted and screamed at you for being ungrateful freeloaders and doing nothing to elevate your situations aside from sucking chads dick for meth and begging your parents for money. That's who feminism is for. Its not for the 1 percent of women that actually have yo do something. Its for the 99 percent that prefer to do nothing.
i like my characters being believable regardless of sex. Nothing wrong with Sarah Connor in T2. Sarah Connor in Genysis is fucking embarrassing though.
>He was a man whose only purpose in life was to kill and now that war is over he's unfit to live with others.
Thats a great flaw, tho
It's more possible for a man do do it than for a woman. The only way a woman could take 8 men is a gangbang.
Is it gay to fuck a tomboy?
>>wonder woman
>>the bride (kill bill)
>>alice (resident evil)
I don't like them, if you're talking about gadot's WW and alice only worked in the first movie
By an idiot perhaps.
because modern actors are very, very bad
how did they even get into the business
>In 100 years women have banned alcohol, destroyed higher education, created super-strains of STDs, ruined every profession that has a 50/50 male/female ratio, destroyed marriage, destroyed dating, destroyed literature, destroyed political debate, destroyed immigration laws, destroyed the white race.
2 digits IQ normies did that.
WW never looked weak as GG, and they knew it. That's why the costume is super padded and camera tricks are constantly used to distract from the exposed parts
Women used to be flawed and eye candy but now they can't do anything wrong or be attractive or it's anti feminist
I also liked the action scenes in haywire with gina carano. She can't act but she really can sell a physical fight
>Wonder Woman was trained to be what she is
she was invincible by default
>Rambo is a marty stu
blatantly false
>John Matrix in Commando
it's an over the top character that only obey to the rule of cool and isn't ment to be taken seriously, though. Also Schwarzenegger chan sell the fact that he is strong like ten men. It the character was seriously about YAAAAS MASCULINITY it would have been shit
Its "padded" because its supposed to be armor.
>never looked weak
You sure? This is WW's no powers/martial artist phase
>2 digits IQ normies did that.
The ones that allowed women to vote, exactly.
>In 100 years women have banned alcohol, destroyed higher education, created super-strains of STDs, ruined every profession that has a 50/50 male/female ratio, destroyed marriage, destroyed dating, destroyed literature, destroyed political debate, destroyed immigration laws, destroyed the white race.
Nope. Beta men did. When children act up it's up to the father to discipline them, and they didn't.
>wonder woman
hope you are not talking about the movie with Gatot because that shit belongs to the garbage as movie and as female character
>WW is a joke lmao
Anakin was hated specifically beacuse he was a shitty marysue
>e it wasn't in-your-face type modern feminist shit.
I think you completly missed the "praise it or face backlash" part, just like CM
4 is kino faggot
We were closer to that a decade ago
t. low iq revisionist.
if you can't tell the difference, you are the probem
Now all makes sense
Anakin was hated because he was an annoying kid, not because he was competent. Rey's piloting chops get the same build up as Luke's
it's bearable at best. Unlike the 5th
heroism is a masculine trait. Its just as weird as portraying men as homemakers.
nope as long as it isn't male
also the fact that professional victims and writers for modern women pretend like women in any physical strenght roles is a new thing that ony started in the 2010s.
your pictures prove that there have been strong women all the time in films, comics, video games, etc. so the current trend of inserting snarky feminist women acting as men in baseless
>Its "padded" because its supposed to be armor.
Padded hips, chest and boobs because "armor", sure, giving her a more glasshour-like shape was ever a factor, right?
>You sure? This is WW's no powers/martial artist phase
it was also the shittiest classic run. The one that 2nd wave feminists rallied against to bring back the real WW.
She is also in better shape than Gadot
It's not baseless, since you usually can draw a visible line of differences between pre 10's strong women characters and post 10's women characters
>Is it gay to fuck a tomboy?
Nope. Fucking Tom Boy is, tho
Left: good story, good character, good acting, good casting, lots of effort
Right: complete joke
>you don't need to be fit to be a fighter pilot
Maybe if you have no fucking legs, but that's a whole other disability
You ever worn armor before?
