>GoT after season 8
GoT after season 8
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fucking disgusting chinks
Holy shit how is this allowed?
OP is a white roastie. my chinese gf has a tight af vagina
I expected a dude...how disappointing
why dont incels wear make up?
what aphex twin music video is this from?
The nose fucked me up.
Nobody cares the you're dating your chink prostitute
What's the point of that shit she takes off her jaw?
Her jaw completely changed in like a second at the end wtf
Do you think they regret in later life the affect that make-up effect of their youth cost them or do they really only care to have pharmacological beauty standards afforded to them in earlier years regardless of health costs later?
I think it changes her jaw shape by affecting the double chin and fat in that area but I'm just speculating.
I've unironically considered light male make up, mainly to hide my porous nose and cheeks. YouTube videos are all filled with collosal faggots in clown makeup though so haven't taken the leap.
Most women are naturally beautiful and don't need to literally add extra pieces to their face. You only love them because they are naturally ugly and insecure enough to date anyone with a wallet.
>i want to wear makeup like a woman
>i can't believe all the videos on wearing make up are faggots that want to look like women
Faggots like you belong in camps.
show me alices butt
>Most women are naturally beautiful
Say that to my face and not online faggot.
Depends on where you live. Not all peoe are ugly like they are in America or Great Britian
Can't see it hidden beneath all that clown make up you got on.
sure thing!
She's cuter afterwards.
what effect does it have?
It's a different girl after the cut at 8 seconds
discord and trannypilled
The people posting these have slept with neither Asian women or White women. They have slept with no women, and never will.
Projecting hard tranny?
seeth harder beta boy
>mfw she wipes off her eyebrows entirely
unbased incel
I thought this too at first, but after watching it over and over I'm not sure anymore. The shoulders, chest, and hair part are exactly the same, and I believe the nose and chin also match. It's just the eyes and where the two hair protrusions are that change
once jews introduce asian women to bbc...white men will have literally nothing...
tho you can clearly see the edge of their eyes are different, so are their noses. and the shad under their eye brows
how does the faceid even work?
More like Seoul, right sportsfans?
>wtf, guys, the youtube videos that i watch to teach me how to do my makeup are filled with collosal fags
BASED retard
>GoT before season 8
>fake and dishonest
>Got season 8
>genuine and honest
Why did she make herself look uglier though?
>soft skin
>femanine, narrow shoulders
>god-tier hip to waist ratio
>slightly chubby tummy
why can't females in media look like this anymore?
also how to get gf like this?
Why do women do this?
To trick you into fucking them. Pretty cut and dry
How did she hide that chin?
Moar like
then answer this
Do women have terrible skin due to wearing makeup all day clogging pores and shit or do they have bad genes due to hiding how they really look until they get knocked up?
based discord tranny
look more like an anime character
yes. when I see a young, naturally beautiful thottie smoking and wearing pounds of make up I unironically feel sad for them, because they will become ugly before they're 30 and they will be trapped in that hell for the rest of their lives.
>hasn't heard of traps
Fatties have powers to hide this stuff. I've been tricked a few times on dating sites. It's like black magic
many of the women who do are incels you brainlet
Probably diet, partying, and makeup use. More and more you see youtube cuties talking about how they clear up their skin just by making a few lifestyle changes.
I've never seen a white man dating an Asian women who didn't look like a beta.
some insecure guys are starting to sculpt the fat in their midsection to look like a six pack. still looks pretty shitty, but they're probably able to fool some of the dumber thotties makeup and other tricks for guys are probably not that far desu
>falling for the biometrics meme
myspace angles and tilting your head the right way. Women are so professional at tricking that if I see noticeably big boobs in a pic, I just naturally assume she's fat or using bra magic.
how did the nostrils get so big wtf
I've seen it when these types have horrible skin, I mean craters on there faces
i'm aware that's the stereotype, but for most of the WMAF couples in my area, the guys are chads or at least brads.
It's called having a beard.
Also, the only real problem here are the eyebrows desu
Most modern makeup doesn’t “clog pores” or whatever you think you’re trying to convey here. The main cause of makeup related aging is the rubbing/tugging on the skin that happens when they apply and remove it. Combine that with the popularity of tanning and they can get crows feet by 25.
They were going to be ugly before 30 anyway.
