Diora Baird

>perfect hormonal dosing in womb
>feminine physiognomy
>feminine physique
>transmute into lesbian anyway
Why does this keep happening to hollywood's best?

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She ain't a fucking lesbian. You don't live to 33, get married, have a kid and then figure out you actually liked women all along

But that's exactly what happened

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Got raped by her husband, is dating a masculine woman to cope and feel safe, then she'll go back to men.

Rose McGowan is 45 and is non-binary and has a non-binary partner (bio-female)

She is a phenotypical lesbian. We're talking about actual tragedies.

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More likely got already raped before that in childhood.
These types always go for the abuser chads.


doesn't look gay when young what you're seeing is plastic surgery butchery

Attached: rose-mcgowan.jpg (600x739, 246K)

She not a real lesbian, she just said that shit for attention