It was hated because she didn't have powers, not because they didn't give her Schwarzenegger's arms. The look has changed over time, and right now her strength is based on magic. She could be a 300 lb blob and still be strong because her dad was Zeus. Its fucking magic
>not too obvious
>posts wonder woman
>who literally says the line "men aren't needed"
Mary Sue’s are not entertaining to watch. Mary Sue’s used to promote a political agenda are not fun to watch.
Strong female characters that have personality and are integral to the plot are fun to watch.
Men and women are different, not the same. It’s more believable that a man can be Rambo than a woman. Sure, it’s a “movie” but the suspension of disbelief can only go so far.
yes, pre-10s were not annoying, most of them could be plausible and didn't forgo their femininity or see femininity as necessarily a weakness.
Post-10s are cringeworthy who can only show power by acting like men or throwing shade all the time
The problem was never the women. The problem was always the terrible fucking writing, something a lot of people seem to want to sweep under the rug and deflect with the "you're just a sexist" argument.
Goddamn, you were doing so good until the last paragraph.
I didn't say you didn't need to be fit. I said the physical disadvantages don't apply. You still have to be fit. Some other user mentioned having a strong core, for instance, which is something women tend to have. Its why on most military PT tests, they won't do as well as men on pushups and running, but kill the sit ups.
Right now the Army is implementing a new PT test involving things like deadlifts and carrying 40 lb weights around. Because those kinds of tasks correlate with things you do in the Army, like carrying ammo cans and rucking. A soldier needs to be able to lift and women naturally struggle more. That kins of fitness is different from the fitness a fighter pilot needs.
Even as an autist you can see that man saying "if it were not for the laws of this land, I would slaughter you" all over his face
But wonder woman is a good character
>you can be upset
>and still be a badass
No. Badass people do not get upset
Modern ones don't have a child to protect. Them becoming action heroes feels unnatural without that motherly obligation to push them in that direction.
It's almost like if what people find attractive is subjective.
Identity politics.
You don't have Sarah Connors anymore, you have wamen. That's the representation.
When your character is supposed to represent and advance some sort of fucking dialogue about women, you can't do shit to them. You can't hurt them because she represents women.
This is why white guys with brown hair work so well as leads. They don't fucking represent all white dudes with brown hair, you can do anything you want to them and use them to portray anything, because they weren't inserted to represent white dudes with brown hair.
>I didn't say you don't have to be fit
>but being fit doesn't matter
The rest of your post went into the trash retard, pick one and try again
>all those hyperboles...
if you are an action character, you should look like an action character. Otherwise you are just ridiculous. It's a visual medium, after all
Superman doesn't need muscles either, but was always as big as a truck.
>muh zeus origin
corrent WW needs a fucking load of old school feminism again
>You ever worn armor before?
Are you impling that there is a practical reason bhind strategic padding that gives you an hourglass figure and 'big' boobs? Because armors usually have the opposite effect
It's from Infinite Crisis, a game that doesn't exist anymore.
Replace John Matrix with a skinny-fat incel and insert lines like "you dont need to be big to be strong" and everyone would hate the character
>But wonder woman is a good character
in those movies?
A large reason why these female characters are not enjoyed is the total ignorance of effective fighting styles. If two humans are going fight, you immediately assume the larger fighter is going to dominate due to the extra power from more muscle mass. If a smaller opponent will win it can only be through quicker reaction timing, technique or a perfectly timed lucky shot.
This is precisely why Bruce Lee is idolized. He wasn't a large, bulky brawler, but his speed and technique made all of his attacks powerful and therefore believable on screen. These modern female stars are all very slender and don't exhibit competent skill or above average speed, hence the camera quick shots to hide these shortcomings. But what makes this even worse is that these female characters fight as of they are brawlers. It's just not closer to believable and ruins immersion. If they don't have speed or technique, then they have to win fights with lucky shots and it's not doable to have a stream of lucky hits on multiple opponents.