Straight men are so daft
kys weeb
make me, cuck
you mean trannies?
Is this a pentagram?
Women are a lie.
>proud of banging some $2 Thai hooker
gooks are a freaky race
Should be a criminal offense to do that to yourself
The only thing worse is american white women
Literally everybody knows it. why they act extra butthurt at shit like makeup removal apps nobody knows
but how can her face looks so lean on the left?
Quite an oxymoron.
Photoshop and editing tricks. Nearly every famous instagram model uses it.
makeup should be banned. Or at least not look so horrid closeup.
That isn't photoshop. Those are niggress genes and possibly some lip injections.
First time I’ve seen one looking better before
This woman had a fantastic jaw and cheeks. WTF
those two are the same people. it's CLEARLY photoshop.
I always thought she looked like an alien, octoroon would explain it.
isnt this the manderlay bay shooter lmao?
Obviously fake if you could not tell by the cuts.
this dude genuinely looks like a star trek : tng season 1 character on some paradise planet
Nice larp.
how do they do this? do they shave off their bones or what?
geez. why don't they just use VR 3d model at this point?
Because they're lazy
tfw guys want to grow a stronger jaw while there are girls out there who want to shave it off
Well not (you)
How do male Asians really look like
people in the future are going to look at this the same way we look at old medical texts today
Mfw when im 8/10 and bf jerked off to camwhores who use tricks like this. Kill me already
She unironically looked better before, and usually that's not the case for these korean plastic surgery pics. Gooks are fucking retarded
Retarded country
this is just the gooks right, japs don't do this shit, right?
finally a reasonable answer.
Fucking chinks and their stupid circle jaw.
If you degenerates have any right to your degenerate gooks, trannies, traps and roasties, then I have a right of a virgin wife and a life free of decadent fuckers.
Hard truths cut both way.
Still relatively cute in a more plain way without make up. I'd keep her as my Yi-Ti princess. She still looks sexy if she keeps the lipstick on.
What's the meme with that? You can clearly see that they change the person midway.
I'd unironically prefer the before look.
Can we stop pretending that capitalism isn't evil?
A show about making people go "OH WHY" every season makes people go OH WHY
Why is this news
Don't ask others, ask yourself, fucking normies.
Cringe, unbased, seethe, cope and yikes.
This thread is twitter-tier.
the way I see it, have sex is more powerful, than most of the other responses
le blac
she just pushed her face a bit more forward out
on the last pic she's clearly retracting her face in to exaggerate the double chin
Remember the time roasties lost their shit over that filter that was supposed to remove makeup?
Asian women tend to have amazing bodies connected to totally busted faces.
i think so too, but they *do* all look the same...
>That pic of the developer looking exactly the same
Holy hell my sides
Holy shit ABSOLUTELY based
Imagine how unhappy she is. She must spend hours in the phone mirror, wishing she looked half as good as she pretends she looks
Literally looks disgusting even before she starts to remove makeup, why people get tricked by this?
Unironically looks way better before
>any women after 18.
big yikes.
beautiful into soulless chink
>rewatch s1e1
>first scene will now make you remember the long night
both look pretty good imo
there's a difference between makeup and fucking that in OP you dumb fuck
Some of these make up removals are fucking extreme but in general I don't mind being "tricked" by make-up as long as they're not literally 1/10 underneath. Keep the makeup on for sex and when we go out in public and we Gucci. If you're born attractive or make yourself attractive artificially the end result in both cases is that you are attractive. Personally, I grew up in the foster care system and want to adopt my children as a way of helping out because I know the suck. Given that, I'm not even worried about the genetics of my offspring because I'm not having any.
bonbi is gonna be 18 one day
But what if the chick isn't wearing makeup? It'll just make her look worse
Are you blind? I mean it's not as bad or noticeable as those chicks but still
holy shit
Well yeah it's an app filter not top-of-the-line face recognition software. But some women got so outraged over it it was insane. It's like the women protesting sex bots, the reaction to it is much more damning than any amount of roastie memes.
good lord that is caked on
A lot of women who attempt to conceal minor acne only make it worse by clogging their pores so they get more and more acne causing them to apply more and more makeup leading to really bad acne scarring later in life
There is nowhere where that's true.
