GOT is set in Auschwitz

The whole Game of Thrones series is the dream of Anne Frank during her last days at Auschwitz. She even self-inserts herself at certain points in the story (pic related).
The burning of King's Landing represents her fear of the gas chambers.
Dany represents her fears of Hitler, but she is also represented as magnificent and beautiful because Hitler was very good at propaganda and her childish heart was easily swayed by the imagery.
The Starks represent the noble Jewish people. Note that they worship the "old gods". Judaism is one of the oldest religions. Bran is the highest IQ character in the show (Ashkenazi intelligence).
The Lord of Light religion represents her fear of Christianity.
This is all her fantasy. I'm sure we can find many other psychological explanations for stuff in the show.

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Why would she dream such a shitty story? I trust a teenage girl with some writing exercise would have a richer imagination.

Jews are intelligent but not very creative

there was no biro in GoT though. also no teen pusy self-inspection scene, so i don't think your theory holds up.

what about sansa getting her period?

Who should play the Good Men of the Confederacy come to save her? The Knights of the Vale? The Night's Watch? The Brotherhood Without Banners? The Golden Company? The Second Sons? The Dothraki?

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She doesn't get saved in the end. She dies ;_;


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I'm sorry, user, but she dies. Just like the South died in the Civil War. A tragic ending is more patrician and kino.


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If you watch 8 seasons of got and your first thought is jews instead of pagans this place has rotted your mind.

the entire point of judaism was to do away with paganism and all the magic and superstition with it. it and it's two sword arms christianity and islam basically ended all diversity of religious belief.

Judaism never waged war against paganism as such, only the Canaanites. Their whole thing was "our god is better, but you goyim do whatever you want"

I thought it was the Bahá'í who were behind the conspiracy to exterminate Paganism in all forms?

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this is true GRRM confirmed it

So....i guess she will never finish the books, right ?

jews didn't wage too many wars themselves that's why i called their two spinoffs the sword arms.

every people believed that their god was better jews were the first to go there is only one god and it's ours. then christians and muslims decided that they're going to make sure everyone worships the jewish god.

Go to bed, /his/

Meera Reed isn't pregnant enough for /his/

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Who's Peter then?

big if true

I haven't read Anne Frank's diary in years. Is Peter the guy who visits them upstairs and she has a thing for? In that case I would say it's Loras. She idealizes him too much and in her fantasy makes him out to be ridiculously chivalrous and good looking, but in order to deal with her unfulfilled desires makes him a homosexual thus offering an explanation for why her desires could not be satisfactorily fulfilled. *puffs cigar*

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have sex varg
