Why are we wasting our lives watching kino and shitposting when we could study and make money and fucking live in the...

why are we wasting our lives watching kino and shitposting when we could study and make money and fucking live in the real world

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At least its not video games right lads? haha everyone laugh at those vidya niggers wasting their lives!

I do both

I come to Yea Forums to forget about my failure as human being. Please stop reminding me.

WOT IF THE REAL WORLD IS A SIMULATION???!?!?!??!?!?!??!!??!????


Yea Forums is full of NEETs who didn't bother studying/trying to achieve a career or people who did study but failed and now either work minimum wage dead end jobs or are NEETS. Basically, failures.

>mfw I play vidya all day and don't even watch kinos, just come to Yea Forums to shitpost

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By day, I'm a mild-mannered businessman making six figures and am sociable.
By night, I take furious rants about niggers and whores while discussing John Wick 3 (which was very good)

Technically your brain is simulating life for you.
Once it powers off, the simulation ends.
Be free user, just remember that your family experiences pain in this simulation and you should help them

In 100 years no one will remember the successful or the failures. We all end up being forgotten.