At least she's not fat
>that lesbian stuff she did with that other 10/10, ForestNymph or whatever she´s called
I´d still let most of them manhandle my man-macaroni desu
Looks like a deep learning filter is making her jaw narrower and more feminine at the beginning. its just too smooth
Wait I think remember a discussion about how the author added lipsticks on the left photo to make him looks more different when compared.
'Journalist' these days
Nose putty? Haven't run into that yet.
Women are really overrated after you end up dating a lot. You realize all the time you spent white knighting and worrying about their acceptance was a weakness that makes you much easier to exploit.
People here have a hard time understanding that because they honk getting in a relationship suddenly solves your problems with depression and will give you acceptance from society; the same society that made you dependent on others who end up not being there for your best interests
Heed my words. You are the most important person in your life. Wait till you are more physically, mentally, and financially mature before dealing with women. The dating world is a toxic cesspit and you’re going to need all the resources and strength you have to make it out alive and with somebody that’s actually worth your time.
This one is fucking horrifying. What is she drinking?
Lol she turns into Val Kilmer!
Fuck you guys, we put ourselves through hell and spend hours to look pretty for you and then you make fun of us for doing so?
These bitches arent bitches anymore theyre complete clowns
God I wish I were a Chinese gf with a tight pussy
No part of her looks the same, even the neck is different. No way this is the same woman
Asian women belong to White men. Yellow dicklets just need to kill themselves.
This is why I hate high res pictures because you don't even see this much detail in person talking to them.
Trip to weebtown went well i'm assuming?
Just because you bought a happy ending doesnt mean you have a gf
man face vs women face
you say this but i would never risk having a HAPA kid. go read what they fucking go through on r/hapas and then tell me you want to unleash another one on the world. and it's mathematically impossible for them not to end up like that because
>they are asian
>asian girls dont want asian boys they want want white boys
>their mom is an asian girl who wanted and got a white boy
>queue psychotic episode
Based sanctimonious thai wife fucker
I believe it's something that tightens your skin.
I dont think the japs do. Though I believe they put snaggle tooth on purpose for some fucking reason.
I don't know what she did to look like that in the first place, but if she had some braces and eyebrows, she'd actually be pretty cute.
what is the tape they're peeling off their jaws?
>this thread
Posting on /r9k/ or /pol/ should get you permabanned from other boards. If you disagree with this post you're an angry virgin.
the app isn't designed fro people with zero make up, so it's toning down of complexion and eyelashes obviously looks a little odd
Xmithie is filipino, don't bully him
Dios mio...
asians love v-shape jaws. so they tape their chubby skin back
fucking weird.
asian fetish is so fucking disgusting
how fucking ugly do you have to be to lust after ugly gooks?
Honestly, she is at her most attractive at around 7 seconds. Those big eyes look creepy and unnatural.
ayyy lmao women are a meme
Is this shit real? Bitch looks like Waluigi.
Pls dont breed school shooters
what would happen if you uppercut her pointy jaw?
A Japanese porn star who underwent so much plastic surgery that she ended up looking like Harry Potter's pet elf Dobby has defended herself against her critics.
Rina Nanase says people who dubbed her Dobby because of her similarity with the house elf from the Harry Potter books are just jealous of the surgical shaping she has undergone.
women always say "I don't do it for men"
She could kill someone with that chin
women were a mistake
stretching the neck and pushing the jaw out
>Straight men are so daft
caring that much about women's makeup is what makes you a fag, and not an actual man.
Eh that place just attracts the psychos. I'm hapa and am fairly well adjusted, I swear. Most of the chicks I've been with have been white. It's honestly better than being full asian (imo).
yea, the makeapp was the best thing since the raceswapping app
Why is this a news story? Should I call CNN the next time my phone fucks up?
Left is cute as fuck. What a shame
Imagine being so shallow you sculpt a new nose everyday
dumbass its cause arr asians rook same
slept with both, asians are for fuck only, if you racemix with one you're cucking yourself and your line forever
Where does "Dilate" fit into the graph
Poor guy lol
Makeup destroys your skin, requiring you to add even more
And the cycle goes round and round
huwhat the actual fuck
may the future gods judge our wretched souls
Dude she was fucking cute before
Those were some god tier cheekbones
you do, you just notice it more with an image because it's still