Absurdly based!

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>Zoomer e-celeb #935135 makes yet another video realizing too motherfucking late that GOT is shit

wow sound the alarm

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Hey, why don't you go fuck the dog in that pic, Adam.

He noticed the decline since season 5.

The GOT commentary field is so saturated right now. There's nothing left to say that hasn't already been said.

Meant to quote

who gives a shit faggot

Gotta ride that YouTube algorithm wave

If you're gonna shit on someone, atleast do it properly.

True, but I actually find Ralph enjoyable to watch.

On a scale of 1 to Ralph, how much of a Chad are you?

Anybody with a Brain could have noticed the decline what does that prove?

The whole series was worth it for that fucking song alone... Too bad the amazing tension and build up it invokes failed to deliver.

That is just spewing buzzwords.

But he’s not exactly wrong either, Ralph to me is a big faggot. I think the first part of it pretty much sums Ralph too

How is he a fag?

Obviously because I don’t like some his views on movies I like. I’m sure he’s probably a nice guy but to me he’s just a fag with shit taste


He's someone who if you brought me a list of legit flaws or critiques of his taste or whatever I wouldn't really care cause I do find him entertaining and funny. I hate Nostalgia Critic skits, for instance, but love Ralph's. Even his 'This is so shit I'm going to drink alcohol' now thing, which is such an overdone thing by films critics and can get fucking obnoxious, doesn't bother me that much.

Is he doing ralphthemovie maker? By that I mean semi joke videos? I haven't bit the bullet and watched any since he said he was done. I see him upload frequently but I always thought they were just serious reviews.

Also whoever doesn't like Ralph should watch his Fred segment. The molestation bit is comedy gold.

I can understand that, there’ll always be somebody that’s just naturally entertaining to a person.

He said he was done with the ralphmoviemaker videos because it ended up tying into a skit he did for the Justice League video.

So it was a goof?

You mean like a publicity stunt? Yeah, pretty much.



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t. a British furfag

Ralph is like a sidewalk bacon-wrapped hot-dog stand run by a Mexican who can barely speak English. He's lowbrow as fuck, but sometimes you're in the mood for slumming it and eating junk food. For real kinoisseur reviews, you have to look elsewhere.

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Read very slowly and carefully. I don't get who talks about art house stuff if they have the charisma of wet dogshit. Most of the video essayists have such dry, banal insights into films but I'd probably subscribed if I enjoyed them like Ralph and they weren't so dry and self important and smug.

What, no

Griffin is a likable dork. He did ten episode mini-series for each prequel Star Wars film (total of 30 eps) where he refused to acknowledge the existence of the first films in an attempt to provide impartial analysis and as a bit. If you like Ralph or have a passing interest in film-making, then you should seriously consider listening to Griffin's podcast Blank Check.