How do eunuchs have sex?

How do eunuchs have sex?

Asking for a friend.

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where's his chin and jaw

A finger in the bum


it's just like getting a vasectomy

So we-he could shoot an entire sex scene of just her finger in his ass?

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prostate stimulation

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In the books, it was mentioned that the unsullied would hire prostitutes for no other reason than to lie next to them in bed hugging them, because that's the closest they can get to embracing a woman.

Grey Worm pisses me off. He's like a pile of racist stereotypes dumped into a one dimensional savage and then the show has the gall to pitch his eunuch ass as a romance character. I feel bad for the actor playing him, he does OK but it's a horrible role.

that's more than us incels im i right fellas

This happened in the series too.

Haha what losers who would do that lol

Oh shut up

a eunuch is somebody who had their testicles removed. their penis is still there.



It was a very thorough castration.

Not in their case

The unsullied are dickless

Full castration takes the whole set. They're smooth as barbie dolls.

Historically, only the Chinese eunuchs had their penis removed as well. Eunuchs in the near-East were just castrated.

Wait, if their dicks are cut off how do they pee?

Depressing as fuck

through the little hole

The more you know. But still, not the case for the unsullied

They poop it out

Those Byzantines were always sending my spies back without their balls.

this literally wouldn't work.
the clitoris is developed from the same pre-born anatomy as the glans of the penis.
Eunuchs have their penis removed.
The stump that's left does not have the sexual sensitivity of a clitoris, in fact because of the scarring it may have no sensation at all.

Literally all Greyworm would be capable of is eating her out.
For any kind of sexual stimulation of himself, he'd need her to hit his prostate.

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>slave army

>Are you the one they call stump grinder?

dany freed them

>for no other reason than to lie next to them in bed hugging them, because that's the closest they can get to embracing a woman
I thought it was about missing their mothers/growing up without mothers. The one wanted her to hold him in her bosom and rock him to sleep or something.

>a eunuch is somebody who had their testicles removed. their penis is still there.
It could be either way, we don't know. It's never shown or confirmed in the show or the book. Dany asks Misandre but she doesn't answer.

>The unsullied are dickless
They get called that but only by enemies, we don't really know the truth. Even Dany didn't actually know the truth, she's curious but doesn't ask anyone.


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There are these dyke lizards that grind on each other. The theory is that, since no male lizards of this species exist, they scissor each other and do butt stuff because it stimulates ovulation.

wrong, kraznys confirms that they are fully castrated with dick and balls removed, as even eunuchs with dicks might rape after a battle.

Wait, can you even get a bonner if you dont have balls?

weren't they castrated in their teens? Wouldn't they be sounding like castrati?

>tfw i have same chin as greyworm
Just end my life

I always thought the actor of Grey Worm was actually some African who legitimately had that accent he had. I just found out today that he was born in Bongistan with a bong accent

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mew and chew

they should, but eunuchs in this series don't make any sense. a scientifically accurate army of men castrated as boys would be full of 6'10"+ hulking behemoths with no male secondary sex characteristics and the voice of an 8 year old girl.

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Didn't he just eat her out

You people do realize that the G Spot of men is on the anus right?

Kids in a Sandbox.

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