Do you agree with their assessment?

Do you agree with their assessment?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Bandwagoning roasties

It was written by men

Is there any other due of roasties more off putting? Maybe Hillary.

Written by a jets fan

So was the bible.

>how do you do fellow kids
I hate politicians who pull stunts like this so much.

AOC gets crazier by the day.

Is GRRM secretly a woman or something? Why do they think the series hasn't always been written by a man?

I don't care what they thought about an entertainment show I watch. I don't care about how the president likes his ice cream or his steak. Stop.

Crazy hot

Time for some lynchings

we don't know who actually wrote the books

zoomers arent the only ones who watch GoT

why do they want everything to be segregated
>women can only write women, men can only write men, niggers can only write niggers

AOCs big congressional tits getting slobbered on by vito spatafora

>damn I really care what an 30 year old barren new york bartender and an insane person who thinks they're part cherokee have to think about anything

things nobody but retarded women have ever said

Repeal the 19th

They end the video by saying maybe HBO needs some "help" and some "feminist analysis". Look away and they will continue fucking with the things you like.

Those men were enabled by feminsts.
All the retarded roasties complaining have no right to.
They cheered when garbage like TLJ got released and even when other characters in GoT got fucked over.
The shitty ending is their own fucking fault. They couldn't recognize shitty writing and even embraced it. Only when it's their favorite thing being ruined do they care, and even then they don't blame the right fucking people. (Considering the right people also includes themselves, this isn't surprising.)

They didn't say that and they certainly wouldn't have dropped an n-bomb.

What they're saying is that because men wrote it in the way that they did they don't understand how women think and it blatantly shows.

Well Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were wrote by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John


Yes and the logical conclusion of this line of thinking is a world where writers are only permitted to write characters with identical characteristics and experiences to themselves.

based retard

Her feet are mediocre at best. How can I take her seriously as a politician if she doesn’t have cute feet?

>omg guys that got thing, right
this is some next level populism, talking points literally off the yesterday's tv

Warren sounds particularly false, like a staffer briefed her on the plot 5 minutes beforehand.

Someone signed those names that's all we know.

>Well Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were wrote by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
Bravo Nolan.

>femcunts like the show for for 95% of its run
the roastie rage is real

Its bad because its bad.
Its not bad because women don't like it. Whether or not people are made happy by it doesn't fucking matter. From what I gather, the show is very poorly written.
Only cucks give a shit that it makes women feel bad. Who gives a fuck? Women will feel whatever is most convenient in a situation, people should pay less attention to women's feelings

How do you know it was someone?

99 percent of the bills these whores sign are written by men

"we are just like you normies mad at pleb tv!"

We know who wrote the only one that matters.

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>omg they show girls being mean! no!
this is
what the fuck is this, actually, are flat stronk womyn characters in now?

No one complained about the Sand Snakes being written by men.

>dude, we are totally relavent and aware of what's going on culturally, we drink beer too. Pokemon go to the polls, amirite?

>What they're saying is
is that they were perfectly fine with the "male writing" when their YAASSS KWEEEEN was slaying half the people she came across in brutally sadistic ways as long as she was "winning", and they were too stupid to see her obvious descent into madness being foreshadowed from the beginning, throwing their Arby's into a flapping rage and lashing out at the "male writing" once their YASSSS KWEEEEEEEN lost because it's low hanging political fruit that their twatter blue check circle jerk will chew up and regurgitate into each others mouths.

tl;dr leftist virtue signaling. nothing new.

>anything outside of total female rule is misogyny

well at least they're being honest now

>feminist analysis

They are literally crazy people in power.

they're just the opposite end of old white men giving rapists and fetal tissue more rights than women.

yell it from the roof tops


Imagine if Trump watched American Psycho and posted on Twitter. “Ugh, this isn’t the Patrick Bateman I know. Of course it was directed by a woman!”
This would be frontpage news through AUGUST.