So basically it's like watching Michael Cera get the upper hand in combat against linebackers over and over again. This attitude is then extended to every interaction and every challenge. If there's a new piece equipment, no problem I automatically am competent utilizing it and don't have any slip ups. At this point the character is already over powered beyond belief, but that isn't enough. The character is also being put down or disregarded by less qualified morons who don't realize how secretly awesome the protagonist truly is. The morons are always glorified 80s movie high school bullies without any dimension and the hero purrs them in their place just like I, the audience member, totally would in that same situation. It's such a terribly done self insert, that it hits the point of being cheesy but there is no intentional humor in it.
>t's almost like if what people find attractive is subjective.
Its true only as a general statement.
There are people that find landwhales peak attractiveness
>She has an innate drive to do crazy shit and help people.
She sure "helped" that random guy she stole a motorcycle from. She also "helped" that bar by laser-fisting their juke box.
She appears to have been trained by the Kree to be a complete asshole, and no amount of flashbacking to being a younger "strong woman" seemed to make her any less of an asshole until she met her plotpoint friend and decided to help skrulls because of reasons.
Its shaped the way it is in comics. Its only "padded" as much as leather or metal would be. The shit isn't skin tight and thin like spandex.
what are some non mary sue strong women movies from the last 5 years?
Left: done right
Right: done wrong
If the reason isn't obvious to you, you are the reason behing these shitty yaass kweeen recent characters even existing
t. A fat guy on a Sri Lankan finger painting board who apparently can't read
>Its shaped the way it is in comics. Its only "padded" as much as leather or metal would be. The shit isn't skin tight and thin like spandex.
exactly: it's shaped like in the comics to give Gadot something resembling the WW's phisique she don't have, becuse they know she don't have it. She is just a twink badly cosplaying as a warrior.
Miscast as fuck
>padded boobs and hips are the natural effect of armor
I think the dude with the bike was an asshole first. You realize though the number of male action heroes who do the same things and don't get long threads like this?
If that's what it takes to make you feel better about being retarded
Older movies had heroes who happened to also be women, Newer movies have heroes because they are women
Mentally supressing negative emotions is a sign of stregnth but not of a badass
Motherfucker gets to direct a Star Wars movie and immediately uses it to get back at people that were mean to him in high school. HOW OLD IS HE?! Who the fuck would put this petty child in charge of fucking anything with this attitude?! Anyone remember Lucas talking about his bullies while make ANY Star Wars movies?
She’s a woman lmao
No, the point was to deflate the claim that she "wants to help people" when clearly that wasn't a consistently demonstrated motive given that most of her actions in the film were selfish. Up until the third act where she just decides to not be. There's a lack of coherent build up as to why her motives would change.
>You realize though the number of male action heroes who do the same things and don't get long threads like this?
You realize that nobody builds up those characters as role models in a manner that is both clumsy or ill-suited for the content? Seems like a stupid parallel to try to make.
This is a good point.
there isn't any
Hysterical strengthh is well documented in both sexes what they forget to mention is how fucked their body is after.
Normally men have cock. And cock is power. A woman acting like she have power is strange.
I like strong women, I don't like annoying cunts. You can make a good female protagonist without tearing the male characters down. Pretty sure there are women writers that can do that as well. If they can't it's a sign they suck as a writer, but instead of addressing that, they call their critics sexist.
Strong characters overcome difficulties, they don't steamroll everything in the universe
It's usually that simple.The difference between movies like Terminator 2 and Wonder Woman is just what they set out to do at the very beginning of production. And one is make a good action filled enjoyable movie while the other is to make a platform or soapbox for the idea of a strong woman to stand upon. In one everything that is thought of or agreed upon serves the purpose of making a movie and the other everything that is thought of or agreed upon serves the purpose of delivering a message. So what you end up with in the final product is two movies. In one the plot makes sense, the characters have motivation and personality, and the action is engaging and thrilling. In the other you usually get little more than a series of set pieces built around some small built of dialogue intended to convey how strong and or unique woman are.
