Would you take it?

would you take it?

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Yeah but I wouldn't take three at a time and forget to pay off my loan shark

what am I even looking at? posters should at least have a description

I would take it, study chemistry and make more.
I really don't know why that isn't the first thing everyone does.

Lurk moar faget

how about you watch more movies you fuckin loser

Nope I’d crush it up in a spoon and shoot it

It's just Adderall.

Without a doubt

I'd rather watch television than movies

redditors are just fucking embarrassing these days,
Cant even figure out how to use google before posting their retarded shit.

How long do they last?

fuck yeah

not sure im a good fit for the turbochad pill

>tried adderall a few times in college
>felt nothing
>years pass
>go to doctor for something unrelated
>have to get testing done to see which pills i can take
>get a list of what pills my body can actually metabolize
>apparently cant metabolize adderall

whats it like? is it really as good as everyone says?

Here's an idea: if you don't recognize what OP is talking about, then don't fucking post.

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Expain it then you snobby pussies. Not him but I'm here all the time and I don't know what that is

I don't know. I'm kind of comfy in my depression these days

what would I even want to do on it?

like clarity and wokeness, like flipping on the lightswitch in the attic
makes you feel smart, don't know if it actually makes you smart

Nah, not that great. You feel like you will get shit done and feel like you are, but you get distracted and don't realize it, then eventually crash hard and feel like shit. Like any amphetamine if you take too much for too long you won't sleep and you start to go into psychosis.

I am not sure, but it is probably from limitless . I haven't seen it tho

It's a pill that makes you super smart

how does it work exactly?

I have always hated stims because they kill my soul and personality

have sex

it's like having unlimited energy and mental clarity for a few hours, but what goes up must come down. it's good as a tool, but abusing amphetamines will fuck your shit up

Is starts out as a fun fantasy for losers but becomes shit around halfway

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Cool thanks

There's actually enough information in the file name for you to find out for yourself.

go back to rebbit you dumb normalslime

That drug from limitless? I'd probably think there's something risky about it and not take it.

just do nofap

after years of porn abuse this is how I feel when I get clean

you'll figure it out once you take it though

Based thx
Shutup dude

>thinking you need to be involved in every discussion
decapitate yourself

>Dude, just turn your brain off lmao.

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you mean on

I get that the film needed tension beyond the bodyguard chasing him but the idea that he was so smart he could develop trading algorithms on the spot but forgot to pay off his loan shark? pretty retarded

No. You just jerk off for 12 hours and then cum.

why would becoming hyper intelligent have you desire baseline things like money and sex?
wouldn't you just be locked away in your room completely ignoring the physical while figuring out the secrets of the universe?

Since the effect lasts all day, I've read so many books by now, I'd probably be able to write an amazing novel.

there's nothing comfy about depression

It gets him laid so yes.

If I took I would but as I said I probably wouldn't.

You're thinking about Lucy.

This drug didn't so much make you more intelligent as it did give you drive and helped you recall and organize every little bit of information you were ever exposed to.

Attached: lucy.jpg (1024x576, 143K)

except if you didn't take another you'd just be back at square one barely about to recall half the shit you read

I don't think NZT would help them.

sure there is. nobody expects anything of me

I've already read more books than I can count. After taking the pill, I'd be able to recall it all. I'd be taking the pill to write, not to read.

you're a child

I took 54mg of Ritalin for 3 months straight, it was amazing, felt like a genius, hyper confidence with girls. This shit is like cocaïne in better. Too bad for the anxiety that kicked at 5pm.

>kill my personality
>don't make your personality more intense
Weak-minded redditor detected

There's a show too, jackass.

I feel the same way, how do I get tested for this?

too bad the show fucking sucked balls

a procedural network drama with an overconfidant woman leashing around an aloof dude who just wont be changed, but changes anyway?

fuck that shit

Read the fucking filename you dumb cunt.

What would be the effect on black people ?

>watching movies
lmao none of you actually do this right?

Wasn't it because he was blacking out for prolonged periods?


Adderall fucked me, or maybe it was the Xanax. Or both. Who knows. Point is one time I realized I was going through the week in the wrong order; Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Thursday, Tuesday... I don't fucking know how but it got me off the stuff for good. My theory is that I lived out those days and remembered them in the wrong order, but it doesn't explain how I was able to consciously realize the shift.

>taking xanax
americans are fucked up pill junkies

yea but he had awhile before that to pay them off

contact lens

id shove that shit up my ass for best results

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>Is starts out as a fun fantasy for losers

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as someone whose witnessed first hand how addiction destroys lives and creates misery you cannot even begin to comprehend, no i would not.

>95% biovailability vs 22%
Bros how do I get rid of my liver so I can stop shoving turkey basters up my ass to get high?

its overrated

have sex

One of you niggers give me the rundown on moda. Is it actually any good or it some slav stim horseshit that doesn't actually do anything?

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do you guys slap your neck when you guys take these?

dumbass fucking faggots, all of you. limitless was absolute trash and that's where you all belong

It's pretty great aderal x10, don't mix it up with alcohol thought

Of course

it's pretty much like speed


To see if it actually works, because as that pusher guy in the beginning of the movie says "it only works on smart people".
A great way to check if you are inherently clever or not.

The show totally deserved more airtime. The lone first season was entirely worth it with solid acting, comedy and writing. But, when I first saw the trailer for the movie all those years ago, I thought it was gonna be a completely different film. It seemed like he was slipping through time and committing future crimes and shit.

I used to take Ritalin and Adderall before school everyday and I fucking hated it and eventually I just started throwing them down the sink.

My other friend is king autismo and swears he needs them to feel normal.