/quinton general/

For me guys. Its quinton reviews

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he's a goddamn retard who thinks "it's just my opinion" means his retarded arguments are unassailable.

He looks really unhealthy. Wouldn't take any advice from someone as sickly in appearance.

Its all subjective man. I bet you think plotholes are criticism


post smells like onions

>this guy got to interview Adam Curtis and you never will

He looks like that guy that blew his nose out from cocaine.


Real specific you nazi

>Its all subjective man.
It literally isn't. If it were there would be no point in ever debating art since everyone's subjective opinion would be valid and to be respected. This board would have no reason to exist. And yes, pointing out plotholes is a necessary part of critique. Emotional payoffs without internal consistency are shallow and lazy. Unless you're devoid of critical thinking, it's much harder to get invested in a dramatic situation if you're still trying to figure out how and why they got there in the first place. Either your script makes sense or it doesn't and one of those makes for an objectively better story and, therefore, a stronger payoff.
>Its all subjective man
is quite possibly the most retarded sentence I read today but there are people like Quinton who believe it and call themselves critiques. If you're just going to tell us how the pretty pictures made you feel inside, call yourself a "feeler" or something, "critique" implies rational thought which implies dealing with objective facts, not subjective feelings.

My sides

The amount of which the plothole bugs you is subjective.

>Calls other people pussies
>Is a complete Rian Johnson level manchild who is petty about everything
b-but at least he review that obscure children's cartoon that nobody else wanted to touch...

trying to type the word S O Y to see if it gets auto corrected

>Söy is filtered
>Incel, Sneed, and Have Sex aren't
Bunch of roodypoos candyasses these mods are...

>The amount of which the plothole bugs you is subjective.
You are correct but the job of the critique is not to tell you how he feels or how you should feel about a plothole, his job is to tell you it's there and demonstrate all the ways in which it is, indeed, a plothole, ideally by providing antithesis arguments that could be then be deconstructed as well.

White liberals are pretty annoying but I like what Quinton's humor/takes so I try to ignore it.

That is fucking insane

Artie Lange lol

I just call them kale males now

fuck off shill

So here's the thing:
I fucking hate Trump

Ummm... here's the thing: I fucking feed Sneed. He sneedbarasses me everyday. He makes us all look like backwards Chucks, and frankly the fact that he got sneeded means that we probably are all backwards Chucks. Umm... he's ruining Jannies lives. He's making horrible racist feeds which are probably going to have long-lasting seeds long after he's out of feed. Overall, I would be a much happier sneed if we found a way to fuck him from every position of suck he has ever had.

whats wrong with kale?

People on the left like it. And the racist here doesnt because he just eats red meat to compensate for his small penis. He cant have a bbc

people like eat it, and it triggers them as much as soi did