>Terminator 2 Strong Woman:
Wonder Woman Strong Woman:
My point is if you decide to shape armor around tits, its going to make them look bigger. Anytime you shape leather and/or metal around a body part, the body part looks bigger. Gal Gadot is a b cup naturally + whatever she gained because of pregnancy. Add a layer of armor shaped to her tits and its going to come out to a C or D. Complaining is nonsensical though because its not like they put her in spandex and sewed in a bunch of extra padding. Its just the nature of the material
Poor writing
Because female reproductive strategies select for the bravest most courageous and heroic males possible so they can use them as tools to further themselves.
The male reproductive strategy selects for the prettiest most available womb nearby.
Everyone knows this inuitively.
History is the story of the male C O P E but the stories of male compensation are the only ones that inspire the type of heroism worth depicting in capeshit so the audience wonders why the hell is this femoid even bothering
My poinr was being a fighter pilot requires a different kind of fitness than being a soldier. Women have natural disadvantages that hamper them as soldiers that would not hamper them as fighter pilots. I know because I've seen it first hand. Don't know how that makes me the retard here
I have two chief complaints with how a significant number of modern female characters are written:
>Equating being strong with being a bitch
Not that being cocky is the problem (see "have you ever been mistaken for a man") but they mistake the mostly male art of bantering with being a genuine asshole for no real reason.
>lack of consequences just because
They're afraid to show women making mistakes or failing, or if they do having any serious fallout from it. Luke loses a hand to Vader, Inigo Montoya gets horrifically wounded killing the Count - none of these even factor. They're content to have them kick ass undisturbed which gets boring.
>Complaining is nonsensical though because its not like they put her in spandex and sewed in a bunch of extra padding. Its just the nature of the material
Yea but because they didn't she has thin arms and legs sticking out of a costume that would suggest she has this "fit" torso.
>They're afraid to show women making mistakes or failing, or if they do having any serious fallout from it. Luke loses a hand to Vader, Inigo Montoya gets horrifically wounded killing the Count - none of these even factor. They're content to have them kick ass undisturbed which gets boring.
I refer to it as "watching a video game character play the tutorial stage on godmode".
You're wrong though. She tries to help Mar-Vell and is willing to sacrifice herself rather than let the ship fall into enemy hands. She goes along with the Kree mission because she's convinced she's stopping alien terrorists until the point where she realizes she's been lied to. Then she turns her back on the Kree and helps the Skrulls. Just because she steals from a douchebag doesn't mean she doesn't help people.
>You realize that nobody builds up those characters as role models
So you missed the Iron Man series of movies then?
There is nothing current about it, they have been doing it for decades and decades, when is it enough?
That is a legit question, when is it enough.
Also it is now not about simply including women, they must be shown to be better than men and men must be shown in negative ways and insulted.
Why is anyone even bothering to answer honestly when it is just ignored?
That looks "fit" to you?
Also another actual legit question.
Why are the social engineers so hell bent on making people associate women with combat?
>In 100 years women have banned alcohol, destroyed higher education, created super-strains of STDs, ruined every profession that has a 50/50 male/female ratio, destroyed marriage, destroyed dating, destroyed literature, destroyed political debate, destroyed immigration laws, destroyed the white race.
All of that and they call it progress.
I have not idea what these cunts are progressing towards.
The quotation marks were meant as a show of sarcasm.
Like the only muscular part of her body are the pieces that are sculpted into her costume making the contrast between that and the rest of her body all the more recognizable.
All of those things you listed are things wh*te kuckz allowed to happen.
Only Islam can solve this bismillah
FPBP. It's aggravating as hell that current writers want to pretend like they're breaking new ground with strong female leads when they've been around for decades.
People with opinions they just need some kind of excuse to express rather than just blurt it out because it's just been festering inside you for so long.
Imagine all the people that have blogs or vlogs just spouting off about shit that no one even asked about in the first place.
I really think none of those count because they were attractive women and they were not shown to be ABOVE men.
If you don't have some bull dyke hating on men then it does not count.
Star Wars is damage for good
oh my god this is like the prequel behind-the-scenes stuff all over again
>implying women should strive for dangerous acts courting death
Those are men.
