Remember when HBO made good shows? Let's have a John Adams thread.
>user I haven't seen it
Run, do not walk, to do so. It has a based cast, and it's the story of the founding of the country you never heard in public school.
Remember when HBO made good shows? Let's have a John Adams thread.
>user I haven't seen it
Run, do not walk, to do so. It has a based cast, and it's the story of the founding of the country you never heard in public school.
>mfw no replies
Pig Vomit
Opening title gives me a freedom boner
I watched all the clips I could on YouTube. The scene where Hamilton says "You question my loyalty" then Adams says "Nay, I question your sanity" was kino.
It is great how much this show shits on Hamiltonfags
Admit it though the US would run better with a lifetime king elected by the people...aka the Hamilton model.
Azor Sam Adams
I remember watching parts of this. I should probably watch the full thing
>elected by the people
They would end up electing someone like Lebron James or Kanye.... Would be pretty kekworthy.
he said kings elected by the people not kangz
>US would run better with a lifetime king elected by the people
That's how the early Papacy worked and it was a fucking disaster, there's a reason they scrapped that and implemented the College of Cardinals.
great show, also check them quads
>Admit it though the US would run better with a lifetime king elected by the people...aka the Hamilton model.
I prefer the model where the longest people can fuck up is in two consecutive 4-year terms. Hamilton probably did not foresee the executive having all the powers he has today.
The circumstances of this thread are so extraordinary.
The language you have now held is so extremely proper, and the feelings you have discovered so justly adapted to the occasion that I not receive with pleasure the assurance of the friendly disposition of this thread.
But that i am very glad that the choice has fallen on you, to be their OP
I will be very frank with you, I was the last to consent to this thread, but the thread having been made, and having become.. inevitable I have always said as i say now that i would be the first to meet the friendship of this thread as an independent power.
Would you recommend it to someone who really enjoyed Rome?
I would, but it's a vastly different animal. Rome is a guilty pleasure compared to John Adams, one of the finest miniseries ever produced.
It's interesting to compare this show and the musical. Both shit on each other's protagonist in some manner and I wonder where the truth lies.
Only problem with John Adams is the horrible camera angles and unnecessary shakey cam
Based and kingpilled
its not on hbo go right now and im about to cancel it.
The circumstances of this pasta are so extraordinary.
But I am very glad that the choice has fallen on you, to create this pasta
>unnecessary shakey cam
it's called handheld, millennial
Imagine HBO neglecting to put their best miniseries on the streaming service.
Boston looked comfy
I grew up in a place that looked like that. It was comfy.
>kino historical drama
>nigger musical