>implying Trump wouldn't love American Psycho

if Trump were actually intelligent he'd do something exactly like that to point out how ridiculous it is. shame Trump is a literal retard and his twitter shitposting is all brainlet-tier name calling.

The Alabama governor is a women. Women votes to elect those representatives.
You're a brainwashed retard.

Abortion is murder though. Why should murder be legal?

>these 25 old white men wrote and passed this legislation and it's all women's fault!
fucking lmao. you're literally brain dead.

Why do you want to see babies murdered, though? That's the real question

This is absolutely fucking absurd.


capital punishment is murder and it's legal

I miss Mad Men times, bros. When the hens were clucking, you didn't have some kike putting a camera in their face, or telling us to vote for them. The only things women should concern themselves with is what to make their husband for dinner, or what color to paint to walls. Politics is too much for their irrational feminine brains. I'm not even an MGTOW. I love women, but nature just is. I mean, that's the way she goes, Rick.

and yet normies accept it

>Abortion is murder
fetuses don't have functioning brains until near birth, so most of these laws are literally saying that brainless vaguely human organic mass is "alive" and deserves rights. brainless vaguely human organic mass is perfectly consistent with conservative existence in general, so carry on I guess.

I'm also against the death penalty. It's barbaric

She’s got great tits

I'm not an expert. Personally I think the reasonable view is that late-term abortions should be prohibited unless the pregnancy threatens the woman's life. I used to be 100% pro-choice. Things like this tend to sway me towards the pro-life argument:

why do you want to punish the victims of rape? why do you want to kill women in childbirth? why do you want to see unwanted and abandoned children live misreable lives and grow up to be criminals and perpetuate a cycle of destructive and irresponsible behavior? oh no removing this fetal tissue hurts my fee fees as a man who has nothing to do with the situation!

You aren't a citizen until you are born thus they don't get any rights.

Women cant write.

you don't need to be a citizen to have rights

It isn't "near birth." Viability can start as early as 22 weeks, after which a fetus can recognize its own mother's voice. There's nothing about coming out of a vagina that magically imparts personhood status onto a fetus. We understand this intuitively, which is why killing a fetus without the mother's consent is considered a form of homicide in most states.


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In my America you do.

Lmfao, pleb

Literature is VASTLY dominated by male writers, regardless of singular exceptions like this

the dude is a pro-birther propagandist who's entire argument centers around his feefees rather than actual medical science.

>SJW fanfiction
I hate that story and it's acclaim.

Ok then explain where he is wrong.

How is murder considered a justifiable response to rape?

>why do you want to kill women in childbirth?
Literally no one who's anti-abortion doesn't create an exception in cases where the mother's life is at risk. This is a complete strawman.

>why do you want to see unwanted and abandoned children live misreable lives and grow up to be criminals and perpetuate a cycle of destructive and irresponsible behavior?
So we should murder the excess population? If abortion is homicide, then the fact that the people being murdered would otherwise live miserable lives isn't a good excuse for its legality. In fact, it sounds a like like a common justification for genocide. Kill the poor. Okay.

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>hmm yes, the medical science of killing a 9 month old baby, quite sound

>which is why killing a fetus without the mother's consent is considered a form of homicide in most states.
ironically this is considered a homicide for the exact reason that abortion is legal (it's the woman's choice), and not because of your ridiculously misinformed emotional argument.

>he doesn't know

>I think rapists have more rights than their victims
that's all you had to say, you dumb rapist tripfaggot. filtered.

What should the limit on abortion be?

>conveniently ignores "viability starts at 22 weeks", "fetus can recognize mothers voice"
>responds with snarky talking point

Very convincing. Consider me converted.

Obviously it should be when the child learns algebra.

Thinking that personhood status is imparted by a woman's subjective whim is legitimately fucking evil. No one gets to determine who is and isn't a person.

No you fucking retard, rapist go to jail. Their children aren't murdered because of crimes they didn't commit.

You are not a human being until your brain stops developing at 25. FACT

No lol, its prevent people who be in shit situations from entering this world. The excess population right now is as it is and we should try to limit the number to improve the overall quality of life of the population.

