Post them.
Movies resembling Berserk
the cuckold
Excalibur, berserk borrows a ton from that film
Get a life you stupid anime faggot
Good choice and one of my all time favorites.
I don't particularly like the anime and it's one of 3 manga I read and the only one I liked. Get fucked, you fat cunt.
already out?
The closest you'll ever get is Paul Verhoeven's Flesh and Blood, sans supernatural stuff, sort of.
This had way too much cheese for me. Didn't find it enjoyable at all.
>This had way too much cheese for me. Didn't find it enjoyable at all.
Shit taste, hope you get banned.
Also this one. Sort of.
Imagine being the kind of loser that enjoys Berserk.
Just imagine being that pathetic. Sad stuff.
>reddit spacing
>calling others losers for liking stuff you don't
>calling others pathetic
>while also being an incel
>being open about your poor taste in the year of our lord 2019
shut the fuck up about berserk already
>Thinking reddit spacing is a real thing
Isn't the symbol at the bottom in Brightburn?
that's because you have shit taste
Lmao this is traced from Berserk statues and figurines
>But muh references!
You use references to create something new, not to fill the gaps of your shitty skills.
>t. seething onions who think Berserk is anything but derivative trash
You low test faggots always come out of the woodwork to defend your terrible anime. Maybe if you weren't the children of single mothers, you'd have an actual example of manliness in your lives.
This fucking hack put the white strand of hair despite the statue he traced from being pre-Berserker Armor Guts.
>mfw being the child of a single father
What now, faggot? Want me to stomp your tiny little head?
>muh cast guts/caska/griffith
>muh who's directing berserk
>muh berserk series/movie
fuck off already. you keep making these shit threads every single day and they always die without a single interesting/informative/entertaining post ever being made in them
here's a fact, faggots: berserk is NEVER EVER getting a western movie or series adaptation
and that's good because it's a decent manga that doesn't deserve to be shat on by amerisharts
Learn to read, you dumb fuck. OP isn't about any of the shit you just ranted about.
i don't care. it's still about berserk as a movie. fuck off
You fuck off.
You'd have to get your fat ass out of his basement first.
>projecting again
Neck yourself, troglodyte.
>imagine being a reddit nigger in 2019
Game of Thrones Season 8
Yes, we have important got thread #3242352 and marvel/dc shitposting thread #5325235 to post "sneed and feed" in, we dont have time for this one.
It’s interesting how “borrowing” is so accepted in Japanese media. Isn’t fanfic/doujins sold in stores and basically as popular as the real deal in Japan?
yes while this thread full of retards flinging shit at each other, calling each other reddit, and posting random movie posters is so much better
i'm too lazy to read the manga but the eclipse is one of the coolest dark fantasy things i've ever seen
Sorry your parents didn't bestow you with a brain.
Have sex.
This one here.
>posting random movie posters is so much better
Thread is about recommending movies and people are recommending movies by posting the poster, a honored and steeped in tradition way of recommending movies on Yea Forums - Television & Film
I'm not even going to read that schlock. You know what to do my friend.
that's a great model, rarely see femto legs done well
Projared would make a good Griffith/Femto
As a cheaper alternative, Figma's Femto is one of the best models they've ever done in terms of articulation, if you care about that stuff.
You know full well these gooks will squeeze every last penny.
At least he's actually poseable if compared to the God Hand members.
Where's the demon cock?
I re-watched Mad Max 2 recently and I'm almost 100% sure Guts was heavily based on Mel Gibson's character in that movie at least visually.
Very hard to find photos of it online but if you've watched it you'll see it instantly down to the bandages/ prosthetic shin guard thing (leg instead of arm) even the fucking white patch of hair.
This is why I hang on Yea Forums.
Thank you for sharing.
Bormir from infinity war
Based Marvel
The Head hunter
The Endgame scene with Renner seemed even closer. He kinda even looks like Griffith with his helmet on.
This is terrible. Everything was rotoscoped and the backgrounds are all smears.
And why didnt they leave release the lava in the beginning. The lava toppled the entire ice kingdom in less than a day.
It's the type of flick you'll either love or you'll hate, but it's the first thing that came to mind.
This one resembles it a bit in themes and dramaturgy.
This was decent.
That is really awful. It's a cheap CGI mess.
Jagi from fotns is more blatant but you are not wrong.
Watched this yesterday. Hero is better.
Is there a single thing that's actually original in Berserk?
What do you mean?griffith is supposed to be sexy and pretty,projared is just ugly
CG aside it's pretty good.
>*fotns is more blatant but you are not wrong.
Is this worth a watch? I've only seen tryhard edgelords recommend it.
I've seen all the other films in this thread but I had no idea about these two.
It's a fresh indie movie. It's both kinda great and kinda trashy. I think people who dislike it hate cinema.
It's short but slow-paced. Barely any action or story. It has a nice atmosphere and the director used his small budget (apparently around 30k) extremely well.
>MC discovers he has the power to go berserk and rip people apart with his bare hands
>I sacrifice
Berserk directly ripped off Flesh and Blood, so it has to be Flesh/Blood.
Berserk added it's own twist on it but it's definitely cribbed off it.
Solomon Kane,
Supbar from Zhang, loved Flowers of War, this felt comical, only the very last minute was good
Quite enjoyed it. If anything felt comical, it was the backstabbing at the end.
>too lazy
>to read a comic
what has happened to this world?
Berserk ripped off lots of things.
spinning umbrellas and shit? I dunno man.
iirc this was actually cited as an influence
It worked perfectly fine in the context of the movie.
Berserk would be really hard to adapt well. Needs a platform that allows all the gore and edge but also enough budget to properly do costumes and monsters. Imo Netflix or Hulu could not pull it off.
They have shops/ vendor stands in Akibahara selling doujins, some are pretty popular but they're almost all degenerate porn.
Golden ark get adapted twice , new projet on berzeck probably gona 13+ shit show.
I don't remember Griffith soliciting minors
Came here to post this.
Probably the closest one, similar ruthless ambiance.
>what is Princess Charlotte
I fucking loved this movie. And yeah, it's probably one of the closest things to Berserk ITT in terms of tone.
That is a picture of Ladyhawke, which also inspired Berserk. In the movie there is a hawk, a black wolf, and an eclipse involved.