Jafar enslaves Prime Minister Jasmine of Feminist Republic of Agrabah

Any chance Naomi Scott's version of Princess Jasmine will have a hot bondage chained lingerie scene with Jafar with her father forced to watch?

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Dos she start out in her slave outfit?

No Jafar forces into it

Slave outfits don't really do it for me unless the legs are pretty much entirely exposed and there's a chain leash. It doesn't really have a degrading slave vibe if they aren't half naked and there's not humiliating leash.

Leave a little to the imagination, she'll be nude soon enough anyway

He doesn't look very evil

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MAybe they'll play it as muh evil meek incel getting to let out his desires on empowered feminist stacy when he has the chance

Having some flowing robes that occasionally cover the legs up then. Slave Leia, Kelly Hu's Scorpion King outfits, and Dejah Thoris wedding dress is what I'm getting at.

>no trailing goatee




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Sorry to ruin the movie, but she really really looks like a post-op James Fanco.

The live action Disney scenes are basically shot for shot remakes so I don't see how they can leave out the climax.

Which if you watch the toon will be incredibly kinky on the 3d body of Naomi Scott Pink Ranker.

She was a kinky Pink Ranger too, sadistically doxxing, cyberraping, revenge porning the cheerleader stacies just for dating the chad she liked

yeah I'm sure

She had pants in the cartoon, maybe in the live action version it'll be more panties like


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If you need some material to fuel your imagination for the middle eastern Agrabah setting

She was chained in the cartoon

Scorpion King Kelly Hu is underrated

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She looks like she fucks black guys who are shit defenders who contributed to one of the worst teams in living memory and the first relegation to the third division in over sixty years.

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I see Disney brought back the Slave Leia outfit in their new cartoon so there is hope yet

Lets list all the best tv slave outfits

reminder women are fawning over him already calling him 'hot jafar'

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kind of ruins the humiliation of slavery if hes young and hot

jafar was as old as her dad and she was 16

Jafar is supposed to be old and disgusting, not a chad bachelor.

She's cute as a button. I would gf her

pick one

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Yes is Naomi Scott going to do that?

Not a chance.

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Given that they've already made Jafar a young attractive chad that Jasmine might voluntarily consensually desire, they might just play it off as a seduction scene with Sultan Jafar all powerful tempting Jasmine, but her heart chooses street rat Aladdin in the end

these are supposed to be SHOT FOR SHOT REMAKES DAMN IT!

I could've sworn her pants were at least a little bit see through.

You really think a Disney toon was showing off her see through slave thong panties?

Hope the Naomi Scott version does though. Its supposed to be darker and grittier.

I wonder how Disney is going to play it off, following the cartoon in 3d would basically be KINK bondage porn, but they can't just totally jettison a climactic scene. So they'll have to play some version of it without the eroticism.

Can you imagine dragging her around in her underwear in chains?