>Their children aren't murdered because of crimes they didn't commit.
Their existence is the crime.

women dont know how they think themsleves

From the current-wave feminist point of view, S8's writing justifies their embattled POV that women are used and then discorded by simpleton men who hold their faith and trust.

>Tyrion is supposed to be one of the smartest men in the series; but gets things wrong 90% of the time by the end of the series.
>Jon Snow is known as the honorable fellow up until he "betrays his queen".
>That nerd in the wheelchair that you pitied? He was just manipulating everyone all along with his pity game
>>His real circle of besties are all men btw
>Hollywood writing doesn't care about what happens to the women in a story, only what happen to the men i.e. Arya's "semester-at-sea"
>Sansa was completely justified in manipulating people
>Jon Snow was rightfully shamed out of the known world, as should every man who offends a woman

I'm more or less convinced that the Hollywood hack writers employed for S8 went into the script writing with these justifications in mind. But all everyone sees is their self-insert feminist champion burn babies alive and employ a bunch of war criminals.

Wow, tell me who wins in 2020, since you have future vision and can determine with such ironclad exactness who leads lives worth living before they are even born.

Kinda makes it ironic they want to take away the rights of "braindead parasites", when that's all that women have ever been.

But that only leaves 5 years until the renewal carousel.


Do you want me to keep going?

Name five good shows written by women. Name five shows at all written by women.

>Viability can start as early as 22 weeks
Less than 20% of fetuses are viable before the 24 week mark. You're being purposely misleading. Pro-birthers are also ignoring the fact that late term aboriton is EXTREMELY rare, with less than 1% of abortions occurring after that mark.

Attached: 800px-US_abortion_by_gestational_age_2004_histogram.svg.png (800x676, 24K)

>mfw you can legally abort a person 20 years after they've chosen their gender identity.

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>actual medical science

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both of which are bullshit misleading emotional arguments and ignored as such, you brainless godcuck.

So now a woman has to live with a rape baby she didnt get to choose rather than a baby with a partner at a better time? What kind of sick twisted logic is that? Why would you choose to damn a mother and a child's life to that as opposed to a healthy child life and environment? Just because some cells grouped up?

Medical science doesn't determine when life begins. That's a philosophical question. Medicine can tell you whether or not an organism is dead, but it can't tell you when a person becomes a person.

Okay Hitler. Being alive without having ever committed a crime yourself can now be a crime.

Randomly smashing keys on the keyboard wont help you user.

>they don't understand how women think and it blatantly shows.
Women don't understand how women think, that's the real issue. One day it's this, the next that day it's that, eventually you learn to just smile and nod.

>No one gets to determine who is and isn't a person.
so old white men don't get to decide who is and isn't a person, therefore don't get to write legislation mandating this, such as abortion laws. i'm glad we're in agreement.

Don't want to get pregnant? Don't have sex.

Shitty writing is excused when its feminist GI Janes and their hanger-ons curbstomping the day into a big win.

Its just common sense. Better off economically? Chances are your kid will lead a better life since youre able to provide then with a lot more opportunities.

Better off mentally healthy? Hey, youre able to bond better with your kid, improving their mindstate resulting in a better human being.

I could go on and on but you should get the idea.

What is the "logical" argument for abortion up to the point of birth?

>Being alive without having ever committed a crime yourself can now be a crime.
Glad you understand.

>resorting to pop culture critiques to save your dying campaign

No you idiot, that would be using logic. Are you actually suggesting people make smart life choices? Why would anyone do that.

"Can start" isn't vague on my part. 20% chance of survival is substantial, especially when there's a human life involved.
>with less than 1% of abortions occurring after that mark.
And why do pro-abortion people bring up rape and incest, when abortions resulting from those crimes are equally rare? Never use the term "rape" in your rhetoric again, and pro-lifers will stop talking about late-term abortions, which are rare, but just because murder is rare doesn't mean that we shouldn't legislate against it.

