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literally who?



The Golden Company sure as fuck didnt and neither did Varys.

You have a problem with that?

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The Cheesemonger and father of the Blackfyre heir

Who the fuck is Blackfyre

He's the guy who sold Dany to Khaal Drogo

Griff is probably as fake of a Blackfyre as he is a Targ

>Say your kid with Valyrian features is a Targ
>instantly get legitimacy in westeros and Targ loyalists on your side
>Tell the Golden company he's a super secret Blackfyre
>Instantly get the best mercenaries in Essos on your side for free

where'd he get the dragon eggs?

He kind of forgot

okay but who's benefiting from it? Connington, Illyrio or Varys? Seems kind of random.

Illyrio and Varys. Connington is a dupe thinking he's helping Rhaegar's son get on the throne. Griff is Illyrio's son and Varys is probably related in some way.

Oh yeah. Whatever happened to him. Whatever happened to Mereen and Slaver's bay? Did Dario win the lottery by having been given a little kingdom? Also, weren't some unsullied trapped in Casterly Rock? Did they footslog all the way to join Dany at King's Landing? Oh and by the way, isn't it winter now? How come our small council has the time to joke when Winter has arrived and all the food stores are probably gone owing to the fact that Winterfell had to sustain a few tens of thousands of extra men, there was fighting and plundering in the Reach and in Casterly Rock, and all of King's landing's stores of food are gone.

Loved him in The Hangover.

When he was on I was reminded of The Thick of It. I sorta imagined that was what I was watching in the early episodes of GoT.

Winter ended after they killed the Night king.

>thinking the Golden Company would just believe this kind of shit without proofs
fAegon is almost surely a Blackfyre

>Connington is just doing it because he projects his dead crush on Griff
>Illyrio wants to see his son on the Iron Throne
>Varys is probably a Blackfyre too but he is an eunuch so he can't take the throne for himself

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It's most definitely still winter in the finale.

so Illyrio or his wife was a Blackfyre?
>he is an eunuch so he can't take the throne for himself
show don't seem to care about that


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It was so warm they needed bottled water close at hand.

His wife most probably.
Most paraplegics can get erect and can shoot, just so you know.

King's Landing was covered in ash.

oh yeah that gay guy who raped danys brothercinto being a retard

>Most paraplegics can get erect and can shoot
some can, most can't without medical help

That's what Sam is for

>According to D&D Illyrio and Varys sent Viserys the mouthy sperglord and Dany the pushover with Drogo the murderous rage-machine and his army of rapist barbarians, and sent assassins after Dany, because they were actually just trying to help them all along

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yes, a shrewd man