If women/50yim want action movies so badly, then how about they go struggle in the desert getting blown up by brown people?
Women are soft and friendly, it doesn’t fit the aesthetic to present women as hardened warrior types. It’s unnatural, out of place, dishonest, and poorly done.
>inb4 Oy vey have sex
>a different kind of fitness
There is physical, and there is mental, and the vast majority of women have shown themselves to be entirely impossible to meet either, and to be a fighter pilot you need both. You fucking retard.
What in the fuck?
I don't think Wonder Woman was the best example. Besides the hyper-feminist marketing, the film wasn't all that egregious. She's meant to be god-like, and her character was kinda like a naive and occasionally arrogant foreign child, which was played for laughs
>without using the /pol/ rethoric of how women are worthless and shit like that
the acts don't match the body
A 5'4 120lb girl cannot beat up a 6'1 210lb man.
If she looked like a bodybuilder, the dyke from boondock saints, or a fat farm girl i'd be able to suspend my disbelief.
with men they understand this phenomenon and try to actively make them seem larger on film(in addition to giving them roids)
with women none of that helps because they're still thin and frail
You act like people didnt bitch about Anakin
You're just an insecure hairbrained feminist who thinks every criticism is sexism
That's not feminism
Which is a Jewish invention to divide the goyim and double the tax revenue
That's just maturity and personal evolution
All forms of feminism are toxic
Good feminism is prohibition of Islam, female genital mutilation and so on but strangely feminists protest against white men that protect them instead of fighting for their opressed sister in the middle east.
i did not hate this character
Imagine being Michael that webm and having to be like "damn Rian Johnson you fuckin fine with all your clever ideas and horrific direction" I would totally design costumes for you.
Why is that your op picture? Ww >>> T2 Sarah. We is way more feminine
A trained woman can rekt a bigger man but this is never shown properly. The woman never uses BJJ or other submission technique that works. Sarah Connor can beat the guard because she uses a broom handle and surprises him but he fucks her up prior to that easily when she refuses to take medication.
>Why is that your op picture? Ww >>> T2 Sarah. We is way more feminine
weak bait
It's not bait. Sarah Connor in T2 was shit. I didn't like we but the actress and the character is a perfect example of how a female superheroine should be. Sarah in T2 and Ripley in A2 were worse or on par with modern yaass slay queen shit
Fuck off with this muh women bs
Islam, so they can submit to make authority once again
It's already happening
Dumb pink hair roastiesnwearing hijabs
Can't tel f you are stupid, massively underage or both.
Connor and Ripley are great characters portrayed by skilled women.
Gadot's WW is everything wrong with yaas kween slay shit. Abominable casting and abominabe character (in those movies).
>how a female superheroine should be
never in thousand lifetimes that should be considered accettable
Fuck off idiot. I don't care about Ww but at least is feminine and looks better. Sarah and Ripley, in the sequels, were retarded protosjw manly looking tranny yaas slay queen fantasies. Fuck off.
Based Imagine poster
You should get that checked out m8, probably hormonal imbalance caused by head trauma in early childhood.
>Fuck off idiot. I don't care about Ww but at least is feminine and looks better. Sarah and Ripley, in the sequels, were retarded protosjw manly looking tranny yaas slay queen fantasies. Fuck off.
>user says something retarded
>get insulted
>user has an emotional meltdown
You had S&R and Gadot confused, it's the other way around.
Now fuckoff an take your meds (triple dose), capeshitter
>Kaplan nodding along politely while internally thinking "who the fuck is this lunatic"
This is why people like Alita so much, reminded them of an 80s blockbuster
Based post
>Batman is a lesbian
>And that's a good thing
>Don't send a man to do a WOMAN'S job
That the people being portrayed as "strong" aren't strong.
fuck off, retard
nobody liked your capeshit with cyborgs
>Muh cgi shallow crap is better than other shallow crap
>reminded them of an 80s blockbuster
this just confirm that you were born 14 years ago at best
Cmon now
The first one has soul, but the right one seems to have lost it...
I bet someone can like that that stick whose idea of expressiveness is frowning at the horizon.