Maybe you should calm down? You're just hurling abuse and not providing arguments. It does not do much for your credibility. Also the attempt to associate me with religion is mistaken, I am not religious.

This just in, murder is now legal because no one is allowed to define what constitutes personhood.

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Except that even people born into horrible situations have a decent shake at during out much better than their parents, and then their children in turn have a chance to be even better than them. As long as there is a chance, as long as there is hope, you can't decide to end a life before it is born based on vague sociological predictions. This isn't Minority Report, and precrime is not a thing

>implying a group of cells is a person

>but just because murder is rare doesn't mean that we shouldn't legislate against it.
>wanting more government oversight

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based tomoko btfoing Yea Forums

>Pro-birthers are also ignoring the fact that late term aboriton is EXTREMELY rare, with less than 1% of abortions occurring after that mark.
anti-abortion is literally the far right equivalent of banning "assault rifles". arguments that are statistically irrelevant but cause a big emotional stink for easy political division and votes.

the irony being that the abolition of both of these things simply leads to more and worse crime in the long run,

Psst hey buddy, I don't know how to break it to you, but there is no part of you that isn't just a clump of cells.

>t. Roastie

tbf a person is literally just a group of cells

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your argument, not mine. fetuses aren't people.

Look at basic statistics and you'll get what I'm saying. Yes, its entirely possible for someone in a shitty situation to grow out of it, but why put that person in a shitty situation to begin with? Why not give that potential person a head start at a better life rather than statistically bone them?

Abortion doctors are violating the NAP

Not if I'm the one paying them.

George Eliot would have been a better choice.

Id say a person is a mass homogenous of cells rather than the small clump of a fetus.

I think AOC should be spitroasted by some AIDS infected niggers

with a functional brain, sentience, and self-agency, yes. fetuses have none of these. neither do brain dead adult vegetables for that matter, and it's legal to take those off life support, too.

I think he has a point actually. The problem in my opinion is that these poor retards are able to be fertilized at all. The only way out of this is to get in control of our growing population. Everyone, both men and women should be getting reverable procedures that make them infertile. Only after a rigorous process of physical and mental health assessments should one be granted the privilege of spreading his seed.

Let the masses devolve into mindless hedonism and random sex. The able and willing should cast these trash humans aside and strive towards a better society while letting them revel in their own filth until they die.


I wanna fuck AOC so bad til I hear her talk then I just wanna bust a fat messy nut all over her face, sharking style. Speaking of WHY is there still no rule34/deepfake of her?

make them immigrants in california and it's all perfectly legal.

Because even most people in shitty situations don't want to die, and if they do, it's their choice. Take hundred of these disadvantaged babies, give them 25 years, and 10 might be on the path to success, 30 might be doing better than average, 30 might be doing just as bad, and 10 might want to commit suicide. You'd be killing 100 people just so 10 people don't have to kill themselves.

Based social engineer

Its human nature to not want to die, thats not a very good argument.

You are literally pulling these numbers out of your own asshole you fucking retard. There are real numbers on this, why not use them?

Barack Obama was not born in the United States and is a Muslim

Misandrist cunts

You won't have those things until you're at least 18, and even then just barely. Should we kill toddlers if they're an inconvenience?

Post 'em tough guy

So why do you get to kill them? Why can't they decide for themselves if they're life is worth living?

where are you getting your statistics from? how is suicide relevant? the only actual statistics we have on abortion and its effects on society are that there was a sharp decrease in crime approximately 18 years after RvW was put on the books. from a "potential" standpoint, it's simply not worth it to save 100 guaranteed total shitters just for the off chance that one or two of them *might* grow out of it and not be total shitters, when you could have simply never had any total shitters or coin flips either way.

Once again, precrime is not a thing. You can't kill someone for crimes they are "likely" to commit.

