So after watching Rome hbo...

So after watching Rome hbo, I looked up Romes history and why the fuck doesnt everyone hate the ultimate primordial nigger the German.

>Nig so hard they greatly contributed to the fall of arguably the greatest empire in history

Fuck Germans

Attached: B160BF62-57C8-48D0-B261-1CD28F822D7F.jpg (300x534, 52K)

>He didn't know that G*rmans o my exist to destroy Europe

Germs are fucking vile and a stain on humanity

It was roman infighting that destroyed the empire, the germans were only there to pick off the scraps.

Rome was gay and we're all glad it collapsed.

Hopefully they do it again.

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>that homo going OH WOE IS ME and not staying in formation while his comrades are being buttfucked by barbarians
Absolutely disgusting.

Hey Germany, uh, you dont get to be a country no more, on accounta you keep attacking - THE WORLD

Attached: norm-macdonald.jpg (620x375, 123K)

>my hair is sometimes yellow, that means I'm allowed to destroy everything
The German mindset in a nutshell.

white people really rekt those manlet med fuckers

if the germans were niggers then they couldn't possibly have beaten rome
the truth is that rome overstretched
and pulled herself apart

based digits and based normposter

Germs destroy everything they touch

Attached: eternalkraut.png (1232x2974, 203K)

as an American who is 25% German, i am deeply offended by your post.

Join the club OP. Get redpilled on anglos too while you’re at it.

>get beaten by the ones they call barbarians
ah yes the roman "empire"

Welcome to the based side of history OP, germs are literally some of the world's worst leeches. And probably caused close to 6 wars.

Attached: Germanic diversity train.png (500x680, 596K)


you're just now realizing the germans have been trying to destroy europe for thousands of years?

The Germans were the Roman empire for like the latter half of it my man.

Ah yes “western civilization”

Ironically enough it was the same individualist philosophy we're seeing regurgitated in Randian Capitalism that fucked Rome. All these rich assholes with their private estates and kingdoms said 'Fuck you, I got mine' and holed up while the nation state got buttfucked.
Barbarians are the future they chose desu

This is what the Jews want, to divide and conquer us whites. Germans destroying Rome is fake history

It's in their blood to destroy Europe. Should have used those nukes and eradicated them from the map to ensure an everlasting peace of Europe

Fuck off Central Asian. White is your term. The Imerium has no room for your Trotskian colour theory of race.

t. G*rman

Can I get a basic gestalt on bongs?

>be italian
>my village in the middle of bumfuck nowhere was invaded by visigoths
>still to this day, me and everyone around me are still blonde haired and blue eyed
fuck this german plague.

Germany’s mutted cousins. The basic gestalt of the anglos is fractalic, in that it’s also the basic gestalt of the entirety of all Central Asiatic nomad races (like Germs, Mongols, khazars, and turks). They will renounce any relation to their family to your face but will do everything behind your back to benefit themselves only. They are creatures not of pride but of sneaking and hiding in shadows like rats.

get recked medfag

They aren't a cohesive concentrated empire. They just banded up out of necessity. Just like an outsider looking in wouldn't hate the entire population of Native Americans for resisting the whites, only those affected could.

>the jews fabricated roman accounts 2,000 years ago

Amazin, if that's anglos then what about celts?

Based Germans saw how degenerate the Roman Empire had become and went to destroy their decadence.

Imagine the nose on the Anglo-Jew gollum that made this pic

teutoburg forest best day of my life. take a bath of dead R*man

Attached: otto_albert_koch_teutoburg.jpg (1506x2109, 2.45M)

You haven't looked deep enough. The only reason Rome didn't fall a whole lot sooner were Germans like Stilicho.
subhuman antifa scum

this, germans are completely and utterly based