The medical definition of a living organism is pretty objective. My point is that you can't point to a living organism like a fetus, and then arbitrarily say "this is when that fetus becomes a person"

>precrime is not a thing
then how can you be charged with the pre-murder of a would-be human?

AOC looks like an anti-semitic caricature

Why do you get to decide they live?

>The medical definition of a living organism
is completely irrelevant. jizzing in a tissue is the "murder" or millions of living organisms. there are no laws against this. except for biblical perhaps but I don't see theists putting to death men who spill their seed outside of a woman as the bible suggests should be done.
>My point is that you can't point to a living organism like a fetus, and then arbitrarily say "this is when that fetus becomes a person"
which is fine, except the laws based on medical science are not arbitrary and are in fact quite specific, while the anti-abortion laws are completely arbitrary, inconsistent, and based on emotional arguments such as "heart beat" or "it looks like a human lol" rather than medical science.

What are the laws based on medical science?

>not sentient until at least 18
>literal bugman recalls exiting his pupal stage


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Again, personhood is a philosophical question, not a medical one. What criteria to doctors use to determine exactly when a fetus becomes a "person?"

I will never understand why conservatives are against abortions. Non whites make up a majority of abortion takers in the US. I thought conservatives hate non whites, so allowing them to kill their young prematurely seems like a pretty good deal.


I'm not, I'm leaving that decision up to them

tl;dr fetuses aren't people.

Life begins at conception, based retard. The "jizzing is genocide" argument is something a middle schooler thought up and it lives on today in the minds of everyone with middle-school level intelligence.

Maybe you're retarded and all your assumptions are wrong

>personhood is a philosophical question
it isn't, and fetuses aren't people.
but if you want to base it on something quantifiable instead, how about we look at the quality of life for children in Alabama? what's that? it ranks near dead last for educational standards, with some of the highest rates of teen pregnancy and STDs in the nation? turns out Alabama doesn't give two fucks about children outside of getting them pregnant to make even more retarded children that will grow up dumb and impoverished. the perfect population to keep the theocrats who make up a majority of the south's legislators wealthy and in power, not coincidentally.

oh so they support monarchy intead of democracy?
sounds good to me too

>Life begins at conception
only around 25% of conceptions go on to successful pregnancies. most are naturally aborted. a zygote is even less of a person than a vaguely humanoid fetus, and you're essentially saying that you think 100% of women are involuntary murderers.

>The "jizzing is genocide" argument is something a middle schooler thought up
It's literally in the bible you fucking retard. I hope you enjoy burning in hell you dumb seed-spiller.

So, let's kill all the homeless, all the mentally ill, all the people going through shit situations? Would you agree with that?

My assumption is that the majority of conservatives, especially southern theocrats, are fucking retards who don't know shit about anything, and so far I have yet to see any evidence to the contrary.

Why is


a thing?

>Literally anything these two idiots say

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all of the staunch pro-birthers i've known in real life also professed a love for the "spartan" myth of throwing weak and deformed children off cliffs, ironically.

Everything you said regarding the quality of life of the average Alabaman is completely irrelevant to any point I've made. Why would you assume that I agree with the policy decisions made by the Alabaman legislature that contribute to it being such a shithole? Abortion has been legal in Alabama since Roe v. Wade, so it's been a shithole regardless of abortion's legal status there.

>it isn't, and fetuses aren't people.
Again, what objective criteria would you use to determine exactly when a fetus becomes a person? A fetus seconds before birth is still technically a fetus. So it doesn't become a person until it magically acquires that status by passing through the birth canal?

>le orange drumpf is le psychopath amirite?

>yay i liked GoT finale because a man "won", yay men

These cunts are pathetic. Old as fuck and watching drama the way a retarded 7yo watches American Idol, rooting for someone their gender to win, as if soap operas are a voodoo doll that changes real life

Imagine watching The Wire rooting for McNulty to become Kingpin because "you stan him"

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t. newfag

Its almost like ugh females cant write successful fiction at all

why are they going "oh it's the emotional trope" when it's flat out cold blooded murder?

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